Transmigrated into a Noble’s beaten son

Chapter 58

The whole Beryldot estate was in for a celebration. Crowds gathered at the park with all the snow yet the warmth from the festive mood erased the coldness from everyone.

Some were dancing to the music that bards were playing, some were drinking and eating heartily with their friends and family.

Still there were some, actually just one who was still in his bed in the afternoon. HOOTs he heard, knocks he feigned ignorance on, yet as lazy as he was, he could never ignore the pout of his little sister.

''Please give me an hour to prepare, dear sister.''

Naell tried to negotiate with Lily, yet his slothful appearance as he slowly tried to sit on his bed failed to please her.

''Half an hour, HOOT.''

Naell tried to smile his best when he heard Owly's reply. He had noticed from her gaze alone that Lily was quite mad. Her brown eyes that often held a warmth, was by then piercing cold, a gaze he was familiar with from his very own reflection.

''Owly, you see I still nee---''

''Half an hour dear brother, I'll see you outside.'' Said Lily with the softest tone she could give.

It had already been two days since Naell promised to go out with his sister. In those days she truly tried her best to stay patient.

Yet when Owly told of Naell's tendency to never leave his bed, plus when Lebrut and the knights confessed her brother's activities in Taglagas, only then did Lily's patience finally wear out.

Of course both their parents and even Sebastian could only smile sardonically at Naell's way of vacation. That was why when they heard Lily had enough of it, they were delighted deep inside.

As to not ruin further the image he had built until now, Naell prepared himself quickly. He wore a simple white shirt underneath a well designed coat which was a gift from Lilia.

The crystalized snow sigil was embedded on the left side of the coat's chest area. It was colored white which illuminates from the blackness of the coat.

He did try to comb his bed hair, but to no avail, his hair stood awkwardly, seemingly curlier than usual. To top it all off, his only motivation was to appease his sister and with that, he walked.

''Sorry to keep you waiting.'' Naell said to the displeased kids.

''Took you long enough, HOOT!'' Replied Owly sharply. It was apparent that Lily was still mad at him for forgetting his promise.

''But first, dear sister please forgive me, I'll make it up to you starting today.''

In response, Lily said, offering a pinky promise to his face.

''No take backs?''

''I promise.''

With that, Naell managed to reconcile with his now smiling sister.

The laughter and joyous ambiance filled the area in which they walked.

'I expected a crowd... but this is too many people.' He thought while smiling and nodding to the ones who greeted them.

They then visited the Sunheart's couple who were quite busy with their stall.

They were selling what they called "the radiant soup". Upon sipping, Naell, Lily and Owly agreed with the name as they felt their body being energized.

''Surprised, aren't you kids? Said Drew with a grin. He noticed how the trio's eyes widened in surprise.

Not only was it delicious, but they knew somehow it was healthy. Therefore the trio nodded as Drew began explaining that its main ingredient was ginger.

''It has tomatoes for acidity, a bundle of moringa leaves, onions, and Beryldot's best fish. We also added other secret ingredients to complete this soup..." Heartily declared Drew.

Lily and Owly clapped at his explanation, they were truly in awe.

Naell too was impressed but with Drew's boisterous chatter, he could only smile wryly.

Some were bewildered seeing the young master of Beryldot talking normally with the father of the one who beat him up. Nonetheless, most knew that he was always close to the Sunheart couple.

Drew and Andrea were also responsible for spreading the news of how Naell made it to the Top 8 in the overall 1st term grade for the freshmen of EDSD.

Due to this, many quickly saw Naell as one of the academic prides of Beryldot, a young man capable of competing with brilliant students in Taglagas. It was hard not to see the young master in a far better light.

Thus, the fearful thought of the villagers that someday he would become their fief lord was already turned into a favorable idea in their hearts.

''Well it is good to see you Naell,'' Said Drew as he stood with Andrea, happily resting on their break.

''It's good to see you again too, Auntie, Uncle.'' Replied Naell, making the lovey-dovey couple smile softly.

''So you're the chaperone of Lily and Owly.'' Said Drew with a grin. It was noticeable how the two kids were enjoying themselves while Naell was already out of energy.

''Yes, and as a big brother, I'll do it for free.'' Naell's reply made the couple chuckle.

Andrea then began patting his hair while saying,

''Good job, good job."


The line of stalls stretched further and further. Naell could no longer contain his deep sighs of despair.

It was their plan to sightsee all the stalls (Lily) and eat what they had to offer (Owly). Only Naell was having the hardest time of his life following the two's oh so fun adventures.

• Off we go to the north and south, HOOT! •


''Off we go!'' Replied Lily.

Her eyes were twinkling as she was very much having fun. Her blond hair was waving as she ran and played with Owly.

It was quite a cute sight, yet Naell could not help as he coughed and asked,

''Dear sister, will we really visit every stall?''

Before Lily could even reply, it was Owly who telepathically said to the both of them,

• Ofcourse, HOOT! •

''And didn't you promise you'll take me outside for fun...''


Naell could not even argue with Owly's at this point. He could only smile in defeat knowing that he might as well try to enjoy the festivities.

''Of course dear sister, so Owly, Lily lead the way.'' He declared with every ounce of energy he had left on his body.




"Brother, look--- Skewered Octopus Bites!"

Hours went by when the vivid colors of dawn gently washed over Beryldot.

"Go on and eat. I'm not really too fond of it." Naell said, as he handed Lily the steaming octopus snack.

• Are you sure, it's delicious , Hoot. •

Owly replied telepathically, paired with a loud burp. The chonks of his body were already exposed as the main chonk that was often concealed by his feathers was now visible.

• What, HOOT? •


As they began to approach what could be surmised as the last stall, Lily spotted Andrea pushing a very large cart.

"Auntie!" She called out before running over to help.

Sitting in the cart was a large pot, a familiar scent wafting from it. Andrea greeted them and upon seeing their curious gaze, she explained,

"Drew and I figured this could warm and wake up everyone in the square, afterall, it's gonna be a long night." She exclaimed to them excitedly.

Lily then thought for a moment, before smiling cheekily and saying,

"Brother, I'll join Auntie and help out. Please, join us at the square later."

As quick as those words were said, Lily Beryldot, giving her brother no time for excuses, left.

For a while the two wandered together. Naell hoped to find the least crowded spots, while Owly wished to revisit a few of the many stalls from their food trip.

As they walked, they were pleasantly greeted by the joyous busy residents they passed.

"Good evening young master!"

"Enjoy the night, young master!"

"Care for another snack, young master?"

Yet among the several greetings, he found himself suddenly most pleased with one.

"Young master? Is that you?" A recognizable voice reached Naell's ears. 


He turned around and was greeted by the sight of beautiful brown hair, braided to one side, and paired with a smile so clear even under the dim lanterns' glow.

"Lady Klata? It's a pleasure to see you again."

"Been a while young master, and hello to you Mr. ow---"


"He's Owly now." Naell interjected, recalling how the bird actually used to flinch from his own name.

"Nice to see you again, now Mr. Owly." She giggled before bowing respectfully to the immediately prideful owl.

The three walked through the festive streets as Naell took the sights in. The scent of various dishes and snacks had pleasantly wafted the air, as a result a keen owl immediately HOOTed in delight.

• I smell something really good further away. Have fun, I will go join Lily, HOOT!

• Alright, I'll meet you in the square later. •

Owly then took off leaving the librarian confused.

"He'll go to my sister."

"I see..."

As to break the silence, Klata initiated some small talk, something they frequently did in the library back then.

Being the librarian herself, she got acquainted with the awkward Naell, likewise by then he was used to her quirkiness.

"I truly did not expect to see you here, young master."

"We're merely visiting from Taglagas. It's our school break."

"Ah right--- I believe you went to Esuela."

"I did."

Festive lanterns with bright orange tints were hung above them. Waves of its soothing auburn hue lit up the streets, making Klata's otherwise brown hair almost appear completely orange.

As they walked, Naell couldn't help but notice her carrying a large bag on her shoulder, even more so were the books she had hugged to prevent from falling.

"Would you like some help with that?" Naell offered, slightly raising his voice in the suddenly louder streets.

"But are you not going anywhere young master? Perhaps you'll visit the dance competition by the square?" She jokingly said.

"Perhaps I would if I wasn't dreadful at dancing." Naell smiled, taking hold of the large bag the lady struggled to hand him.

"Besides, you reminded me that I needed a new book."

As they walked to the more peaceful streets, Naell couldn't stop himself from sighing in relief.

"The crowds were a bit much, weren't they?" Klata added in the silence.

They approached the dimly lit library, standing in an area far less lively than the bustling noises from before. Naell noted that it was certainly appropriately quiet for a place of reading.

Klata maneuvered the books around her before Naell grabbed them and allowed her to find her keys. She then opened the library's entrance and turned the lights on to one of Naell's 1st havens.

"The scent of a thousand books... Not much has changed."




Worldy Matters: Discoveries of Earlteria Gem

Celestials, Aura and Magic 2nd Edition

War of the Continent: Accounts from the front lines

Top 10 Cutest Owls

"I don't think I'll need the last one." Naell said with pure certainty.

"Are you sure? The cover looks just like your friend."

"What else is there?"

"Classes of Monsters... Oh! Abyssal Valley Series--- we've got the entire trilogy, I highly recommend it."

Naell looked through the books that were offered and picked out several.

"These will do, thank you Klata. I probably shouldn't make my sister wait."

Klata then wrote down the covers Naell chose before replying softly,

"Feel free to visit anytime, young master. I do enjoy your company."

"Believe me, I have every intention of doing so. You do have some of the best selections."


The sounds of festive music played profusely at the town square. It had never been livelier to Naell, as frankly, it was the first time he had fully witnessed it.

The place was far more decorated compared to any of the other areas. Its guests varied from nobles to commonfolk, and yet the enjoyment seemed the same for all.

"Brother, over here!" Lily called out, waving energetically from Andrea's decorated cart.

Near her was Sebastian, hiding a bottle of wine behind his back. Close to him was Fharom, who seemed to be talking nervously. Between them was Lilia, scolding both of them as she held two empty bottles, one in each hand.

Sitting on a chair was Owly, who Naell thought now closely resembled a volleyball.

Upon joining his lively family, Naell and Lily were approached by other guests and greeted respectfully.

In return, they greeted back, with Lily showing her progress in noble training. Seeing his sister act with the same grace as Lilia, made Naell proud, and so immediately he said to her,

"Well done, that seemed effortless Lily!"

The children of nobles are to learn proper etiquette at the age of seven. That was why Lily got embarrassed by his doting words.

Naell recalled how she complained in one of her many letters how tedious the training was. Yet unbeknownst to him, what gave her motivation was his own encouraging words.

''I knew you could do it.'' He added on while patting her head and making her smile.

As Lilia ended her light sermon on the two men's drinking, Sebastian approached Naell and greeted him,

"Hohoho, it's nice to see you here Naell. I'm glad Lily convinced you to join her."

Naell could only smile wryly as both Lily and Owly looked at him. Therefore, he softly said, trying to feign ignorance of the past two days,

''I promised my dear sister after all.''

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