Transmigrated into a Noble’s beaten son

Chapter 117

- Wake up, young man. -

Naell's drifting consciousness finally trended into the voice that was telepathically calling him. As he opened his eyes, what came into view made him close them once more.

- ...You're quite the odd one aren't you? -

With just a glimpse, he knew he was inside a cave, perhaps an underground location or crater that formed from the blazing fire that ate him.

- Don't pretend to fall asleep on that rock. -

Plop, some water went. It had fallen from the stalactites and echoed the faint splatters around him.


Plop, went some more. The cool environment was only inviting his drowsiness, while the soft high pitched voice reverberated throughout the unfamiliar yet weirdly soothing place.

"Hey please wake up..."

Yet no one could really doze off under that persistent chatter. With that, Naell's mind became occupied in trying his best to remember what had just occurred a while ago.


Before the flames had devoured him, Naell managed to shield himself with his mana shield. Not long after he also infused it with his ice crystal magic.

Though no matter how successful his defense was, all attempts to escape the flames' grasps ultimately failed. As when he tried to move out, his levitation and even wind magic were not activating.

That was when he realized that the intensity of flame magic was to the point it was disrupting his own. He was against abilities far superior than his pure white mana.

Truth be told, in that one moment, Naell's chest tightened with sudden anxiety. For so long his mana's capabilities had proven its worth against most of his foes.

He was even uncertain that he could maintain his shield under the powers' immense pressure. It was also the very first time he felt himself sweat.

As minutes passed by and his surroundings became of fire, Naell, without much of a choice, accepted his fate and let his thoughts consume him.

First, he thought of the protagonist's party clashing against the pieces of Lucile. 'I hope they win without anyone dying.'

Next he recalled the joy and fatigue he experienced from hanging out with Casper and his noble friends. 'They always tried to keep me company.'

Then, he wondered if someday Owly would also learn such overpowered disruption magic like the one he was in. 'Hah, of course he will. He's not Wisdom's son for nothing.'

For a while that specific thought lingered in his mind when all of a sudden, his gaze grew distant and his chest tightened once more.

In that moment, Naell boosted his mana regardless of how hopeless his attempt still was. Those last ditch efforts were paired with a realization he greatly disliked- he would never be able to witness Owly's growth ever again.


With a sigh of frustration and acceptance, Naell weakly watched the brightest blaze slowly being followed by the darkening of his vision

As that happened, the greatest of regrets finally hit him. On instinct he could only mutter a woeful apology to the original Naell.

"...I'm sorry I died before you could return to the family."

He then clutched his chest and gasped as the darkness consumed him.




And that was what he remembered happened before he lost consciousness, caused by a lack of air in his entrapment.

Naell was sure he would be burnt to a crisp, yet there he was still alive, and barely even injured from all that.

- Hey, please wake up... -

After some time and continuous pleas of the "mysterious" voice, Naell sighed as he opened his eyes. He then sat up and asked, "Where am I?"

- Ohh! Hello... and you're in my lair I guess? -


Naell couldn't put it into words but the voice he kept hearing was making him quite prickly.

- I mean technically, this isn't my place so you're in someone's lair? -

"You're quite annoying aren't you?" When Naell said that, the voice became lower, saddened from his words.

After I save you, this is what I get..."


Naell felt a bit guilty now, thinking for a bit made him realize this voice was indeed his savior. Yet again, if his theory is correct, the very same voice might also be his...

- By any chance are you a descendant of Pegasus? -

Her voice had hints of hope, therefore instead of answering bluntly, Naell just went with the flow, "Sorry, but I'm not."

- I see... -

Sure enough, she was expecting him to be. For a while, the only thing that could be heard was the solemn drop of water randomly plopping on the ground.

Naell then finally decided to stand up to survey the place. Truly, safety was no longer his main concern, but not having any idea of where he was.

- If you turn right in that direction, you could escape and be off. Tell your friends that the fire will also cease soon... -

"So it really was you who started it, huh." Naell replied while walking into the said path.

- I... do apologize it wasn't my intention, I just regained consciousness recently... -

"I see," Naell replied briefly. In return, the voice didn't know how to respond. Likewise, Naell was also busy observing his path.

As opposed to his very frightful and fiery entrance, that "lair" was quite a chilly place. Naell then asked the mysterious voice, "Are you under control now?"

For a while, no voice was heard, and for Naell, he didn't mind as he was busy also finding the exit. He could more or less use magic to make his way out of this place, yet thinking that could further destroy the forest, he refrained from doing so.

And besides, he was still curious about the voice's identity.

- Umm, you need to go straight, as for your question, I am now. -

Naell then smiled and nodded, not that he knew if the voice could see to that extent.

Yet when he purposely walked on a different path, her panicking voice gave it away,  - He...hey don't go there and don't touch that stuff. -


'No, she might be seeing me because of my mana.' Thought Naell and sure enough as he lowered his mana input and output, the voice panicked even more.

Uhmm, are you doing that on purpose, hey I'm not bad... -




It took some hours before Naell arrived at what seemed to be the location of the voice. Aside from her pestering noise that made him think of just going away, the path was deep and rocky. Yet his curiosity trampled all that including his laziness.

And upon arriving at the destination, he walked closer to what seemed like a nest filled with golden sand. Curious, Naell was about to touch it when the voice said,

- I would prefer it if you don't touch me. -

Naell immediately retracted his hand and apologized. He then asked, "Are you a phoenix?"

Yet no answer came, and Naell didn't know what to do. He went there fully knowing he would get surprised. After all, the voice was the one who made him helpless a while back.

For some, Naell might be doing something reckless, or out of character, and sure, she was more talkative than he'd like, but he knew that the voice was not a hostile being.

Not to mention, the voice was even apologetic for not being able to control her power. She was also the one who "saved" him.

After a long awkward moment, the voice then asked, - What do you know about Phoenix? -

Naell was confused about her question. Yet he couldn't really reply that he knew about it from Earth. So he simply just said, "I read about them from a book." It wasn't necessarily a lie.

Fortunately, the voice accepted his answer, and she then replied,

Them? I see, but you are misinformed. I am Phoenix. -

That's when Naell realized that just like Pegasus, Miss Phoenix of Mundo was not an entire race, but perhaps the only one of her kind.


Drawn Cast:

The post is titled "Character Portraits WiP" Under the "Arts" tag at . It's free for public viewing and is a work in progress that will soon have every character we've introduced in TNBS thus far ' ')/

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