Transmigrating to the 70’s: The Military Wife As A Farmer

Chapter 1064

Chapter 1064

Chapter 1064

Cai Wengan’s parents originally thought of having two sons to support them in the elderly. When they were old and motionless, there would be two sons waiting around the hospital bed. There must be no worries for the two of them in their old age.

However, the sky is not as good as the others. The grown-up son suddenly left, and the pension plan of the old couple was destroyed.

Although they still have a younger son, the younger son is far less practical than the older son, and he is unwilling to work. If they put all the burden of their future support on the younger son, the younger son would definitely not be happy, and neither would they Unwilling to let the younger son take full responsibility for their old age.

No, they all talk about raising children to guard against old age. Their son who has worked so hard to raise must not just let him go like this.

In order to be able to rely on and provide for the elderly, the old couple and the old couple had exhausted their minds. At the beginning, they wrote a letter to Taiwan Province a day, forcing his son to come back.

After writing for a few months, the letters sank into the sea. My son did not return, nor did he reply to one letter.

The old couple saw that the coercion was unsuccessful, so they changed their routines and used despicable means of pretending to be sick to deceive their son, hoping to deceive his son back.

Cai Wen dared to receive a letter from his hometown saying that his mother was sick and dying. He really believed it. After receiving the letter, he asked for leave from Chairman Su and wanted to go home to take care of his mother.

Xiao Wu didn’t believe it. She stopped Cai Wengan and asked him to call a good friend in the village to ask. If the mother-in-law is really sick and dying, then she won’t stop her, and she will go home with him with the child in her arms. , But if it’s fake, then I’m sorry.

They settled down very easily here. Cai Wen dared to be an assistant (or a bodyguard) next to Mr. Su as she wished. She also opened a small restaurant as she wished and hired two people. The restaurant’s business is good. Cai Wengan’s salary is also very gratifying.

The lives of the two of them are on the right track, but they don’t want to be ruined by something that is not worthwhile.

Cai Wen dared to be reminded by his wife that this kind of thing might happen to his mother, so he secretly called a close friend in the village to ask, only then did he know that his mother was not sick at all and went there yesterday. Sheep on the mountain!

I understood that it was his mother who was fixing the moths. Of course, Cai Wengan would not be fooled anymore. He immediately dispelled the idea of ​​returning to his hometown and continued to stay on Taiwan Island and live his little life in peace.

There is no family planning policy on   Tai Island. The couple reunited after a long absence, and they soon gave birth to a small life.

Xiaowu touched her belly and was very pleased. She only hopes that such a stable and peaceful life can continue, not to be rich, as long as the family can live peacefully together…

Han Mingxiu knew that they would always live in peace, because in the last life until her death, Taiwan Island and the mainland could not move around casually, so her parents-in-law could not move to Taiwan Island to live with them, at most Cai Wen Gan occasionally went back one or two times to see them and give them some money.

Xiaowu is not a little bitch. As long as her parents-in-law don’t disturb their lives, she is willing to put some money on them.

Time passed quickly. In a blink of an eye, it was the end of 2002. This year, a major event occurred in China. Many people in Shunde, Guangzhou, suffered from a strange disease. Those who could afford it had fever and chills. With headaches, muscles

Symptoms such as soreness, diarrhea and general fatigue.

This disease is extremely contagious. If a patient sits with a normal person and chats for a while, the normal person may be infected. If the two have had physical contact, such as shaking hands and hugging, then there are ten possibilities. 1989 will be infected.

This kind of strange disease suddenly broke out, and the people all over the country are worried. Because this disease is extremely contagious, experts say it can be transmitted through droplets, so everyone put on masks.

For a time, masks became a hot commodity, and masks in pharmacies across the country were robbed. At this stall, it is more difficult to buy masks than UFOs. The price of masks was once fired to a sky-high price of five yuan apiece.

Han Mingxiu’s factory has stockpiled a large number of masks, hundreds of millions of them.

These masks have been backlogged by the factory over the past few years. Since the factory started producing masks two years ago, the sales have been poor. For every one hundred masks produced, it would be nice to be able to sell two or three. Shareholders have all raised objections, wanting to stop the production of this unsellable thing, so as not to overwhelm the cost.

However, no matter how everyone opposes, Han Mingxiu insists on going his own way and resolutely wants to produce. No one opposes it.

Han Mingxiu’s stubborn dominance has made shareholders quite criticized. However, they hold too few shares in their hands, and they don’t have as many shares as Han Mingxiu. Therefore, Han Mingxiu has more say than them, and Han Mingxiu did what Han Mingxiu did. We have no right to change the decision.

Therefore, they are dissatisfied and can only complain, and no one can change Han Mingxiu’s decision.

Everyone thought that Han Mingxiu had earned too much money and burned it. He got so many broken masks and couldn’t sell it. It was his own death. Unexpectedly, this accident happened suddenly. For a while, the group’s masks became hot. For sales, wholesalers from all over the country rushed to buy the masks stocked by their group.

Shareholders are all overjoyed to see that the masks that have been stocked for so long have become so hot. They admire Han Mingxiu for his foresight, and ask for a price increase, so that everyone can borrow money and make more money.

Han Mingxiu refused without hesitation. She did not lack money, nor did these shareholders lack money. She did not want to make a fortune in the country, and these long-brained shareholders should not want to make a fortune in the country.

The reason why masks were produced and stocked was to help everyone when the disaster strikes, so that everyone can buy and wear masks, not for making money.

Therefore, other mask factories have doubled their prices, and the prices are going up so much. Her masks are still sold at the original price, each for one yuan.

Afraid that the black-hearted mask dealers would sit on the floor and raise the price, she also published the prices of masks produced by the Great Wall Group Mask Factory on TV and in the newspapers, so that ordinary people across the country can wear affordable masks and survive the catastrophe safely.

Although the shareholders were dissatisfied, they were relieved to see that the masks that had been in Curry for two or three years were finally sold.

Well, even if they didn’t earn much, they didn’t lose anyway, it was better than they expected.

The disaster did not last long, and it disappeared after a few months. The masks stocked in Han Mingxiu’s factory have also been sold out.

Although they did not make much money, they also made some. Shareholders have expressed their willingness to support the factory to continue to produce masks in the future.

However, Ms. Han Mingxiu, the chairman, said that the factory’s mask equipment is temporarily sealed, which means that the factory does not plan to make masks anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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