Travel to Another World because ROB asked me.

Chapter 36. Consequences.





"...You are lying right, Yasaka-sama?"

Yasaka averted her eyes.

"...Please look into my eyes, this is... a joke right?" 

Yasaka didn't reply and only muttered "Follow me."


I didn't say anything after that and just following her.


I followed Yasaka and she pointed me to the camp location where it seems like where Yasaka put all fallen angel forces that have survived the whole shit today.

...I can hear a lot of crying noise around but I don't care about that.

I need to see if Yasaka actually joking or not.


When I enter the fallen angel camp, however, it is so quiet.

As if the fallen angel seems to get used to this moment.

Well, if they survived the great war... of course they are.


Everyone averted their eyes, though I can see their sad expression.

...I keep moving forward until I have arrived at the destination.

I look toward Azazel and Shemhazai corpses.



So it is true.

I can't believe it but the truth is in front of my eyes.

The view of Azazel's corpse brutally murdered. Yes, there's a thrust wound located at his chest.


"...The cause of death?"  I muttered.

"The wound on Azazel-sama and Shemhazai-sama show that they caused by a sharp weapon, probably a spear." One of the fallen angel replied.

...I see.

"We also lose 2/3 of our forces today, Satoru-san. And with the death of our governor and cadre... We need a new commander that telling us what to do." Another fallen angel talk to me.

...I don't care any of that at the moment.


"Ah... For now, please... just rest. I... want to be alone for a while."

No one replied to me after I said that.

Thanks for your understanding.


I keep walking without a destination.

...I don't know where I go but I just find myself in the middle of woods.

It is so quiet here. The only sounds I hear were only my own step and breath.

...I stop walking and standing still as the night slowly descend.



["User. Are you okay?"] The system asked me with a concerned tone.


No, I'm not. 

Of course not.

I just find my father got killed, how am I supposed to be fine?


["I'm sorry to hear what happen to Azazel, user."] The system continues talking.


I failed again, system.

Even if he is not the best father, he is still my father figure.

The one who guides me and reminds me when I take a wrong step. 

The one who supports me and my sister and possibly the one who makes things easier for us in this world.

Azazel... was more than father to me, he is also a friend and a motivator for me to keep moving forward.

"It's... not fair..."

I remember times that he told me that he was proud of me. 

All of his jokes and all of his shenanigans.


"I'm proud of you, son"

"Hahahaha your group member would soon become your harem member."

"I believe in your potential, Satoru. You will be a good leader even surpassing myself."



Azazel words from memory still echo in my brain and my vision becomes blurred.


My emotions seem to pool up in my throat, so much that It's hard to breath and say anything.


I try to hold them back with everything I have, but tears starts failing no matter what I do.

I... got a lot much stronger now, yet I failed again to protect someone who was closest to me, damn it.


["Let it out, user."]



"Why dad, why...?! You promise we would world travel together... Without you, I wouldn't be here!! I do not even have time to pay for all that you have done to us!!" 

I shout as if trying to let this world would hear all emotions of my entire being.

"I... just... Aaaaaaaaaaahh!!"

There's no way for me to stop my tears anymore.

My explosion was exploded, along with my tears coming out like broken fetched.


A few hours later...

I'm sitting down and without knowing where I look at.

I didn't realize how much time I stare into nothingness.

I just realize the sky had become much darker. The cold wind passed through my body, reminding me of all of the exhaustion I feel today.


It's cold.

It's silence.

It's lonely.


Then I feel two people presence that slowly walk up toward me in this middle of cold and darkness.



"...Satoru, your aura... it's unpleasant. Please, stop."

I look at them... it is Kunou and Lilith.

...They are looking at me with concern on their face. 

I shouldn't make them worried but I can't help myself.

Both of them then come close to me.



...They gently hug me and then strokes my head, try their best to comfort me.

I feel tears come out of my eyes again.


...This is the first time I got stroked by someone other than my sister, and yet I still can't stop tears out of my eyes.

...This is pathetic.


I don't know how long we have been clinging to each other, but it helps me calm myself.

"Onii-sama, my deepest condolences for losing your father but I think you need to rest after everything happen today." 


"Lilith also thinks the same."


["I agree with the little fox and infinity, user. You need a rest."] The system also followed.

...I will. Thank you system.

I look at both of the girls and then replied "...Thank you, girls."

Both girls just smile and then Kunou gracefully bow toward me.


"Also... Okaa-san said to me what happen. Thanks for saving me, mother, and Kyoto from the destruction. Onii-sama, you really deserve your title as champion of humanity." 


Suddenly I remember... No, recalling... recollection of something.

My head hurts! 


I hold my head try to endure the pain but to no avail.



Both girls yelled out of concern to me, but it is too painful for me to mutter any voice at the moment.


["User!!"] The system also yelled.


xxxx-sama, you really deserve to be the champion of the human race.

I love you, xxxx-sama. Not as a teacher figure, but as a person.




...What was that?!


My head..!! It's truly unbearable!

["User!! Your encounter is activated on his own!!"]


I can't think anymore... System. I leave it to you.

I just don't know...


I lost my consciousness shortly after that as both my mind and physical exhaustion meet together.


{3rd POV}

Timeline: Midnight.


On the abandoned shore of Aqua Eden island in the middle of the night, 3 people currently meeting there.

"Our contract done, Azazel has been killed as you have planned. I admit it, you are really terrifying. You even predicted that the Champion will interfere Rizevim." Eru the masked white-haired girl said.

"You are quite a brilliant strategist, Miss Knife... Or I should say, the twin sister of the champion of humanity." Eru continued.

"Well, it's a win-win for us. Hey, Miss Knife. Since our contract is done, how is our cooperation in the future?" Rizevim asked.

"...I don't care whatever you guys have done as long you didn't try to harm Onii-chan." Satou replied.

"Owwh... Such brocon you are. But did you know, today your brother hugging Lilith intimately!!. Your brother also stole my own daughter Lilith!" Rizevim grinning waiting for her response.


"Don't worry about that. I have done that more times than I have could count. But hearing that from you, I admit it still pissed me off." Satou replied.

"Hahahahaha..!!" Rizevim just laughing at Satou's reply.

"Hmmmph. Whatever. Shut up crazy bat." Eru snorted.


Eru then tore a paper of their 'contract', then burned it.

"Anyway, Miss knife. With this our cooperation ended." Eru said to Satou.

Satou nodded and replied "Yes. But I won't apologize about Kokabiel though." 

"That's not a problem. He is the one who is against the plan anyway." Eru said while rolling her eyes.


In a second, Satou suddenly raises her knife.

The situation suddenly becomes tense.

"Before we ended this, Did any of you tell my identity to someone?" Satou asked both of them.

"Ahh...!!! I --" 



"Ohh... that's a dangerous knife you got there, Miss Knife." Rizevim grinned.

"So did you?" Satou asked.

"Of course not, Calm your tits Miss, Hahahahaha!! " Rizevim replied and then he loudly laughing.

"Tch. Good."

Satou put her knife back and begin to walk away.

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

"Hey miss knife, you know that Enosh-sama targetting your brother right?" Rizevim suddenly asked Satou, made her stop walking. 

Of course, she knows it. But Enosh is just too strong for her to handle at the moment.


"Of course, you will side with your brother. But do you think your identity would be safe from now on?" Rizevim continued.

...Of course not. When their contract ended, there is no more obligation for them to follow their contract. Satou thought.

...Now Satou just realizes how much mess she has done.


"You can walk away, and the cat might be out. Or you can come back and beg Enosh-sama to spare your brother and we also won't let the cat out." Rizevim said with a playful tone.


Satou walked back to them.

She needs to find a way to escape their clutch later.


["Now I think about it, User really loves passing out huh. The only second thing happens a lot to him from being thrown away."] The system monologues as he ends the chapters.

Short chapter as I promised but it is needed. No editor, please tell me if you find something wrong

Another hint toward Satoru's past, At this point it should be easy to figure out right? Lol.

The next chapter would be a bit flashback to Aqua Eden's side, for the sake of more detail.

More votes are incoming. I will proceed with how the story goes depend on the vote. I just can't decided it myself lol, sorry. Remember, the DxD canon plot was officially destroyed at this point lmao.

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