Transmigrated into a Noble’s beaten son

Chapter 48

"We knew you changed, yet we couldn’t forgive you... even now."

Andrew could still remember how he dueled Naell, how he was unbending to his mistakes, how he harassed Viola, and how he disrespected Rinca, the last person who seemed to have believed in him.

On the other hand, memories from that time were quite blurry for Viola. All she could recall was the image of when Naell grabbed her; his vicious smile lingered in her memories, yet her feelings were far from fear, and were more of confusion.

Even so, her memory of his harassment was most vivid in her dreams. She had even discussed with them how she would sometimes dream that Naell was actually protecting her.

Yet none of that mattered, as what they saw was the reality they had to believe, the young master of Beryldot was a villain.

It was also the first time they saw Rinca cry. They all knew it was not because of rage, but from pity knowing the Naell they once knew was already gone.

In truth, if it weren't for Rinca and the Duke of Arigare owing his life to Fharom, the bannermen of Arigare would have destroyed the estate of Beryldot for disrespecting their liege.

Yet with her plea, it was protected and told under the Duke’s words that if any harm comes to Beryldot, they too will suffer the wrath of the Arigare.

Those details weren't in the novel Naell had read on earth, yet he learned of it some time ago thanks to his curiosity. From then on, he was faced with the harsh reality; the world he was currently living in was not simply the novel he read, but a life he seriously should consider.

Therefore, he decided, living a life out of the limelight and prestige should be his priority. Not just because he was lazy, but also to evade the prying eyes of those who wished to harm the estate of Beryldot.

At that moment the three were not uttering any words, yet their eyes were locked onto one another. Naell then decided to break free from the silence as he said,

"I am not asking for your forgiveness as well."

Both of them were surprised. What they saw was a face filled with understanding yet void of guilt. Seemingly out of pity but not with himself nor them.

Naell had a hard time facing the sin he knew he did not commit. He could only slowly mutter every word.

"The--- my past, I have suffered and I believe I deserve it. That is why, I won't ask for your forgiveness, but I won't apologize as well for I already paid for my mistake."

It was a weird feeling, and sometimes he’d feel that the old owner of his body was watching him. Deep in his heart, as if the old Naell was there creeping in his conscience. Solidifying his pride not to apologize.

“Well, if it’s okay with you...” Viola spoke, but her words were completely inaudible to the man she faced.

‘I will grant your wish if you don’t want me to apologize.’ Naell thought to himself, knowing regardless now, he wouldn’t apologize for something he didn’t do.

“Let’s just put this behind us and---“ Andrew continued, speaking to the still silent young master.

‘Was there more that the novel didn’t say, Naell?’ He thought to himself once more, questioning his uncertain past.






‘’Young master Naell?’’ Asked Viola softly. She was startled when Naell appeared to have only now woken up from his thoughts.

‘’Sorry what was it?’’ Naell was so distracted that he didn’t hear a single word from either of them.

Andrew and Viola smiled wryly. It wasn’t easy to repeat what they just said. Yet knowing Naell wasn’t in his top condition, they could only cough it out and start over.

‘’We don’t need your apology as well, Young master.’’ Said Andrew focusing his gaze on him.

Naell knew it was a serious discussion as both were looking at him heavily, yet he wasn’t at all intimidated. He could somehow feel their warmth even under their stern demeanor.

‘’Well, that is for the better.’’ Naell said with a smile.

‘’I agree.’’ Andrew knew he wasn’t able to get through to him as the conversations led for them to end all of it there.

That wasn’t his intention, yet he thought it might be for the best until Naell fully recovers. Still, there was no doubt he was disappointed.

On the other hand, for Naell, he was already hoping that they would end the conversation and with that, their past and connection. That too was also for the best as he thought,

‘I just want to live my life away from your war. Just please save this world.’

Viola watched as they both spoke dismissively, and realized they probably misunderstood all that they’ve heard. Immensely frustrated, she could no longer contain her emotions as she yelled, startling both Andrew and Naell.

‘’That’s not it!’’

Quickly she felt embarrassed, realizing her disrespectful tone, yet because she knew Naell would once again shrug off their sentiments if she stopped, she decided to continue loudly as she added on,

‘’Young master, I--- We, if it is okay with you, we want to start over.’

‘’Ehhh?’’ Naell’s reply was completely unintentional.

His face was surprised and filled with exhaustion. It was afterall, the most unexpected outcome he did not ever anticipate.

As for Andrew and Viola, Owly and Rizaul already told them that Naell was quite slow when it came to socialization. They didn’t believe it but seeing it now made them smile wryly.

‘’What she meant by that is perhaps we could bury the past, start over, and be friends…’’ Andrew's words now had hints of regret and firm resolution.

All those times, after their duel, Andrew often thought that if perhaps he had been more persuasive and understanding, Naell as a kid, might not have isolated himself from everyone.

‘It’s like nothing changed. I was too busy with myself again, and wasn’t able to protect everyone.’

That was why he swore at that moment that never again would he abandon his friends and family. Viola too firmly felt that she would like to know Naell better, upon observing him for the past weeks that they had been acquainted with another.

She had always felt uneasy with those dreams and the reality she thought she knew. Yet doubts would always appear in her mind, thinking that perhaps the harassment she remembered had something more to it.

‘Fabrication magic…’ She thought, yet because Naell had never said anything and she had only her memories as a basis, she decided to leave the thought behind and refrain from sharing it often.

‘Afterall, only demons could do such a thing...’ Yet that thought only furthered Viola’s doubts.

She was aware that light magic often resisted demon magic, which could further explain why she of all people dreamt of the different scenario with Naell.

The silence in the clinic continued for far too long as the three remained deluded with their own thoughts. Perhaps since Naell was a master of daydreaming, he was the first one to be brought back to reality.

With another long sigh and the warmest smile he could give, Naell finally broke the silence,

‘’Then as friends… Do call me Naell from now on.’’


Days passed since their incident. Bhor and his father, Baron Pando had already prostrated themselves towards the school. They offered generous gifts for the young Anna, her grandfather, and Viola and Naell’s parents which was accepted out of good will.

They also extended it up to the Duke of Arigare, as they were well aware that Viola was good friends with Rinca. Not to mention, both she and Naell were under their protection.


The morning hues had finally creeped in from his window and the subtle but repeated HOOTs of the sleeping Owly managed to wake Naell up.

He was glad that it was still too early for him to be outside. The job he was tasked with was far from over as he still had one day left before the cultural festival would end.

Which now brings Naell to his thoughts. He knew he was being a hyprocite. Not only did he already befriend three people from the protagonist’s party, even Note and Namiku grew quite friendly with him.

He could still remember how he proclaimed to himself that he would stay out of their sight, yet now dared to call them his friends. His bed creaked as he buried himself in his pillow, screaming his lungs out from the embarrassing moments he recalled.

Naell Beryldot will live his life sleeping in the Baron’s house, fufufu.'

‘’Afterall, conviction should come from good intentions.’’

‘’Then as friends… Do call me Naell from now on.’’

He could only sigh and force himself to not think of it, but her words lingered in his mind.

"I guess people really do change. Thank you for saving my friend's life but don't think you're forgiven for your past."

The only one that still was not entirely friendly with him was Rinca. Yet after the incident even the so-called duchess of ice wasn’t that stoic on occasions they would meet. She would even go so far as to nod in response to Naell’s bow, a sign of respect due to her being of higher nobility.

Still a part of him wanted to get along with Rinca, which then brought forth another scream of embarrassment. He even had problems with the principal and the princess of Taglagas, both of which were pestering him for “an afternoon tea”.

‘’Ughhhh… I’ll stay true to my word. I WILL NOT BE PART OF THEIR PARTY!’’ Naell declared loudly, awakening the sleeping owl who HOOTed in annoyance.

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