Transmigrated into a Noble’s beaten son

Chapter 20

Owly's enormous stomach could be seen through his feathers as he laid back in the chair. Just by using his magic, he knew of what had transpired in the field. By then, even he questioned Naell's ingenuity when it came to all sorts of things.

They had only been together for a short time, yet Naell often managed to surprise the young owl.

There was a time not too long ago, that was when they were traveling to the capital. Their plan to stay at a village every night was canceled due to Naell. They were delayed as the young master was nauseous throughout the journey and needed constant breaks in the process.

Owly wasn't fond of camping out as he was looking forward to a fluffy bed at some comfy inn. Even so, it turned out well in the end, as Naell made a dome-shaped house out of compact bricks of snow that was to their surprise, rather cozy inside. They were saved from the cold wind of the night that often haunted the Western Continent, as the insides of the makeshift house were warm.

Naell, of course, made a structure that was modeled after an igloo. The dome-shaped with compressed snow insulated the coldness outside making their trip comfortable even though they slept on the road.

For them, it was very innovative. Even Athena, one of the twelve guardians named Wisdom, was impressed with Naell. Little did they know, for the young mage, that type of knowledge was common as a previous resident of earth and a smart one at that.

As Owly recalled the past, the three had already arrived back in the office. He could barely move as his belly was towering his usually fluffy feathers, but still, he managed to ask,

"Back so soon? HOOT."

Naell patted Owly's head and placed him on his lap upon being seated. The now fatter owl laid comfortably without care, and Naell felt the weight of the young owl who seemed as heavy as a fat adult cat.

Odino was still too distracted to say anything, but they felt relief when he sat down. Naell and Tahina's thoughts intertwined.

'At least his brain is still working...'

Tahina's and Naell's eyes coincidentally locked onto each other. Sensing their thoughts were similar, Tahina was the one who broke the ice.

"Ahem... Young master."

"Yes, Lady Tahina?"

"I'm sorry for the sudden change of venue."

Naell felt guilty as he was the reason for the change.

"Do not be, it is a pleasing arrangement."

Tahina was grateful and was already serving another set of tea and assorted cakes that Owly's eyes preyed upon.


"Thank you, Young master. Please have some."

"Thank you." Naell could only bitterly thank Tahina as Owly was already chewing some cake.

Tahina could not stop herself anymore. She tried her best to sound normal but her pitch was slightly off as her next words were naturally stemming from the curiosity of a mage.

"Young master... how did you manage to use the teleportation magic from the guild?"


They both flinched hearing the loud laughter of Odino who just a second ago, wouldn't budge.

"I'm sorry Guildmaster..." Naell quickly bowed his head as to apologize for what he did. He was scared that Odino's laughter was the last thing he would be hearing in that world.

Odino waved his hand while chuckling still. His voice was louder than usual while his gaze was sharper as well.

"No need to worry about that, Naell. I was just surprised, but..."

Naell and Tahina sensed that the room's atmosphere became somewhat heavier.

Tahina until now was still not used to Odino's intimidating aura. Sweat started to drip on her head, but she could still get by. On the other hand, Naell, for he wouldn't be charged with attempted murder, felt braver and calmly replied,

"Hmmm, but?" Naell's face for the first time seemed at peace. Ever since he got there, he was always emitting a fearful vibe which was always misunderstood as cold.

"But the question still remains, how?" Odino was referring to Tahina's question on how Naell managed to do it. He then added on,

"I trust you--- honestly, as someone who kind of trained that cold dad of yours and your oddball of an uncle."

Odino then added on, as he straightened his posture while massaging the lump on his head. It was naturally sore to the touch, preventing him from keeping a painless, straight face.

Tahina and Naell could barely smile, especially he who was guilty of that bump.

"Teleportation magic in a guildhouse can only be done by us who know of the code... What you did could actually be a disaster for us who value security, Naell."

Naell knew all too well that he made a blunder, but it was not easy to explain. That was why he decided that before he could continue, he needed to verify a few things first.

"I am glad you trust me, Guildmaster. I could explain it, but first, I would like to ask a question."

Odino nodded while Tahina was the one who answered him.

"Go ahead, Young master."

"What's the code that I have used anyway?"


Odino and Tahina were both shocked. They really thought He knew of the codes. They both hesitated to say anything. Naell then decided to continue since it was getting nowhere.

"Well... First, when I used my detection magic, I was certain that this place was full of spatial devices built inside the floors and walls."

Even in the novel, it wasn't explicitly explained how teleportation was made by Escuel Co. Yet when Naell felt the complex magic, he knew that those codes were actually just the basic usage of binary logic.

Tahina was still feeling complicated just like Odino. As a result, they both just nodded to Naell, neither confirming nor denying what he was saying.

"Second, those spatial devices are built correspondingly to a main spatial device that will be used for the teleportation."

Upon saying that, Odino was the one who answered Naell.

"Are you saying you could read the sequence of those codes?"

"I guess?"




It was already nighttime when the four of them decided to end the discussion. After receiving his guild card, Naell immediately took off together with Owly.

Odino and Tahina remembered how Naell was murmuring that C-rank would have been enough after Odino had said,


"I tested your skills so you could get a B-rank guild card."


They could only laugh knowing that lad who could be said was a genius, did not want to be famous at all. Yet what Naell was truly muttering at that time was different,


"I would not have gone through such lengths if you had told me... C-rank would have been enough."


Moments after Naell took his leave, Tahina and Odino spoke in private.

"Naell's explanation was logical, yet it was still incomprehensible for me... It makes me question if he's one of the developers in Escuel Co."

"HAHAHA-! I know exactly what you mean Tahina. Even I could not understand."

Odino as the guildmaster and Tahina as one of the main receptionists of the western guild, were often present when one of the Escuel Co. employees explained the logic behind the codes. Even if they didn't understand most of it, they knew Naell's explanation was the same.

They recalled some bits of how Naell nonchalantly explained the logic behind the hammer's teleportation.


"Let say; my location was point X and above yours was point Y up to a distance of a meter. In order to teleport, I need to connect them so I can transfer the hammer which is currently on X, plus the source which is my mana to Y, via the code."

"If I determine the X and Y conditions to activate them, then I could use teleportation because that is the code."


Even the employees of the said company had stuck to the code since those conditions were done by the developer. Tahina and Odino clearly remembered asking Naell how he determined those conditions.


"By using detection magic."



They sat in silence, still dumbfounded as they remembered Naell's reply.

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