Trapped in a slave girls body

Chapter 7

I stared after Freya in confusion my face slowly transforming into shock realising the solid metal cuff keeping me hostage has disappeared. I sat there in silence just staring at the bits and pieces of metal scattered all around me. With a snap of a finger, I'm now free. Figuratively and literally. I picked up the bracelet that my 'mistress'' gifted me. Is that the right word? Can this be considered a gift? Still, I grab it off the bed with my now very dainty fingers and scrutinised the ordinary-looking bracelet. Yellowish-brown in colour possibly made out of brass and on the inside surface are strange markings of unknown origins maybe some sort of strange language? I wouldn't know but still however ordinary-looking this thing is, it was still given to me and I should wear it as a courtesy, though I dread to think of the consequence that follows if I didn't put it on and just leave it here. My mistress isn't exactly kind, just a mean pervert that takes advantage of me at every encounter.

It's weird, she's making me feel weird. Somehow I don't seem to mind as much.. her advances I mean, it feels even kind of nice. I bump myself slightly on the head to admonish myself. This isn't right, I mean I shouldn't even be having these type of thoughts. Whatever she feels towards me is unknown at this point; a mystery. It's terrifying.

No Aidan. This isn't going to end well. You're a slave. What could you possibly offer?

Right. What could I possibly offer? I have nothing; in fact, I'm no one. I sighed trying to shake the dark thoughts that are threatening to overwhelm me. I look towards the door with a slight longing. For the first time since I got here the feeling of loneliness hangs deep within my heart. The unknown future. My unknown future. I don't know what's going to become of me.

I stood up and look at myself, trying to tidy my now unkempt outfit from our earlier entanglement. I need a new underwear I grimaced feeling the wet fabric of the underwear that I was wearing. It's all her fault making this body act weird.

I trudged out slowly opening the door and poked my head out.

No one's there.

Feeling brave and tired of being cooped up in the bedroom I braced myself as I step foot outside the door. What greeted me was a white wall next to it was a very large window the frame made out of gold. How lavish and extravagant. Well as expected of a castle. I froze as I notice a throng of maid walking towards me. They stared at me weirdly as they passed by but said nothing. I let go of the breathe I was holding unconsciously. I knew myself well enough that I was going stutter and make a fool of myself if they said something or even ask me something insignificant.


The sound of my rumbling stomach broke me out of my thoughts and I glance at my thin belly with a sigh.

I'm hungry.

Stupid Freya didn't give me any food for lunch, maybe I should ask someone just tell them that I need to acquire some food for my mistress. Yep, I feel like that's the perfect plan. I walked around a little but I took great care in trying not to stray too far as this place is still very unfamiliar to me and from what I could tell this building is huge, this area alone is probably only just a small part of it.

After about twenty minutes of snooping around; literally just me gawking at every room or the guards that I saw that I seem to have forgotten my plan to acquire some very delicious food and now I found myself lost.

Pondering about my next move I bumped into something; scratch that. Someone. I rub my forehead to rub the tingling pain in a vain attempt to soothe it when the woman I bumped into turned around. She was a head taller than me an amused look plastered on her face. Her hair a bright blonde that she styled into two ponytails resembling that of a drill. I almost snickered but still, I have manners and laughing at this weirdo seems impolite.

"My.. My.. what have we here.." she laughed in an over-exaggerated manner, her voice loud and obnoxious. From this one single sentence out of her mouth, I have already figured out that I would not like her.

"Where's my apology commoner!" she demanded, her voice harshed and arrogant.

Before I could say something, her male associate whispered something in her ear and her eyes bulged in surprise and her smile twisted into something.. creepy? It's very hard to describe but I felt very uncomfortable like somehow I could tell that I was in trouble.

I step back preparing to make my excuses throwing the name of my mistress, I don't care if that somehow gets me in trouble later, I just knew I had to getaway.

"Where are you going slave." she laughed harshly. Noticing that I was trying to distance myself she grabs my arm with a tight grip.

"It seems that Freya doesn't know how to train her slave. Bumping into a noble and expecting to get away with it. You didn't even apologise especially since you were in the wrong." she sneered tightening her grip.

"Ouch!" I cried out.

"I'm sorry umm.. ma'am."

She pulled me closer towards her and I fell against her not expecting her to do that.

"Don't worry I will do your master a favour and discipline you in her stead." she chuckled. I tried to push her away but surprisingly she's very strong.

What is with the woman in this world how come they're monstrous? Or maybe it's just this body is extremely weak.

"Hmm.. I can definitely see why Freya is very fond of you. You are delectable to say the least." she whispered hotly. My body stiffened and quivered in fear.

No not again.. I don't want this.. Why does this keep happening to me..

I could feel myself tearing up. Why the hell is this body so sensitive and weak. I couldn't help but cry in lament at my current predicament.

Freya save me..

The blonde-haired witch pushed my chin up with a finger and I could see her wicked smile full of evil intentions.

"Stop!" I whimpered.

I stiffened once more noticing her strange state, her eyes were now locked on me hungry and very much wanting to devour me.

"Why did you have to say it like that.. with your voice.." she groaned, her eyes dazed and full of lust.

"I don't know what's happening. I'm not even into girls.." she whispered, her face coming closer and closer towards me.

I tried to struggle trying to free my hands from her overwhelming grip but it was to no avail, its a fact that she's definitely stronger than I was. I close my eyes trying to shut away myself from this horrible reality.


I heard a weird noise like flesh being hit extremely hard and the hand that was keeping me in place disappeared. Following that, I heard a crashing noise and crunching of bones. Someone placed their hand on my shoulder and I look back timidly to see the furious face of Freya. Overwhelmed with relief I wrapped myself around her burying my head into her chest.

"Seriously!" she exhaled loudly sounding very exasperated.

"I can't even leave you alone for a second and you somehow have gotten yourself into trouble."

I said nothing just enjoying the feeling of being safe.

"And Annice you fucking bitch! I warned you not to touch what's mine!" Freya shouted angrily.

Freya unwinds my arms and places me to the side. I made a noise not happy about being away from her at the moment. Being near her somehow lets me forget about my past.. she just made me feel safe.

I look at the woman called Annice, her luxurious clothes now in tatters, on the side of her face was a blossoming bruise and blood gently trickled on the side of her face and mouth.

"Nice punch!" she exclaimed, coughing up blood slightly.

A great surge of mana suddenly circulated around her hand and she chanted something. I could see green particles wrapping themselves around her closing all her wound. I stared in shock.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON OVER HERE!" screamed an old and weary voice. Together with guards who came running towards us, an old man with white hair and a very long beard appeared. Reminds of Gandalf from Lord of the rings and I tried really hard not to smile and find everything amusing.

"Nothing Grand Sage!" said Annice haughtily.

"I was just leaving!" she said with a smirk and before she turned around she gave me a predatory grin.

"Oh you fucking bitch!" growled Freya and she began to chant something, her power running rampantly scaring all the guards causing them to draw their weapons nervously.

"FREYA! THAT'S ENOUGH!" shouted the old man.

Freya gritted her teeth unhappily and reined her magic. To the relief to all the guards around me.

"Explain!" he demanded.

Freya turned around fiercely facing the extremely angry old man.

"You tell that fucking bitch Annice that if she messes around with my things again. I don't care if she comes from the great noble house of Hampstead but I will kill her!" she threatened and with a stomp of her feet then she grabs me and drags me away.

I sighed.. so she just got mad cause someone messed with her property.. well I expected no less.. I knew she didn't care for me in that way..

What is this feeling? Disappointment? I can't put a finger on it.. I know I feel for her a certain way.. I'm still not sure if it's whether its a good thing or a bad thing.. for now, I'm just grateful that she just makes me feel safe.

I struggled to keep up with her furious pace, stumbling slightly. She turned around gave me a glare which made me cower. She let out a very deep sigh before scooping me off my feet carrying in a bridal carry.

I struggled and tried to protest feeling a bit humiliated.. but it all it took to shut me up was a sharp glare from her. Her sharp piercing blue eyes made my soul turn cold.. but there's something else too.. at that moment I found it incredibly.. sexy..arousing even...


I groaned softly in frustration.. this is somehow giving me anxiety.. I can't fall for her.. I shouldn't.. I should hate her.. how she's making me relive past traumas.. I should hate the way she touches me, hate the way she kisses me.. hate the way she holds me..but somehow I don't hate it all that much.. and that scares me more.. the idea that someone can make me feel this way. Terrifies me.

I find myself unceremoniously dump on the floor at someone else's bathroom after entering someone's room, I think this is the princess's room since I just briefly saw her and without even saying a word we entered her bathroom.

"Ahhh!" I yelped in surprise, my hands flailing trying to catch a grip onto something but failing and I lay flat on the tiled floor. At the corner of my eye, I notice a of pool water still steaming. At the end of the wall, I see a stone lion statue with water coming out of it.


I lay there breathless and in absolute awe at how big and spacious this bathroom is.

"Where did she touch you." Freya asked me quietly.

"Is it here!" she touched my lips.

"Here!" she grab my breast roughly and I yelped again.

Freya pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration her nostril flaring in anger. I wonder what got her so worked up.

"Tell me!" she screamed grabbing me roughly pulling me up by my collar and I winced in discomfort.

"Nowhere.." I whimpered.

"Lies!" she replied harshly with a snarl.

"Don't tell me you liked it! Her touching you! Is that why you didn't push her away, just closing your eyes and letting it happen!" she shouted.

"No..." I croaked..

It's not like that! Please.. believe me.

"Strip!" she ordered coldly.

"I will clean you and remind your body once again as to who it belongs to!"

With great force, she forced me to the floor straddling me and taking my clothes off of me. I don't want this.. why is she acting like this.

"Freya please.." I begged..

"That's mistress to you." She seethed, cupping my face harshly.

I nodded with tears already forming in my eyes, I folded my arms trying to cover my exposed breast.

"Mistress.." I sobbed..

"Please.." I pleaded once more.

She gave me a harsh grin and picked me up and lowering me gently with her on the warm pool of water.

She places me against the edge of the pool my back hitting the cool surface. She edges her face close placing her lips close to my ears.

"Tell me where that bitch touch you!" She threatened again.

I held out both arms weakly. She grabs both of my wrists.

"Is it here.." she asked softly.

I nodded timidly looking away I could feel my face turning red and I feel like my face is overheating, the hot steam not helping as it's making me feel dizzy.

She chuckled guiding my wrist softly to her lips and she took tiny nibbles grazing her teeth threateningly against my skin.

I moaned and mewled, my legs quivering.

"Where else.." she asked.

I shake my head slowly my head bowed low too embarrassed to look at her in the eye.

She clicked her fingers making the soap and loofah sponge float towards her and my eyes widened in surprise.

"Your unclean.." she sighed with anger.

I pouted.

"Don't give me that look. You let that woman touch you. Your still not off the hook yet." She chuckled.

"It's not my fault." I retorted.

"So now your gutsy enough to talk back to me!" She raised a brow.

"Where was this courage earlier. You should have said something."

"I did!" I whined.

"You can stop covering your lovely bosom now. It's not like I haven't seen it before." She teased. I could feel my ears turning red and I bit her impulsively.

"Naughty." She breathes out a soft chuckle.

She lathered me with the soap making sure I'm squeaky clean, taking extra time in washing my sensitive spots. I glared at her but she had a small smile on her face throughout and just ignored my protest.

"Now how am I going to explain this to the princess!" She groaned.

I giggled noticing for the first time that she was still fully clothed while washing me and her robe is now dripping wet.


Hey guys here's your first chapter for this week. I'm going to be dropping the next one hopefully on Friday if not then it will be posted on Saturday. Hope you guys enjoy this and like the interaction between Aidan and Freya so far. Also pls it would mean the world to me if you guys buy me a cup of coffee on Kofi.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.