Travel to Another World because ROB asked me.

Chapter 22. Studying Together (2)




Praying that Azazel prepares something special, we finally arrived at our home.

Everyone looked at my home with enthusiasm. I feel strangely embarrassed about this.

"...Wow. I don't think this is even qualified as a mansion anymore, Satoru-san. This is a castle right?" Hachiman muttered.

"...Are you a prince, Satoru-san? You must be one right, to live inside a castle. Are we in Europe?" Kaori muttered.

"...I admit Shinomiya group wealth probably nowhere close to your family based on your living place alone." Kaguya muttered.

"..." Ai just fell silent.

I don't answer them and look away.

After that, We are just leaving the car together then 3 maids (?) greet us. 

"Welcome home young master." (???)

"Hey Ray, I don't think I would be fit doing this job" (???)

"Miltelt shut up. Just do what Azazel-sama told you." (???)



Is that frickin Raynare and Co? I have never seen them before in this world.. now why they have become my maids?

What is Azazel planning to get them as our maids?


"Wow, you have real maids too. And one of them looks blonde chibi!" Hachiman said.

"Who you called chibi! You brat!" Miltelt yells out.

Well, with your body size and behavior no one believes you even if you said you are an adult.

"But you are so small! not that much different from us!" Hachiman replied.

Does Hachiman know how to tease someone? Did he just grow up without me realizing?


"..Uhmm.. Welcome home young master and friends. We are here to greet and give everyone a quick tour of the home to studying hall as Azazel-sama instructed. Please follow us." Raynare said to us as she bows a bit.

["She is a really good actor, Isn't she?"] The system talks to me.

Yeah, I don't know why she looks so crazed in original though. Perhaps another difference in this world?

For now, I just going to follow her, even if she tries to do something I could kill her in a second anyway.



As we continue our walk inside the home, suddenly we hear loud sounds from the side.



"Satoru, I challenge you to fight today!" Vali said as he comes in from the breaking window.


I forget this guy also living here! And what the duck that entrance!

"Why you come through the window brat?!" Miltelt yells out.

"Because Satoru probably won't accept my challenge as always. But Albion said he might be today if I show up in front of his friends". Vali replied.

Goddamn it, Albion.



"Who is that weirdo Satoru-san? Why does he want to fight you?" Hachiman asked me as he tugs my clothes.

"...Umm he is another brother of mine.." I replied.

"I see.. different mother I guess. Rich people." Kaguya muttered.

Now we also got another misunderstanding instead.


"Now Satoru, Fight me!" Vali said as he looks at me intensely.

Not today, Vali you dumbass. I don't have time for this. I look back at Vali's eyes, activate my EMS then..



["...Are you really use your EMS in this kind of situation, user. How childish you are?"] The system comments me with a tired tone.

I just need to get rid of him ASAP system. I have no other choice.


Tsukiyomi Realm

{POV: Vali}




...I thought I was on the home and about to challenge Satoru again.

Now I find myself tied to something in a weird place that everything is kind of shadowy?

Where the duck am I? Albion, are you there?

['Yes Vali, seems I'm also got captured with you.'] Albion replied.

"...Welcome to my world Vali, In 72 hours you will be here with me and... Uhh I forget Itachi line. Damn you Itachi why you are so cool" (???)


"What do you mean by your world? What do you do to me?!" I yell at him.

['Boy, so you also have this kind of power? I begin to understand now why Azazel told us to wary of you. Sorry for my curiosity. Azazel said you are actually the strongest person in this place.'] Albion also talking.

"You are getting trapped on my illusions because I don't want you to bother my classmate with your challenge blablabla. This is all illusion, by the way, so you are still fine in the real world." Satoru answer me.

So I'm not really trapped here? This is not real? I don't understand.

['This is a really terrifying illusion then, even Heavenly dragon like me can't get away from it'] Albion said.

"Mah, I don't know how this works so don't ask me. Anyway, in here I'm god.. and I can do anything to you here and you can't do anything about it." Satoru answer me.

That's.. sounds terrifying but I'm also excited.

Then I saw a lot of 'me' also tied in my side. 


"Uhh... Normally, I could stab you repeatedly 72 hours here like Itachi but I think that would leave you in a coma and possibly death, so I wouldn't do that.. But I still need to do something enough to make you pass out." Satoru muttered.


I see Satoru stand still for a while, I have no idea what he was said just mean.

"Alright, I got a better idea! You will watch 72 hours of my twin sister awesomeness with me here" Satoru said to me.



After that it becomes hell.

I don't know how much time passes but Satoru shows off his sisterly love too much.. so much information about his sisters such as her hobby, favorite food, and even her sleep schedule..  I got sick of it so much but I was forced to watch it and I can't run out of it in this illusion..  

Even Albion swear what Satoru does is the most horrifying thing he ever saw in his long life and swear to stop me to fight against Satoru next time.

...I don't want to experience this either. 

At least until there is a way to deal with this. 

This is more than a nightmare.




After Vali get Tsukiyomi'ed by me, he instantly passed out in the real world as he muttered "Stop... Stop..."

 I didn't think that would be overkill.



Everyone looked at Vali confused that he suddenly passed out.

"..Hah.. Hah.. That guy probably tired and suddenly sleep.. Hah.. Don't worry about him. He has low blood pressure." I said to everyone calmed them down.

Damn, That still takes me a lot. I feel my stamina halved.

["...Well at least you know where you need to work at. In a way, stabbed by Itachi seems better than your method 'learn love for your sister'."] The system retorts me.

I know right? I could use this method to share my love of my siscon with other people. I need to train my chakra later.


"Umm.. Okay? Why you are looked like out of breath Satoru-san? Are you okay?" Kaori said to me.


"I'm.. Okay." I answer her.

I'm not okay at all.


Kaori then came close to me and put her cheek on me.


"K-Kaori-chan? What do you do? You are too close" I said panicked.

Kaori tilted her head and answer "Check your condition Satoru-san. That's why I need to do it close, silly. My parents always do that for me too. I bet everyone parent also does the same!"



"My parents also do the same, though only with Komachi. For me, they put a hand on my cheek is enough."  Hachiman muttered.

"My parents never do that to me.. though we have a private doctor in case I was got sick." Kaguya also muttered, looking gloomy.

"I never really got sick and when I do my parents tell me to be able to heal myself." Ai said.



Ok, the majority of kids here seem don't have a good parent like Kaori.

"...Eh...?? I'm sorry?" Kaori said looking bewildered because she didn't expect it.


The situation getting awkward.


"Uhmm.. A-Anyway everyone, let's just proceed walk to our destination." Raynare said to us to break the awkwardness.

"..O-Okay. Everyone let's go." I said to them.

Everyone continues to follow the maids as Raynare instructed.

Thanks for the assist, Raynare. Honestly, I'm glad you seem not bad so far.



No one picking up Vali that just passed out on the floor.


After walking a while, We finally have arrived in a spacious hall with a big table and chair. There's food in a cold case on the side. You can find various cakes, doughnuts, candies, chocolates, etc. On another side, there is a library full of books and the other side is.. Karaoke place?

Damn Azazel, He is really something.

"We have finally arrived. Young master and friends could start study together in this room, please call us if you have a question." Raynare said as she bows gracefully.

Raynare doing a great job as a maid huh. Kalawarner and Miltelt doing it terribly though.

They just follow Raynare everywhere and rarely said anything.

Everyone was mesmerized by this room's appearance and didn't really hear what Raynare just said. I can see why this room would appeal to kids so I can't blame them.

"Anyway young master and friend, we will bring you some drink and also prepared your place to a sleepover with. Please excuse us." Raynare said as she takes our attention once again.

"Have fun, brats." Miltelt followed.

"...Cute boys." Kalawarner muttered.


...And somehow it makes me and Hachiman both shivered. What was that?

"Satoru-san, that last one sexy maid.. I feel she is dangerous and I should never come close to her." Hachiman come close to me and whispered.

I know right. Perhaps another difference I didn't aware of from canon?

I nodded to Hachi showing my agreement.

I don't wanna get raped again after all 


After the maid left, a few minutes later my sister, Akeno, and everyone else come to the room and begin to introduce themselves.

"I'm sorry everyone! I was with my dad doing something!" My sister said as she bows to everyone.

Is it another training? I thought she was sleeping?

"Me too, My parents bring me to our old home to take the rest of our stuff.." Akeno also doing the same as my sister.

"Uhhmm.. My name is Baraqiel. I'm a Satoru martial art teacher and father of Akeno. Thank you for being friends with Akeno." 


"Wow, I guess Satoru-san didn't lie, he is huge as a Gorilla" Hachiman comments as he looks at Baraqiel.

"So Satoru-san didn't like about his teacher is huge as Gorilla." Kaori muttered.



Don't glare at me Gorilla. I just spelled the truth to my fellow friend.

I can't help but need to complain about your training.


"My name is Himejima Shuri, I'm Akeno mother and wife of Baraqiel. As my husband said, thank you for being friends with my daughter." 

"And I'm Azazel, the father of these twins. The twins might be troublesome, hopefully, everyone can follow them up." 

"Ano.. My name is Hikigaya Hachiman!"

"My name is Shinomiya Kaguya."

"Hayasaka Ai, Kaguya-sama attendant"

"Miyazono Kaori!"

"Wow what a bunch of lively kids. You got a lot of good friends here, Akeno." Shuri Obaa-sama said.

Akeno nodded to her mother's words.

We have a bit of chat pleasantry after that then the adult leaves us so we can focus on studying together after that for the rest of the day.



At least that is what I hope.




2 hours later and almost no one of us studying anymore!


Hachiman goes to Karaoke singing bunch on anime song right there. Well, he is weebs, as former weebs myself.. I can't blame him.

Kaguya and Ai looking at the food case and literally try every cake that exists right there. I am disappointed on Kaguya but also glad because it means she still has normal behavior as a little girl. I don't want her developed cold as she does in canon, even though I didn't like her that much to be honest.

Akeno is on 'library' reading various types of books.. Yeah, various types of books. For some reason, my guts told me I don't wanna get the idea of what type of books she was reading. 

And my twin sister falls asleep on her own at the table. My sister sure loves sleeping a lot.

I take photos of my sleeping sister as always. I didn't need this studying session after all.


Only Kaori still studying hard,  and she also doesn't complain about our attitude.

She is really good girl.

Oh well, this studying together plans ended in failure.. but at least everyone seems to have fun?

["You know this plan of yours never worked right? Well at least now you have a chance to bring Kaori to Azazel"] The system reminds me.

Oh right, I almost forget my hidden purpose.


I stop taking photos of my sister and call Kaori.

"Kaori-chan, can you follow me somewhere? I and my dad want to talk something private with you." I said to her.

"Huh? Sure Satoru-san! After all, you have done to me, I will do anything!" Kaori answer with a bright smile.

Too bright Kaori-chan! I'm not deserved your full trust, to be honest. And I have done nothing to you either.

"...Mmm Okay. Follow me please."


Kaori followed me and meet Azazel in his private room.

"Hey dad, I bring Kaori with me." I call him.

"You guys calling each other first name?" Azazel asked.

"I never thought about it, and so does everyone. I guess it comes naturally to us." I said to Azazel.

Kaori also nodded toward Azazel's question.

Probably being a kid also means didn't care about that stuff.


Anyway, I think it is a good time to brought that up.

"Kaori-san, you are aware of the supernatural, right?" I said to Kaori.


Azazel suddenly stands up and cut my talk.

"Nah.. Satoru mean-"

I didn't understand what he wants to do so I keep talking, it is better, to be honest right?

"I mean we got a proof that your parent contracted with the devil. We predicted that it might an attempt to heal your illness but it was failed right?" I continued what I said.

"Contracting d-devil?! I don't understand what you are saying Satoru-san?" Kaori said to me with a surprised tone.

Azazel facepalmed himself.

"Son, please think more before talk okay? You are jumping to the bullet too fast." Azazel said with a resigned tone.


["Dumbass user".] The system also said in a resigned tone.



I'm so stupid.

I also facepalm myself.



Kaori is still confused about what I just said.


["This chapter really show how stupid user is.. I really thought that he is a real kid now."] The system monologues as he end the chapter.

I really enjoyed played Primal x Hearts series these days so I had no excuse at all. It's affects the mood of my writing a lot too lol. Still nowhere complete them both. The two series tagged 30h+ after all. I play them every night like 2-4 hours? Need 20 days or so then (?) lol.

I'm a bit unsatisfied about this chapter turn up, but I can't do anything about it.

You can call this filler whatever, I just need a decent reason to get Kaori meet Azazel in natural way and develop more relationships in the group. Azazel will need to talk a 'sense' to Satoru. Which is on to the next chapter.

Mc is dumbass after all, but I have hinted the reason there and there.

Writing is hard. 

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