Transmigrated into a Noble’s beaten son

Chapter 128

“For those who just arrived, my name is Wilfred Kekoy.”

As Naell heard that, he unintentionally mouthed an oh, realizing why the elf who had memorable green hair and even drowsy-looking eyes looked familiar.

That appearance was that of none other than his friend, Rizaul Kekoy’s.

And when his gaze caught Rizaul’s, the half-elf casually nodded as he said, “My dad.”

Naell nodded back but truth be told, it was quite unexpected.

For someone who knew of the half-elf’s background through the novel, Arts and Magic. Rizaul Kekoy was indeed a child born with human and elven parents.

As per the novel, at a young age, he was abandoned in Beryldot. Of course, it didn’t specifically say the main reason, yet readers like Naell more or less assumed it was because of discrimination for being a mixed breed or unexpected birth.

Therefore he was expecting Rizaul would have some kind of grudge. However, far from his expectations, his friend was still the aloof guy that he was. It was as if the half-elf was even enjoying the evening.

Owly was also confused as well, hence he asked Rizaul “I thought you were an orphan, HOOT?”

“Hey, that’s a bit— ” Uttered Naell although he was really curious as well. Even Lesjon and the others seemingly had ears turned towards them, wanting to know more about the gossip.

And so, Rizaul started explaining how he was indeed left behind yet the reason being— his father was one of the guardians.

“My mother did abandon us, but I never blamed my dad for leaving me behind.”

Naell, Owly, and Klata could only give an awkward :) No one actually knew how to act upon the revelation. Yet when Rizaul with a smile added, “Besides, I’m thankful that I met you guys.”

The mood changed completely with Naell and Owly returning a grin. Wilfred, who was also just listening, smiled as well as he said to both, “Thank you for being good friends with my son.”

As Naell replied with how Rizaul treated him the same, Owly went and flew close to the older elf as he asked, “Uncle elf, where's my mom, HOOT?”

[ Uncle Elf? ] Uttered all who were in the room except Naell who realized earlier that Wilfred Kekoy was none other than the Guardian of Speed.

Owly afterall would sometimes share stories of the other guardians. In return with the question, Wilfred smiled once more at the young owl and patted his head.

“I’m surprised you remember me.”

“How could I forget, you brought me a lot of strawberries, HOOT!”

Wilfred managed to chuckle remembering the young owl was not even a year old at that time.

“You're just like your mom.”

“And where is my mom, HOOT?”

Upon that question, his mild smile had hints of sorrow that everyone in the room didn’t fail to see. Even Naell who was often foolish knew something was amiss.

As Wilfred opened his mouth, it quivered only for a moment before finally, he said, “Let’s talk about it later on little one.”

Owly only nodded to which Wilfred patted the young owl’s head once more. The elf then smiled and said, “My duty relies on my speed, used for roaming Mundo. Hence when I felt the movement of the pieces of Lucille, I immediately reported it to the other guardians.”

He then began telling the story of how the remaining guardians, once again came together to investigate the weird happenings around Mundo.

“While I left Rizaul in the care of Fharom, the other guardians performed their duties like how Athena supported the guilds, while the others protected their respective continents.”

Naell could only ask, “How did you know my father exactly?”

Wilfred, who was initially surprised then replied, “I guess your father didn’t tell you, he was an apprentice of the guardian— of vitality, Wisdell Wigence.”

Only the two scholars and Klata were not surprised by what Wilfred uttered. The librarian Klata then added, “That is also why I’m in Beryldot, Naell, I was left here by my teacher.”

“I see.” Said Naell as he smiled awkwardly at what he had just heard. Deep inside he was sighing and hoping none of his father’s connections to the guardians could make anything worse than it already was.

Wilfred then continued on with how it took him months nonetheless to meet all the guardians. He had the same annoyed look as when Rizaul was talking to Note.

Yet all could see his eyes were sad, while some knew of the reason already, Owly and the rest were afraid to even know. Naell, in discomfort, was even thinking of teleporting out by that time.

Going back, as Wilfred and the other guardians began working together, that was when all of them realized that the pieces of Lucile were trying to resurrect the demon king.

“Immediately, I, your mom, and the other guardians went on to discover the dungeons they were spawning.”

Naell went ahh as he realized why his aura was familiar. He then asked to confirm, “You were in that dungeon?”

He was referring to the one in which he fought a necromancer and awakened wyrm, alongside the scholars and Rumi. Even by then the dungeon was still currently being conquered.

Wilfred nodded at Naell and explained how he finished investigating the dungeon, yet since it was quite tricky to handle all by himself, he decided to report it to the guild.

“I actually surveyed the whole dungeon so it’s safe to say the pieces of Lucile were not present.”

Naell could only nod and when he looked towards the duo (Sajae and Rhys), both were whistling awkwardly as if to pretend they didn't know.

Hence Wilfred added, “Don't blame them, I actually asked them so I can see the synergy of the pupils.”

Naell wanted to ask what he meant about pupils yet somehow, that word made a chill climb his spine all of a sudden. Therefore he refrained from doing so.

In response to the sudden silent atmosphere, Wilfred resumed his story, “ We were doing okay… but we were ambushed.”

That was when the awkward silence turned into a deep agonizing tension. Starting with the elf stating how in the last dungeon, the pieces of Lucile were waiting for them.

“We tried to fend them off, but as we were greatly outnumbered the guardian of will decided to stay behind, whilst we and Athena tried to escape.”

A soft but bearing fist slammed against the table. It was Drhys who even hearing this for the second time couldn’t control his emotions.

“I don’t know what happened by then, but from the looks of it she was captured.” Added Wilfred to which Drhys only silently nodded in frustration.

As he finished speaking, Wilfred adamantly gazed at Owly who was looking at him intently. Just by that discussion, the young owl somehow knew something happened to his mom.

“I’m sorry Owly… your mom decided to do the same when we sensed they were closing their distance.”

As Wilfred was the quickest among all of them. He managed to escape, yet what happened to the others, he didn’t know.

“Even Wigence, the guardian of vitality, the one who went first was nowhere to be seen. We suspect he was captured.”

As the elf said that, his apologetic eyes and everyone else's landed on Klata who by that time was introduced as a student of his. She was also smiling but her worry was undeniably there as well.

“That is the end of my report, I’m sorry if it isn’t enough for everyone.”

None was able to reply except Owly who then said, “...Uncle, I’m sure they are all okay, HOOT!”

The young owl stood on the table and looked at everyone with insistent eyes, lightening up the mood, yet Naell was able to see the slight tremble of his friend’s body.


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