Transmigrated into a Noble’s beaten son

Chapter 111


Hey everyone! Cheers to another year of reading! Thank you so much for spending time and reading about Naell's adventures.

With a new year ahead of us we've decided to start things off by announcing that we'll now upload every Sunday EST. It coincides with our Patreon upload schedule and will hopefully make things a tad bit easier.

We hope you guys stay safe, happy and have/had a wonderful new year's celebration regardless of where you are ^^

Hope you guys enjoy the chapter!

Days went by in Esuela Dio sa de, by then it was noon on the first day of the week. The ambiance within the campus was calm, yet hints of anxious students were present throughout the school. It was simply because of the spring exam that would soon take place.

Although some students were relaxed, confident in their knowledge, and happy about the fact that they would certainly soon graduate or move up in their education, others were tirelessly cramming their preparations.

That was why the school that happened to have many absentees lately (due to some students and teachers actively participating in the declaration of war) was now currently occupied with lectures and group studies.

Even the library, the second most comforting place in Taglagas for Naell (the first, of course being his bed) was filled with busybodies.

Not that it was noisy as most could only hear silent mumblings and books turnings. Yet it was now slightly unwelcoming for him. What made it that way was the companion he had at that moment, Rinca Arigare.

It all happened so fast that Naell didn’t know what transpired. As usual, he and Owly were heading to the school, yet out of nowhere, he was grabbed by Note and Andrew, together with Rizaul.

“C’mon let’s eat. Rinca and the others are waiting.” Said Note grinning.

“Oh, welcome back.” Said Naell which in turn made both smile.

  • HOOT!

Since weeks had gone by since he last saw them, Naell was okay with hanging out with them.

Particularly that day, he was full of energy to waste on socialization. Hence when the breakfast was lively, he didn’t mind one bit.

As different cuisines were served in favor of the ones who ordered them, the party happily shared meals with one another.

Rizaul Kekoy, the half-elf; ordered what seemed to be a very healthy breakfast consisting of fruits and a salad. While Note, Andrew, and Owly went for a hearty meal of bacon and eggs paired with rice, a popular staple in the Continent of Spring.

For the ladies, it was a pancake smothered in sweets and a smoothie that made them even more ant-friendly. While Naell ordered a common comfort food; cheese and toast paired with coffee.

As they ate, tales of each member of the protagonist party were told by Note; first with how they stumbled upon an abandoned village only to find bandits inhabiting the place. And later how they were all recently promoted to A-rank adventurers.

Owly and Naell wholeheartedly congratulated them, even going as far as promising to treat them to some food before their summer break.

By the time all of them had finished eating, Naell decided to head to the library, while the others chose to go elsewhere. Yet in an unexpected turn of events, Rinca tagged along with him.

As for Owly, he decided to hang out with Rizaul and Note, who would both attend their class.

‘Traitor.’ Naell thought to himself as he was soon left alone with the young lady of Arigare.

“Let’s go then.” Awkwardly he muttered.


Truth be told, Naell no longer had any problem with Rinca, likewise, she was comfortable with him. What was really troubling was the fact that she was becoming far less icy than how she was originally.

By then he was aware that the young lady of Arigare, who was known to be cold, yet warm to her friends had labeled him as one of hers.

As a result, things that were unbecoming of his interactions with Rinca back then (such as small talk) were now a normal occurrence to him.

Of course, he was happy that the protagonist's party he rooted for was okay with him, yet it felt off that he was unsure if Naell would have wanted things to be this way.

The lingering feelings which he knew were not his, memories that sometimes invaded his mind, it was all something that Naell was having lately.

Luckily, it seemed neither Owly nor the others sensed any changes within him. Still, another worried thought popped up in his head, ‘Maybe someday, I too will—’

It was then that he realized Rinca was already calling out for him, “Naell, are you okay?”

“Ah, yes sorry, I was listening.” Replied Naell to which Rinca immediately pouted.

‘You’re a bad liar, young master.”

This resulted in Naell smiling wryly. It was bad for his heart to see Rinca like this; cheeks with a slight flush from probable annoyance as he wasn’t listening, glaring eyes that only made her cuter, and lastly, her voice that seemed to be far sweeter towards her friends.


“Yes?” Asked Naell as it seemed Rinca was troubled.

“You know it's bad to stare that long at a lady.”

That made Naell confused. He then rebutted, “Ahm, but you’re the one who was glaring at me Rinca.”

“...That’s because you weren’t listening.”

“Summer break right?” Naell cheekily said, revealing that he at least heard her words.

Rinca nodded with a sigh yet she was slightly relieved. She then smiled and continued asking, “Yes, what will you be doing by then?” It seemed she let his blunder go.

Naell contemplated before answering. He actually had no idea on what he’d do but he knew for certain that he’d come home.

“I’ll spend it in Berydot, what about you?”

She replied while casually flicking a page of the book she borrowed, “We are planning on going to Arigare then head to the Easterside Empire after a week.”

“Oh, then you guys will continue the plan?” Naell asked.

He knew that the protagonist party would go to the Easterside Empire. There they would try to have an audience with the Dragons.

In normal cases, that would be impossible as they are all enrolled in Esuela Dio sa de.

Regardless of whether attendance was not necessary, if one is unable to attend their physical education or take their exams, they would not pass.

Yet because of the war, schools became lenient toward students who would participate. Likewise even nobles gave leeway to their people.

So long as you can take your exams (and pass them) and study once in a while in any kingdom-accredited school, those said students will graduate or move up the grade.

That was why Andrew and the rest were to simply take their studies in Namiku's old school until such time they could return to Taglagas.

Naell could only appreciate the big brain move the kingdoms had done. Although he himself had no plans for active participation. Once in a while, he would do so to make sure the guild would not force him to take longer missions.

‘That’s such a drag if that’s the case.’ He thought while thinking of Loknar’s nagging.

Lately, even Tahina was pushing him to accept more quests.

“Well, do take care of the kingdom while we are away.” Said Rinca in a tease.

"I sure will." Said Naell. He knew it was better to assure her, therefore he smiled afterward.

Yet it seemed that only somewhat annoyed her. Rinca then added, “You’re becoming cheekier lately.”

‘And you’re becoming warmer!’ Thoughts Naell could not say out loud.

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