Transmigrated into a Noble’s beaten son

Chapter 34

Hello everyone! 

We’re glad to announce that all three of us, cat included, are all okay! (to be fair, cat was always okay heh) 

Thank you so much for all the prayers and messages you’ve sent us. For the past weeks we’ve immensely missed writing and sharing our story together and we realized how much fun we’ve had since we started TNBS.

We have every intention to finish this as our first novel and so we shall continue!
Thank you to those who even went so far as donating to us and wished for our speedy recovery. That was really sweet of you guys really appreciated the gesture.

We’re so damn grateful for every view we’ve received, every comment we’ve gotten and every ounce of support that you guys have given to us. 

With that being said, may this chapter be enjoyable! 


Sincerely, from us writing amateurs, NeZoTheCat


Naell and Owly did not even bat an eye at the beings that were calling them, yet they eventually sensed their mana. Both of them stopped at the ridiculous surges of mana surrounding them.

Soon the fog that covered the forest lightened and unveiled numerous small beings seemingly straight out of a fairy tale; the tiny magical creatures with wings shined brightly as they flew towards Naell and Owly.

As curious as Naell was, the fairies were no different. They mumbled their thoughts out loud as they skittishly flew together.

"Look, I was right!"

"No, you weren't!"

"She's not Alice..."

"Yes, she is!"


"Hey! HOOT!" Owly was not able to calm down. At that moment, it was clear that he was truly annoyed. Just having his wings spread out earlier due to the battle made him moist all over.

"A talking bird!"


Naell too was annoyed, but seeing the aggravated owl all of a sudden made him feel better.

"Why were you guys attacking us earlier? HOOT!"

The fairies then became silent. Naell and Owly thought it was because of the young owl's dominance.

Seeing this, the young owl could not help but puff his feathered chest at the thought, but he soon stopped as they saw a fairy with a human-sized figure flying towards them.


A gentle voice as light as her flight spoke to them,

"Sorry for bothering both of you, travelers... It seems we have mistaken you for someone else." Her words were warm underneath her beautiful appearance; fair skin with golden eyes and hair brightly glowing amidst the dimmed foggy forest.

Her dress was simply clad in gold, yet just like the fairies from the place called neverland, her skirt was quite short.

Owly's anger was still apparent with his unwavering malevolent mana seeping out his body.

"HOOT! Are you so mad at that person that you would try and kill them at the off chance you get?"

"The bird is mad!"

"The bird is bad~!"

Annoyingly said the small fairies, as they fluttered around, fufu-ing and teasing.

Before Owly could even retaliate with words and perhaps magic, Naell chose to take action. He might not have been pleased with the fairies, but like the wimp he was, he knew battling with them would be a nuisance, not to mention it would carry a large chance of death.

'Besides, they would be useful.'

"Now now, Owly. There's no harm in a little fun."

Owly's temper was ready to explode at Naell, yet he stopped himself upon seeing his calm face.

He knew that although his actions could be interpreted as cowardice, it was actually far from the truth.

"HOOT--- 'Either he's scared or...'

Naell was happy seeing the now calmer Owly sitting atop his head. Not only was that fluffy owl smart, but he was also an opportunist like him.

Both of them, after all, were pacifists of benefit and most of all in profit.

"Yes~! Just a little fun like Alice would often say!" Said the golden-haired fairy who was pleased with his words. Her wings that were as golden as her hair were fluttering with delight. The same with the little fairies that were dancing oh so bright.

"Are you perhaps talking about the Witch of Winter?" Inquired Naell who deep inside was dryly mocking himself from all the coincidences happening around him.

Upon hearing his question, she and all the other small fairies twinkled like little stars, immediately reminding Naell of the nostalgic christmas lights on Earth.

"Yes! We felt that you carried the same mana, and so--- are you Alice?" Asked the little fairies.''

"I'm actually her son, Naell Witner Beryldot. It's a pleasure to meet you." Naell's short introduction was then followed by his short explanation.





Hearing of Alicia's passing, took them by surprise. They grieved almost in an instant, matching their quickly dimming lights.

"Our condolences..." Her wings fluttered softly, as if it mimicked her words. She then continued with a smile.

"Alice was a good friend of ours. You see, she was the one who told us that surprising her like that was alright and fun..."


• You have a weird mom, HOOT. •


"---Oh and my apologies, I am Princess Sampua, the Golden fairy."

Upon her introduction, Sampua gestured mystically with her fingers; glitter like magic then gracefully enveloped their surroundings.

'Woah...' Naell admired both the fairy's and her mana's fluid movements, before turning his attention to the magic being casted.

Slowly the glistening lights entered their vision and began showing Alicia and the fairies "happily playing together".

Alicia's white hair and pale skin matched her white mana beautifully. Yet it only became menacing as she summoned multitudes of ice to rain down on Sampua. In return, the Golden fairy laughed viciously.

Her angel-like facade was by then much closer to a dungeon's final boss, as she frighteningly countered Alicia with melted splattering gold.

The small fairies were all laughing while running away from the terrifying battle.

"Fun memories, fun memories!"

"Indeed, Indeed!"

Yet as wonderful as the vision might have seemed to the small fairies, Naell and even Owly only watched in horror, thinking that their kind of "PLAY" really was just brutal.

"Your mom was truly a fun person~" said Sampua who looked happier upon reminiscing her past with them. The small fairies then followed suit with their joy.


• Let us pretend we didn't see anything Owly. •

• Agreed, HOOT. •

As she snapped her fingers, the vision slowly dispersed, before vanishing and leaving behind small dusts of gold.

Sampua then turned to both of them as she gently spoke,

"So son of Alice, who may your friend be?"

"I am Owly, HOOT!"

Soon, other small fairies began introducing themselves with their colors and what they liked.




Naell was quite startled not because of what had just transpired a while ago, but upon learning small fairies didn't usually have a name. They simply followed their fairy Royalty wherever they went.

Of course, some small fairies would venture on their own and would have the possibility to grow past their limit, but that was rare as small fairies were often small-minded and liked to stick to each other.

Naell barely remembered what he read about Fairies, as he never thought he would actually meet one.

Royal fairies are known as the rulers of the Land of fairies located in the Summer continent. They are known for their immortality and mysterious magic.

Royal fairies are the ones that at birth would just proclaim their name and power. They are races that are rarely seen as the Land of fairies is not accessible by all. It is protected by a magical fog that would often bring forth perilous illusions from those who would venture their land.

"Don't tell me it was actually you who put out this fog?" Naell could not help but ask upon recalling the magical fog in the Land of fairies.

Both he and Owly truly were annoyed upon seeing her nodding with delight. She was proud that her magical ability was discovered.

"As the Golden fairy, a little rain and a little fog was no challenge at all, FUFUFU."

• Could I bite her off? HOOT! •

"Finally showing your carnivorous side?"


• Please refrain from being vicious, Owly. Remember what you saw! •

• ... •

Owly muttered in protest before nodding, making Naell feel reassured.

He may be an angry bird at that moment, but he knew that the young owl would not dare to do something that stupid, or at least he hoped he wouldn't.

"What are you two talking about?" Inquired Sampua. Her curious face was something that would usually captivate anyone, but at that moment, Naell and Owly were beings that preferred sleep (Naell) and food (Owly) over anything and anyone.

"Ahem! I apologize. I was just mesmerized by your magic." Naell's acting and words made Owly feel like he wanted to throw up, yet he managed to get a grip as he knew he could hold that against him someday.

"FUFUFU~ I am amazing afterall." Pridefully declared Sampua, as her followers then loudly and cheerfully declared her awesomeness.

Owly's temper was slowly reaching its boiling point, yet he reminded himself of what was to come if he behaved.

He then decided to cut straight to the point and ask, earning him a discreet thumbs up from the smiling Naell.

"What is a Royal fairy doing in this forest in the first place? HOOT."

"Oh you see, I love GOLD!" Sampua then further explained why she was there.

Sometime ago, a traveling fairy was invited to share his adventures with the Royal family of fairies. There Sampua heard how that traveling fairy happened to come across a place that was covered with gold.

"As the Golden fairy, I could not help but be curious about it, so after escap--- getting permission, we immediately went into this place."

Yet after her last words, she and all of her followers were again saddened, as their colors began dimming, matching their feelings of disappointment.

"But after I got here, there was not really a land of gold... But just boring golden apples."

Hearing the word "GOLDEN APPLE" made Naell and Owly's ears tingle in delight, as they both thought,


"That is why I do apologize if I caused some inconvenience with my magic. We fairies are not fond of other races after all."

"That is all in the past, Lady Sampua. We are just happy to have met fairies in our lifetime, aren't we Owly?"

"We are, we are! HOOT!"

Both of them were so out of character as the thought of being rich (and the food for Owly) further blinded their honor.

"FUFUFU, I thought so too~ anyway, what brings you here, son of Alicia?"

Naell and Owly subconsciously looked at each other. Words for one another were not even needed as their thoughts were by then, truly so aligned.

"We are actually here for the golden apples, Princess Sampua."

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