Trapped On A Vampire Cruise With No Power!

25: Ok I Give Up, This Is Great!

      Looking back at that moment, Rose would have a hard time describing the events immediately proceeding what would widely be known among cruise line history as the  ‘Red-Bra Horde Accident’. Using the word ‘accident’ and ‘horde’ in the same sentence never really made sense to her, or anybody for that matter. How could a violent horde be an accident? Rose didn’t know it but apparently it was almost called the ‘Starving Vampire Crises’. The media liked that title better. Rumor was that the cruise line used every favor among their political lobbyists to bribe the media from using it. 

      Regardless, the ‘Red-Bra Horde Accident’ wasn’t something Rose could describe in any real detail. The reason for this was because she kept her eyes closed during most of it.

      She would regret that of course, for if she had kept her eyes open she would’ve seen how her vampire rushed forward like a bat out of hell. Rebecca was smaller than those at the front of the crowd, but unlike them…she was full. Unlike the starving masses, Rebecca was brimming with energy and her nascent vampiric gifts were on full display. 

      The grace of a vampire, born and bred within the Seraphine clans, was something to behold, especially on the offensive. Fluid motions, sharp fangs, and deadly precision were only some of the skills Rebecca had at her disposal. Rose had seen her vampire fade to mist, meld with shadows, and even glide through midair, but had she opened her eyes in time she would’ve seen Rebecca do so much more. 

      Rose was fighting a battle of her own, one that was internal in nature. Her mind was fighting itself, dual desires and instincts wrestling to take control. Part of her wanted to run, to hide, to be a coward. She was within her right to be so, most people under threat from a mass of hungry vampires would be long gone by now. But there was another part of her, newly planted and nurtured, that resisted the notion. That small kernel was born not from fear but of something else. Courage is a difficult thing to forge and temper within the mind. It usually requires another factor to come into play, something that is stronger than fear. Or fear for ones self at least. Rose felt fear, she was terrified that Rebecca would get hurt.

      The noise added to the cacophony of chaos. Had Rose kept her eyes open to watch, it would have been difficult to focus on anything but her vampire. Her movements were a blur, a golden haze that flew in the wind. Rose couldn’t watch what was about to happen. She didn’t even want to imagine what could happen. She closed her eyes as she heard a grunting smash explode in front of them. The sounds of chaos escalated amid a torrent of screams, each bone crunching slap and ball busting squash made her stomach churn. Ten seconds slugged by before Rose had the courage to take a peek. She opened an eye and found Kyle in front of her facing the battle, his bulk acting as a wall to shield her. Maggie stood beside him but froze, her legs were shaking.  

      When she opened her eyes Rose saw her vampire running back toward them, then quickly banking left to rush down an adjacent hallway. In her hands was the pole with the red bra, she was waving it back and forth like a flag. Behind Rebecca, the man who brought the bra banner was on the ground with a busted nose and his hands clutching his crotch. Four others were also flattened next to him, their teeth were scattered on the carpet. The lead man was sobbing uncontrollably as he rolled back and forth, the horde he had lead stumbled over them like they were figments of imagination. 

      “Goddamnit Reby,” Maggie stepped forward as if she were ready to help. Her shaking legs were only getting worse. 

      Rebecca’s voice was somehow loud enough to echo over the crowd, “Don’t worry about me I’ll catch up! Just get Rosie out of here!” 

      Maggie and Rose watched as the crowd followed the sparkling red brazier. The combination of Kyle’s body overshadowing her, and the red bra’s distraction seemed to be enough for them to no longer notice her. Even Sophia struggled not to follow the sudden dash of red as it flew down the hallway. The horde tried their best to catch up but the blonde blur was so much faster. 

      “Is my Becky going to be alright?” The words just slipped out without Rose thinking about it.

      Rose didn’t get an answer, suddenly she felt a pair of hands grabbed her shoulders. A new shadow came from no where, Sophia’s teeth were exposed. “Hold still, just need a sip…one juicy sip!”

      Rose recoiled by thrusting her elbow into the vampires stomach. Sophia cried out before she could bite down. The vampire collapsing on her knees with a thud. 

      “Bitch back off!” Rose spat in outrage.

      Kyle turned around in alarm, his eyes were slightly dilated and shaking. Rose could tell he struggled to compose himself. He noticed what happened and, despite his lack of blood sugar, was able to make a quick decision, “Lets get the hell out of here.”

      “What about Reby?” Maggie asked in confusion. Clearly she was also struggling with a very similar internal battle that Rose had endured. 

      Unlike all of them, Kyle seemed to know exactly what to do. He was suffering the same weakness as the other vampires, therefore he knew he couldn’t rush the crowd. He wouldn’t dare leave a defenseless woman behind however. “She’ll find us, that crazy chick will follow us. But we can’t stay here, we stick out like a sore thumb.”

      Rose took in a deep breath. He was right and she knew it. “Where do we got?” 

      “Anywhere but here,” Maggie sighed. She patted Rose on the shoulder and the trio ran back the way they came. They left Sophia behind, she was slowly getting up in desperation.

      An hour passed before the trio found some sanctuary. The halls were hard to walk in, the tides were wrestling the ship franticly now. Rose found herself bumping into the walls with every few steps. Doors would fall of their hinges, revealing frightened occupants huddling in the corners of their rooms. The steel bulkheads of the HMS Sanguine were crying out in distress. The temperature was still stifling, sweat and fear laid thick in the air. 

      The sanctuary they found was farther on the stern of the ship, near the food court and shopping galleries. It was one of three movie theaters on the ship, a smaller more confined cinema with a single  set of thick oak doors with brass beams. It was easy to barricade the doorway from the inside, and luckily there were no squatters present when they arrived. 

      “Really?” Maggie’s voice was getting more scratchy and irritated as the time passed. She was hungry and drinking on an empty stomach was only making things worse. “Why the cinema of all places?”

      “Its fine,” Kyle took a seat next to Rose on one of the leather seats. Somehow the ground seemed more stable in the theater.

      Maggie collapsed nearby, but she kept herself just out of arms reach. For some reason, Rose felt a little safer that way. She could tell the poor thing was struggling to keep herself together. 

      “Shit what’s wrong?” Kyle asked Maggie with genuine concern.

      Maggie’s entire body continued to shake, she tried to get up but fell again. “I’m really dizzy.”

      Kyle looked over to Rose, he shot her a ‘please sit tight’ look before getting up. Rose leaned back in the bench to watch as he walked over to Maggie and proceeded to rub her back, “We both haven’t had any blood for a while. Our bodies can’t digest food like you Rose. Can you forgive us for being a little aggravated.”

      Rose returned a nod, “I just hope Becky gets back soon.”

      “I’m sure she’ll be fine, shit…” Maggie groaned as Kyle massaged her. Her breathing was haggard, her eyes dipped. “Any chance you have any alcohol left?”

      Her question was directed to Rose but it was Kyle that answered, “No. Even if we did I don’t think that’ll help.”

      He was probably right, but even if she were allowed to answer, Rose had nothing with her. Suddenly a series of pounds impacted the doorway. Mighty thuds clashed against the bronze podium that was wedged against the doorhandles.  

      “Damnit they found us already!” Rose got up on her feet. There was nowhere to run, and nowhere else to hide.

      “Rose,” Maggie whined, “I can’t get up, you best start running.”

      “Seriously? You want me to abandon you?” Rose looked over to Kyle who seemed to struggle on his feet. “There’s nowhere to run anyway.” 

      “I can buy you some time, you can escape through the ventilation ducts. Its best you stay away from us anyway.” Kyle approached the doorway while flexing his shoulders. 

      “Are you kidding? This isn’t a movie, I’m not going to fit through the rafters. Even if I did, there’s no way they can hold my weight!” 

      The pounding steadily grew weaker as if the fists beating against the door were getting tired. The collective moans coming from the other side were a sign that there was still a bounty of people trying to get in. Rose bit her lip while thinking. Becky was some how able to bust up several people twice her size without a problem, and even outrun them. If the vampires were really desperate, would two healthy vampires be able to fight them off? 

      Maggie looked over to Rose as if reading her mind, “Its not a bad idea, but…I think Reby will kill me if we go down that road.”  

      Kyle raised an eyebrow, “It might be the best option though. I’m pretty sure she’ll kill us if we don’t protect her anyway.”

      The thuds suddenly grew harsher, a voice could be heard above the groans. “We know your in there! Are you really going to let us starve to death? Come on out Rose, theres no where you can go.” Sophia was leading the crowd.

      “That bitch…” Rose’s voice was sharp. She balled her hand into fists and yelled, “You want me so badly, come and get me!” She then looked over to Kyle and Maggie, both of whom seemed tense. They looked up at her in fright. Rose took a step forward and took off her jacket in front of them. The small bruises on her neck were visible. “Just hurry, and don’t take too much. Just enough to get off your ass and beat them back…please.” Rose wasn’t afraid, she was pissed off. 

      Kyle gasped, both he and Maggie looked at her with their mouths open. They both asked the same question at once, “You sure?”

      Rose narrowed her eyes to Kyle, “Oh come on big guy, don’t leave a gal hanging.” Then to Maggie, “We both know its the only way so hurry up.”

      Kyle stifled a laugh. He got up slowly and walked over. His stride was measured as to not cause her to change her mind. Rose held her ground as he moved behind her and bared his teeth. “I’ve never don’t this before, so don’t blame me if I get a little…rough.”

      Rose just rolled her eyes at the comment. His bite wasn’t as delicate as Rebecca’s. His teeth sank deeper, and the venom was like a harsh cocktail compared to her vampires sweeter sting. It was almost overwhelming, Rose found herself gasping for breathe as a surge of passion flooded her veins. The bite was short which she found merciful. Another second and she would’ve drowned in his venom’s overpowering embrace. She was starting to understand how vampiric venom could become addictive. Kyle released her and took a deep gasp. His head looked up to the ceiling as Rose’s blood dripped down his lips toward his chin. 

      “Hot damn…thats fucking delicious!” He declared to the ceiling while flexing his arms. His veins were alive and forming a tapestry across his skin. 

      Maggie couldn’t stand but watched with twitching eyes. Her teeth were also bared, although her lips were quivering.  Rose was thankful Kyle only took a short sip of her blood, although his essence was making her nerves tingle. She carefully approached the other vampire and sat down so that she could lean over to take a sip as well.  

      “F-ck, sorry Reby please don’t kill me.” Maggie leaned forward and pinched her skin. Maggie’s fangs were somehow longer than Rebecca's, but not nearly as thick as Kyle’s. Her lips were tender, her tongue massaged the skin the same way Rebecca’s had. Rose got the feeling Maggie had done this before. Her venom was a rich wine in comparison to Kyle’s. It was warm and spicy, Rose could feel it sink into her heart. The mixture of both Maggie’s and Kyle’s venom combined to create an intricate cocktail of pleasure. Rose couldn’t help but gasp in delight as her eyes rolled in the back of her skull. Her toes and fingers clenched, her stomach rolled, and her loins burned! 

      Rose almost fell over from the sudden wave of ecstasy. An implosion wracked the base of her stomach. She felt as if her entire body was on fire. When Rebecca had bitten her it made her feel like she was floating on an ocean of pleasure, with both of these others it was like she was lost in a hurricane. When the final orgasm came Rose couldn’t keep it contained. Her sexual fervor gushed from between her legs, and every inch of her skin was itching for more. Rose was drunk on vampiric venom, and she was loving it.

      “WOW!” Maggie had a hard time unlatching her teeth from Rose’s skin. She did so only reluctantly. Blood dripped from her teeth as she jumped up on her feet, “F-CK!” 

      “I’ve…never…tasted…something….so…” Kyle’s vitality seemed to be fully restored, “There are no words to describe it.”

      “Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit! Rebecca you bitch, I can’t believe you had this all to yourself!” Maggie stretched her arms wide, “This is insane!”

      “I want more…” Rose was drooling. Every nerve in her body was in shock. Her inner walls could bust a lemon! Her heart wouldn’t stop pounding in her breast. Clothing was too hot for her skin, Rose quickly tried to pull off the bra and skirt her vampire had given her. “I need more right now!”

changed Rose's line here.

      Before either of them could answer her demands, the doors burst open. 

      “Hold tight Rose, we got this.” Maggie popped her knuckles, “And try to grab a hold of yourself, Kyle doesn’t like to wear rubbers after all.”

      Kyle just whined, “Lets just hurry this up before the blonde devil gets here.”


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