Trap Online


I slowly got up from my pod. I was sore muscles from being stiff too long, and my bum was still feeling the echos of pleasure in the phantom embrace. I walked it off, and slowly the feelings left. I left my room and went to the shower, and I heard faint moans from a distance. The room it was coming from was the room that we designated for the Masseuse, and I got in the shower. I just kept a towel around my waist and walked over when I exited. I opened it and saw Victoria on a table with the Masseuse kneading her muscles, receiving a moan from victoria in return. It looked like she was good, and I asked.

"She that good?" Victoria turned, looked at me, and smiled.

"Yaaa, Mmmm, She is good those knots we have both been, mmhmm, Complaining about are just melting in her hand" Gabriela looked like a pro working on her back. She only spared a moment for me, "I will be finished in five on Victoria, and I will prepare for you." she then went back to work using dexterous hands to bring Victoria to Nirvana, and I was looking forward to it. I left the room with Victoria being mostly naked and only a towel while Gabriela worked on her professionally. I gave them some privacy and went to my computer when I heard my name called. I went back almost immediately, not caring, just keeping my towel in check.

Victoria came out with her Breasts in full view, which I looked at as they were perfect, in my opinion. Large but not overly large and fit her perfectly. She smiled at me and playfully slapped my arm. "Get in there and enjoy Rick; she has amazing hands that need appreciation." I looked into her eyes, smiling. "They worth every penny?"

"Oh, Fuck ya, Rick, don't let me ruin it. Take it from me; any expectation will be blown away. Give your friend a large tip." With that, she went into her room with a smile, and I entered in. Gabriela was cleaning up and wiping down the table and was just finishing.

"Ah, my employer now is here. I guess I will have to work extra hard." She smiled as she was finishing up.

"I hope Security helped you out getting moved in? On such short notice, I am glad you could pull it off." She did the last bit as I talked.

"Why, thank you for telling them to help me out. I would have been exhausted otherwise before now without them. I was hoping to give them a tip, but they rejected it, saying it's the least they can do with their salaries. I am also grateful for the opportunity." she went on and motioned for me to get onto the table, which I did face into the weird donut.

"Don't be from the sounds Victoria was making; you are good at your job. Also, no need to be so formal, Gabriela. You are our new roommate; although we are paying you, we make enough that what is a lot to you is pennies. We live reclusive lives away from the public; all we ask is to keep our matters to yourselves. We want to enjoy you being here, and you enjoy being here. Please become part of our small family. My daughter should be here for some time as well."

"Thanks, Rick. I guess I will try but give me some time also, call me Gabby. That way, we feel closer." As she talked, she was oiling up my back and hadn't fully started. "Now, I hope you will take care of me as I take care of you and Victoria Rick, and I will be happy with you as roommates." With that, she started, and words left me, and I couldn't muster a response anymore. These hands were amazing as I moaned and started to get hard just in the sheer pleasure of these hands. My muscles loosened as she worked on me, varying the strength and ability.

Before I knew it, an hour went by as she worked all over my body, and I was sore and loose, moaning in pleasure without regard, and heard Victoria come into the room. I could muster strength as Gabby destroyed my perception of a great Masseuse. I was taken to heaven, and my legs were shaking without the ability to move even if I wanted to.

Then she finished, and I felt like I had come back to earth from heaven and I was disappointed to be back after the prolonged work on me. Eventually, though, I got off the table, and I saw Victoria's smirk. When I came in before, she and Gabby faked that last message partly because those five minutes were to come down and regain the ability to move. We both looked at each other and nodded with a laugh. I worked my way to the shower. I took a bit longer than I thought and dressed simply.

I came down to Victoria and Gabby talking when the door rang. Victoria ran and grabbed the food while Gabby looked at me with a smile. "You did amazing your an expert in your field, to say the least. I know nothing about that field, but I haven't felt that good after or during a massage ever, and I am glad you took us up on the offer. So young and so good at your work, it is a gift, to say the least."

She blushed and looked at me with a red-tinted smile. "Thank you, that means a lot, Rick; you and Victoria are making the rest of my life one hundred percent easier with this job. I literally can't explain how much this opportunity is worth to me. Pay is better than amazing, and the benefits are worth even more. I want to say thanks for the opportunity to be in your and Victoria's lives."

Victoria came in with food, and it was all chicken wings and some salads from a great place. Tons of napkins as we each sat on the couches, ready to dig in. "Rick came out late from the pod, and I knew you were going to be hungry since I was as well. Gabby just worked on us, so I decided to buy some food for us while you were getting worked on." I thanked her with a smile. Gabby was thankful as well and repeated it till we stopped her.

"Look, Gabby," I stopped her telling her to listen, "We are both wealthy; we can buy food. We are happy you are thankful. Frankly, I like that you are thankful, but between Victoria and me, we make money faster than we can spend it. We want you to be thankful since we are spending money on you; please never lose that. But being overly thankful gets annoying. We want to know you appreciate what we do. A simple 'Thank you' will suffice. If you want us to know how thankful you are, do it with your actions later when living with us and being a great friend and roommate, 'Kay?"

Victoria nodded along and agreed as I talked, and Gabby was looking at us and finally nodded. "Thank you. I appreciate it."

"Better now, let us enjoy this food Victoria got by slaving over a hot phone," I stated.



I would like to Sincerely dedicate this to all those who support me in my life and allow me to continue to Write. I especially appreciate those who support my works financially.


I would love to thank Fate Hydrax, fightnguru, Achleys Apep, Royce321, G. Dunlop, Stormrall, W. Krebs,  Haarderade, MadRat, Florian, SoundsMad, Mael, Grangel, Kuuh, Smile, Nightrise, Joris Zono, Curtious1122, Azurite Paladin, M. Kennedy, Zach, Ritsu 229, Knallenstein, Ryu, Mario L., Celeng Liar, Arl, julekule, Z. T. Wyen, Jache, Russ, Deputy Caveman, GIDOEN Fry, Minos Akuma, ShadowReader, K. Kordrich, BIGSHOTSWAG, L. Cole, Prodical211, Hydra587, W. Bolsvert, Sheperd, Nitrogue97, DeivinetGamer9, Belkoth, JTOKING, xedex, M. Butlar, Tiffy Tang,Julie C., Neptune, H., R. Boyle, KillerWulfe, J. Paul, J, Durmey, EZ Gipten, Tnarb, D. Jones, BlindTatic, K. Fang, T. Baker, C. Kramer, Qwan, Sentinel, S. Tadaewsky, Jack, A. Neal, Kuroko, Playtmage, Alukard, Dannyzee123, H. Dehesdin, D. Rachal, Jonny, Ayth, Archthrene, D. Austin, The Theoritizer, EXORAVANT, Von, Kovaton, Gapir58, Loke, Chris, Ryuu Sakuri, Chad Ray, Caid, MaraH87, Za'afiel, a.r. ortega, J.N. Seib, J. turpin, C. Panagis, Alex, Username, THERUSSIANFOXX, J.W. Thomas, LessJP for supporting me on Patreon.


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