Transmigrating to the 70’s: The Military Wife As A Farmer

Chapter 1056

Chapter 1056

Chapter 1056

The neighbors are not very clear about the specific situation. They only know that a group of people came to the neighbor’s house three days ago and said that the Xiaolin family borrowed their money and they came to ask for the money.

Lin Ziyu had never borrowed money, and of course he would not admit it. As a result, the two sides quarreled, and they started arguing.

There were several people on the other side. Lin Ziyu was not their opponent. After fighting for a few minutes, he was beaten to the ground and fell to the ground with no sense of affairs. The neighbors helped him take him to the hospital.

Gao Guangbin heard the cause and effect of the incident, and said in surprise, “Then how is he now? Which hospital is he in?”

The neighbor sighed and said, “Still lying in the Temple of Heaven Hospital, the group of people made too heavy a move and kicked and folded their ribs. What a crime…”

Hearing that his nephew had been subjected to such a big consultation, Gao Guangbin was very anxious, and immediately called Han Mingyu, told her the heavy news, and then rode a motorcycle to the Temple of Heaven Hospital to see people.

Han Mingyu heard that his son was in such a terrible situation, and called Lin Hongwei and Zhuang Zhuang over. The family discussed it and decided to end the vacation early, and booked the nearest air ticket to go back to the capital.

Furthermore, Gao Guangbin rushed to the Temple of Heaven Hospital on a motorcycle. He saw his nephew with a blue nose and a swollen face in the ward of the inpatient department, and he couldn’t help but feel a little distressed.

“Pippi, what’s wrong, does it hurt?”

Lin Ziyi was surprised when he saw the uncle who had fallen from the sky. He was afraid that his parents would be worried about his injury, so he didn’t tell any of the family members. He didn’t know where the uncle was hit and knew about his injury. of.

“I’m okay, my uncle, what’s wrong with you? Who told you?” Lin Ziyu’s voice was hoarse, which was caused by getting angry.

Gao Guangbin said, “Your mother called you and couldn’t get through, so she told me to go to your house and have a look at the stall at your door. You said you did too. Why don’t you talk to us for such a big thing? Say it, if it wasn’t for me to go to your house, I still don’t know.”

Lin Ziyu smiled bitterly and said, “Isn’t it afraid of spreading to my father and mother’s ears. They worry about it. It’s so easy for a family to go out for a year, and everyone is happy together. I don’t want to add to them anymore. ”

Over the past year, he has filled his parents with enough blockages. Thinking about the troubles that his marriage has brought to them, and the hearts that make them **** with them, his intestines are regrettable, so he It was decided that as long as he could not add to his parents, no matter what happened, no matter how hard it was, he would support it by himself.

When Gao Guangbin heard him say this, his face turned green all of a sudden. He combed his hair twice with his fingers nervously, and said, “Oh, I don’t know what you think. I went to your house just now and listen to you. My neighbor said that you were injured, so I hurriedly called your parents to inform them…”

While talking, Gao Guangbin’s cell phone rang, he picked up the call, and quickly handed it to Lin Ziyu again, “Your dad’s.”

Lin Ziyu couldn’t help but answered the phone.


Lin Hongwei heard his son’s hoarse and exhausted voice on the phone, and felt very distressed. He complained, “You kid, what’s your idea so right? The ribs have ordered a discount and won’t notify your parents and your mother. The wings are hard, don’t you put your father and mother in the eye?”

Lin Ziyu said hurriedly, “No, Dad, I’m not afraid that you and my mother will miss me. You guys can go out for a vacation so easily, I don’t want to ruin your interest.”

“Fart, our vacation is more important or your life is more important? If you have something short and long, do you want me to regret my death with your mother?” Lin Hongwei cursed.

Lin Ziyu said nonchalantly, “I’m sorry, Dad…”

Han Mingyu complained next to him, “The child is injured, why are you still choking him? Come on, give me the call…”

She grabbed the phone and said tearfully, “Son, how are you feeling now? Does it hurt? What did the doctor say?”

Lin Ziyu heard the tone of her mother’s crying, and felt uncomfortable and moved in her heart, “Mom, I’m fine, it doesn’t hurt anymore, don’t worry about it.”

“You fooled me, the ribs are broken, can it still hurt? Your mother didn’t break it. It hurts, and it doesn’t hurt to eat for a few days or sleep…” Han Mingyu said, crying distressedly.

After crying for a while, as if thinking of something, he said, “By the way, what’s the matter with that group? Your uncle said that you borrowed them from usury? Did they deliberately corrupt the underworld? You called the police. No? Did the police catch them?”

Han Mingyu heard that her elder brother-in-law said that Pippi was injured by loan sharking. Her first thought was that the group must have deliberately corrupted others, and their family would never take loan sharking.

After hearing what his mother said, Lin Ziyu was silent.

At that time, when the loan shark found his family to collect debts, he had the same idea as his mother, but when they took out their house book, and signed his wife’s name in black and white, and pressed his wife’s handprinted IOU. , He was stunned, the whole person was stupid!

At that time, Mu Xiaowei was still at home, and the two were still in the cold war.

Since they beat her and went home, the two of them have not spoken, but when they reached that point, he also had to speak first.

After inquiring, he realized that it turned out that Mu Xiaowei had mortgaged the house to the group behind his back, betting 40,000 yuan, and she had filled her natal family with all the money!

After hearing the news, Lin Ziyu almost went mad, pointed to Mu Xiaowei’s nose and scolded her, and solemnly told the group of loan sharks-he would not repay the money, the house he Nor will it let them.

The reason is very simple. According to the laws of China, when a spouse mortgages a joint property, it must be agreed by the spouse, and it must be signed by both spouses to take effect.

And Mu Xiaowei borrowed money without his consent at all, and even he didn’t even know at all. He would still be kept in the dark if it weren’t for someone to come to the door to collect the bills.

Therefore, Lin Ziyu resolutely refused to admit the debt, and tried to **** their house book from the gang.

As a result, there was a physical conflict, and then he was injured and admitted to the hospital…

During the conflict, the neighbor heard the news and helped call the police, but before the police came, the group had already evacuated, and Lin Ziyu was also sent to the hospital.

In the past two days, he was tortured by the pain, sleeping and eating, and his life was worse than death. How could he even bother to call the police?

“Mom, Xiaowei… she borrowed a loan shark behind my back…” Lin Ziyu knew that she couldn’t hide it, so she told her the truth.

Han Mingyu heard that her daughter-in-law used the real estate certificate to mortgage usury, and also filled her natal house with the borrowed money, and even more so that her son’s ribs were discounted, and she was so angry that she slapped her thigh.

“You are a sinner, this prodigal daughter-in-law, I am really dizzy, why did I agree to let her in?”

“Mom, don’t blame you, it’s my head fainted, it’s my fault…” Lin Ziyu couldn’t help replying when she heard her mother’s heartbroken voice.

Han Mingyu’s anger has not disappeared. Her son has his ribs broken. It’s weird that she can calm down so quickly.

“Where is her? You ask her to answer the phone, and I will ask her carefully!” This is the rhythm of preparing to question the daughter-in-law.

Entering from Da Mu Xiaowei, Han Mingyu has never been so angry with her before. This time she was really angry with her. If this is in front of him, she must fight with her.

Lin Ziyu said, “Mom, she is not here.”

“What? You are like this, she is not by your side? Where did she go?” Han Mingyu shouted in disbelief.

“I asked her to carry the baby to your house first. She has to take care of the baby, she has no energy to take care of me…” Lin Ziyu replied.

In fact, the main reason why he arranged this was because he didn’t want to see her.

I used to be a lover who had not been seen in a day like three autumns. Now, in his eyes, he is panicked at a glance. He prefers to ask his classmates and colleagues to take care of him, and he does not want her to dangle under his eyelids.

(End of this chapter)

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