Trap Online

A Night Out Part 3

I looked down the alley, and my vision centered. I held the bowling ball in my hand as I lined up the shot. I slowly yet quickly moved forward as I brought my hand back and sent the ball down the floor toward the pins. I watched as it moved with speed and a small curve, making it turn just at the end and hit just to the right of the front pin sending other pins into each other.

I grinned as I hit a strike for the first time in the night and grinned, turning back as all the pins went down. "STRIKE!" Announced, and I heard a couple of boos from the girls as I took the lead of the game tonight. "I am now in the lead, and I am last to go, ladies," I announced, "I wonder what your thinking Gabby?" I asked the person in last place by a large margin as I came back to sit down.

The entire time I kept my voice as feminine as possible, I found that my drink had been refilled since I last sat down. Instead, it was a cherry drink of some kind, and I looked to Victoria, who was in second place. "Trying to get me drunk?" I asked.

"All is fair it is up to you to hold your liquor. None of us here are driving, so we can drink as much as we want." Victoria said as she drank some kind of cocktail. "Got an idea of what Gabby will have to do if she loses?"

The question made Li pause as she reached out for her ball as she was next, and there were only a couple more rounds of the game left. Victoria turned to me as Li turned her head back to the game and started to get ready to try her turn. She was firmly in third place, while Gabby lagged significantly behind. "What if I told you I have a punishment in mind?" Victoria said with a conspiratorial air.

"Then I would tell you the same thing as I did when you came up with Tammy's punishment for me years ago." I said with a deadpan face, "No. Rules are rules, and the person who gets it must come up with their own idea of that person's punishment." I told her flatly, making Victoria put cutely.

"That's no fun," Victoria said just as Li sent the ball rolling down the alley, and we all turned to watch what she hit. With a small racket and the song changing, we watched half the pins fall, leaving only a couple of stragglers for her to deal with.

We all began to drink more and finish the first game, followed quickly by a second game with Victoria coming in second place in both games and Li coming out on top in the second game while I came out on top for the first game. Gabby was the loser in all games played and we decided to go to the mini-putt part of the store was the bartender brought us more drinks.

The whole area of the mini-putt area was lit up in glow-in-the-dark, which I didn't expect, and an employee handed us a walkie-talkie that was connected to the bartender. We had to order over the walkie-talkie, and an employee would bring them out. This also went for food which Li and Victoria promptly ordered some hotdogs.

At this point, as we played, you could tell that we were all getting drunk and that our aim was seriously affected. The round of mini-putt was down to Victoria or me getting in first as we were more practiced in putting. Gabby was barely above Li as the game rolled on. It seemed that Gabby was already tonight's loser and that she was getting drunker for it.

We were on the last hole of the putting course, which was a hard one. With a large windmill in the center, there was a ramp that, if you hit too hard, it would send your ball back. If you were too soft, it would come down the ramp anyways. That wasn't even the worst of it. On the other side, there were three holes that sent it to various sides on the bottom, where the middle one sent it onto a small hill near the hole and, if lucky would put it in the hole for you. The other two dumped you on either end of the small hill that was a pain in the ass to get up.

My first putt sent it through the windmill but into the far left hole, where it sent the ball to the far right side of the bottom hole. Victoria got lucky after her second attempt to send it up the ramp of the windmill. The ball went into the middle hole, sending the ball straight into the hole for her. Li and Gabby had the same thing but on the opposite side, making them both groan. We all called for another round of drinks and took turns trying to keep our damn balls up that hill, and I lost my first place due to this last hole as it took me six damn strokes in order to get it in the hole. The same could not be said for Li and Gabby. Li took nine strokes while Gabby took sixteen as we all tried to cheer her on in a drunken manner.

With the final hole and Gabby feeling down for losing the game again on her own choice, we all took her to the arcades. It was a fun night, and I had to plan something to tease Gabby with, and I had no idea what. I wondered if a fun experience with Li would be something I thought in my drunken stupor and chuckled as I realized a fun punishment, and I took Gabby aside.

"Yes, Rick?" Gabby asked, drunk herself with a little slur in her saying my name.

"I have a punishment for you, and it will be a little fun for you," I told her with a conspiratorial smile. "When you and Li first meet up in the game. I want you to hit on her and try to take her to bed. That is, all you have to do is attempt. I believe there is a recording feature for streamers built into the pod. Record just that; you will be let off your loss today!" I announced to Gabby.

Gabby looked at me, surprised now with a blush as the consequence of losing hit her. "W-What?" She asked, bringing the other's attention and Victoria came over.

"What did he say?" Victoria asked, curious.

"He just told me what I have to do," Gabby said a little meekly.

"If it is too bad, you can just ask for another punishment," Victoria said, "What is it?" She asked a moment later.

Gabby shook her head, "I- I will do it, but it might not be for a while," She said, and I chuckled with a grin.

"I didn't expect you to," I told her with a lazy smile, "I look forward to it!" I announced, and Li looked at Gabby for a moment.

"Come on, tell me what diabolical thing he told you to do!" Victoria demanded.

"Nope! it's ruined if you know!" I told her with a sinister smile and a feminine voice. "Part of the fun is the surprise," I said in words that she said in the past for some of her more secretive punishments. Victoria blushed in response as her own words were used against her.

"Fine! Let us play some arcade games!" Victoria declared, and we chuckled as we headed over to the arcade.

The night was fun, and Gabby was blushing a lot when looking at Li. It was a fun night; soon, we were shooting up bad guys in the arcade. Dance dance revolution got heated for a bit while we drank even more. We all lost time before calling my driver and heading home. We all stumbled into the elevator shortly after and stumbled back into the house.

I felt the world spin a little, and I stumbled with Victoria, and we landed on a bed together. I couldn't remember anything after that. Sleep must have overtaken me.


Thank you all for the support! I have brought out a Short Story that is available on Amazon and Kindle unlimited if you are interested. You can find it only on Amazon now! Name of the story is:

I Sissified My Step Bro

Thank you all for your support! Thank you for enjoying my story!

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