Transmigrated into a Noble’s beaten son

Chapter 24

Hello guys, once again thank you for all the support. It truly inspire us to write weekly. ^^ Special thanks to our patreons and shout out to our new ones; Mr/Ms. Oblivion, Bonobo, Evelyn, Jabari, Paul. 

Without further ado.... Hope you guys will enjoy this chapter. ^^



"This is it..." Andrew could not help but be thrilled, as it was his first day of school in Esuela Dio sa de.

It had already been years since he was resurrected as an infant. Coincidentally, like on earth, he was named Andrew; the only son of Drew Sunheart and Andrea Sunheart, two well-known A-rank adventurers.

Furthermore, Andrew was the first human to ever achieve both aura and mana from Mundo, the world of Arts and Magic, and the world he now lived in.

Throughout the years, he could not help but recall his past life. He often regretted how he neglected his childhood, his family, and his friends just for fame.

Back on Earth, as the youngest person to win the Olympics, he had trained his body to the fullest and was easily considered one of the best in his field. Yet much to his demise, none of his training could help him survive Truck-chan that had struck him on accident.

With a past life of regrets that he didn't wish to repeat, Andrew from then on decided to live his second life to the fullest---happily treasuring connections, making friends, and being there for his family.

Nevertheless, trouble seemed to follow him as injustice always presented itself whenever it could. As Andrew truly wished to care for his connections, he decided to once again train, not for fame, but to use his power for justice.

"Don't look so alienated again, Andrew." Teasingly reminded his half-elf friend, Rizaul. They could not help but chuckle a bit while they headed towards the main building of the academy.

Rizaul, as the blood of elves ran through his veins, had always been troubled by his looks. His looks were well-defined by the unique features of the ones beloved by nature; green hair and pointy ears that matched well with his royal eyes.

It could be said that the half-elf immediately felt comradery towards Andrew, who also looked quite different; luminous golden eyes and deep black hair--- both distinct remnants of the deep history of Arts and Magic.

It was believed that having golden eyes signified deep ties with the first mages of Mundo, while deep black hair was a feature of the ancient martial artists of the Spring Continent.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that when these two walked together, ladies of different statuses would feel their hearts pierced by the cupid of love.

"Hey~ There they are!" Said the ginger-haired girl who was waving her hands. She then added on smiling towards the approaching Andrew and Rizaul,

"Huh, where's Note?"

On instinct, Andrew scratched the back of his head and replied,

"Uh, we don't actually know... When we knocked, no one was answering, so we thought he just left early."

Two girls stood by the ginger-haired Namiku, who by then was already laughing. The lilac-haired lady named Viola, had a concerned look towards the pink-haired lady named Rinca next to her. Andrew smiled wryly at their reactions.

"Pfffttt. Somehow I knew he would mess this up. He was like that even when we were young." Namiku's laughter as she spoke those words made Rinca sigh.

Out of all of them, Namiku had the smallest build due to her pure Easterside lineage. Her amber eyes and warm skin tone were dead giveaways of her royal bloodline.

"You don't have to say sorry Pri---Nami..." Viola, as usual, replied softly. She stuttered a bit upon remembering how Namiku pleaded tearfully just so they would drop the formalities.

Viola grew up not having many lady friends, as they were often jealous of her well-developed figure. Not to mention, her lilac eyes and light violet hair often charmed men as her beauty was truly for the main heroine of the story.

That was why, Viola really treasured her friends, and likewise, Namiku and Rinca cherished her. They knew that behind her seemingly serious facade was a timid, kind-hearted and jolly lady.

Rinca was trying her best to hide her dissatisfaction. Her pinkish skin was slightly flushed and even her rose-colored eyes had no hint of warmness as she smiled and said,

"I will make sure my uncle will hear of this, but rest assured Nami, you are safe here."

Even they, the friends of Rinca, were still afraid of her cold piercing gaze. Yet, no matter how quirky the three ladies appeared to be, they were still famous for their enthralling beauty.

Gazes were often directed at the trio, but no one would dare approach them, as Rinca Arigare the so-called "Duchess of Ice" frightened most of them.

Not to mention, Namiku's father who was known as the strongest martial artist in the whole continent, and the Emperor of the Easterside Empire [KING's Gambit], Kaido Asuna was known as an overprotective and doting parent.

"We should probably go now. Our orientation is starting." They all nodded at Rizaul who deep inside was looking forward to Note's demise.

"See you later, Namiku." They quickly bid farewell to the princess who would be in a different place and would be escorted shortly.

Inside the auditorium, it could be seen that students of varying races were present, as EDSD's prestige was known throughout the continent.

The gentlemen wore white polo shirts hidden beneath a black coat, with matching black pants, and an optional red tie. The ladies wore black sailor-like uniforms with the options of cardigans, blazers, a red tie, and either pants, or skirts.

All the students had already gathered in the auditorium. The fifth and sixth years or the Master's class, were seated in the very front. Behind them, Andrew and the rest sat together as it was the Freshmen's spot. Following behind the freshmen were the second, the third, and the fourth years.

Faculty members such as teachers and dean heads were all dressed formally in their distinctive profession.

Loud murmurs could be heard when the three royal children of Taglagas, with Princess Namiku of the Easterside Empire, and other royal blood of other kingdoms, made their way to the front. The knights that were escorting the royal students were wearing their most magnificent armor--- all except for one.

Andrew and the rest were relieved when they saw the taffy-haired lad walking with Namiku. It was Note being chided teasingly by the princess until she noticed her friends and gave a big wave of her hand.

When Namiku and her tardy knight met Andrew and his friends during one mission, they got well acquainted with each other as Rinca Arigare and Note Raal were distant cousins.

Note Raal's brownish eyes were shining, as his apologetic look was directed towards them, especially at Rinca's cold piercing gaze, who was certainly mad at him. He was noticeably the only knight wearing the school uniform, as he was also enrolled in Esuela Dio sa de.

Rinca knew better as she sighed and returned a smile. Yet the effect of her smile took a different direction. Those who were in the radius of her smile had felt the icy intention hidden beneath it. Note shivered and knew he would later get the scolding (or perhaps the end) of his life.

"Are you even listening to me Note? Geeez..." Said Namiku who was pouting towards the nervous knight.

'Princess' scolding is cute compared to my cousin's deathly leer.' He thought, as he chuckled and nodded towards the princess, making her sulk even more than before.

As the royal students were all seated; an elegant old lady wearing a black robe and a black beret started walking to the podium. She then spoke gently,


"Good morning students of Esuela Dio sa de~

We welcome you all with a cup of tea.

For the new ones, please enjoy this school.

As for the old students, do continue being cool."


Laughter could be heard while she giggled at her words. Her short grayish hair, soothing blue eyes, and gentle smile matched her voice as she continued,


"Magic and Arts,

Dwell in ourselves.

We must recognize our duty,

As to not repeat our history.

Therefore once again, welcome to this day---

And may the celestials guide your way."


They clapped in unison as to show respect to the goofy yet elegant, wise elf. Most of them knew who she was, not just as the principal of EDSD, but as the one who introduced alchemy to Mundo; the [Alchemist of Philosophy] and the one who was formerly called the [Stone Witch], Earlteria Gem.




The first day of school in EDSD would only consist of their orientation, and introduction to clubs, facilities, facilitators, and the class they belonged to.

Andrew and the rest, together with Namiku and Note, went on their way to the canteen. They planned to later on, go to the school's bulletin board to find out the classrooms they were assigned to.

"L-Let me explain first, dear cousin." Said Note who was trying to escape his predicament.

Rinca then with a [ poof ] had her saber sheathed on her waist. They gulped at the scene in front of their eyes, and only Rizaul, who was born to be cooler than the rest, handled the frozen gaze of Rinca well, even smirking at the now paler Note.

Even the hero of justice, Andrew whistled his way out of that situation. When all hope was gone, it was Namiku who saved Note.

"Wait Rinca! Note was delayed because he saw someone familiar."

"Princess, of all people--- who on Mundo is more important than you that he could neglect his duty?" Refuted Rinca. Her expression was saying she would not wait for an explanation. She put a hand on her scabbard, waiting to thrust her rapier into the helpless knight.

Note saw an opportunity and gestured to the half-elf for additional help, yet Rizaul enjoyed seeing a scared Note, so he did nothing but cheered him on with his nonchalant cheer.

"Rinca... Can we atleast listen?" Softly pleaded Viola who tugged at her friend's cloth. Rinca hesitantly with a [ poof ] stored her blade as she sighed, giving in to her pleading friend. She then with a cold look towards Note, said,

"Go on then."

With a fake cough and his straightened posture, Note then began to speak without a care for the passersby as he valued his life more than his reputation.

"I saw your ex-fiance Naell wearing our uniform!"

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