Transmigrated into a Noble’s beaten son

Chapter 3



There is a saying, that an A-rank adventurer can change the outcome of a battle, but an S-rank adventurer can end a war.


As soon as their conversation ended, Naell quickly went to the library to read on their family’s history. He sported a simple plain black polo and pants.


Fharom Beryldot:


‌Former B-rank adventurer. The artist of dual swords. He was injured after saving the Duke and King of the Western continent thus ending his career, as a peak B-rank adventurer. After the War of the Continent, he was given nobility as the Baron Of Beryldot. A small estate under Duke Mard of Arigare.


'Duke Mard is actually the father of Naell's ex-fiance. I did not know they go way back. This was not in the story, how frightening. Considering my father’s accomplishments and friendship towards the King and Duke, that is probably why my actions had been taken lightly.'

"But still to marry a Duke's daughter to a Baron just because of friendship. I think I'm really taking this all too lightly as well."

After some hours of reading, the bloodshot eyes of Naell scared a lot of people in the library. Especially since his reputation in their estate was somewhat still the lowest.

He was overwhelmed by the scope of their history.


Alicia Witner Beryldot:‌


One of the few S-rank adventurers in the world. Also known as the [Witch of Winter ] Married to a B-rank adventurer, Fharom Beryldot. Died in the Noble Summit after stopping the bomb, that would have started another continental war. Student of Sebastian Claus, former mage captain of the Western Continental Front (WCF).


Naell couldn't express how surprised he was to know. The first villain of the book he read had these amazing parents and a butler that was the equivalent of a peak B-rank adventurer.

'I guess the author wanted to erase the presence of this strong individual that would ruin the main protagonist's limelight.'

'Lucky for the author, I do not wish to join the battle that will soon unfold at the end of Volume 3. Heck, I can't even write with both hands so do not expect me to wield two swords.'

Naell became curious and somewhat looked forward to seeing if he could use magic.

'If I can use some sort of elemental magic, I could start flames when I’m cold. Cool myself when I get hot. Sell mineral water that’ll surely boom well and make vases or sculptures out of the earth’s free dirt.' Naell shook his head out of embarrassment as he thought of those childish things.

'Of course, I would never willingly taint my family’s name further by doing any of those. This cursed seed has done enough harm.'

'After all, I am the son of Alicia Beryldot, fufufu.'

Luckily, the library wasn't that packed when Naell unintentionally laughed like the villain he was once. But those people who did hear it, started spreading the new mystery within the Beryldot Library--- The Shrieking Book.


'If I have time after reading all these books, I might as well ask elder Sebastian to train me with magic.'

Rumor has it that their young master, Naell declined the high school recommendation in the capital. Even the Duke who revoked his daughter's engagement with the young master felt pity and tried his best to stop the tradition.

But even someone as high as a King could never stop something that was agreed upon by their ancestors without sound judgment or rightful reason; Therefore, as early as that moment in which Naell declined, Baron Fharom Beryldot had prepared for them to leave their nobility, only in which the young master was ignorant of the tradition.

This tradition stated that the successor of a noble should have his/her son/daughter admitted to the capital high school in which they will partake the rights of claim to the said position. In a case wherein the son/daughter declines the admission, the noble should prepare another successor in which he/she should also be capable of passing the high school entrance exam.

The problem in the Beryldot estate was that Lily was a normal girl just like her mother, Lilia without having any affinity to martial arts/magic. Not to mention, Baron Fharom was injured and incapable of holding the title without a successor in place. It was only possible at first because Alicia Beryldot, the first wife was capable of the title of Baroness.

Even back on earth when Naell focused on some books or works, he tended to forget or be unaware of his surroundings. That was why the Beryldot Family misunderstood Naell's actions as somewhat determined to leave his nobility aside. It might’ve been selfish to some, but for the Beryldot Family who was living their lives as commoners in the past, it was more understandable.

Baroness Lilia came from the Northern Continent as a commoner. Her family was one of the casualties of war during which she was rescued by the Western Continental Front. In there, she worked as an artist at Duke Arigare estate. There she met Baron Fharom, a widower, and the rest was history.

It was in the middle of the afternoon that Naell decided to go home earlier because the library that day was quite full.

The Beryldot mansion was not big enough to have their own facility such as a library. Baron Fharom decided that instead of reconstructing the mansion into a bigger one, he would split the facility that would then be open to all his people.

As Naell was walking towards home, he spotted his sister, Lily with her toys—- or so he thought.

"Lily, what are you doing, isn't it hot to be playing outside?" Naell concerningly asked as he saw Lily under the sun. What seemed like Lily's toys, at a closer look, was a wooden sword and a stick. What seemed like playing outside was actually a stick and sword that was being swung.

During the course of the weeks, the relationship of Naell towards his family and people improved that only small misunderstandings occurred towards him. Especially with his cute sister, Lily finally having a brother that would play with her.

Upon hearing Naell's voice, Lily hugged her brother then went back to grab her stick.

"I need to learn the arts and magic, brother."

Lily was puffing her chest while swinging her stick and yelling loudly,

"fire, fiRE, FIRE!"

Naell smiled at her cute little sister trying her best to learn, but he couldn’t seem to understand her eagerness to do so, nor why she said "need". He felt fear all of a sudden. He quickly dissipated the idea as he jokingly thought.

'Tingling spider senses aren't a thing on earth, more so in this world.'

"It is a good thing to learn dear sister, especially if you like it." But after Naell had said those words, he saw Lily tearing up.




"I do not like arts nor magic. They are quite scary, but I need to learn in order to make this our permanent home."

Naell was dumbfounded upon hearing Lily's tearful determination. He realized the anxiety he felt was a bigger thing than he thought.

"...What do you mean?"






After learning about their situation from her sister Lily, Naell went back to the library and studied more about that world's law.

'What the fudge have I been doing until now.' Naell could only sigh as he was contemplating his actions till recently. Furthermore, he realized why the family of Naell Beryldot ceased to exist in the book.

In the novel, during the aftermath of his beating, Naell did not attend the high school in the capital.

'That is why even in Volume 2's Noble Summit, Fhar--- My father did not attend it since he was no longer noble.'

Being a commoner itself was not a problem but one issue appeared starting from Volume 3 of the book.

'War will engulf the continent, and there will be a big chance that the commoners will be part of the fatality of the war.'

Volume 3's war wasn't really a large-scale battle like the War of the Continent. However, it was a war involving a terrorist group that spread havoc throughout the continent by means of bombs. It was briefly explained in the book since the protagonist Andrew was still a student in the capital, but the economy during Volume 3 plummeted due to the trading of goods becoming dangerous.

'Some nobles will prioritize themselves so many commoners starved and were sold as slaves. Not to mention, the bombs that exploded in some populated areas, resulting in the devastating loss of goods and human beings.' Naell could only clench his fist as he imagined the consequences it would bring not only to himself but to his family in that world.

'I took it too lightly, thinking we would be in the capital by that time, the safe haven of all places.' He recalled how safe the capital was. The protagonist, Andrew always prevented any terror from approaching the kingdom. Most families of the nobles that weren't capable of fighting, went to the capital for protection.

'Now that I think about it, I'm not even sure if we have a residence there.'

The house of Beryldot was not poor as they managed their lands well, but they also weren’t rich enough to have the luxury of other nobles.

After hours of reading and contemplating, Naell decided to meet his father.






"Come in." Baron Fharom said while taking a break from all the documents he was receiving regarding their lands.

Naell quickly opened the door and bowed down upon seeing his father.

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