Transmigration to be Beloved Husband in Ancient Times [HIATUS until Feb 2022]

Separate from the Family (Part 4)

The villagers gasped again. Someone shouted:
"Call the Village Head! Jing's second son wants to stab himself to death!"
"Hurry up!! Call chief Jing Zheng!"
"Father Jing, don't be so cruel! It still your son ah! Your flesh and blood!"
Mother Jing wailed again, "Y-you, you really don't give this mother and father face! You evil son!"
Father Jing slapped the table, "I never raised you to be an unfilial son who can only give troubles to his parents! All the hard work that I did to raise you is a waste! You ungrateful child, it's better to separate you from this family! From this now on, there is no relationship between Jing family and you!"
Father Jing wanted to kick Jing Chen out of the family without giving him anything. But he needed to save his face. He couldn't let his reputation became worse. So he told Jing Chen loudly, "However, you were born from my flesh and blood so I won't be so cruel. You will be given 15mu of land, two chickens and a pig to raise, but you can't have the house or any other house that Jing family owned!"
Jing Chen looked at his father with grief. Finally, he said, "If that's what father wants, then let it be. From now on, we won't have any relationship. Let chief Jing Zheng settle this matter and prepare the papers."
All the Jing's sons looked at each other with a complicated face. Jing Hao understood his father wanted to save face with how many people eavesdropping outside, but he was unwilling. He looked at mother Jing. Suddenly, Mother Jing screeched.
"Absolutely not! This evil son isn't worth anything from Jing family! Jing family raised him well for so many years, it's enough!!"
"What are you saying, he still my son! I'm generous to my son, let him get his parts! Jing Chen won't make any troubles for Jing family in the future!"
Mother Jing started banging her head againts the table, and Jing Hao hurriedly stopped her.
"Mother, what are you doing!"
"I'm unwilling! It's better for me to die than to let this evil son leeching of my Jing family! I won't let him have 15mu of land! What will my sons have if we give him those lands? 15mu is not small, but your father still wants to give chicken and pig for him!"
Jing Chen smiled sadly, "Father, Mother, I won't take the 15mu of land. I'm weak and haven't fully healed yet. I don't have the strength to work on the field, so it will be a waste. Chicken and pig, we don't have a house, how can we raise them? Just give us 30 taels."
"30 taels!" Mother Jing cried, "How can we get the money? There is no money at home! All the money you gave us four years ago already spent! There is no money, there is no money!"
Jing Chen said solemnly, "How can it be? We get around 20 taels from the crops every year. Let's calculate roughly. Spent the money on youngest brother's study, 10 taels. Spent on the house need 5 taels. We still have 5 taels to save every year, so we have 20 taels right now. But it's father and mother's money, so this son won't ask for it.
"Four years ago, this son gave you 200 taels. Spent 25 taels on fourth brother's bride price, 5 taels for the wedding. Spent 2 taels on this son's bride price and 3 taels for the wedding. Let's say, save 30 taels for the youngest brother's bride price and wedding. Save 35 taels for youngest sister's dowry and wedding. There are 100 taels left.
"Let's say we spent 2 taels to build the new pigsty, and 3 taels to buy 5 piglets. Spent 25 taels to fix the roof and the floor. There are 70 taels left.
"15 mu of land worth 60 taels, but this son only asks for 30 taels. This son thinks it was fair enough."
Mother Jing slapped the table, "Shameless! How can you take back what you already gave? Evil son!!"
"This son only asks this as an exchange of the land, the chicken, and the pig. If mother and father unwilling, then this son can only accept the land, the chicken and the pig."
"How dare you take things from my Jing family! Did you really give us all the money you got from military? You must hide some of it! Who doesn't know you often visit Master Liu in town to study secretly, ah?! How can you pay him if you don't hide any money?!"
"Mother, this son saved Master Liu's nephew in the military twice. He taught me to study as thanks for his nephew. This son didn't have any money, all the inks and books were given by him."
Father Jing looked at Mother Jing dissatisfiedly. How can he save face now Jing Chen loudly told everyone how the 200 taels were spent? Still, Mother Jing wanted to cling to that money. Didn't this show that he wasn't capable to provide her wife all the money she wanted? Who else in this village had 20 taels a year and able to send their son to study like him? Which family eat meat once a month in this village? This wife was too greedy!
"Stop talking nonsense! Jing Chen wants 30 taels as an exchange, give it to him. This family doesn't lack any money!"
Father Jing roared, "Why are you so difficult?! Then let him have the land, chicken, and pig! Am I so poor ah?!"
Mother Jing sniffed pitifully, she looked around and found Xue Wen stood in the corner of the room. Her eyes light up.
"Okay, you can have 30 taels! But Xue Wen stays."
Xue Yu startled. His eyes started to blurry. He held Jing Chen's hand tightly. He didn't want Xue Wen to stay here.
Jing Chen wanted to roll his eyes at mother Jing. When would this drama end? He wanted to sign papers quickly and leave this family okay? His inside cheek was swollen and he's tired!
Jing Chen looked at Mother Jing, "Mother, how can this be? Xue Wen is part of the 2 taels bride price agreement you agreed with. If mother takes Xue Wen from Xue Yu, doesn't it show Jing family gave only 2 taels as a bride price? Are we so poor? Isn't this a slap to father's face? How can you face the youngest brother's daughter-in-law's family in the future if they heard this?"
Zhang Mei, who suddenly scared she had to cook and wash clothes by herself if there was no Xue Yu and Xue Wen spoke loudly. 
"How can it be? Brother-in-law, Jing family took care of Xue Wen for four years. Jing family gave him a place to live and food to eat. Isn't it more than enough to cover the bride price? Now Xue Wen is big enough, isn't it appropriate to stay here and repay the Jing family kindness?"
Jing Chen flashed her a cold smile. "So fourth sister-in-law thinks four years of Xiao Wen stayed here is more than enough to cover the rest of the bride price? I won't complain about what kind of 'place' and 'food' given to Xiao Wen.
"You want Xiao Wen to repay the Jing family kindness. What do you think about all the hard work Xiao Wen did in this house? For four years, Xiao Wen did it gratefully. Clothes folded nicely, clean and dry, ready to wear. Pigsty was clean and didn't smell. Yard was swept and no weed could be seen. Is this not enough to pay Jing family kindness? Is Jing family so stingy that Xiao Wen needs to repay this kindness for the rest of his life?"

Thanks for reading everyone, please support/subscribe me on tapas if you can (early release)! Means a lot<3
There are no notes this time. However, this author wants to say something:
Jing Chen: My cheek is swollen, my mouth is hurt. Yet I still have to talk so much! I just want to left this family asap and start business!
Mother Jing: Wait! I'm not done scolding you yet!

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