Trap Online


Laying in bed doing nothing felt almost wrong. Alone in bed for too long, I felt lonely and uncomfortable. But I was used to it and fell asleep after some time, much to my relief when I awoke. I reached out and felt nothing but the pillow, and I frowned. Waking up in a soft bosom was a regular occurrence lately for me; without it, things felt slightly wrong.

I sighed and thought about things, and I was disappointed that I was waking up with being in her bosom. It was an interesting feeling as I had never felt this way about any previous lovers in my life, and I sighed. I got up and out of bed and was about to grab some clothing when I noticed some workout clothing for me already set out. There was a small note on it, and I picked it up and read it.


I am writing this note because I am unsure of how to get my feelings out, and I know you need to think. I want you to think because we have been enjoying each other bodies for the last couple of weeks with smiles. But I messed up yesterday; no, I messed up two days ago when I did not tell you that your daughter wanted to surprise you.

I wanted her to be able to surprise you by coming back without your knowledge. I know I should have, and you could have acted surprised or something because I had been dressing you up as a woman for the last week. I know that it has been growing on you a little, and I have been enjoying the hell out of it. I will not lie; I think you look amazing both as a man and a woman.

But I should have told you regardless of your daughter's feelings about surprising you. Your feelings should have been prioritized, and when you told me that you understood the reason why I did what I did, I realized how shallow I was about caring about you. You were thinking of me as a friend back in my University and College years. I loved you back then, too, but the fact that you perfectly understood how my thoughts were and how I ended up hurting you hurt me.

That is my fault that I was hurt by the fact that I hurt you with such an easy and transparent way of thinking. I have several doctoral degrees, and I like to think of myself as the smartest person in the room. I used to think like that back in college and University, and you showed me that I was incredibly lackluster in Business. When there were things that I was amazing at, you showed me that others could meet and even exceed my knowledge in other things.

I do not know when Rick. I never knew, but I started loving you after realizing it. When we met again after so many years had passed, I had no idea how you reached such a low point. I hated seeing you so depressed, Down and out. I missed your drive, and when we started playing, I saw the man I loved. I don't care if you are a woman or a man, I love you for you, and I messed up with what I did. I want to be here to support you as you did helping my dream.

Now I am ranting, but nothing in this letter is any less true because of my rant. I snuck in last night and put two sets of clothing down and a little makeup in your bathroom, depending on your choice. There is a set of women's causal clothing and men to meet your daughter with. I am not trying to make you choose what to show your daughter, but I want to continue to support you in whatever decision.

Please, Let me continue to do so. I really want to do so. Please, I know this isn't a fix to all of the things, but I wanted to write this all. I do not expect a response.



It was signed by Victoria, and there were two things of clothing under it. One was a basic white shirt and blue jeans; the other was much the same but a red lower-cut top with a red padded bra and blue hot pants jeans with matching red panties. I rolled my eyes as I knew that she wanted me to wear women's clothing. Victoria was a little obvious, but I also knew she was telling the truth in her letter.

Remembering the stuck-up, know-it-all bitch that Victoria was back in the day, I never knew this was how she really felt. Our relationship as plutonic friends lasted over a decade, but I first had to put her in place. She thought that she could do whatever she wanted. She was smarter than everyone, and it was only through that knowledge base on business and investments that I put her in place as a very smart scientist.

Victoria was smarter than me, and that was absolute, but there was no comparison when it came to business and the economic situation around the world. It took weeks of interaction in a class that we shared before she understood that fact and bowed to my knowledge in the field. That did not mean that she didn't have a keen insight into the world of macro and microeconomics or investments and business. But her knowledge base was much more around other things in her many degrees and education.

I grabbed the woman's clothing and started to change from my male pajamas that I wore last night with a smile. I could not help but feel odd, but my mind was thinking more about Victoria, and I decided that with a suitable Punishment, I was going to forgive her completely. Plus, this was a free punishment I could do to see how she would react to certain things. It would be fun.

I grinned and put on the clothes, and looked at myself in the mirror, seeing a casual woman with small breasts looking at me in the mirror. The slightly low-cut T-shirt looked good on me, and the subtle red tint around the breasts seemed to emphasize the breasts more than normal. I shook my head, headed to the bathroom, and applied some basic makeup.

I took a deep breath and smiled. I still needed to think a little about my relationship with Victoria, but I knew now that I wanted to continue the relationship no matter what. I returned to my bedroom, grabbed the letter, folded it nicely, and walked over to a safe only my daughter and I knew about. I opened it up inside millions of dollars of treasury bonds, safe investments, and important documents. Most of all, there was an important tressure of my little girl that I never wanted to lose. A printed picture of me and her when I first adopted her and her adoption papers. So many important memories and I put the letter Victoria gave me with them.

Closing the safe after a minute, I made sure to lock it, and I stretched before leaving my bedroom to go talk to my little girl. We needed to talk, and I wasn't about to shy away from my only family member.



Hey Guys, This is a little early of a Chapter, but I will be going on vacation for the next couple of weeks, so I will only be updating after I am back. Sorry about that, but I do not want to touch Electronics for the period of time that I am gone, so I am posting this. 

Please Continue to Enjoy my works, and thank you for Commenting, Voting and Reviewing my books :D

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