Transmigrated into a Noble’s beaten son

Chapter 120




When Naell's narrative ended, almost everyone who had heard him looked so surprised, yet not a single sound- not even a gasp left their lips.

"The fire was caused by her awakening, but don't worry, she has it under control... Although she's resting now."

"And who is... 'she'?"

Whilst Owly was busy eating and seemed unbothered by the turn of events, Kent's mind was racing and processing who Naell said he had brought with him; even his mother and other relatives present felt the same.

"This here is Phoenix, she's a very dear friend of Pe— Sire Pegasus."

As for Tucker, his frozen state was no different from his son. Although he was glad that the random fires were not caused by terrorists and would now cease, the fact that it all came from Phoenix, a supposed sworn ally of Pegasus, was beyond him.

"She is also a former guardian of the celestials, and so was your ancestor."

Nevertheless, he knew it was true. As a chieftain, there was of course information only passed down to their bloodline with the utmost confidentiality. Much like how Pegasus was the guardian of speed at one point.

A gust of wind then rushed throughout the room as Tucker stood tall and stretched his wings. All eyes were on him when in one fluid motion, his wings bent together with his knees as he knelt on the ground infront of Naell. He then said, "Thank you for bringing us Lady Phoenix."

This had shocked most of them even more, especially the young master of Beryldot. With a grateful tone, the chief then added, "Our forefather would be glad to have his dear friend on our lands."

Upon ending his words, all of the winged beastmen bowed down as well. Although they were taken aback and didn't really know what was happening, a friend of their forefather was certainly an esteemed guest of theirs.

Yet for the duo, it was quite a sight to see; angel-like beings with wings as soft as cotton and as shiny as the most lustrous coats.

And with their magnificent stature, Naell could only awkwardly wave his hand and dismiss their gesture, "Please, she also saved my life."

Luckily, that had managed to stop them, and after a while, their discussion started once more with Tucker Freide citing his side of the story, a tale only passed down to their direct line of chieftains.

"Pegasus, our great ancestor entrusted a great responsibility to our tribe..." All of them listened intently as their leader continued to remind them of their past.

"...A friend of his would one day arise, and we were to welcome them when the time would come." Naell then realized how that vow had now been fulfilled.

Moments later, Tucker ended his story with a pleased look on his face. When Kent was certain that the story was finished, only then did he finally ask, "And this was told by grandfather?"

As the next in line to rule, he thought his father had already revealed everything he needed to know, yet it appeared that wasn't the case.

Tucker replied while patting his son on the head, "This was the mission I was only supposed to share upon my immediate death, or upon nearing it."

He then added while gazing towards Naell, "Perhaps it is why this lad didn't relay the news to everyone immediately."

Naell nodded. Kent took a moment as he formulated his thoughts. With a decisive nod, he looked at them understanding the gravity of such information.

The existence of Phoenix was debated by many, especially the pieces of Lucile. Kent then asked, "So is it okay to share this with everyone now?"

His father only smiled and said that since a mission was now fulfilled, it was okay to share it with the family. He then added, "Besides, now we have to fulfill our promise, and protect Lady Phoenix."

With that, all of the tribesmen of Pegasus who were present at that moment vowed that they would fulfill their duty. 'A big duty', a joke Naell could only keep to himself.



After awhile, the wife of Tucker Freide, Kent's mother, euphoniously asked, "But who is the holder of the guardian of vitality now?"

She was a beautiful woman with golden wings and rather pale skin. Her eyes were as soft as Lilia's yet rounder and with a hint of amber.

If Naell didn't know she was married, he knew that would have taken his breath away, yet still he was stunned by her appearance.

And when he came to he saw those looking at him for answers, therefore he coughed and anxiously took a bite of Owly's cake before saying, "That— she also doesn't know...but if anybody here would guess, it must be this unbothered chunk."

All eyes were now directed at the flabby bird who was still as stoic as could be. Truth be told, he was just exhausted from all the energy he spent worrying about his human friend.

From flying and using his magic all day, his hunger was tantamount to how he'd be recharging his vast pool of almost bright red mana. It was at the point where Owly didn't even bother refuting the insult Naell had just said or even the portion of cake he stole.

So they had to wait and join the feast, as surely, Owly would not speak. After some time, the discussion finally started with the young owl participating- hot chocolate drink in hand.

"Unfortunately, my mom didn't tell me and I didn't bother to ask HOOT!"

They were disappointed after waiting for so long, but then Owly added on, "The guardian of speed is uncle elf, guardian of luck is hooman, strength is a dragon, haven't met him yet as well, guardian of will is from the north, and as for the guardian of charm, my mom said, she's weird, HOOT."

All of them were pleased with the information at first yet when Kent asked where to find the other guardians, Owly bluntly replied and explained that even he had only met the elf and 'lady will' very briefly.

"I remember she was a vampire like Drhys, HOOT."

[ DRHYS? ]

"A scholar, and friend of ours, HOOT"

While everyone was nodding, only Naell was deep in thought before finally being called out by Tucker who asked, "Then Naell what should we do with Lady Phoenix?"

The matter of guardianship was put on hold since they don't really have any more info about it. As for Phoenix who was at the table, gently placed on a small nest made of wool-

Her appearance, void of even resembling a majestic bird, was unrecognizable, with only burnt feathers neatly arranged, yet one could tell underneath those ashes, life was present. Naell then smiled cheekily remembering how Phoenix reacted toward his plan.

"Then come with me, you should live where your friend's relatives are!"

"I don't really want to bother them..."

"Lady Phoenix, they would surely welcome you with open arms, and if not."

"If not?"

"I'll take care of you, I have a sister who will definitely be your friend."


He could still vividly remember how the cold-looking Phoenix shone brightly, embarrassed by the thought yet on one side, Naell could feel that his words were things she'd long to hear in ages.

Afterall, no one would want to be alone. Even he who was used to being on Earth would not want to go back. Rather, he'd prefer to willingly disappear if the real one were to return.

'Can't say I won't be disappointed, but... I've had my fun, so don't hesitate, Naell.'

With that, he then talked about what he proposed to Phoenix and what should be done if they would agree.

And sure enough, the very next morning the tribe of Pegasus welcomed Lady Phoenix as their dearest friend. All were very much excited to see her and vowed to protect her secret until her full recovery.

This made Naell truly happy. He could only imagine the face Phoenix would be making, hence he laughed as he and Owly made their way toward Taglagas.

"What you laughing at Noob, HOOT?"




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