Trap Online

Solo Search

Walking the streets, I found a second man following me as I reached the upper-class area. The towers rose into the sky, blotting out the sun and casting a shadow over the city giving a look of the partial night with strips of sun brightness in the distance once and a while where the light broke through. Looking back, the men were licking their lips, looking at me but scared of the area we were in as guards roamed the streets.

They were looking for where I was going, and I had no idea where to find where. Luckily I found a guard that gave me a look that he would like some action while restraining himself, and I couldn't help but decide I needed directions. The stares were getting uncomfortable, and I was lost, looking for a high-end place where I could keep autonomy, let alone a place where I could get information.

Quickly I approached that guard with a smile, and he looked at me with desire. it felt weird to me how that sent a thrill through me, and I couldn't help but wonder if this game had done something to me. "Excuse me," I said, placing a hand on his steel breastplate and stopping the guard. It seemed they patrolled both by themselves and in pairs as I approached, but the other guard he was with turned and looked at him and smirked before stepping down the street and stopping a couple of meters away.

In the meantime, the guard I stopped smiled with a blush and asked sternly but friendly at the same time, "How can I help you?"

I couldn't help but quickly think of a scenario in my head. I was hunting for levels and information, and I had high charisma. I needed to use that to my advantage and looked up at the guard. "I'm sorry for bothering you," I said very femininely and looked around, spotting the two men who now looked suspicious as the guard followed my gaze to them. His expression darkened, and I sighed theatrically to regain his attention. "I- I am looking for a place that I can safely," I felt my face heat as I realized I was outing myself as a whore to an NPC guard in some game.

I was almost a billionaire, and I was insinuating that I was a cheap whore. "I- I have never been with a man, but my sisters are sick," I said and looked down so he couldn't see that I wasn't crying. "I don't know what to do as I have pawned the last of our worthwhile belongings, and all I have is my beauty. I- I- I would be willing to have a night for free with you if you would help me into a safe place I can safely sell it?" I finished and looking up at the guard. He looked at the men, and I saw a snarl.

"A succubus of your beauty has sisters as well?" The guard asked, and shock rolled through me as I realized the hole in my scheme. I was a succubus and everyone in this world knew it with the tail and horns. It was self-obvious, and we were beings of mana or summoned. I would never have sisters,, and I had to fill the hole in my story quickly.

"Yes," I said, my mind spinning, "it was a small family that found me after the summoner who abused me died," I continued slowly, trying not to make it sound rushed, "I- I owe them a debt that I can never repay. D-Do you know of a place I c- can work?" I stuttered, "I am willing to work!" I exclaimed, looking up into his eyes with a pricing gaze hoping it looked like I was showing my determination.

The guard looked at me and any suspicion left his face. I wanted to sigh visibly but restrained myself. "As long as I can come for that free night," The guard said, looking at me like a predator now, and I nodded demurely. "Then I know the perfect place, and you will make real coin," He said, then turned to look at the men that followed me, "Not like those scum," He spat, "Follow me," he said and motioned to the other guard.

The guard walked over and smiled at me before turning to the first guard. "Allan, what's up?" The second guard asked.

"I will be taking this lady to Lady Yancy. Do you want to join me?" The guard named Allan then pressed his hand on the shoulder, reached forward, and whispered something in his ear, and the second guard smiled and looked at me.

"Absolutely, I will join you. Although Lady Yancy is," he trailed off but didn't look worried. The respect in his voice when he said her name was curious.

"No need to worry, the lady here. Let's take her, and if not Lady Yancy, there is always Mistress Francine." He finished, and the Second guard nodded, and both beckoned me to follow.

I was a little worried, but those men behind me still followed as I started to follow them. To my surprise, we moved towards the casinos, and the guards had smiles all around, even escorting me. It seemed that the guards in Dark city were respected even when escorting a woman dressed like I was. I was showing off, making men look at me as we walked, and we turned suddenly between two buildings across from a Casino that I hadn't been into. The Sign outside the Casino said it was the Blue Moon Casino, and we entered a Building just across from it.

The foyer looked very clean and reminded me of the Tops casino with doorkeepers keeping out the poor. "Hello Gentlemen, What brings the guards here?" A voice suddenly asked and a tall white-haired man came from a archway not far away, walking over in a suit. His hair might have been white but he didn't look old in the least and the guards smiled as he came over.

"Ah, Ryan," The first guard I talked to exclaimed happily. "I have a Succubus that is interested in joining Lady Yancy's line of work," He said, motioning to me, and the suited young man turned to me. His gaze was harsh and he looked at me with an eye to detail and looked me up and down.

"Young Succubus, Trained in some arts of Charisma and very charismatic to boot. Some mana in there, and it isn't completely weak. Training of some sort, it seems, but I cannot tell. Too obvious to be a spy from an organization. Looking for something though and," He paused and looked down towards my crotch, "Interesting; thank you, gentlemen," He said, turning to them, "Usual finders fee plus a night?" The young man said.

"Absolutely, I will continue sending your way. Is after this shift for the both of us okay?" The Second guard said, his smile bright.

"Perfectly, Thank you, gentlemen, I will bring this lady to Lady Yancy," The young suited man finished.

With that, the two guards left with excited expressions, and Ryan, the suited white-haired man, looked at me. "Well, young succubus, Follow me to meet Lady Yancy," he said and started to head back the same way he showed up. It seemed all very scripted and not the first time he had done this. I couldn't help but wonder how the story writers created these organizations.

I followed him into the doorway, and suddenly the world stretched and spun till we were in a new place and somewhere completely different, like in the Tops Casino. I frowned as I looked around in a waiting area with couches and things to wait in. "Please sit, Succubus. I will talk to Lady Yancy now. I am sure she will be interested. If you wish to back out, step into that circle and never show your face again. Understood?" Ryan said.

I nodded, sat down to wait, and looked around as Ryan opened a large wooden door and closed the door behind himself. I looked around in the wonderfully decorated room that was clearly meant to put you at ease. The neutral colors were meant to make you relax, and I felt my nerves tighten. This was a well-decorated area meant to put someone at complete ease for what was to come so that you could be taken off guard.

I quickly pretended to relax while looking a little nervous as I looked around. Something told me that when those doors opened, I would be facing someone who would try to trap me. I had to be prepared.




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