Travel to Another World because ROB asked me.

Chapter 15. Reality Check.






Currently I am in battle with Riser Phenex.

["I'm not even sure this could be called battle."] System comment on me.

Duh, Wait until my punch reaches him!

I throw some punch close to him but he avoids it by jump away.

"Stop moving around, you chicken!!" I said to him.

"...How about no?" Riser replied to me.

Riser throw another fireball which was easily negated by my [Imagine Breaker]



"Brat.. this is the most pathetic battle that I've ever experienced in my life. You only have a short close combat attack, your speed might be fast for your age but bitch please, I can easily read you as you seem like throw your punch randomly." Riser said to me with an amused tone.

I know he is right, Damn it stings.

I didn't know Riser on this world actually could fight properly! 

I thought for sure he was gonna spam his fire or something.

I rush again toward him, throwing a punch, he keeps jump away, I keep chasing him, he keeps jump away.


Riser has a bored expression on his face.

"Brat, I think I will chase your sister now. At least she could try to burn me with black fire. Fighting you feel like I'm literally fighting with a brat, and yeah.. you are really a brat." Riser said as he avoided my attack.

"STOP MOVING AROUND!" I said while keep chasing him.

"What kind of dumbass I am if I let my enemies hit me, especially with your anti-magic arm?" Riser replied to me sarcastically.

["...He is right, user."] The system said to me with a tired tone.

Uhh, then what I should do?

My other abilities might do the trick but it will cost me, each with a different type of cost.

But if I take my time more then my sister might have a more dangerous situation because they are currently chased by this guy's peerage!

Damn it, this is really frustrating!

"...Well I guess I could leave you alone and start chasing our sister in the forest. You can't chase me either way. You can't even fly." Riser said to me.

Riser then releases his fiery wing as indicating he will start to go away.

Damn it, I ran out of options!

I can't even hit him now I can't even stop him chasing my twin sister!?

Duck the energy consumption, I will use my EMS!

["User! Please think more before using EMS!"] System yell at me.

I have no choice! This guy is surprisingly strong!

"Fine!! I will show you the black flame! Don't regret this you flaming chicken!"

["User!! Don't be stupid!"] The system yells at me.

But I can't let him chase my sister, Having full of the peerage of him chasing her already very bad!

I have no choice but to keep this guy here with me.

Riser looks at me with interest.

"Ohh..? So you are not serious after all this time, brat?" Riser said.


I can feel my Sharingan activated now, as I'm able to see the flow of a lot of energy with my eyes.

"Hahahahaha I see." Riser looks at me with interest.

Riser then begins to laugh.

"Interesting eyes, brat. So that blame flame of yours related to your eyes? What happens if take your eyes then?" Riser said with an arrogant tone.

Not even in your dream!

Eat this! [Amaterasu]



A black flame comes forward to Riser.

I can feel my eyes sting so bad, but I had no choice.

"Interesting!! [Hellfire!] Riser said while grinning.



Another intense flame comes forward from Riser's hand.

The two-color fire meets then the explosion came forward.





Riser then move toward me with high speed!

I can see it, but I can't follow him!

["User he is coming!!"] System warned me.

I know it! I can see--


"AAGH!" Riser punch my face even before I complete my sentence.


How does the duck Riser in this world knows martial art?!

I stand on my feet and throw my punch at him.


But he easily avoids my hit and I keep getting hit by him!



"Hahahaha slow!!" Riser laughs at me as he jumps away from my punch.

["User!! Please think your next move!"] System yell at me.

I know! I won't last with his assault. I need to use the decisive attack.

My eyes also hurt so bad, Damn it!!





SHEET! I'm not ready! This chicken throws his fire in close range!

[Imagine breaker!]


I'm able to negate it with hellfire but the blast still throws me away.


My body crashed into a tree in the forest.



It hurts so bad damn it. I tried to stand up but It's hurt so bad that I can't stand it.

I see Riser walked slowly to me.

 * Tap* Tap* Tap*

"Pathetic! Even with that flame, you are still a very weak brat! I thought I will get a very interesting flame duel but you are still too green to fight me. Release that flame more!" Riser said to me with disdain.

...Damn it. I didn't expect Riser to be this strong. Who the duck buffed Riser?

...I thought he was easy because he was defeated by Issei who are reincarnated devil in his early day.

...Now I think about it, how do devils know about my identity and power? 

"..H-How you a-able to f-find me and my sister??" I said as even muttering my voice already hurt.

Damn, I feel want to use Encounter already.

I never really fight, I thought this world would be easy with my cheat.

At least I think I'm already strong for a 6-year-old kid.


It's should easy if I'm using Encounter but I would turn into a different person by keep using it.

["Yes, You could instantly win but you will break your promise with your sister."] The system warns me.

...Ah yeah. Damn it.

I also don't want to lose my own identity.

Riser begins to laugh and talk as he answers my question.

"Ahahahahaha. It's because the building that you burn is one of my playgrounds, brat. Obviously, we have a way to detect something happen on our property. You also burned one of my favorite women with that fire of yours. I really can't wait to torture you to death." 

Wait, so that crazy woman is one of his women?!

"A-are you the one who killing my parents?!" I said questioning him.

"Who? I don't remember killing anyone in the human world, rape someone might be yes. All I do just giving my women some of my money. I'm rich after all." Riser explained to me.

I see! then that woman use the money she got from him to pay someone else to set up killing my parent!




["User calm down!!"] The system yells at me.

I didn't listen to system words, I will kill this chicken!

Riser then holds his chin.

"Now I think about it, your sister's appearance is really similar to my toy woman. I think I could grow her like that woman after I killed you, brat." Riser said with amusing tone.

What the duck did he just said?




["User! Stop!!"] The system warns me.




As I'm about to use Encounter mode, I hear my twin sister yells.

"ONII-CHAN!! STOP IT!" I hear my twin sister's voice yell at me.



I look at the source of sound and find my sister with Azazel and Ravel who... unconscious? What happen to her?


I'm glad! I forget my sister was also able to contact Azazel.

Damn, I'm really thankful that I decided to cooperate with him.

"Sis.." I said with all my remaining energy, I can even feel my tears run down from my eyes.

Now, Excuse me.. I want to pass out first.

"Onii-chan!" My sister yells at me.

As I'm about to lose consciousness.. I feel my sis hugged me and I can feel tears in her eyes too.

Damn.. I'm failed as a brother.



{3rd POV}



"Phenex brat, you should be glad that I just saved your life" Azazel said to him.

Riser look at the newcomer that comes with the brat sister. Riser felt this person is dangerous.

"Hmm..? Who are you might be?" Riser said to the new guy.

"You really should research more about an important person, Phenex. I'm these brats new daddy, and my name is Azazel." Azazel said as he released his 12 fallen angel wings.

Now Riser is convinced that his situation is at disadvantage. 

He is not stupid to fight against one of the strongest fallen angels.

 <Wait, what he was talking about?> Riser thought.

"You said you just save my life? I don't understand." Riser said to Azazel.

Azazel walked toward the twins. Riser looking wary at him.

"This almost dying brat could kill you easily, you know. He has another mode that only activates when he was about to die or he willingly used it. You really almost trigger this brat to use it as far I can see." Azazel said as he pointed toward Satoru.

Riser didn't believe what he just hears.

"Hmmmp. Stop bluffing fallen angel, this brat doesn't know how to fight and I'm literally untouched in our fight. And you said I'm at his mercy?" Riser said with a disdain tone.

"Well, it's up to you believe it or not. Anyway, these two twins part of the fallen angel faction as I'm legit their new dad. So can you cease your hostility?" Azazel said with an amusing tone.

Riser fell silent as he looked at Azazel.

Riser thinks that while it is impossible for him to win against Azazel, he might still be able to bring this brat with him while escaping.

Azazel who seems able to read his mind also adds "Ahh.. Don't even try to escape with the brat. Your whole peerage is at my mercy, some of them even have severed limbs you see. I don't mind to attack Phenex manor directly on the underworld." 

...Riser raises his both hands.

He definitely won't like to lose his whole peerage.

"Ok fine. I won't attack this brat anymore but you will release my whole peerage." Riser said while looking at him as he tried to negotiate with Azazel.

 "I promise. I will deliver your whole peerage on your place. Is that works for you?" Azazel answers his question.

Riser nodded then he looked at Ravel who was unconscious on his arm.

"Also can you give my sister back? She attempts to betray me, She will get more education for her betrayal attempt in our house." Riser said.

Azazel fell silent as he begins to think. This girl is the twin's friend so as a good daddy he should try to make her safe too, but doing that isn't his place as its internal devil strive. 

As Azazel thinks what is the best decision, Satou comes close to him to give her ideas.

*whisper* *whisper*

"Hmmm I see, It could work.. Okay, let's do what you said.." Azazel mumbles after listen to his daughter's plan. 

Riser looks at them curiously and is confused about what they are planned.

Azazel looked at Riser then said

"We have a better solution for this whole ordeal.. Let's continue talking about this with your parent..." Azazel said.




Ugh.. my head hurts..

I look around and seems I'm in hospital again?

What happens?

["Oh you are already awake user?"] The system said as he welcomes me.

Yeah.. I think last time I was against.. Ohh..

I lost, Did I?

["Technically, yes."] The system answers me.

I would be forced to use 'Encounter' if not because Azazel saves my ass.

...This is the second time I fail to help my sister.

Riser Phenex turns out to be different from what I know and I've also underestimated him.

...My knowledge was really useless.

Damn it. Damn it. Damn it.

While I'm contemplating myself, I hear a click door open.


Azazel comes out to see me with a smile.

"Oh, son? You are already wake up? How is your body?" Azazel greets me.


"I'm just fine I guess. How about my twin sister?" I answered him.


"Satou-chan currently resting, don't worry about her." Azazel said.




"I'm lost, aren't I?" I mutter it to Azazel.


"Yes, you are." Azazel said with a serious expression.


"I feel so pathetic." 


"You should be."


"I don't like the feel of this."


"Yeah, no one would like what you feel."


"What I should do?"


Azazel fell silent as he hears his Satoru question.

"Honestly, I don't know. That question is only you could answer it." Azazel stated to me.


"A lot of my knowledge about this world is useless. Riser actually strong, and I underestimate him. And I'm so pathetic that I need my sister to save me in the end. She is a normal human without ability, damn it." I said with a slightly mad tone.


Azazel comes close to him and looking down at him.

"Yeah, you are really naive, Satoru. Just because you have the knowledge somewhere else about the event in the future doesn't guarantee it will come out as you predicted it to be. Also, I want to add, while you know it will happen, you didn't even try to plan anything. I don't know what seriously to say about you."


...Damn. It hurts.

...He is right.

...I'm too confident that everything will work fine as I know.

...But now I'm already aware that's not the case

....From the start of elementary into a fight with Riser. They are very different from what I know.

"I will be blunt for you, If you somehow killed Riser on your battle, The devil won't stay calm especially his family and they sure will ask for remuneration. They probably also want you and your sister's death for that, and you being yourself can't be killed is okay, but how about your sister? This situation is grave enough that it isn't far-fetched to start a great war because of it." Azazel explains to me.


I never thought about that.

I am really stupid huh?

My sister was almost in high danger because of my stupidity.


I really can't stay like this.

I won't accept being pathetic.

I don't want to make my sister sad.

I need to change.


"Azazel, please... help me. I want to change." I said to Azazel

"That's a very ambiguous request, brat." Azazel answered me.

"I mean.. I don't want to stay like this, being pathetic and stupid." I said.


Azazel looks into my eyes with a serious expression.

"I can guide you, but It still depends on your own. Are you really want to change? It won't be easy you know?" Azazel said.

"I'm.. serious. I mean, while I don't remember my past life, At least I know I was adult. Being like this really frustrating". I said while looking down. I can feel tear comes out of my eyes.


"Ok. I promise to guide you as long you are kept up with me." Azazel said.

I nodded toward Azazel as I agree with his condition.

I really need to change, at least start with to think properly before the act.

Now I think about it, system why you do not comment on me or something?



["...Congrats user, you finally have a requirement to unlock another function of mine."] The system said to me.



Sorry for the wait, this chapter was particularly hard to write and twice the size of yesterday's chapter. 

(Damn, I hate writing a battle scene, might need rewrite this too someday)

Also, I will start mc reformation from this chapter, so at least he won't be that stupid anymore after this arc. Though I plan that he will not immediately change, mind you. This decision was taken after 3 of my friends reviewing my whole novel last night and said "I think you should better start reform mc asap. Reform him when already adult doesn't make any sense". And yes, They got me to agree about it after an hour of debate, and then I use this chapter as the point since it's possible to do it from here. The development might be feeling unnatural, but I will take this chance as my friends also told me 'just do it!'.

Damn, they are really good friends.

Now I need to change a lot - lot of plan future plot because mc won't be that stupid anymore. He will still be himself, it's still comedic but he won't be stupid I guess? I don't know.

Hopefully, I could pull it off. I will ask those guys' opinions again later, lol.

Also, I feel my English is now a bit better since the first chapter, I guess. This new hobby surprisingly gives me another benefit.


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