Trap Online

First Fight

We traveled in the forest at this point with no real sense of where we were. Iona was looking raw with emotion, trying to regain her cold demon. I knew that we needed to find a place to settle for the night soon. Then I heard something in the distance and heard howling. I looked at Iona, and she nodded. "Yes, I heard it too, and it sounds like they might be coming to us." She said, Drawing her long Katana from her sheath.

My heart started to beat as I decided what type of Illusion I would need on wolves rapidly and if it was even going to work. My muscles tensed and quickly relaxed whenever I heard the noise. The excitement and nervousness made it seem like an eternity when I heard the patter of paws on the ground.

Leaves were crunched, and large-looking wolves came out of the trees and underbrush. I started to come up with a spell as the first one jumped at me. I tried to ignore it as best as possible and started to chant, creating an illusion as Iona jumped in front of me, intercepting the wolf. She cleanly used the armor on her arm and stopped the wolf as it bit down. Then she threw it back with strength, and it toppled on the ground showing little red numbers above the head. She then vertically slashed the next as it came in to attack. A large red number appeared above its head. I tried to ignore my surroundings and built an image of Iona around me on every side for the wolves as she protected me. The slashes she did, did significant damage as blood was now coming out of two. It seemed her sword caused bleeding.

I worked up the image, and four Iona's were now slashing at wolves, confusing them. The Images I made did damage, too, as I felt mana seep out of me. Each did about a quarter of the number Iona made. I needed to test this out as more wolves moved in, and the fight continued.

As I finished creating Ionas and used them as meat shields, I slowly left the wolves' sight and made myself invisible to them. My mana drain as twelve wolves, I guessed already died, and there were at least eight more. Notifications appeared and were Ignored. The Illusions received damage and Died while Iona was dodging more efficiently. I started to cast another Illusion when I realized my mana was bottoming out. I decided to work with my current Illusions, putting greater emphasis on dodging and attacking. They still dealt twenty-five percent of the damage Iona did, but they were a distraction as Iona did a better job.

Soon only three wolves were left as I had a single Illusion left. As damage rolled in, it dissipated, and the rest was left to Iona, who was bleeding and growling as she cut the last wolf down. The pack was dead, and I realized making illusions of Iona might not have been the best use of mana. I took out some of my old health potions and gave them to Iona, who took them happily. I went and picked up the loot that was on the ground.


Large Wolf Fangs x 13

Large Wolf Pelt x 15

Large Wolf Meat x 20


Then I looked at the notifications that happened and looked through the damage notifications, and realized I also got notifications for Iona. Her armor saved her, I realized, and I came up and hugged her back. "Thanks, Iona, you saved us both," I kissed her cheek, and I saw her blush but also put up an angry face. I knew she wanted what I just did; she wanted to be my savior, and I gave her that feeling.



Name: Ellisphasia

Level: 10

Titles: Grand illusionist Disciple, Pack Leader

Affiliation: Demons

Reputation: 25

Health: 350/350

Stamina: 250/250

Mana: 60/575

Experience: 5800/102400

Strength: 20 +

Agility: 23 +

Vitality: 30 +

Charisma: 62 +

Intelligence: 32 +

Wisdom: 31 +

Points to spend: 25


Twenty-seven Wolves, and compared to my quests, the experience was a pittance. This means that quests are worth more than going around killing. Then it dawns on me that having sex with strong Npc that are not illusions or part of a quest gives me a lot of experience. If I wanted to level quickly, I could dump my points into charisma and have sex with as high of level NPCs as I could. This would mean that I could power level while getting fucked in the ass.

I wasn't sure what to do with this information but put it to the back of my head. I would bring it up with Victoria. The skirt was rising, so I brought it down, but Iona noticed, and her flush cheeks flushed more. When her body looked to be mostly recovered, we moved on.

It didn't take much longer, but we ran into a literal field of bunny rabbits. These cute guys hopped around with horns on the top of their heads, minding their own business, when I saw a team of people with various races running in this field killing them. They looked stupid as they did it in the beginner armor I saw before. I was surprised that such a place existed when I remembered that Victoria told me this was where most spawned when you picked to spawn in a city. These places would then send you to that city you chose. I wondered where we were, though, and walked up to one of those people.

"Excuse me; I am looking for the village or town near here; we have gotten lost and would like directions," I said politely, hoping to rest for the night and get a massage after that fight to recover. I needed to work on it with Iona as we almost got killed. I also remembered I had not checked Iona's stats and character sheet yet and would do it later.

"Sure, just that way does not try not to kill steal XP is rare in this game, and people are prepared for a grind to level ten." He stated, and I followed where he pointed. I happily walked the Direction with Iona in tow. We both couldn't fight anymore until we picked up something to recover mana. I think I need to work on mana's recovery over the mana pool. I noticed that I drain mana constantly while the Illusion is up and costs a certain amount based on complexity, followed by a drain to keep it up. This means I need to build around what I think Victoria called it.

Finally, after leaving the field of rabbits, we reached the town. The town was just larger than what I would call a village with many run-down houses and fields that could be seen in the distance. Many people in newbie gear ran around. I looked like a prostitute. As I walked around, I guessed that I was getting stares from both men and women. I reached the center of the town where an old man was talking to people.

"Ah, a new visitor to our small town. You seem powerful enough to get to the city. Would you like me to send you on your way?" The elderly gentleman asked, and I was surprised.

"How powerful do I need to be to leave?" I asked fishing for information.

"You must be at least level five to go to the city, Miss. You are more than powerful enough to go. Would you like me to send you on your way?" He asked again, and I realized his AI must not be as powerful as some other NPCs.

"Do you have a place to stay the night for my companion and me? I can go tomorrow after first light?" I asked back, and he looked surprised.

"I do, but I would like you to do something for me in the morning for the night of stay in exchange."

"That works for me, and Iona, please show me the way to your accommodations." I was very polite, and he smiled happily then proceeded to escort me and Iona, who followed him. Many players were surprised and started to talk amongst themselves as we headed there. Many followed us as we went into a small home not too far from the middle of the town. We entered inside, and the man bowed and thanked us for the exchange. I thanked him back for letting us stay the night. I was moving up to the bed when an alarm sounded in my ear. I forgot to turn off the alarm from yesterday. I silenced it and brought Iona with me to the room.

I told her to strip. I was about to do something in my life that I never thought I would do.

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