Transmigrated into a Noble’s beaten son

Chapter 18

Hi, it is me Zo, just wanted to update you guys with our work.

Atm, Ne has gone back to her study and my work schedule has (I think) become busier due to the opening of businesses in our country. (theCat has gained some pounds thanks to our patreons.)

With all the new things we are currently dealing with, we will still try our best to post weekly as that was our comittment and passion to do so, but sometimes if we can't, I am now apologizing in advance. 


Naell and Owly first took a break at the nearest café in the inner circle. As they were taking a break, he decided to get a change of clothes for the occasion.

His white robe lined with red accents was a rather extravagant cloth to wear, but since it was a gift given by Estra from Sestra, he happily accepted.

After a little while, Naell and Owly managed to locate the Adventurer's guild. It was lacking compared to the Star's mansion but was quite extravagant compared to its establishments nearby.

Naell recalled in the novel that the guild house was so large, it could house hundreds of adventurers. Its burnt umber walls represented a magnificent structure of magic and aura.

Upon entering, Naell and Owly felt that the atmosphere was quite rowdy. Some were looking for members or commissioning quests on the mission boards, while others were just laying low, happily drinking and eating food with their companions.

Naell immediately stood in line as the queue was already long. Some gazes were thrown at him since he was young and good-looking, but again as often as not he misinterpreted it as hostility.

After a while, Naell was already in front of the receptionist. As the first impression was important, he bowed down with his right hand at his chest, showing an elegant and respectful performance.

"Greetings Milady."


She was blushing and could not react.

Tahina Runata graduated at the capital school of Autumn Kingdom last year. Due to her outstanding grades and magic, she was offered a job as a receptionist in the capital. As someone who didn't enjoy bloodshed but had a luxurious lifestyle, she happily accepted the job.

Tahina's black long hair and grey eyes complimented her white pinkish skin. She was tall for a girl and made use of this with her fashion sense. Her curves showed even as she wore a standard white shirt tucked beneath a simple black vest, matching her auburn button up skirt.

Tahina was so beautiful that being courted was a normal occurrence for her, yet most men in the adventurer's guild were afraid of her. They had witnessed her powerful wind magic that almost killed a pervert with the simple snap of her fingers.

• What's wrong with her? HOOT. •

• I... don't know. •

Tahina's stunned look lasted only for a couple of seconds, as her professionalism brought her back. She managed to speak without a hint of despair, but her reddened cheeks would not easily disappear.

"Greetings Sire, I'm Tahina. What can I do for you?"

"Lady Tahina, I'm here to register as an adventurer."

Tahina was expecting the young-looking noble guy to commission a quest, but registering wasn't new to her either. She recalled months earlier that there too was a group of good-looking ladies and guys that registered and caused an uproar at the guild house. Looking back, she was curious if this young boy here was their friend.

With a [ poof ] Naell handed the recommendation letter to Tahina. After receiving it, she was surprised seeing it was also from the Beryldot estate and noticed the snow crystal emblem embedded in it.

She knew of a rumor that the trashy son of a pitiful Baron caused an uproar, resulting in his engagement being broken by the daughter of a Duke.

"Young master, please do follow me."

Tahina was certain that it was impossible this guy was the rumored trash.

'Black trashy hair and almond dead eyes as they described him.'

Since he, fortunately, had the recommendation letter of the Baron of Beryldot, some tests would be skipped, and they would only need to meet the vice-guild leader.

Yet before they could even get far from the crowd, a rowdy and bulky guy that seemed to be in his 50s, approached them with a hearty laugh. Soon the crowd got noisier and bigger.


"Guild master!"




Tahina was one of the staff who greeted the bulky man. His crew cut red hair radiated authority even with his uncle like demeanor, but what caught Naell's attention the most were his black eyes that seemed to discern a person's ability from ones look. Not to mention the necklace that had the design of a hammer on his neck, was also intriguing.

"Tahina, who is this boy?"

Before Tahina could even reply as she handed the letter to the guildmaster himself, Naell calmly spoke, his fearful eyes yet again emitting a cold look.

"Greetings, Guildmaster. I am Naell Beryldot." Naell's graceful bow soon followed his words.

"HAHAHA-! Aren't you the rumored trashy son of Fharom?"

"Indeed I am."

Tahina gasped, she couldn't believe this boy was the rumored trash, yet she could only hide her expression with her smile of professionalism. The black hair was as white as snow and the almond eyes were as bright as a red diamond.

The guildmaster then looked at Owly with a grin.

"And who is this companion of yours?"

• HOOT, wow I feel like I'm being figured out. •

Owly and Naell were sure that this guy was the real deal, since both of them could not entirely read his aura, but an oozing strength was slightly gushing out.

"He is Owly."



"HAHAHA-! That's a nice name for... awhile..."

Naell and Owly flinched at the word and were impressed with his discerning eyes. The guildmaster knew they were misunderstanding him, as both of their eyes were sparkling with respect.

"Ahem! It was written in your letter so... relax, I am acquainted with both of your mothers."

The guildmaster then added on while looking at Tahina,

"Tahina, if you please."

"As you command." With a snap of her fingers, Naell, Owly the guildmaster, and herself teleported to the guildmaster's office.

Naell got excited as it was his first time experiencing that kind of magic.

Teleportation was possible if certain conditions were met, such as placing spatial accessories in areas while activating the necessary codes that were known only by those working in that place.

Even in the novel, it was vaguely explained as the company who made the spatial accessories, Escuel co. was very secretive.

They were all seated down with cups of tea and assorted cakes that were suited for their situation.

"I apologize for my late introduction. I am Odino Thorton, the guildmaster of all guilds."

"Ahem, please do not forget your other name, guildmaster."

"Urgh... That embarrassing title... Aigooo."

Tahina interjected as she dramatically added on,

"AHEM! JACKhammer, the one who inherited the name, and the one who had a draw bout with the former JACK of All Blades, Leonard Cross."


Marquis Metero W. Star,

Warm standard greetings, Marquis.

Even the contents are just formality.

Do pardon if we could not meet.

Of course, not that you mind.

Nevertheless, I'm here to report

That my son is in the capital.

Neither Naell nor I need your aid.

Everything on our side, we'll settle it.

Everything, rest assured.

Do please pardon our independence.

You do not have to mind.

Only a standard greeting.

Under the pretext of formality.


With your utmost respect,

Fharom Beryldot





Later that night, upon returning to their mansion, the Marquis could not hide his chuckle upon reading the letter from Captain Aestero. The content was ridiculous, to begin with, but what made it worthwhile to read was how Fharom insisted to not drag Naell to their side of the family.

"So captain, why do you think the rumors are more than what it seems?"

"Young master Naell at first glance could be said as carefree but..."

"But?" The one who interjected was Sarah W. Star. She was also curious since Captain Aestero never once said complimentary words towards anyone besides the Star household.

"His demeanor was more of a calculative man's. I could see him as someone who would have planted the rumors themselves."

"How could you even say that from a guy you just met, Aes." Teasingly said Sarah, her platinum blond hair and golden eyes completely matched her bright grin.

Nonetheless, the reply given to them by Aestero made them even more curious than a cat.

"Because he was just like the former Marquis, Roetem Star... your father."

It was then rumored that both the siblings' laughter had even reached the castle of Taglagas.




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