Transmigrated into a Noble’s beaten son

Chapter 109


Hello everyone! We just wanted to wish you all a happy holiday season ' 0')/

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With the sudden revelation of another floor, most were quite disappointed in the outcome yet they knew the risks of continuing all too well.

Moments ago, when the scout teams had just returned to the third floor's safe point, they arrived heaving and trembling before everyone, relaying to the other adventurers how they observed the presence of awakened monsters seemingly organized with respect to their hierarchy.

From an adventuring standpoint, that indicated the presence of a higher form of an awakened monster. Although it was true a tamer could pull that off, from a scout's perspective, it was not at all the result of another's control, but rather natural power scaling within that floor's ecosystem.

Due to this, the scouts were wary. Although the fourth floor turned out to be much smaller in size compared to the third, they took their time in returning, as they feared carelessness might result in their utter decimation.

Just remembering those worrisome accounts made Naell put a hand to his chest and sigh in relief. Truly, he was grateful that they'd decided to end their conquest there.

Further, he was also glad that teleportation was a thing, as his mind started to imagine what would happen had he been with the scouts.

'I would've noped out of there as soon as I saw the knights. How brave of them..'

Naell's eyes then wandered from the scouts to members of the support team. They all rested amongst themselves, sitting on crates and clamping their eyes shut. He knew everyone was taking their well-needed rest in preparation for their travel upward.

At that moment, he leaned backward on the rugged wall and closed his eyes as well. Although it wasn't the most comfortable sleeping place, he appreciated the optimal dimness in the dungeon, and the slight comfort the bonfire offered with the reassurance of company.

By the time he opened his eyes, Owly was there hooting that they were about to begin their ascent back to the surface.




All of them knew it would be a long and winding trip up since they would have to face newly spawned monsters. It did not matter how meticulous they had all been earlier in clearing the way.

Although they could teleport certain distances, it was inevitable for monsters to materialize every so often as this was a constant in dungeons blessed by Lucile.

"Alright, time to take a breather."

Rumi's voice alerted them upon slaying the last agile batters nearby. She then dispersed the remaining aura emitting from her chains.

The entire group finally reached the safe point bordering the entrance of the 3rd and near the exit of the 2nd floor. Each one of them eagerly looked for a place to rest and be seated. Yet only when the fire was lit at the camp's center did all adventurers feel like gathering closer to share and hear tales.

Even Naell approached the center, yet not without being dragged along by Owly for the marshmallows.

"The legendary dungeon near the Empire of Nonau took months for it to be conquered— sadly a lot of lives were lost." Said one member of the support team. Her voice quaked with each word.

Yet when she saw the young master of Beryldot approaching, she grew tenser from embarrassment, but upon the urges of others she continued on, "...Several A-rank adventurers and even named mages died upon arriving at the floors of death."

It was common for A-rank dungeons to take up 1 whole month or more just for it to be explored, and yet that didn't even guarantee that the dungeon would already be completed.

"That's the floor that continuously takes out your mana and aura?" Asked one of the scout members.

"It- well..."

It was apparent she wasn't knowledgeable about that. Luckily, it was Rumi who spoke and continued the story, "It's true. Most thought the floor didn't exist and were caught off-guard. That must've certainly added to the deaths..."

The guild leader nodded as another experienced adventurer began adding to the story. What followed were the tales of tragedy from large-scale dungeon explorations. It only affirmed to the party that preparations and danger must never be taken for granted.

As the atmosphere began growing glum and quiet, Missy silently rose a mug in the air and declared a wish of peace for those who passed away in their stories. The others followed by raising their own drinks before resting some more.

Some moments passed before Tersec and the guild leader finally stood up to alert everyone they must continue on. With haste, they reinstated the safe point for later adventurers and went on their way.

For a while, the same events took place- fighting new spawns, purifying corpses, and traversing up the dungeon. It still took them some hours before they finally saw the sun, as the structure of the dungeon coiled in ways that prevented light from entering far in.

And so, if one would ask how long they were truly inside, it was three days. Two days for the dungeon exploration and one whole day for them to exit safely. By the time they all stepped out of the moist dungeon footing and onto the earthy forest, the sun greeted them by enveloping their backs in warmth.

Wasting no time, others went ahead and returned to the village with the injured, while Rumi and the remaining guild members of Taglagas stayed to wait for those who would manage that area of the forest and the dungeon entrance.

"Well, it seems my duty isn't over yet." Said Rumi as she approached Naell and the others who would soon leave.

"Thank you for your cooperation everyone," Rumi added on and with all of them in turn thanking her as well.

"What will you guys do now?" The one who asked was the guild leader of the village. The question was directed at Naell and the scholars.

Naell answered with a lax smile, "We'll be resting in the village before going back to Taglagas."

It was hard for them to ignore the happy tone in his voice. It only made them wonder if rumors of the young master of Beryldot's laziness was actually true.

As for the scholars, they both excused themselves with Drhys eyeing Naell as he replied to both Rumi and the guild leader, "Ah yes, will just- finalize our studies near this dungeon, then we'll be off." Yet they were actually going to the Yeti's lair.

"Oh, well take care," Rumi responded with a smile. Her intuition told her they were hiding something from them. Nonetheless, it was not in her interest to pry any further.

The dyadic scholars actually telepathically discussed before with Naell and Owly that they intended to go to Beryldot.

So, we'll escort Husby and Wifey. -

As the two had no reason to refute their decision, they happily thanked them and said their farewells.

[ Well, see you again guys! ]

They then went on their separate ways.

Upon arriving at the village, Naell and Owly quickly headed for their inn to rest. And as soon as they were inside, Owly ordered a lot of food while Naell immediately slept like a log. The evening soon came by in silence and the sun went away to sleep as well.

Meanwhile, in the depths of the forest, a tall figure sat under the moonlight. "So, how was the trip?" Said he whose green eyes were radiating under the night's faint hue.

He was hooded and his body was cloaked. His weapon, however, a bow- was eye-catching even while neatly wrapped in cloth and placed against his back. One could even guess how intricate it was just from the golden linen covering its riser.

"I admit it was fun, just really dangerous." The one who spoke was Sajae as he and Drhys entered the man's vision.

The cloaked man chuckled before replying, "Truly, this is a magnificent item.' He then [ poof ] out a crystal ball with what seemed to be live feedback captured by Sajae's gun.

As he was about to throw it at them, Drhys insisted that it was a gift from Esquel Co. The man then added, "Haha, It was a good decision for that chivalrous lady to stop the exploration. Otherwise, I would have intervened."

That remark made both sigh as they said, [ That would have been better... ]

Yet the man only shrugged and dismissed their exasperation, "Now, now, I know you guys are satisfied."

Sajae then threw a side glance at Drhys before responding, "Are you?"

The man replied with hints of approval in his voice, "Yes, although it would have been better if he was also there."

"Your son?" Inquired Sajae who only got a slow nod from the man.

The chilling wind brushed past Drhys' long blond hair, yet he retained his formal and calm demeanor as the strands fell fluidly to his back. That night, he seemed far more appropriate than he usually was with other people, "Was that a test for us, or for the two?"

The man only smiled as he then said, "For the four of you."

Drhys and Sajae only nodded in silence. And as if the quietness made the air feel awkward, a gust rushed through them, unveiling the man's face and pointed ears under the night.

No matter how many times the duo had seen his appearance or any of their master's peers, they couldn't help but be amazed. They always wondered if there would be a day when they will also have that kind of demeanor; revered yet mysterious.

He then spoke seeing the two grow completely quiet, not knowing they were admiring his presence, "Perhaps... it is time for all of you to act as well."

"The other apprentices?" Asked Sajae, he knew the man's words meant their masters weren't doing good.

As if the man anticipated their worries, he smiled and said, "This is just a precaution, we are of course entering an unknown territory."

"Then you won't come with us?" Sajae was the one who asked.

And as if they saw his longing eyes, he then said, "I need to go back. That bunch- they are slow afterall."

That made the duo laugh. They then bid him farewell and began heading to the Yetis for their travel to Beryldot.

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