Trapped in Paradise

Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Early Morning

When Ning Chu woke up, his brain was still a bit groggy.

He weakly half-opened his eyes, wanting to get up to go to the bathroom, but his limbs refused to cooperate, feeling as heavy as if a giant slab of stone was pressing down on him.

Panic washed over him, and he desperately tried to slap the bed to make noise and wake his roommate for help.

But even the simple act of lifting his hand was impossible.

Is this sleep paralysis?

Ning Chu could hear Wang Jie’s keyboard clicking away relentlessly, seemingly without a care for the time, still lost in his game.

He could also hear the air conditioner humming, the occasional chirp of insects outside, and Wen Yang’s heavy breathing as he slept… yet he couldn’t move a single muscle.

Time dragged on unbearably. He tried to roll over, tried to open his eyes, tried to make a sound, but it was like a broken network; his body couldn’t receive the commands from his brain.

He could hear Wang Jie getting into bed and, moments later, the unmistakable sounds of snoring.

Zhang Shaoqing woke up, grumbling as he turned over.

The dissonance between his awareness and his immobile body was torturous, keeping Ning Chu’s nerves tightly strung until he finally succumbed to exhaustion and drifted back to a hazy sleep.

When he woke again, the sky outside was just beginning to brighten.

Ning Chu shot up, panting hesitantly, his widened eyes scanning the small dorm room, and his racing heart slowly began to calm.

“Sleep paralysis… I used to experience this a lot in high school.”

“I guess I’ve been too stressed lately…”

He hopelessly raked his fingers through his hair, wiped the perspiration from his forehead, and slowly crawled out of bed to sit at the computer.

Ning Chu glanced at the time and realized it was almost seven.

He reached for the bread and milk on the desk, opened the computer, put on his headphones, and found a food video to watch while eating.

Today was Monday, and military training started at eight, so he had to eat something for breakfast to avoid another embarrassing fainting incident.

After finishing the video and stuffing himself full, Ning Chu didn’t go wash up; instead, he looked down at his chest.

His snug pajamas faintly outlined a slight curve, the small red bean as obvious as usual.

“Nothing has changed…”

He didn’t know whether to feel disappointed or relieved.

Disappointed that last night’s events didn’t completely mess up the exorcism plot, or relieved that his body hadn’t feminized further due to punishment.

“It’s no wonder I’m experiencing sleep paralysis; every day is a headache.”

He felt like the pressure now was heavier than during his college entrance exams; if he’d failed those, he could still go to a vocational school or work in a factory, at least he wouldn’t starve.

But if he slipped up now, he’d end up surrounded by guys, with the possibility of being thrown into obstetrics, and might really become a part of that small royal text.

He didn’t want anyone to ever say to him, “Madam, you don’t want your child to be bullied at school, do you?”

That was too scary!

Just thinking about it drained the color from his face.

“Up this early?”

Wen Yang’s voice came from above, and Ning Chu looked up to see him rolling out of bed.


“What’s wrong? Feeling down again?” Wen Yang said while stretching lazily. “How about I share some gossip to cheer you up?”

Ning Chu shook his head silently; he wasn’t interested in gossip.

But Wen Yang, holding his toiletries, stopped behind him, a strange look on his face laced with regret, and said to himself, “Yesterday, I reported what happened in the teaching building, and last night the security caught a girl while patrolling.”

“Catch? A female ghost?”

“Not exactly. Have you heard of a certain kink called exhibitionism… um…” Wen Yang looked at Ning Chu’s curious and expectant expression, and with his innocent-looking face, suddenly found it hard to continue, “Anyway, a girl was caught in the teaching building.”

“Ugh, I thought they caught a ghost.”

Ning Chu rolled his eyes and slumped over the desk.

Maybe it was because he had seen too much; he was completely unfazed by such explosive gossip.

Sure enough, there weren’t many normal people around here. Just thinking about living in such a world for a lifetime made him feel like sooner or later, he’d find himself in an expansive field of grass.

If one wasn’t broad-minded, they’d probably just lose their mind trying to marry in this place.

Except for the Minotaur enthusiasts, of course.

“Didn’t sleep well?”

“Yeah, woke up in the middle of the night, got sleep paralysis.”

“You think too much; you’re too stressed,” Wen Yang said as he went to wash up on the balcony.

Yeah, if he didn’t worry about things, maybe his ‘comrade’ who’d be fighting alongside him wouldn’t mind, and might actually be quite happy about it.

Ning Chu continued to sulk over the desk, trying to muster up some energy before military training.

After about ten minutes, the rest of the roommates gradually woke up, and the previously quiet room quickly filled with sweet banter.

“Time for military training again… I can’t get up. I want to take a day off.”

“Damn, it’s not even eight, and the sun’s already so strong! Do we really have to live like this?!”

“What idiot principal wants military training at the hottest part of the day? What if my little prince Ning Chu suffers heatstroke?!”

Ning Chu grabbed an empty bottle on the table and turned to throw it at Zhang Shaoqing’s head.

This guy was getting out of hand!

Zhang Shaoqing dodged playfully, like an eager puppy trying to please its owner, bouncing up to Ning Chu, “Ning Chu, did you hear? Last night in the teaching building…”

“I heard! Shut up!”

“Geez~ people are really wild nowadays~”

Ning Chu was getting a headache; he covered his ears with his hands, half-opening his eyelids and shooting a disdainful look at Zhang Shaoqing.

In the books, they were even wilder.

It was all my writing!

If only that small royal text were finished, I would have arranged a cement-water death for you!

“You have a really contemptuous expression! It’s like you’re looking at a pervert!”

“Ning Chu, want to go downstairs for breakfast?” Wen Yang was already dressed in his military uniform and ready to go.

Looking at the bread wrappers on the desk, Ning Chu got up without hesitation, “Let’s go!”

Even though he’d already eaten breakfast, facing Zhang Shaoqing’s harassment in the dorm was still worse than going out with Wen Yang, plus he could keep an eye on Wen Yang, making sure no fox spirits tried to seduce the protagonist!

However, just as they opened the dorm door, their feet froze in place.

“Counselor?” Wen Yang spoke first, astonished, “What are you doing here?”

Han Jingye wore a mild and friendly smile, followed by some onlookers from the neighboring dorm, “Came to check the hygiene. Not welcome?”

Ning Chu nodded furiously behind Wen Yang and then turned to glance at the dorm.

It wasn’t saying it was clean and tidy; it was more like a complete mess.

“Mainly came to see if you’re comfortable living here,” Han Jingye said as he stepped into the dorm, scanning the room, “You guys need to clean up; there’s a leadership inspection next week.”

“Huh? Who is such an idiot to have so much free time?” Zhang Shaoqing cursed, walking back from the balcony. The arrogant look on his face quickly faded as he grabbed a broom from the corner, muttering, “We’ll clean up even if the leaders don’t check us!”

Wow, you sure are quick to back down~

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