Transmigrated into a Noble’s beaten son

Chapter 104

The very next day, upon Rumi's arrival, they immediately called for a meeting to discuss the course of action they would soon take.

Upon deliberation, they concluded that three groups were necessary for the dungeon exploration.

The first was the Scout Group consisting of adventurers in Taglagas; they were some of the fastest B-rank adventurers collectively, and they were commanded by an A-rank martial artist.

And true to their name, their main job was to survey the dungeon, allowing the second and third teams to be prepared with their forewarnings.

The second group was considered the Support Group. They were responsible for all healing and assistance. Most of them were highly skilled users of aura of intent, and mages specializing in light magic. Similar to the scouts, they are also led by an A-rank adventurer, yet this time a mage.

Lastly, a 10-man group consisting of Rumi "Twelveling" Cabalyer, Sajae of the West, Drhys of the East, and of course, Owly and the reluctant Naell.

Aside from them, were the guild leader and his three trusted companions- Tersec the ragged-looking secretary, Missy the jolly alcoholic, and Esiv the female dagger wielder who was their second in command.

It was a fairly balanced group. Rumi, as a named martial artist, had a fairly destructive aura, while the two scholars were known for their competence. On the other hand, the guild leader's party had vast experiences working together, and in turn, had really good synergy in all types of adventuring.

Added to them were Naell and Owly, whose teamwork and fame were rivaling even other famous adventurers. Yet even though the third group consisted of their powerhouses, the first and second teams were the more experienced of the lot when it came to dungeon exploration.

It was certainly not to say that the likes of Rumi and the guild leader had never explored any dungeons before, just that it was not their specialty.

On the other hand, Naell and Owly had no prior experience of any kind, but thanks to Sajae and Drhys, they surmised that it’d be no problem. They did afterall, often venture to dangerous locations.

As much as they wanted to add more people, everyone knew there were certain conditions to exploring dungeons. For one, having no hint of what terrain would greet them inside the dungeon, it was unadvisable to exceed the recommended number of party members.

In the event that the dungeon was more cramped than anticipated, their numbers would cause their downfall. Still, the presence of a rising star truly reassured them.

“Well, you have my thanks for accompanying me in this dungeon, Naell.” Said Rumi with a smile and a light pat on her junior’s back. Naell knew her for her brutish heavy-hitting style of fighting, yet when it came to her personality, she was more of a ‘gentlewoman’.

Rumi then added on, whispering into Naell’s ear. Her sudden closing of their distance made the young master of Beryldot flinch. She was afterall, a really beautiful lady, and her long blond hair fell gracefully to her front as she leaned. “Erm, so what made you decide to help?”

Truth be told, Naell wished to go back to Taglagas. Yet the small village he spent a day in reminded him of Earth. There was a time when he would conduct his thesis within rural areas, and this resulted in him finding their locales more beautiful and giving to poor lads like him.

Villagers that saw him tirelessly studying and revising papers would offer him food, stories he was fond of listening to, and most of all, a feeling of belonging; one grave thing he had lost on earth ever since the death of his family.

He had even promised them that he would pay them back for all their generosity, only to receive more of their warmth and kindness.

Upon being brought back to reality by the curious pink eyes of his senior, Naell smiled and grew sentimental. “I simply ought to repay my debt.” He said cheekily with no hint of coldness.

That made Rumi flinch as well. Naell Berydot who was famous for his looks in Taglagas already did carry himself in a manner that most noble ladies found “appealing”.

Rumi Cabalyer never thought she would also be a victim of Naell’s charm at that moment. Nevertheless, thinking beyond the word “attractive” was not a thing either of them actually cared about.

Soon enough, the raid party began their trek to the hidden dungeon, and after many walks, they finally arrived. Quickly, without wasting any time, the party stepped into what seemed to be the entrance.

Even from the very opening, every single one of them felt the leaking mana and aura emerging from the dungeon. Truly, it was as frightening as they all expected from their descriptions.


It was then when the guild leader immediately asked with vigilance, "Didn't you say you sealed this place?" His voice was lowered and all of his friends were alerted by it. Some understood and were also wary.

They had arrived with its main entrance in an open and unsealed state.

Naell could only sigh and firmly nod. Sajae and Drhys as well did the same. All of them were then struck with a predicament.

It was either they continue knowing someone might have entered or left, or abandon the mission completely and evacuate the village.

"The burning sensation remains." Said Sajae who caught all their attention altogether. He then [ poof ] out his weapon which to Naell's surprise, was a gun.

Sajae then added on, true to his red hair, his words were full of flame, "Means we have something to extinguish, don't we?" Yet the party grew quiet after he spoke, thus he was confused "Eh?"

'But wasn't that cool?' He thought to himself.

Although his witty remark had managed to lift up his teammates' spirit, what they all truly thought of was his absurd weapon; for Sajae of the East was known for using fire.

"Hahaha!" The one who laughed was none other than Drhys, who also [ poof ] out what seemed to be his armour.

If Naell could describe it in one word, it was really a tuxedo; the satin sheen across the jet black clothing was oddly alluring in the daylight. Yet as they stepped into the darkness, the armour started to serve the purpose of concealment.

Hence, the duo only baffled Naell even more as he was shown that the scholars were rather modern lads.

As that had managed to distract all their worries away. Rumi gazed upon the duo and nodded at them, thanking them for easing their doubts. She then said, gripping her chained spiky shield, "Let's go."

The metal clamored with her plate armor and altogether shined with her blond hair. Her headstrong demeanor calmed all of them further, and soon the rest of the members had fierce eyes as they headed further into the dungeon.

As they all went, the scouts swiftly moved ahead. Meanwhile, the main team moved accordingly, being not too far nor too near the other two teams.

It took them some hours before spotting the second floor of the dungeon. Although some monsters were discovered on the first floor, what was actually more troubling were the maze-like passages.

Most of them were unnerved with how vast the dungeon was, considering how it remained hidden within the forest of Alawenta all this time.

Not to mention, the eerie aura and magic they felt before entering, had been disrupting their detection. Hence instead of rushing to the second floor, they decided to take their time and establish the first safe point of the dungeon.


Volume 1's Drawn Cast: ; v ;)

The post is titled "Character Portraits WiP" Under the "Arts" tag at . It's free for public viewing and is a work in progress that will soon have every character we've introduced in TNBS thus far ' ')/

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