Transmigrated into a Noble’s beaten son

Chapter 44




"Well, we have like 9 classes to inspect so why don't we split up. I'll go to the field near the gentleman's dormitory while you go to the other side. Bye."

It had already been hours since they split up to do their tasks. She was quite furious because she felt ditched by Naell.

Yet at the same time, she knew that would have been the best case, as both of them were somewhat awkward in each other’s presence.

At the very least, she was quite glad that Naell chose the gentleman's side. Her classes and her friends' prepared stalls were at the lady's field anyway.

The cultural festival was divided into two sides, both outside the main building at the field that was often used for recreational activities.

Normally, students would have to showcase their chosen artistic program (such as cafes, horror houses, or even drama theaters) in their classroom.

Yet at that moment, Esuela dio sa de implemented the so-called "stall" that was famously developed in the estate under the dukedom of Arigare.

Although the stalls were certainly the main attraction, the size of the fields allowed for a wide variety of features to be shown.

Guests even had resting areas in the grassy portion of each field, with blankets and chairs laid out freely for anyone to occupy. It was reminiscent of a mini park with the soothing scene of the glistening grass.

The park was one of the last things they had all set up. Even though it was the easiest and the least time consuming, by the time they were done, most were exhausted from previously finishing the essential attractions and components of the festival.

Though most of them were tired, all the students were still happy to be part of the said festival--- all including Viola, who was currently enjoying her task. She was privileged enough to see what all her friends had prepared in the process.

Her class had showcased cuisines that used magical gastronomy to further enhance the flavor and umami of the food; Rinca's class made a restaurant that showcased live cooking with different kinds of cutting and culinary techniques; yet what garnered the most attention was the debate chamber that Note and Rizaul's class had made.

Note's hysterical statements and Rizaul's apathetic facts that didn't care about their feelings gathered an audience from around the school, enjoying the suffering of those who tried to win between the duo's win streak.

Not to mention, the beast companion that was flying in between the debate while devouring different foods had made most of them laugh, as his HOOTs sounded much like mockery towards the opposing team.

After finishing all her tasks, Viola also became tired from all the walking she did, and the activities she shyly participated in.

'Well, atleast I did my job!' She thought while clenching her fist from the enjoyment of socialization.

As she was about to return to the main building where the task committee was, she heard a commotion going on by the resting area of the lady's field. Apparently, some commoners who were there just to sightsee were kneeling and apologizing to what seemed to be a group of drunk visitors.

"Do you think your apology would be enough! Don’t you know who he is!"

"Sire, please… we are sorry. Come on Anne, say sorry."

Viola noticed how the other visitors that were sitting were feigning ignorance as they mumbled,

"Don't look at them, they're nobles…"

Those who even tried to intervene were stopped by other commoners as they’d say,

"You'll get in trouble, so don't mind them."


"Grandpa! We are sitting here. Why should we apologize, when they were the ones who didn't look where they were going!" Anna shouted. She looked to be as old as Lily, only thinner with dark brown hair and black eyes.

"Please forgive us, Sire, she didn't mean any of that…" Said the panicky one who was called grandpa. He was also thin, with a frail-looking face, grayish hair, and eyes.

"That’s it! I guess both of you should be taught some manners!"

With that, Viola was not able to contain herself, especially seeing how one of the drunken men was going to hit the old man and the girl with his hand.

Out of nowhere; a thick layer of lights was summoned pushing them back. The hog-shaped man that seemed to be the leader stumbled from his own weight.

In his anger, a sound much akin to a crying swine was produced as he shouted drunkenly,

"Who dared to hit me!!!"

The other drunken men that seemed to be his friends coated their weapon with aura and faced Viola who levitated beside the grandpa and the girl whilst holding her wand.

Yet to her surprise, when the hog-shaped man looked at her, she realized his sudden vicious smile and hog-like face were familiar to her.

"Ahhh Viola..."


As Namiku and Andrew were patrolling the field, they sensed familiar mana and several surges of aura that followed after. All the members of the festivities and disciplinary committee were tasked to always have their Aura of intent on, that was why they immediately ran towards the field with no time to waste.

Namiku's soon to be chaotic aura and Andrew's white mana both erupted onwards, leaving the others behind, as they knew who that mana belonged to. Even Owly, Note, Rizaul and Rinca immediately headed towards the location, leaving their class behind.


"Young master Bhor..." Said Viola with a quivering voice.

After running away from her village, and before being adopted by her older cousin, Viola had spent some of her days as a beggar in the Estate of Fhender.

Beggars weren't really welcome at the Autumn kingdom. Most were caught and brought to a village to be trained and be an able citizen.

Yet because Viola was only 10 at that time, she was afraid to be arrested so she kept running, until finally being caught by Baron Pon, Bhor's father.

There she worked as a maid but because she was weak and frail, she often worked terribly, angering others because of her failures. Not to mention, most were jealous because of her beauty.

Still, because Baron Pon was kind, she wasn't severely punished, only lectured and talked behind by other maids. Yet it wasn't long when Bhor Fhender went home from school break, and coincidentally Baron Pon needed to go to the capital for an assembly of nobles.

Torments then followed Viola with Bhor guiding the estate. Other maids accused her of stealing jewelry and even had her condemned as the one that broke the expensive vase that was an heirloom of the Fhender.

Enraged, Bhor imprisoned her without food and water, waiting for her to confess to her sins, yet Viola couldn't do so as she knew it wasn't her who had done those things.

Even if she wanted to, she couldn't escape as she couldn't control her magic at that time and the injury she got from Bhor for not confessing made her weaker.

When she was about to lose her sanity, she was freed by Baron Pon and her older cousin who scolded her for running away.

She owed her life to the father of the one who gave her a traumatic experience, and to her older cousin who made an effort to search for her, yet the torment she got from Bhor would sometimes still haunt her.

"Viola… How dare you, thief!" Angrily shouted Bhor. It was apparent that he was intoxicated and far from the present. Even Bhor’s friends seemed to be alerted by their drunk friend's hallucination.

Viola could only hide from her fears. Shielding herself and the two from the violent aura clashing against her wavering light.

She could not dare look at him, as she remembered what she had suffered because of him.

The past that she thought she would no longer fear, was yet again right in front of her.

'That's right even at that time, I got scared and I..."

She remembered how Naell, before the moment of his beating, had managed to incite her trauma causing her to blackout.

Yet now was different, as she knew the moment her fear seeped into her being, would be the moment where not only would she be beaten, but also the two civilians she was trying to protect.

'I can't!’

No matter how hard she tried to fight back, her spirit was in such turmoil that even her mana shield was crumbling from normal hits.

'Young master Bhor… maybe that's enough, I think they learned their lesson.' Said one of his friends who became more sober upon seeing Viola and Anna crying.

"No, she broke...that thing..." Yet due to his drunken state, and often hotblooded tendencies, Bhors aura exploded and with his coated cane, blasted the mana shield Viola had been unable to strengthen.

“What thing?” Replied his friend once more.

"Well, nevermind that… YOU! You will learn not to dare insult a noble!" As he said that, Bhor held up the aura infused cane, ready to swing at Viola and the two commoners beside her.

Her friends began panicking when they saw she was unmoving. It was noticeable how she had already lost her senses. She had even peed her pants from fear and was unable to hear the shouts of her enraged friends that were still somewhat further away.

"Viola!" screamed all of them in despair as they saw Bhor swing the aura infused cane violently.


As all of them saw the smoke that was brought forth by the impact, Andrew and the rest’s auras and manas were erratically seeping out of anger.

Specifically the teachers had felt the suffocating aura that Andrew, Namiku, Rizaul, and Rinca were producing.

Note, who was still calm yet furious, was not able to stop Rinca and Rizaul from going further, as admittedly, even he, wanted nothing more than revenge.

Yet before they could even proceed, a clear dense water shield was blocking their path.

"Calm down you four!" Said Mony, her voice hoarse from trying to catch those students, as their aura was frantically chipping away at her shield.

To no avail, the four still went ahead but were stopped from the sudden intimidating mana they felt and the chilling words they heard from another,

"How dare you."

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