Transmigrated into a Noble’s beaten son

Chapter 50

It was theorized that after death, the soul would go to the realm wherein the celestials lie.

There they would be judged whether they could return or be permanently erased. Those who have returned will receive a new body and will not remember their past lives.

Some scholars even believed that heroes from the war or the champions of the celestials, would have a special place if they choose to remain in that realm.

Yet for those who follow the celestial of destruction, Lucile, it could be said that their souls are in far more favorable fate.

As they solely belong to her, she was able to bypass the other celestial's authority, allowing her followers to be reborn in a manner different from the usual.

They could then return to Mundo with their memories intact, as demons who swear to rein havoc throughout the world.

It had been weeks since the cultural festival ended. Naell together with Owly returned to their routine of reading books in the library, and other minor activities.

Ever since he felt the oddness which was the old Naell, he would sometimes venture to read books about reincarnation or even transmigration.

Yet those days seemed to have borne no fruits. Even though Mundhad magic and fantasy revolving throughout its realm, there was no definitive proof that transmigration was possible.

'Reincarnation… but if that is the case, what are we then?' Naell couldn't help but think as he furrowed his brows.

Andrew was reincarnated, yet he was not originally from Mundo, but what was more absurd was Naell who transmigrated.

Deep inside, he was always bothered with the question of why they were both somehow transferred into that world.

Yet since he read many books relating to what he had gone through, he wasn't scared at all.

He firmly thought as he closed all the books related to reincarnation and transmigration.

'It's not like I'll even go and become a hero. No! I will live my life as a minor villain whose purpose has already ended!'

After returning all the books with his magic, Naell, and Owly’s new destination was his classroom.

• Let's go, HOOT! •

Telepathically commanded Owly. Naell felt the urge to go back to their room especially because of the weather lately.

If autumn on the western continent was known for its cold temperature, then winter was certain to be far colder.

Snow would fall seemingly as eternal as the night. Clothes would be worn on clothes together with other garbs.

Places with heat magic, liquor to warm ones tummy, and large fireplaces would soon be swarmed by beings that would wish to take advantage of it.

As someone who was not at all bothered by the cold and even somewhat enjoyed the serene setting of winter, Naell wished for nothing more than to sleep in his quarters.

Yet with Owly's telepathic slurs and guilt-tripping, the bird had managed to persuade him otherwise.

Still, he smiled wryly as Owly, who often laid atop his head, was now hiding in his robe, taking shelter from the cold.

As they entered the classroom, they were greeted warmly by the students, especially the owl who became popular with everyone.

Naell knew the reason why Owly wanted to go to the class was solely for the treats the bird received.

Collections of different sweets from adventurers to nobles, luxurious to time-limited desserts, and most of all praises that seemed to make Owly puffier than usual.

Had it not been for Owly's newfound love for comics, Naell was certain that attending class would become an inevitable occurrence.

"Good morning Naell and Owly." Said Viola with a smile as she patted Owly.

Naell returned her greetings with a smile as well. Owly on the other hand flew to her chair and proudly laid on her table, all while enjoying the compliments he was receiving.

"Good morning majestic owl."

"Have some of these sweets I brought."


Naell could only smile hiding his confusion. He was always weirded out by how others like the fat owl could have that much energy.

''I'd probably be sleeping tomorrow all day if that was me.''

As they both looked in the direction where the voice came from, there standing at the door was April Cadar, the other student who rarely went to class.

Her orange eyes still looked bored, yet her face was somewhat annoyed as she added on,

"I hate idle talk."


All those who heard of April’s words felt the need to be quiet, and the same could be said for Naell. Yet unlike the others, he heavily approved of April's words.

'Conversation truly takes a lot of energy in my opinion.'

Viola after a moment of silence was the one who answered. Her bright yet soft smile illuminated both of them in a way that seemed to overwhelm their sight.

"Good morning April."

Surprisingly, April nodded shyly, a gesture that both Viola and Naell thought was quite cute.

Even during the cultural festival, Viola knew that April underneath her harsh personality was kind.

Although she was often late to show up and always the first one to go back, April had always tried her best to make up for the time and was quite considerate.

"Woah, do we have a test today? Why is April here?"

Yet the meek display did not last long, as those words made April annoyed. Even though she was shorter than Marcha, the look she gave had the vibe of a giant's gaze ready to step on them at any moment.

As the silence grew, they heard a thump stopping the ominous mana April was giving off while a book landed on her head.

"I told you to attend your class, not fight with your classmate."

It was quite the sight as Mony told her off. What was most startling was how April just nodded and obediently sat on her chair.

Sensing their confused faces, Mony with a grin said,

"She needs something I have."

'Ahh…' They all thought. As an obedient April was quite charming, they all nodded in belief.




[ Unlike aura that could be deployed faster depending on a martial artist's mastery, we mages have spells that are longer to cast because we borrow mana from our surroundings. ]

Somehow Naell found the lesson to be quite intriguing. It was as if Mony could easily pull any of her students’ attention with her charm.

[ But teacher, we should also have mastery with our spells and mana. ]

Adding to her experience and knowledge, her eloquent way of delivering her lecture compelled the students to listen and even ask.

[ That is correct, we also have different mana pools and that would of course change the casting speed. ]

Naell recalled trying various ways to lessen the burden of using mana. Yet it often led to him using a weaker version of his magic.

[ Adding to the fact that some could cast the same spells faster than others--- ]

He had innovatively discovered a way to stack weaker magic that even surprised Lieutenant Estra.

[ ---even when they’re in the same mana pool, could only be theorized by those proficient in the said spell. ]

The magic itself was a good discovery, yet the practicality was questionable. Nevertheless, Naell knew he was in the right direction.

As the class ended, the weather that was already dreadful had become even more terrifying due to the setting of the sun.

Aura and magic were easily sensed coating students who were already wearing several layers of clothes.

Some even pitied the students from the general department as most had neither aura nor mana.

That was why some preferred to stay in the classroom much longer since it had fire magic to keep the place warm.

Even places like the canteen and Naell's second favorite room, the library, had a well-made hearth by the company of Escuel Co.

Yet out of pure curiosity, Naell discovered that the hearth was made out of the cores of deceased demons.

Just the thought made him shudder. The possibility of extracting cores from other beings that he thought would be inhumane, was actually legal but regulated.

He could not help but get upset, especially having seen it beforehand as he thought,

'The abduction we prevented could have led to that.'

He knew the possibility that those they had rescued from the traffickers, including Anna, could have ended up as slaves, or even subjects for heinous experiments on their cores.

Even if he was someone who hated to get involved, Naell would undoubtedly save those he could, as on earth, the kindness he received was always something he appreciated.

• Hey, I'm going with Viola to the canteen, HOOT! •

• Do take care then. •

Replied Naell as he handed the fluffy bird towards the smiling Viola.

It was likely those who saw the hand-over might have misunderstood their relationship, as most were well-aware of how Naell saved the other.

Yet the young master was oblivious to the thoughts of those turned towards him, and quickly assumed they too wanted to grab hold of the fat owl.

He then without missing a beat, held out the bird to a nearby classmate, who in return politely refused the overweight poultry.

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