Travel to Another World because ROB asked me.

Chapter 29. Prelude to the War and Situation.




The time after Azazel informed me in the evening, now I'm in Azazel's room together with Azazel, my sister, and Vali discussing about Kokabiel betrayal and it is countermeasures.

We are thinking about possibilities he could turn up to. Even when I know the plot already, in this world we can't trust my knowledge anymore since it has been proven that it turn out far different.


3rd POV


"Anyway, yesterday as all you know I have confirmed that one of the fallen angel cadres, Kokabiel has betrayed, and when the time it happen fallen angel numbered about 3000 also declared missing and unable to contact at the same time. Big chance, they are followers of Kokabiel." Azazel explained with a serious tone.

"So that elf man guy bring an army with him." Vali commented.

"If he is acting alone, it wouldn't be much problem, but with an army at his disposal, he could create a lot of problems. For example, he could attack Chiba and it would be causing massive death and injury since there is no way to stop an army that big without casualties." Azazel explains more.


"Then what is the best action course to take next?" Satoru asked.

"We have talked about this hypothetically before and naturally... strengthen our security at first while keep looking out what he does. I also have told Michael to secure Excalibur in case he goes the same route as your stories, Satoru." Azazel replied.

"...Do you have a clue about Kokabiel ambition, Azazel-san?" Satou asked Azazel.

"...Not really. He might be a cadre of us but we are never close. While I know this would happen one day, I can't just kick him out of faction without good reason you know?" Azazel answer.

"Political backslash." Satoru said.

Azazel nodded and said "Very big chance he still has the same goal as we know, that is to trigger a great war. We just need to figure how he will do it, and intercept him before he succeeds."

"There is too much way to do that, Azazel. He could attack any faction and declare his position as fallen angel representative and boom... We are doomed." Vali said to everyone.


"...If I were him, I would assassin any important figure on my own and leave a note, show the prove that fallen angel doing it." Satou muttered and everyone happens to hear it.


Satoru thought his sister very scary.

['It is really possible, but girl why he need admit himself doing it?'] Albion asked.


"Because unlike in Satoru stories, This Kokabiel perhaps doesn't have a problem to pin the blame on us... Actually, he would, since he is technically not part of the faction anymore... And he did open this time unlike on Satoru story. 

And fallen angel faction sure got the blame due the reason is their former leader who is the one doing it, even though we didn't have anything to do with it." Azazel said with a resigned tone.


Realize how dire the situation is, Satoru begins to sweat a bit.

"...Azazel, I think you need to tell every faction out there that Kokabiel isn't part of fallen angel anymore." Satoru said.

"Already did it, even he did attack somehow at least the backslash minimalize with this. I have a meeting with all higher up on my faction yesterday, and we all agree to do announce it to public knowledge." Azazel explained.


"So, what is this meeting about again if you already knew about it?" Vali asked.

"I just want to give you guys the detail more and perhaps get any idea how to approach this problem but I guess asking a bunch of middle school kids doesn't help much." Azazel said as he shook his head as he chuckled.



Everyone else in the room stares at him with a deadpanned look on him.




After the meeting, I meet Vali in the hallway.

"It is has been a while since you are coming here, Vali. Where have you been all time? I miss the time where you challenge me every time." I said as I greet him.

Vali who hear me stop and shook his head.

"Hmmph. Somewhere in place that I need to be, which is none of your business." Vali replied.


I see he has become tsundere.

"It is a girl, isn't it?" I tease him.

Vali looked away.


Did I just hit a jackpot.?

Then I bet he already contacted Lavinia. I knew in original he does have a crush on her.


['Illusion Boy. It has been a while since we have casually chatting like this.'] Albion's voice suddenly comes out of nowhere.

"Ah, Albion. Well, your host loves to disappear anywhere for the sake of god death... I don't know where he goes, while I'm staying here every day, you know." I replied.

['Indeed but don't worry about my host, boy. He didn't neglect his training at all. In fact, he is much stronger than it used to be and I'm proud of him.'] Albion replied.


"Ohh... Balance Breaker?" I said to him.

['It is one of them.'] Albion replied.

"Ohh ya?" I said in a teasing tone, hopefully, Albion would elaborate more.

Vali who seems to think he had enough cut our conversation and said "Stop telling Satoru our abilities, Albion. You know this guy is one of the guys I want to beat someday." 

['...You are a cunning boy, with knowledge and those weird abilities, I'm glad you are actually an allies'] Albion said.


"...I'm waiting when that moment comes. Don't worry, I won't use my illusion anymore." I said.

"Yeah.. please no that one terrifying." Vali averted his eyes.

['Approved.'] Albion also replied.



Did Tsukiyomi I did 6 years ago on a whim leave trauma at him?



After meeting Vali, I want to meet my sister... You know sibling bonding moment, so I walk toward her room.

I feel I won't have time for a while... for some reason my guts telling me.

...Oh yeah, we are not sleeping and bathing together anymore. Not every day.

She got her own room and her own privacy, As a good brother I need to respect it.


*Knock* *Knock*

"Sister, It is me, Your Onii-chan." I yell from the outside.


"Eh?! Onii-chan?! Wait a moment" I hear my sister's voice that instructed me to wait outside.



After a minute or so, I hear another of her voice.

"Enter, Onii-chan" My sister said from her room.




I open the door and saw my sister's naked body lay on the bed. She seems just clean her room a bit, and I can see there is a parfum smell in the air.


She is flawless as always.


["...God damn it, user. That's kind of the wrong Tsukkomi I expected from you. Also she is still 12."] The system retorted to me.


A-Ah right. Morality above everything else.

"Sister, why are you naked?" I asked.

"E-Eh? I thought Onii-chan want to eat me? It is has been aged since you are visiting here." My sister quickly replied.

I put my hand on my face as I facepalmed.

"I just want cuddle time with my sister, or perhaps... you know sister, we can sleep together this night. Also please, wear something, for the sake of my morality." I said to her with my hand still close my eyes.

"But I want to try sleeping naked, perhaps... Onii-chan could also sleep naked so you don't need to feel any embarrassment either!" My sister answers with a suggestive tone.


"What kind of logic is that?!" I yell out.

"Ehhhh. But I'm fine seeing Onii-chan naked. And Onii-chan also does. We are twin after all." My sister replied.


Oh god, Did I train my sister to become this lewd?


["I thought for sure 6 years ago you would happily complied your sister request, since both of you seems pervert."] The system suddenly comment.

I might be siscon, but to think that I might lewd my own sister... that's wrong stuff on a more different level.

["I will take your words and see if you can keep it in future, user."] The system replied as he chuckled.

I doubt that. My guts telling me I can't.

Also system.

....You really having fun, huh?


After all of those debates, in the end, my sister agrees to wear something.

["Even though it is just a towel."] The system retorts me.

...At least she still wears something.

Anyway, we cuddle each other in her room, as I stroke her head. She really loves my stroke.

She smells really good, and her body is so soft.


This is really calming.

Now I think about this, this is the first time I have been in her room for a cuddle, or for the period in that matters. Most of the time she is the one who comes to visit me.



"Nee... Onii-chan." My sister suddenly calls me.


"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure sister."

"Are you will always be with me?"

"What kind of stupid question is that?"

"Muu... Just answer it."

"I will."





"Then... If I do something you hate, do you will hate me?"


I need context there.


"Umm... Example?" I asked her back.

"...Like lying to you?"

"You already did once for a long time sister. And you know I'm not even mad about that."


"Now tell me, do you lying for me?"


"Then I will forgive you."

"Even if it will make you sad?"

"As long you are not feeling sad sister."


I stare at the ceiling.

"You are the only family I have, sister. Not even our friend's group or even Azazel can replace you. I really love you, you know?" I muttered.


....I feel my sister hug me very tightly.

"Thank you. I love you too Onii-chan." My sister replied.


That are very sweet words coming from her.


"Me too... Me too..." I said as I hug her back.

I can feel her skin so bad since she is only wearing a towel.


...Begone hormones.


For several days after the meeting, Everyone in the mansion feels the tension arise. Gorilla family was already alarmed about this development and Phenex also aware.

They take Ravel to the underworld for the safety of their daughter until the situation is solved.

Pretty understandable.

I also told Serafall about my current condition and she agrees for me to take time off from acting. She also offers extra protection or calls her if something happens, being an ally of justice reason or something like that.


Akeno also asked my sister to train her, and my sister agrees. Now I'm watching both girls training on the side of the field.

*Clank* *Clank*

Akeno is still really amateur in close combat.

I think that was also her shortcoming in the original series, but now I can see she turn out different... She won't have that in the future, I guess.

See Akeno trying so hard to improve herself, I wonder if I should try to learn something new too.


And damn, my sister is really strong. I can see how fluid her movement is with Sharingan's eyes in more detail and there is no wasted movement at all.

...I really should train myself more too.

["Reminder, you are saying that you want to pick teleportation magic, user."] The system replied.


Oh, that's right. Thanks for the reminder.

I will go call Azazel if he could teach me about that.


A few days later after I begin to pick teleportation magic (And still learning), Azazel told me another shocking news. Now we are gathering again in his room.


"I just got new information. Ruler of Youkai, Yasaka in Kyoto request our help. East Youkai faction has declared war toward central Kyoto Youkai governance.. requested for Yasaka to be demoted as a leader due to her incompetence to allied with the fallen angel faction." Azazel said with a solemn tone.


"Wait, cooperation with us resulting in war?!" I said as I yell out.

What a shallow reason!

"War has never been reasonable, Satoru. In a local eye, we might even see the same as colonial. I also have taken plenty of major business on the human world and some in youkai settlement where they could have own it." Azazel replied.

"So... this is just happening out of jealously." I said to him.

"I have expected this to happen in the future, but not this fast. You see, unlike devil and angel, we fallen angel doesn't have our own realm. We are basically trespassers, as the earth belongs to humans and youkai in this land. But this is something I must to do, after all as leader of a faction I need to keep my faction keep going strong. We are smallest in number, we don't have our own realm, and we need survive." Azazel explains.

...I see. That makes sense, Fallen angel faction quite is in a bad predicament.

"Do you think it is a coincidence that youkai start rebelling when Kokabiel also betrayed, Azazel-san?" My sister asked.


Everyone becomes quiet after hearing my sister's assumption.

['I don't think this is a coincidence.'] Albion replied.

"Seconded. I feel so fishy to be a coincidence." Vali as his host also agrees with Albion.

I also think the same.

["Yep. Too fishy, indeed."]

"We don't have proof about that, the situation in Kyoto has been happened for a very long time, even before you were even born. But it is nothing wrong that we assumed the worst case here, and take another countermeasure." Azazel explained.

"As one of the leaders of fallen angel faction, I will go to Kyoto with a platoon of fallen angels to send our support to suppress the rebel. However, big chance this might also distraction for us to focus on Kyoto while Kokabiel will attack somewhere else.

I need one of you guys to go to Aqua Eden Island, Kyoto with me and here respectively. Aqua Eden has Valerie, we need someone to relay our newest information to Iris Pumila, and as I explain, I will go to Kyoto. Chiba would be safe since I will tell Baraqiel to stay here along with Penemue but I still think one of you stay there for extra protection."


"I will go to Aqua Eden, Iris sensei is my teacher, and so I also know her very well. It's probably also the safest option out of three since Iris sensei is very strong." My sister replied.

"I will stay here." Vali said.

Ah, Vali stay. I see.

"Then I go to Kyoto with Azazel, right? It is also the best option since I have several protection skillsets to hold on enemies." I also replied.

Azazel who hear our answer, nodded then he stare at all of us.


"Everyone, remember to always stay in contact and stay safe. I have the theory that it is just the start of something bigger, and won't be your usual fight with someone and win.

This might be even the start of the war, something unforgiving. You guys might be still young, but all of you holding power.. and power comes with responsibility. 

Most important advice I could give if you are in battle without hope... Do not hesitate to run away. Do not hesitate to kill, because your enemy will try to kill you. Do not fight honor, honor mean nothing if you are dead."


That's deep, but I fully agree with the sentiment.

Surprisingly, Vali also nodded with everyone. I thought he would say something "If I get killed, then I die" something along the line.


System, I have a bad feeling about all of this. Should I reveal to all my friend's group, since the big chance enemy will know my situation and information..  they will attack my friends too, using them as a hostage or even harm them.


["Revealing information is NO. All of them is normal human user, but I can see why you are concerned. I have no concrete answer but perhaps, told all of your friends to sleepover on your place so fallen angel army could protect them easier."] The system explains.

...good idea. Thanks for being smart as always, system.


Corresponding to system advice, I told the Miyazono household the current situation and ask them to help persuade other group members to evacuate in our mansion... Including themselves.

They fully agree and are aware of how dangerous the situation is.

I also need to cancel our vacation plan since the situation in Kyoto soon become a battlefield.

Azazel also contacted all of the allies to be alarmed, and explain to immediately notify us if they spotted Kokabiel.

I hope Kokabiel acts alone, and not without backup.


Which is pretty much I don't think it would be true.

This is hard since we lack information. What do you think, system?

["Kokabiel is well known as a warmonger, and honestly... It is really hard to predict. If he aligned with Khaos Brigade, then it is easy to narrow the target is perhaps Aqua Eden where is a vampire island located in this country, since there is also Valerie there. We already knew they were seeking her for holy grail after all."] The system explains again.

My sister would be there and Iris also should be there too. She is one of the strongest vampires I know so my sister should be fine.

In case something happens out of hand, I have told my sister to notice so I can teleport to her immediately.

I'm really glad you told me to learn the teleportation magic, system.

["Your welcome."] The system replied.


The next day morning, we are about to go to our designated place but we hear another shocking news from Azazel.

"Listen... Kokabiel has been spotted attacking the Vatican with his army of fallen angels last night, Most Rubina exorcists joining them as they betrayed Heaven faction... they also spread the biblical God death information and told new god emergence." Azazel said with a grimace tone.




What the duck!?


["User going to have a hard time against attack in various direction. Also Kokabiel with Rubina army member... That's really a flag."] The system monologues as he ends the chapter.

Summary :

- Kyoto Rebellion news.

- Kokabiel first action.

Nothing really happen in this chapter except moment with her sister which is pretty much I didn't write since... forever.

Why rubina betrayed heaven faction? If you play the VN you will know the answer easily due to their origin but eh.. it will explained in time.

Tomorrow is my birthday so I will one day off from writing,  next chapter might be late.

As always told me if there is something wrong. No editor, ok.


Spoiler below is all of enemy force I have planned. Well, Mc and co definetely outnumbered.

Hopefully I could really write all of this well, I got plot in my head but convey it is different matter not gonna lie.


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