Transmigrated into a Noble’s beaten son

Vol. 2 Epilogue

Hello everyone!
A lot of people have been asking for a glossary to help out with the number of characters we've got so far. We wanted to let you guys know that we're currently working on it and we plan on making it public one by one,  upon reaching the patreon goal for it.

We'll be posting one artwork of every major character and details about each of them. You guys can check out the already public sample with Alicica Witner Beryldot here.

That's all and thank you so much for all the feedback and the support so far. We hope you guys enjoy the final chapter of Volume 2.

The sun was now at its peak when the soothing humming of birds could be heard. The peaceful sounds seemed to fill the balcony of the humble Beryldot household, for sitting and admiring the trees and the last hints of autumn was the young Lily.

She had been talking with the birds for many times now, afterall, she was very fond of them, and decided to add the peaceful ambiance in the letter she was currently writing.

Occasionally the breeze would enter, gently grazing the items on her table.

Atop it’s marbled pattern rested many things Lily quite liked; A bowl of fruits she’d happily eat, a jar of ink for all of her writing, blank sheets of paper ready to be filled, and several unstamped envelopes.

As Lily took a break from writing, she then noticed that the birds had finally ended their singing. One of the smaller birds then flew down from its branch and happily stood atop the well-written letter.

Lily smiled at her winged-friend that adorably looked at her.

“I’ve written things about you and your friends like last time, Mr. Bird.” She said before gently petting the small bird.

She then continued writing before seeing a stout man standing at the gate of their home, happily chatting with Sebastian.

The tradesman noticed her, smiled and held up a scroll to show to the now waving Lily.

In a hurry, she wrapped her letter in a neat envelope, not noticing the soft knocks from outside her bedroom door.

"Miss Lily, Mr Talus is outsi---" yet before Mr. Lebrut could even finish his sentence, the young miss of Beryldot dashed outside her room, holding a letter with a smile on her face.

"Thank you Mr. Leb! I'll meet him up at the door."

He then chuckled as he closed her door, taking a glimpse of a few letters sitting on her table. It had already been months since the once arrogant scary young master, who fortunately matured to become a respectable man, departed to study in the capital.

Maids, cooks and even guards had noticed then how Naell began changing after his beating. His face that was still intimidating under his icy looks, was full of warmth in their short interactions.

His voice that used to be full of contempt and anger turned into a caring yet slightly awkward tone that even made employees think he was charming. That was why all of them missed the young master of Beryldot. His short stay with them was already something they looked forward to.

Lilia and Fharom saw Lily running across the hallway. As she spotted them, she immediately stopped and bowed respectfully. Softly she spoke upon catching her breath.

"Good morning father, morning mother."

Fharom smiled while Lilia could only sigh. Admittedly, even they were delighted to see who had arrived. So with a cautious voice still soft and sweet, Lilia Beryldot began to speak,

"No running in the hallway dear Lily."

With an apologetic look, and a smile of guilt, Lily went and walked softly in the way a noble's daughter would. Fharom was still smiling as he remembered how he met Lilia, running across the castle of Arigare's dukedom.

"She's just like you, dear."

With a slight blush, and a flattered smile, Lilia then helped him walk to the guest’s room with Lily.

As they opened the door, they saw Sebastian and Mr Talus already talking with each other.

"Good morning, Baron, Baroness and young miss Lily."

Greeted the tradesman as they entered the room. Lilia and Lily greeted them softly while Fharom smiled and said,

"As always friend, no need for formalities."

The men chuckled and were guided by Lilia on where to sit.

As they settled down, Lily noticed the boxes of merchandise being delivered into their house. A small blue pouch noticeably sat atop all of it.

"Ah, that’s for the festival, and the rest is for us." Said Fharom who had noticed her curious gaze.

She nodded enthusiastically, earning small chuckles from the four.

"Lily is much like her brother, very curious and sharp." Mr Talus said, making Lily proudly smile.

"How is brother doing in the capital?"

Mr. Talus then spoke of the festive atmosphere revolving around the school in Taglagas, and how it was noticeable that Naell was the only one not looking forward to the festival.

All of them had mixed reactions about it. Sebastian was laughing with Mr. Talus, while Fharom and Lilia could only wryly smile.

"I hope brother is having fun."

On the other hand, Lily knew Naell wasn't the type to enjoy those kinds of things.

"Don't you worry, little one. Young master Naell, from the looks of it, already planned to rest from the start."


Greetings Sister,

How is the family?

Please tell them that I’m doing well, and worry not, for so is Owly. Hoot hoot he said, which probably means “Hello Lily”.

How's your training coming along? I was glad to know you could already feel that “tingly feeling” like when I was going to awaken.

Just follow Sensei’s teachings, and I'm sure you will in no time.

Please tell Father that I have not been lazing around completely.

(This was a lie.)

My travels in Taglagas have been very plentiful, and Owly has been very very kind. Truly.

(This was also a lie.)

On one of my plentiful travels, I had encountered a field of lilies and wished to show them to you.

(Naell had indeed encountered lilies in a garden near his school.)

Please also tell Mother that a new sweet shop has opened in the city, and I have some new sweets and apples to bring soon. They are exquisite so look forward to it.

I hope you like the lily, sister, and I’ll surely send more if I can. For now, please give your friends the seeds I’ve sent, they’ll definitely like it.

Ps. Please flaunt the flower to Sebastian Sensei

Take care! Await my next letter!

The family read the letter together and each showed varying reactions upon reading it.

"If he’s already that energetic in a letter, I'm sure he’s fine, HOHOHO." Said Sebastian amused as he smiled while eyeing the still frosted flower.

"I suppose so, but something’s telling me he is indeed completely lazing around." Fharom smiled wryly at his son’s unconvincing statements.

"Have more confidence in Naell, I'm sure he is faring well. Afterall, getting 8th place without going to class is incredible!" Replied Lilia, her eyes had slightly glimmered from the mention of apples and a sweet shop.

Fharom could only sigh. Of course, even without him telling them, they knew Naell had managed to make it on top. Andrew's parents would often tell them about what they’d hear from Andrew.

"Don't worry Fharom, your son is doing okay, Owly is with him." Said Talus reassuring Fharom.

"I guess that's true." Replied Fharom as he smiled with content.

After talking some more, Mr. Talus then took the letter Lily had brought him, stood up and said,

"Well, I'll be going now. Remember, there’s a pouch over there from your brother. I'll give this letter once I go to Taglagas again, young miss."

Lily nodded and smiled knowing her brother and Owly were doing okay.

"Tal, you should stay for lunch." Said Sebastian as he accompanied Talus to the door, yet he declined, as he was also busy for the festival.

After Mr. Talus left, Lily then went to her room, rolled up her brother’s scroll once more, and placed it in a box of Naell’s other letters.

Grabbing a handful from the small pouch she acquired, she watched as her winged friends flew down to her balcony, and happily pecked at the seeds on her table.

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