Trapped On A Vampire Cruise With No Power!

20: Ok You Can Have A Nibble.

      There were two beds in Kyle’s room, one of which was used as little more than a place to throw his luggage. With all four of them trying to make space, the floor was cluttered with all their baggage. The ship idled aimlessly, and outside the pattering of rain and rush of wind rattled against the garbage bag over the window. It was evident that none of them would be able to sleep tonight with the constant noise. It was getting late, but there was still a little light out for everyone to enjoy. 

      After suffering a cold shower Rose put on a special beach outfit, one that she brought for one purpose and one purpose only. To attract attention. Her single awareness syndrome drove her to purchase it a week ago, and she had been saving it for the singles cruise. The top was a thin black shirt that was tight on her torso, it only covered her chest down to her upper abs. The sleeves extended down to her forearms. Near the center it opened wide to expose an abundance of supple flesh. The underside of her breasts were fully exposed, and pressed tightly together. The fabric was a spandex cloth that accentuated her womanly features splendidly. The leggings were also black, and held on tightly. They were low cut so that the thong she wore could stick out.

      Rose looked herself over in the mirror, admiring her stunning looks. The buds of her mounds scratched into the fabric as if they were begging to be released. She combed her hair, all the while admiring her bussoms. 

      “Someone’s about to have a good time,” Sophia’s voice’s cut through her like butter. Rose turned around to see the spritely woman stepping into the restroom. There was something odd about the stripper, her attitude never seemed to match her posture. At times her voice would break when she tried to come off as flirty, or sharpen when she tried to appear laid back. Rose got the impression that the scantily clad professional wasn’t as confident as she appeared.

      Sophia still wore her cruise ship logo t-shirt, her pixie hair was surprisingly curly. Rose could tell that if the woman grew it out it would look absolutely marvelous. “It’s not what it looks like,” Rose blushed.

      “Whatever you say,” Sophia answered curtly. She walked past her and drew on the cold water for the shower. “F— you think they would at least get the water heaters working.”

      Rose was busy putting on a pair of earrings, “Just jump in and out, its not so bad.” She turned around and realized Sophia was stripping down. Her hips were narrow, her thighs surprisingly lean, but her ankles were firm. 

      Sophia turned around, her breasts were small yet perky and firm. Bright pink nipples stuck out on the pale flesh. “What?” Sophia asked while cocking her head to the side as if perplexed.

      “Sorry, didn’t mean to stare.” Rose brought her attention back to the mirror before her.

      Sophia just shrugged her shoulders and reached out to test the water. “No biggie, its not like I’m not used to it.” 

      Shit, I’m already getting wet…

      Rose sighed, hoping that she wouldn’t have to change her undergarments before leaving the restroom.

      Once she was ready, Rose took a deep breathe and walked out of the restroom. Sophia wouldn’t stop swearing to herself in the shower behind her. It was almost comical. Rose could feel her heart beating in her chest as she walked into the main cabin. The air was stingy, the rustling of the garbage bag irritated her. Rose felt like she really needed to get some air. 

      Outside, Maggie was sitting on the edge of the spare bed. She wore a dark push up bra and lounge pants. In her hand was a small handheld video game, her attention seemed to be fixated on it. 

      Kyle was absent, likely searching for something better to cover the window with.

      Rebecca meanwhile seemed to be waiting patiently for her. She had disappeared earlier, Rose got the distinct impression she had ambushed a few patrols from ship security nearby. Apparently she had taken time away from her new hobby and was waiting for Rose to finish tidying up. Wearing the same pink blouse and skirt she had worn earlier, the vampire was adjusting her umbrella hat carefully. She took one look at Rose and nearly dropped the hat, her eyes grew wide. “Yum…” 

      “What?” Rose held herself still. Already she could feel a droplet of sweat rolling down her chest.

      “Yummy yummy yummy!” Rebecca jumped up on her feet and hopped up and down childishly.

      The sudden noise and movement broke Maggie’s attention, “Seriously!” 

      “You want to get some air? Its getting hot in here.” It was Rose’s intention to ask Rebecca to accompany her, both as a guard and maybe something more.

      “So take off all your” Rebecca was still hopping up and down, but she never finished her sentence before she was rudely interrupted. 

      Maggie threw a pillow at Rebecca’s head before she could finish. “Please just stop!”  

      “Don’t be jealous,” Rebecca laughed. She picked up the pillow and threw it back at her with a smile. 

      “I’m not jealous!” Maggie sat up straight, her hands were gripping into the bed sheets. 

      “Don’t worry Babe, you’ll find someone soon. I know it.” Rebecca returned her attention to Rose. She threw on her hat and practically skipped to the door. 

      “Please just stop, or better yet get out. Seriously this is getting ridiculous.” Maggie withdrew her attention back to the video game, her fingers pounded the controls furiously. 

      “Come on Rosie, lets get some air. I want to see how you look in the sunlight!” Rebecca motioned for her to follow. 

      Just before Rose made it to the door, Rebecca cut in front of her. The way the vampire opened the door, scanned the hallways, and kept her close seemed almost territorial.

      Just walking through the halls made Rose even more desperate for some fresh air before the next curfew was in place. With no air conditioning, and no way to open the windows, the temperature inside was stifling. Even if they had portable fans there was no power to use them! Outside on the forward deck of the Sanguine, the air was relieving but also a bit chilly. It was still grey and cloudy for as far as the eye could see, as the evening set in the sun had yet to burn its way through the grim overcast.

      Rose leaned against the guard rail, it was windy and a light drizzle cooled her skin. Her auburn hair was tied in a pony tail, it wasn’t the way she preferred but thought it would be a welcome change. 

      Rose had never met a woman like Rebecca before, hell she never felt like this before. There was just something so damn cute about her, the way she liked to stir chaos reminded Rose of someone else she once had a crush on years ago. Strangely Rose felt like she wasn’t nearly as angry as she should’ve been about Rebecca’s nippling. It made her heart flutter just thinking about the vampire, how she accompanied her around like a little lost puppy dog was getting adorable. It was enough to make Rose wonder how it would feel if she bit her again? 

      “Whatcha thinking about…” Rose nearly jumped upon hearing Rebecca’s voice. She turned around to find the blonde creature right behind her, Rebecca had both her hands behind her back and leaned toward Rose so that their noses almost brushed. 

      However the vampire had gotten so close to her without notice should’ve frightened Rose, but by now she was starting to get used to it. As Rebecca leaned forward her cleavage was also visible, her gorgeous breasts were sparkling with amber and olive hue’s. Rose couldn’t help but study them for a few split seconds, she could see a river of thin blue veins just underneath supple and soft skin.

      Rebecca smirked and leaned forward an inch more so that the valley between her voluptuous mounds was easily exposed. Her silver cross dangled forward to glisten in the grey light. Rose bit her lip, she could feel a quiver at the base of her stomach, anticipation moistened between her legs. 

      “You smell nice,” Rebecca’s tone was sharp and clear. 

      That broke her trance, Rose leaned back against the guard rail and took a moment to catch her breathe. She had no idea she was holding it in! A delicate finger reached forward to brush back a stray bang from her eyes, Rose stiffened in surprise upon feeling Rebecca’s fingers but didn’t reject them. “You must be smelling my blood or something.” 

      As if to challenge that, Rebecca took a half step forward and sniffed the hair just in front of her face. Rose couldn’t help but notice the blonde creature was blushing more violently than ever before. “No,” She leaned back a fraction, “It’s not just that.” 

      Rose tried to relax, it was getting easier but she imagined it would take a while before she could fully feel at ease among the vampires. Her hands loosened around the guard rail but still held on to them. “If you say so…Becky.” 

      Rebecca froze with her mouth gaped wide, and then she suddenly couldn’t contain herself, Her laugh was a cute high pitched squeal. Rebecca failed to stifle herself and found her knees buckling while trying to cover her mouth to muffle the noise. “Becky! Thats so fucking sweet!”

      The shortened name just flowed off the tongue, Rose didn’t even mean to address her as such. Even as she called her ‘Becky’, Rose had no idea what she was doing. “What!”

      “First you call me Becca and now Becky? I can’t believe you called me that!” Rebecca continued to laugh, she had to wipe a tear from her eye. Her cross necklace danced around her neck as she tried to control herself.

      Rose scratched the back of her head while watching the vampire’s tits bouncing with each twist and turn. She wished Rebecca had chosen to wear a bra underneath that sexy top. “Sorry, I don’t know why I said that.”

      “No its ok,” Rebecca wiped another tear away as she spoke. “I like it!” 

      “Oh really?” Rose stifled a chuckle. She felt an urge to touch the creature in front of her, she didn’t know why but the desire burned from deep within. Without thinking she reached forward and cupped Rebecca’s cheek in her right hand, the sudden contact stunned the vampire for a brief moment. The intimate contact was enough for Rebecca to catch her breathe, she smiled and rested her head in Rose’s grasp. 

      “Did the sun just come out, or was it just your smile?” Rose asked just to see Rebecca laugh again.

      “You’re lips look lonely. Would they like to meet mine?” Rebecca responded swiftly and without any shame. Rose swallowed, she looked into the vampire’s blue eyes. They were full of longing and distracted her as Rebecca leaned forward closer. 

      A portable loud speaker sounded from nearby and broke their attention. Rose looked over to see a sailor on the higher decks, even from a distance he looked tired as he tried to address all the passengers on the forward deck. Dozens of passengers were nearby, a tiny crowd compared to the ocean of party goers a few days ago.

      “Shit!” Rose feared he would notice Rebecca but the blonde vampire didn’t seem to worry. 

      “Hey just a heads up I need a little juice, do you mind?” Rebecca asked Rose while presenting the most innocent and adorable smile she could possible summon.

      Rose felt a bead of sweat roll down the side of her face, “What?”

      “Thanks!” Rebecca took hold over the gentle hand still pressed against her cheek, and with her fangs bared bit into Rose’s wrist. 

      Rose yelped as she felt the razor sharp fangs breach her skin. That pain was brief, it was the beginning of a transaction of bodily fluids between vampires and their human partners…or victims. As a small slurp of Rose’s blood was suckled out, the vampire traded it with a healthy dose of her own venom. Rose felt the pain drift away, it was replaced by a warm and soothing sensation. A tingling impression flowed up her arm to reach her shoulder, and eventually drift toward her heart. Rose then felt a surge of pleasure begining to grow deep in her core, but before that flower could bloom Rebecca removed her teeth. She left behind two small bruises along with a fine trickle of blood.

      Rose pulled her hand back and rubbed it while catching her breathe. The bite took less than a couple seconds but it felt much longer. Rose watched as Rebecca licked a tiny drop of crimson from the corner of her lips while gazing into her eyes deeply. Before her very eyes the vampire’s body seemed to fade away into a thin mist. It wrapped around Rose’s body and was hard to discern among the grey overcast. 

      The sailor never noticed the quick exchange, and he certainly didn’t pay any attention to the shallow mist that had suddenly spawned next to the auburn beauty on the guard rails. It was possible that Rebecca didn’t need to resort to using any of her unique gifts, but Rose surmised it was better safe than sorry. 

      “Attention all guests and passengers,” the loud speaker in the sailors hand made his voice sound like an overpowered toad, “The captain would like to respectfully DEMAND to whoever is ambushing, and tying up, sailors to please stop!” 

      Rose could hear a chuckle in the surrounding mist.

      “Seriously! We are needed to keep this vessel afloat, which is in no way in danger of sinking by the way!” He put a lot of emphasis on that later statement. “And we can’t do our job if, not naming any names, a certain blonde delinquent keeps ambushing us in the halls!”

      The mists laughs grew even louder to the point where some of the other guests looked over to Rose. She had to pretend she was the one making the noise. 

      The sailor continued unabated, “The captain wishes to report that water pressure for all bathroom necessities will be restored shortly. Please restrain yourself from using the showers for more than five minutes a day per passenger. Emergency blood rations are to be delivered to each cabin along with food and beverages. A weeks worth of supplies will be brought to your door, all other restaurants and services are to be suspended for the indefinite future.”

      The sailor finished giving his pep talk and then walked around to another section of the ship to give the same speech to another crowd. The mist around Rose collected to reform and solidify into the vampire she was starting to warm up to.

      “You’ve got to stop doing that…” Rose crossed her arms. She was referring to restraining the sailors that patrolled the ship in search for Rebecca. Within hours security had discovered the three people tied up in their old cabin. Their was a surge of active patrols since then. Strangely the added patrols didn’t seem to care much about Rose or Maggie, the few times she passed one in the hall they barely gave her a glance. All their attention seemed to be focused on finding the delinquent in their midst. Rose wondered if at some point they would get tired of trying and just give up.

      Rebecca popped her knuckles as her hands fully reformed. She had to stretch her arms and legs as well, apparently transforming back and forth was fairly taxing. “I know…but they make it so easy I can’t help myself.”

      “Where do you even get the rope!”

      “Not important,” Rebecca fiddled with a strand of her golden hair while speaking.

      “I kind of think its important.” 

      To dodge the question Rebecca just spun around and ended up facing her again, this time her hair practically glowed as a new ray of sunshine broke through the clouds. “Hey there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you?” 

      Rose sighed, “Should I be worried?”

      Rebecca looked down at her feet for a moment, her hands became jittery. The atmosphere around her seemed to change, Rose could feel the tension building. Rebecca finally shook her head and then suddenly altered her tone. “Hey lets play a little game.”

      Rose leaned back against the guard rail, she noticed the water seemed to be somehow a little closer. “Hey is the ship?”

      “If you want to go on a date with me, Smile! If not, then do a back flip.” Rebecca leaned forward to invade Rose’s personal space like before. This time Rose could smell her licorice tooth paste. 

      “Um…Hey Becky?” Rose looked back toward her in fright, “I think the ship is listing!” 

      Rebecca’s just stood in front of her frozen in delightful unease. Just before she could say anything more the ship lurched. 

      Rose felt the ground underneath her fall as the entire ship shifted on its axis, the sound of waves splashing against the metal erupted behind her. The guard rail wasn’t enough to keep her stable. Rose screamed as she felt herself falling backward, the groaning of the ship and screaming of its passengers became a song to the rising sea. Just as she felt herself begin to fall an arm surged forth and grabbed hold of her.

      “I said if not do a backflip! Not throw yourself off the ship!” Rebecca held on to Rose for several agonizing seconds until the ship adjusted its axis. Once stabilized she still held on. “So…are you ok?”

      Rose was trembling, she didn’t want to leave Rebecca’s embrace. She pressed into the vampires body as the Sanguine finished righting itself. Rose could feel the vampires heart beating rapidly against her breast. “Yeah I think I’m fine,” she took in a breathe. “Did you just save me?” She noticed all the passengers on the deck were sobbing and disoriented. Many couples were locked in a similar embrace while others clung to bolted furniture.

      The vampire held her tighter and answered with another kiss, this one on the lips. 

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