Trapped On A Vampire Cruise With No Power!

8: Get Her Off Of Me!

      “GET HER OFF ME!” Rose cried out as the blonde devil leapt into the air. It happened so fast, she was like a yellow bolt of lightning. Rebecca’s lunge impacted her like a ton of bricks, knocking the wind out of her lungs. It was surprising just how heavy the young vampire was, but then again Rebecca was stronger than she looked. Rose could taste the metallic flavor in her mouth, some of the blood was running down her throat. It made her cough and gag which meant she couldn’t keep her mouth closed. That was all Rebecca needed and she eagerly planted her mouth onto Rose’s firmly. There was no seduction or passion between the pair of lips, only raw hunger. Rebecca’s tongue seemed desperate to collect the small pool of exposed blood. 

      Terror shot through Rose’s mind as she felt Rebecca drinking the warmth in her mouth. Slurping it up without pause or any restraint. She’s drinking me! Rose wanted to yell, her worsts fears realized! She tried to throw herself back but felt the vampires arms wrapped around her tightly.

      “Get off her Reby!” Maggie’s shrieked, she had just gotten up and realized what was happening. The ship was still swaying underneath them, and Maggie was still incredibly drunk. But still she tried to pull her friend off of the human. Soon Kyle dragged himself form the pool and rushed over to help as well. Rose didn’t know it but a dozen vampires had joined the fray in hopes of relieving her. 

      Rebecca’s body was surprisingly muscular and fought to remain locked onto Rose’s face. Even as Rose tried to push the creature away it felt like she was twice her actual weight. It took nearly a minute of thrashing and frantic yelling before Rebecca’s lips were forced to part. Her long blonde hair draped pulled away from Rose’s eyes as they managed to drag her from the red spring she longed for. For a brief moment Rose got a look at the young vampire, Rebecca’s eyes were dilated and insane! She tried to pull against the rescuers and her veins were pulsing against her skin.

      She was frothing at the mouth, and two of her teeth sharpened into needle sharp daggers, “More,” she begged with a rasping voice. 

      The moment Rose felt she was free she scampered backward with a hand covering her mouth. She felt completely violated and rushed to get back on her feet. Meanwhile Rebecca was still thrashing against everyone’s grip. It was amazing to watch a dozen people struggle to contain a single girl.

      Whether or not they could continue to hold her, Rose wasn’t going to wait around to find out. Rose felt her blood grow cold, her senses sharpened as her mind fell into a sense of fight or flight. Without further consideration she ran! The same series of thoughts echoed through her head as she rushed to escape. There going to kill me! There going to drink my blood! I have to get off this ship! A couple people tried to grab her, probably simply trying to stop her from hurting herself, but to Rose they were vampires coming to devour her. She pushed past everyone that got in her way even if they were trying to help. A sailor with a medical cross on his shirt tried to reach out, but she brushed him aside without thinking. She needed to get away, even if it meant jumping off the railing and into the sea. Just as Rose reached the edge someone else tried to stop her.

      “Rose! Its ok,” She didn’t recognize the voice for she was too focused on jumping off the ship! 

      “You’re all liars! You’re Monsters!” Rose shoved an elbow into the person behind her to break free. She was one step from the railing when the ship suddenly lurched yet again. This time the forward prow of the ship lunged upward as it collided with a massive wave. The arching angle made Rose trip and slide down several feet before the ground righted itself. Once on her knees some rational took over, she wasn’t going to dive into the waves but she wasn’t going to stay up here either. 

      Long dormant flight instincts, instincts that kept humans alive for millennia, guided her into an entryway and down the stairs to the lower decks. In hindsight it was a bad idea, but she couldn’t think clearly. She ran down one flight of stairs to the next until finding herself somewhere between one of the casinos and general workout facilities. All the hallways were similar, whenever she saw other vampires she dodged in the opposite direction. Her goal was simply to find somewhere that was safe, somewhere where there were no vampires at all. Rose continued going further down until she could feel the humidity bleeding from the ships main generator. Pipes along the walls and ceiling were dripping and giving off steam, some of them bore cracks and worn patina from age. She had no idea how she ended up near the engineering facilities close to the ships primary turbines. The noise made it difficult to hear anything and only made her more disoriented. 

      Eventually Rose collapsed on her feet, she couldn’t stop herself from dry heaving. Her lungs struggled to breath in the steaming air. She was covered in sweat, and her bikini was getting loose. She was bent over on all fours and in a state of shock. It was in this state of exhaustion that reason started to return. Her body was shaking but Rose slowly leaned back and took in her surroundings. 

      “What is this place?” She asked the empty corridor. The ship’s vibrations and constant shaking was her only response. That and the sound of something metallic dropping onto the floor nearby. She looked over to notice the small copper pipe roll across the floor toward her. As it met her knees she could sense a presence lurking in the shadows. Rose tried to narrow her view on the shape in the far corner of the hall. The darkness itself seemed to fold around a human figure. Each step it took toward her tugged at the shadows, draping over the figure like a robe of darkness. 

      It wasn’t until the silhouette was within arms reach that Rose recognized the stunning figure of Rebecca in the darkness. Rose watched in stunned horror as the blonde vampire threw open the curtain of shadows aside. A small trickle of blood dripped down the corner of her mouth, and her eyes were sharp as knives! 

      “Found you…” Her voice was still up beat and charming, but there was a sliver of amusement residing underneath its layers. “So delicious…so tasty…” she was speaking to herself as she took another step forward.

      “Please don’t!” 

      Just as Rebecca was about to reach out a new sound boomed across the entire ship! Bulkheads cracked and power generators shut down. Pipes expanded and burst on every level of the ship. What little light existed died, leaving Rose in the dark. 

      The HMS Sanguine was cast adrift and losing power.

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