Trap Online


The trip down was filled with humor as we tried to bring Fidel more into the group. Her cold exterior seemed to remain the mainstay, though when out in the world. The trip down the tree took almost as long as it did, going up, and I suggested we went to the Inn that we could get a free night. All we would have to do is book a room then go to the adventurers guild. It was all in agreement since we all knew today we would need to gather supplies before doing any quest we took. I looked at the large backpack on Fidel's back, questioning what was inside. Her cold demeanor stayed as we neared the city again. It only became colder the more people around us there was. Many people around us were amazed, seeing her robes. I looked around and noticed that I never really saw many mages in the populace. The only mage I have seen was in the Elven army and the one that I saved. That made me wonder about that Cold mage as well. I hope that the game was real enough to give her therapy or something.

Then we made it to the Inn. Traveling time in this game took a long time, I realized, and this really slowed down progression. My leveling was slow even if I got Fidel to fuck my little ass all night for hours straight. I wondered if there were monsters out there that gave a good amount of experience.

I was distracted as we entered, and I bumped into Iona's back. I clued back in and looked around, dazed for a second when I saw a familiar face looking into my eyes. I smiled when I saw her. "Megan!" I called out happily, coming up to hug her. She was startled in return but brought me into a hug. After a few seconds in the hug, it broke, and I turned around. "This is Viccy, our Ranger. This is Gloom, our Druid, although she prefers Bloom. Then last but not least, our newest member to our group Fidel she is a lightning mage!" I told her with a smile, updating her. I knew how much gold we could save overtime with the quest reward here while living in the city. Plus, she is a good fuck. I wouldn't mind another round tonight. I smiled to myself as Megan took time introducing herself as the Inns owner. Fidel was the only one with a cold look as she shook Megan's hand.

I was still getting a read on Fidel, so I wouldn't bring it up until later to find the lowdown on this. I turned back to Megan with a smile. "Megan, Join us for some food. We were about to sit for some food and booking a room here before going to the Adventurers Guild to see what quests there are." Megan looked pleased.

"I was hoping you would ask me that. Let's go sit down, though. I do have something I would like to talk to you ladies about. Please follow me to a more private area to talk business." She finished with a smile, and we all went past the dining area into a private room. The door closed, and the noise of the dining area was silenced.

Megan then kissed my lips upon entering then hitting a bell, notifying the staff we were here. "Sorry, Had to get that out of me... You are just too cute and sexy for me to say no to at least a proper greeting." She showed us to seats where we did so in a booth on cushioned seats. There was a lot of extra legroom as well and plenty of seating area. A server came in promptly as we finished seating ourselves around the table. We looked at the menus, ordered food to fill our food bars, and relaxed for a second while the server set out some basics. She then left letting leaving the room in silence.

"Well, I will get to business before pleasure, ladies." She started putting an arm around my shoulder that I felt three sets of eyes land on. I smiled as I noticed Fidel's cold look, Iona's jealous look, and Viccy's mischievous look. "Now, I require some weird ingredients that are pretty rare. These have a varying degree of difficulty, but I will be sure to compensate you. I am a large business and Tree branch owner here in Forest City. I own five levels of branches almost exclusively. I need to state this so you know I mean business ladies when I mean compensate you accurately for the difficulty." She put out in the air, letting us soak in it for a moment before she continued. "Now I will let you know none of them are illegal... For me to carry. I am an Elven Alchemy guild certified Alchemist. My rates are expensive, but ingredients around my mastery are even more expensive. I own property to have a back up if my treasury drys up while I am working on increasing my Mastery. I say this, so you know that I will compensate you for everything you find..." I nodded.

"Makes sense, although, Megan, it feels like your bragging. That doesn't matter, though. I think we are up for the first ingredient to see what your 'Lowest' Difficulty is." I finished talking for the party.

"Alright, The first ingredient I need is a Goblin Chieftains Dick." She said with a faint blush. "This is... I don't want to say, but I need it for a potion." I started to laugh for a second, and I got a notification for the quest.


Quest offer: Megan's need for a Cheif Goblin Dong.

Megan, someone whom you have gotten close you have learned, is an Alchemist and in need of increasingly rarer ingredients.

Rewards: ???, Increased Reputation with Megan

Failure Consequences: Reputation with Megan loss


I then saw a grin on Iona's and Viccy's face as I laughed. Gloom looked confused while Fidel kept the cold look but looking at me now. "Sure, Megan, we accept your quest." I then put down the Goblin Cheifs Large Dong that I got not so long ago. Megan's eyes widened as I put it on the table. A happy grin appeared on her face.

"Awesome! This specimen is larger than I expected to get! This is rare within rare. Perfect, I am pleased with this. The Potion will be even more effective with this. My client will have to give me even more compensation for this!" The smile on her face was vicious, with a smile perfect on a merchant's face. I realized that I just gave her something that would allow her to fleece someone.

I then got a notification.


Quest Completed: Megan's Need for a Cheif Goblin Dong

You have gone above and beyond finding a rare specimen among rare specimens. Megan is delighted with your acquisition and decided to reward you further.

Reward: Chain quest if you choose to accept it, Reputation increase with Megan, ???


Megan then turned to me with a smile. "The initial reward isn't enough to show my gratitude. I will give you an Item perfect for a starting team of adventurers like you ladies. I want to give you a Large backpack of holding. It even has a weight reduction to allow you to hold more. It, unfortunately, isn't a specially locked bag of holding that is perfect for pestering. I do have one pouch for the following quests I will request... If you take the quest..." She trailed off, and I saw the twinkle in everyone's eyes.


You are being offered a unique Chain quest. This will only be offered once, and the rewards for completing the quest are unknown as of now.



I looked at the girls, and I saw nods all around except Fidel, who looked at me with that cold stare. Then a couple of seconds later nodded herself. "Okay, we will take the quest, Megan," I said, and I got a notification saying I accepted it.

"PERFECT! This needs discretion as my clients are in the higher society and not in the neutral but affiliated with the Demons. This shouldn't be a problem with this little succubus here." She said with a grin, "The First thing I need is a Growler flower. These are on the Elven forest floor as I see Gloom knows." I look at Gloom, who is frowning. "I see your party member is a herbalist, Not surprising since she is a Druid. For the rest of you, though, I need fifteen of them, and the better the quality, the better my reward on this. I am going to let you get a taste of how much this will be on compensation as well." She dropped a bag on the table that clanged on the surface. "For supplies, I will start with a thousand gold. Get yourselves properly equipped for your expedition. I need these back. The faster, the better, but... You can take as long as you need. I won't put a limit. These are rare, and I need them faster, but I also need no one to know I am acquiring them. The silence of your group is more important." She finished, and I nodded.

As she finished, the server came into the room to serve food. The food and drinks were placed on the table, and Megan's smile returned. "To happy cooperation, ladies. We will all benefit from this interaction." She said, holding up a large mug of Beer. I took up mine with a Nice lager in it with mixed reactions from everyone else. Iona brought hers up. Viccy excitedly did so. Fidel stared coldly as we clashed mugs. Gloom looked... gloomy. I took in their reactions as we cheered and started to eat. We would need more information on this from Gloom since she seemed to know something.

Gloom soon got over what was making her gloomy and started to eat and drink with us cheerfully. It turned into a fun meal with a new unique quest that benefits us all. Alcohol was consumed, and we ordered more. This increased the festivities as everyone loosened up quickly except for Fidel. Gloom had loosened up and wrapped an arm around her and kissed her cheek. Fidel merely pushed her away lightly.

"Gloom... You were frowning earlier when the Growler pedal was mentioned... What is it?" I asked, and I saw her sober before turning to me. I thought I noticed a slight smile before Fidel suppressed it.

"The Growler pedal is a rare flower found in caves under the trees in our forests. These are leeches on the trees taking nutrients from them. Granted, it is a small number of nutrients but enough Growler pedals, and it will kill the Tree. Growler pedals are called Growler pedals because when you near them, you hear a growl-like noise. This noise attracts Dog type beasts, though. They are attracted to them and almost worship these pedals due to mind control like the Growler pedal's ability. That is the Third unique property of the Growler pedal and its use in Alchemy. It has Hulucenigetic properties that confuse disorient and leave a person open to suggestions. The longer you are exposed to its scent and drug, the more consumed by it you are. These are rare because the Elves hate anything that kills trees but because no one wants to be exposed to them. We will need some expensive gear to extract them safely in the most secure way."  She said and turned to Megan. "I just hope she doesn't create something addictive from it. Although it is such a rare plant, it would be one of the worse drugs to be addicted to since almost none of it is on the market. Without the pouch she is giving us, it would have no properties to be useful to her for."

"Huh... That mind control like ability sounds useful..." I put out into the room and had several heads turn towards me with surprise, including Fidel. "Well, Think about it. I am an Illusionist. Imagine putting someone into a hypnotic state then subjecting them to illusions. They would be absolute puddy in my hands that I could make them believe anything I wanted." Megan had an appreciative stare while Viccy looked pale. As everyone thought about it, the festive atmosphere was but a memory. The Growler pedal turned really dangerous. I wondered if we found extra to keep them if I ran into a bad situation in the future.  "Forget about it. I was just bringing up a theory based on what you said. It sounds like a hazardous ingredient. We should also go to the Adventurers Guild to see what quests that might bring us into contact with it. We can't let this get into the open what we are looking for, so we can only do this..."

Everyone but Fidel's stares died down before agreement. Fidel still stared at me with an oddly piercing gaze. We finished our food more in silence before leaving. I kiss Megan on the lips, and she whispered into my ear. "I'll see you ladies tonight in the room. I am looking forward to you..." She finished smacking my cute ass. She then strode out with a smile on her face. I smiled at the fun we will have tonight.

As we went onto the streets with everyone I turned to Viccy. "Viccy you looked scared of what I said in the restaurant... What's up?" I asked her.

"Elli, we will talk after tonight in the real world..." She said her face pretty grave and I kissed her cheek.

"Okay, for now though dont worry about it and enjoy yourself Viccy!" I said with a large smile as we went to the adventurers guild with a bit less enthusiasm than before. Fidel still watched me in the corner of her eye pondering something.

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