Trapped On A Vampire Cruise With No Power!

4: Morning Licks

      Rose never had good dreams, they were always distorted hallucinations of dejavu and awkward fantasies rolled up into her own uncaring universe. It was a bad dream that spawned the idea of going on a cruise in the first place, and another that made her frantically grow weary of being single. But for some reason that she couldn't accurately explain, sleeping in a room with two other vampires was one of the most peaceful. Her nightmares were absent, in there place was a warm feeling of sobriety. When her eyes fluttered open her body somehow felt more refreshed than she had been in a long time. Until she noticed someone was licking her fingers...

      Rebecca, the rather short blonde vampire, had four of Rose's fingers in her mouth and was gingerly licking them like they were salt cubes.

      Rose instantly recoiled, but found that the vampires grip was somehow too strong to unlatch her, "What are you doing?" Her voice was startled and confused.

      "So tasty..." Rebecca mumbled as she continued to suck on her skin.

      Rose tried to pull harder, then tried to use her feet and other hand to pull her away. It was like moving a boulder, Rebecca simply wouldn't budge! "Tasty my ass! let me go you little creep!"

      The doorway opened, Maggie stumbled into the room and glanced over. On first glance she looked like she was already tipsy, "Having fun already Reby?"

      Rose raised her eyebrow in confusion, "I thought you said vampires don't drink humans! What the hell?"

      "She's not drinking you, she's tasting you...big difference." Maggie's words were slurred and she pulled out a silver flask from her purse, "Reby let her go already, haven't you had enough?"

      Reluctantly Rebecca released her grip just as Rose was trying to pull, it made Rose instantly lunge backward against the wall! "What the hell is wrong with you!"

      Rebecca chuckled as she leaned back and licked her lips, "I can tell she's an O negative...thats my favorite."

      "I thought B positive was your favorite?" Maggie interjected as if talking about blood types was a completely normal thing to do.

      "But O negative is so much sweeter, I really want to try it." Rebecca leaned forward slightly as if she might just let her temptations get the better of her.

      Rose suddenly felt like her worst fears were about to be justified, she wished she had her can of mace...or hell her colt revolver would be even better!

      Before Rebecca could do anything Maggie got behind her and dragged her away from Rose back to her side of the room, "You've got to control yourself! you're giving us a bad name," Once Maggie had Rebecca on her own twin bed she threw her another tin flask, "Here just drink this and stop acting crazy!"

      Rebecca let out a moan of disappointment before taking the flask. Maggie had her hands on her hips and seemed annoyed. Rose just rubbed the back of her neck as she got up and took in her surroundings. The sunlight was pouring into the room through the small round window and judging by the sounds of footsteps coming from outside, the ships festivities were in full swing.

      "We can't get to Nassau soon enough," Rose complained to herself as she stood. Her fingers felt sticky and gross, she wanted to take a shower.

      Maggie laughed at that, "You say it sista," she hiccuped in between sentences, "Wont be there until later tonight though...might as well have fun until then."

      The smell of alcohol permeated the air around the goth chick, "Come on don't tell me humans don't drink or gamble, I've seen plenty do far worse."

      Until the previous night Rose didn't now the first thing about Vampires, the idea of them drinking and partying like normal people seemed strange. She sighed and tried to crack her knuckles to relax, "What is there to do here?"

      Maggie took a long swig from her flask before answering, "Plenty, in fact theres a DJ and party right now on the main deck. Unlike you, I came here for a purpose and I'm not sitting in here missing out on all the hunks upstairs. You two need to get your ass in gear!"

      Rose didn't like the idea of being surrounded by hundreds of vampires, but she didn't like the idea of being left alone where no one would hear her scream either. Besides, she thought to herself, If they don't need my blood than it should be safe?

      Rose agreed to let them drag her upstairs, but not before getting cleaned up and into something more proper. She was genuinely happy that no one went through her luggage, and retrieved a change of clothes before going into the small restroom. After the shower and blow drying her hair she emerged from the tiny room wearing her new red bikini. Both Maggie and Rebecca were glaring at her dumbstruck, Maggie nearly dropped her flask while Rebecca instantly stood up in one fluid motion. Rose suddenly got the feeling that she made a grave mistake.

      "What are you two looking at?" Rose worried that her swimsuit might have come loose, or didn't fit right. She had no idea why the pair of vampires were drawn to her like a pair of predators discovering new prey.

      Rebecca lunged, her eyes were alive in freakish turmoil! It took every ounce of strength for Maggie to grab her and throw her back onto her bed. Maggie had both her hands balled into fists, her nails were bitting into her palms, "Take that off! right now!" she screamed.

      Rose shuddered, "What?"

      "Take it off!" Maggie spat thick droplets of drool in the air.

      Rose immediately stripped off the red swimsuit, letting it fall to the floor, and shielded herself clumsily, "What the hell is wrong with you!"

      Maggie rushed over and kicked the red clothing underneath the mattress so that it was out of sight! Freed from the distraction the dark haired vampire calmed herself, Rebecca in the meanwhile was chewing at her blankets. Maggie then spoke as calmly as she could, "Don't ever wear red..."

      Rose was standing, naked and covering herself, completely confused. "Ok I think I've said 'what the hell is wrong with you' enough. But seriously what the hell is wrong with you!"

      Rebecca spoke out, "Sorry but anything red just drives us crazy!"

      "Oh it drives you crazy! like you aren't already!" Rose fought back her urge to throw something at her.

      "Seriously you have to avoid the color red! It's like super insane for us!" Maggie rubbed her eyes.

      Rose stuttered, "How do you avoid the color red! It's literally the background of every Target in America!"

      "Ever seen someone walk into a store with dark shades and thought to yourself 'what a douchebag?" Rebecca asked nonchalantly.

      Rose couldn't help but admit she had, quite a lot actually? 

      "Vampire," The pair stated together.


      "Yep, vampire big time. Also we can wear special contacts that alter that color, but their expensive and itchy and were not wearing them while on vacation! So please don't wear anything red!" Maggie protested! She grabbed another pair of clothes from Rose's open suitcase and threw it at her, "Put this on and hurry up! You've already wasted enough time from my vacation! were not going to sit and wait for you much longer."

      "Don't go through my things!" Rose took the black swimsuit and locked herself back into the restroom. The black bikini was a designer push-up her friend from work got her months ago, she never wore it in public. Luckily it still fit her perfectly. Looking herself over in the mirror she couldn't help but feel weird, as if she were exposing too much of herself. Rose wondered why she even bothered packing this particular swimsuit in the first place.

      A noise broke through her thoughts, a new voice echoed through the thin walls from the adjacent compartment. It sounded like a man? Rose checked herself in the mirror one last time before opening the door and walking outside. Standing in the sleeping quarters was a new passenger she hadn't seen before, he was chatting with Maggie flirtatiously. Whoever it was he was tall, and broad shouldered with a handsome face and short brown hair. He wore only his swimsuit which meant he proudly displayed his chest and thick arms. His tanned skin was taught with muscle and the sun tan lotion reeked from his pores. He looked over in surprise and spoke with a rough southern accent, "Maggie you didn't tell me you found a third roomie? You caught me by surprise!"

      "She's a humie, and won't be with us for long," Maggie tried to divert his attention back to herself, "But you're more than welcome to take her place as soon as she's gone, Reby and me are going to be so lonely." It was clear she had ulterior motives, Maggie spoke seductively with a finger moving in circles around her necklace. 

      "A human! I knew you would find a way to sneak some contraband on board, but a human? Going a little overboard aren't we?" His jibe did nothing to soothe the tension in the room. He turned around and walked over to Rose with the kind of confident swagger only a skilled womanizer could employ. He extended his hand with a smile, "The names Kyle Stryx.”

      Rose accepted the handshake suspiciously, and with an abundance of caution before speaking, "Rose...Sex-Sexton...Pleasure to meet you." There was something about his eyes that struck her, it was near impossible break her focus from them.

      "A pleasure indeed! My mother was human so don't worry I won't bite," His voice was smooth and supple compared to any other guy she ever met. In fact Rose felt her stomach flutter as he released her hand and offer a sharp wink. 

      “Enough!” Maggie cried out, she threw her arms in air and grasped the back of her head. “Are we going outside or what!”

      “Alright alright alright,” Kyle’s accent rolled off the tongue, “lets go ladies the day is still young and the nights on its way.” He wrapped an arm around Maggie and motioned for Rose and Rebecca to follow them out of the room. Rose realized she was holding her breath, her her legs were shaking. As she exhaled her eyes drifted to the small red strap of her bra poking from underneath the bed post. Suddenly she realized she didn’t know what was worse, to go outside with the three of them…or stay here alone? 

      A gentle finger poked at her shoulder causing her to jump in fright. Rebecca chuckled at Rose’s reaction and then hopped back out of reach. Her hands were behind her back and the vampire’s golden hair seemed to reflect the light, her smile was practically intoxicating even with the fangs poking from her lips. 

      “Come on O negative, I don’t want to leave you down here all alone.” Rebecca’s voice was sweet and clear, Rose couldn’t tell if she was teasing her or genuinely trying to be friendly. 

      Rose Sexton took another deep breathe and adjusted her shoulder strap before following the vampires out of the room. 

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