
25 l Gridania

The travel over the sea, into the plush clouds above had been quite the experience. From the towering heights, majestic blue ocean below, and the main continent of Eorzea in the distance, Azlyn widely smiled at the view. For the most part, the scenery hadn’t changed much—that was until they crossed into Eorzea’s border—beneath she could see the long stretches of the land. The ship travelled smoothly, and hearing the tales from the crew, gave them more of an understanding as to why air travel was limited. 

There were several Garlean outposts in Eorzea that were militaristically placed to gain the upper hand. From what Azlyn could tell, if they had noticed them flying, the chances of them getting shot down by one of their magitek cannons were exponentially high. She supposed they had gotten lucky in that regard, as they used the clouds and sun to cover their trail. 

Most of the morning had been spent flying, and down below Azlyn started to notice the changes almost immediately. Dense, lush green formed all over, as large billowing trees came into view. Up above it looked like a sea of trees that spanned out. 

“Wow.” Azlyn excitedly peered over the side, G’raha and Krile looked with her. 

“That’s the Black Shroud below, surrounding and protecting these lands.” G’raha explained over the roar of the wind. “From what I’ve read these forests protect the balance and harmony of the elementals.” 

Azlyn spied deep into the foliage many coursing rivers and beautiful waterfalls. She could have sworn to have seen some wooden structures, but it was hard to tell from the distance they were at. 

Krile held her hood up so it wouldn’t fly off her head. “Gridania should be nestled within the thick foliage, protected by the sacred forest. Wood’s Will Be Done. That is a saying the locals abide and live by.” 

“It’s vastly different than Limsa Lominsa just from the beautiful nature all around.” Azlyn surmised. Her friends nodded in agreement. 

“Yes, each city-state and it’s surrounding lands will be different. If I recall, you’ve been close to Thanalan?” Krile replied. When Azlyn nodded, the Lalafell continued her explanation smoothly. “Thanalan’s lands are barren and hot—an open desert that spans out with desert florals. Aldenard, this region, thrives in heavy woods thick with lush greens and spiritual energy. Then the region of Vynbrand have grasslands and open plains for agriculture. Each region and it’s locale have different species and ecosystems that thrive within it’s given environment. It’s up to the people that live within it to be able to maintain that harmony.”

G’raha leaned back, his eyes closed. “It’s nice to see it from a different angle.” 

Azlyn elbowed him playfully in the side. As he leaned forward to wince, she smiled. “Then open your eyes to see it.” 

He rubbed his side, and looked over the edge. He stuck his tongue at her. “I’m allowed to be tired.” 

Azlyn patted his arm. “I thought you weren’t tired?” 

He yawned, his tail and ears perked when he stretched. “I’m always tired.” He went to lay down on the bench they were sitting on. He laid his head on her lap since she was the one sitting in the middle. “Wake me up when we get there.” Azlyn brushed her hands through his hair as she did in the morning. 

Krile shook her head. “He’s like a cat sometimes.” 

Azlyn laughed. They could already hear him sound asleep. “For all the times I fall asleep on him, I suppose it’s only fair.” She gently moved her hand across his head. 

The trip continued on for several more hours, and before long the crew of the ship had started their procedures to land. With how thick the trees were, Azlyn wondered if they would be able to find a pocket to enter in from above. It had taken sometime, before they descended below, she could see from this distance a large civilization filled with majestic wooden structures alight with activity.

Azlyn leaned down, “G’raha it’s time to wake up.” She smiled down to him.

He stirred, slowly blinking his eyes awake. “I had the strangest dream.” He pulled himself up from her lap and stretched his arms above his head. “Moogles were dancing on top of my head, waving different instruments.” 

It was the girls turn to chuckle at him. “You really were tired.” Krile replied. 

“You sure you don’t have a fever?” Azlyn asked, reaching a hand up to his forehead. He bat her hands away with a playful wave. 

“Yeah, yeah that’s why I said it was a strange dream.” He looked out to the approaching dock. “Oh hey, we’re here.” He turned on the bench, facing outward, letting his upper body hang out from the railing to see the views before. He smirked like a child would when given candy. “I love these heights!”

Krile smiled, “New Gridania, a community surrounded by the thickest of the forest, protected by the spirits and elementals alike.” 

Azlyn stood up from the bench, regaining the feeling in her legs. “I suppose we should get going then!” The ship landed, and the crew began tying off their ship to the airship landing. Several officers from the Gridanian building walked over to assist the passengers off the ship. Since it was only them on the ship, it was a simple transaction and transition from the air docks to inside. 

The three of them found themselves in the bottom floor of a large circular building, where there were tons of gridanians milling around. Krile found an empty table to sit down. 

“Well I’m going to wait for Azlyn here. I doubt the Elder Seedseer needs us with her when she delivers the letter.” Krile smiled. 

G’raha stretched once again. “And I can start my trek over to Quarrymill. From there I’ll be over at Amdapor Keep doing my investigations.” 

Azlyn nodded, “Okay, then I guess I’ll meet you back here when I’m done?” She asked Krile, who nodded in agreement. 

“Yes, then you and I will travel to Ul’dah where I shall part ways. You should be able to do what you need to do over there.” 

G’raha nodded, “Yes, and we’ll all meet in Limsa Lominsa’s Drowned Wench within two days. Sound good?” 

The trio nodded to each other, and then G’raha left. He ran up the steps that spiraled up to the second floor of this place. Krile pulled out some books to do some leisure reading as Azlyn gauged her surroundings. 

“You should consider attuning yourself to the Aetheryte here, it should make travel easier if Airtravel is not available to you later.” Krile suggested. 

Azlyn had to agree with that, as the teleport travel in Limsa Lominsa saved her quite a bit of time as she did many little tasks and duties for some of the people. Waving goodbye to her Lalafell friend, the Au Ra slowly walked through the space, before taking the same staircase leading upwards. As she descended, she found a guard standing by himself with his arms crossed behind him. He seemed to be looking for someone—until his eyes laid upon her. He smiled and beckoned her to him. 

“I’ve been waiting for you miss. You are the Lominsan envoy, are you not?” 

She nodded in surprise, she wasn’t anticipating an honor guard to be waiting for her. “Yes, sir. I’ve only just arrived.” 

He nodded. “Excellent, I have received instructions to assist you. Pray make your way into the city proper, and identify yourself to the conjurer at Nophica’s Altar. She will admit you to the Lotus Stand, where the Elder Seedseer awaits.” 

Azlyn watched him open the door, and she was welcomed to a wooden deck canopy that spanned the entire building. The rails prevented people from failing off, but the view into the Black Shroud was spectacular. She followed the only path provided to her, walking the deck onto the simple path of earth into the city. She followed the hill up the path, where she found a large aetheryte surrounded by a small circular river, a wooden deck arched over the water giving off a woodsy scent. Azlyn slowly walked the steps, approaching the crystal with ease. There were several others nearby, using the aethernet system in their town as they usually did. 

What seemed strange to her was the uninterested looks she received—quite an opposite reaction she received when she first arrived in Limsa Lominsa. Perhaps they had seen Auri before? She attuned with no problem, and then made her way further down the path. She could see wooden light poles leading up another hill past a large building in the hill. As she took the path, she noticed a large group of gridanian officers stationed in that same building on the hill. She didn’t see any aether crystals nearby, but noticed an officer standing at attention. Azlyn walked over, “Excuse me.” 

The officer looked down to her, a stern gaze returned. “What can I do for you?” 

“I’m looking for Nophica’s Altar.” 

The guard pointed down the path she had yet to take. “Go down the path, and turn right—when you enter into Old Gridania you’ll see the altar on the left. If you go left on the path first, you’ll leave New Gridania entirely.” 

Azlyn smiled, nodding her appreciation. “Thank you.” 

The guard gave her a curt nod back. 

She followed her instructions, taking the path on the right. She headed up the hill, until she arrived at the top. She was welcomed to the sight of an aether crystal in an small alcove area, where many cloaked individuals came to and from a cave further in. She could see a woman standing by another entrance, with two guards dressed in white ceremonial armor. If Azlyn had to guess that was probably the person she needed to go see. 

She first went to the crystal to attune to the network in Gridania, and when she was done, she walked over to the silent conjurer. “Pardon me, but I was instructed to talk with you.” 

The conjurer looked down to her with a keen eye. She stood firm in her stance. “You are the Lominsan envoy? Begging your pardon, miss, but might I inspect the missive you bear?” 

Azlyn reached into her satchel to retrieve the letter addressed to the Elder Seedseer. She pulled out the sealed letter, sharing it to the silent conjurer. The woman looked at the letter, inspecting the seal and examining the envelope itself. Seeing that it was fully intact and not crinkled, she smiled. “Verily, this is the seal of the Admiral of Limsa Lominsa. Please come with me.” 

She was led within, and the silent conjurer directed her to continue walking the stone path. It led up to a lotus like stonework, surrounded by glistening waters, and a gorgeous tiered waterfall that flowed continuously into the area. The tranquility of the space soothed her nerves as she entered into the space. A woman with blond hair braided in two even braids tucked up stood with her guards. Her robes were as white as she remembered, her gold jewelry sparkled in the bright sunlight as she turned at her entrance. Several of the guards noticed her arrival, unaware of her arrival they tensed. The woman holding her elegant white staff waved them down, smiling to her. 

“So you are the Lominsan envoy. And an adventurer besides. The realm owes much to you and yours. On behalf of our fair nation, I bid you welcome.” 

Azlyn smiled, giving the woman a bow. “Thank you for your kind words Elder Seedseer.” 

The woman chuckled. “Allow me to introduce myself,” She beckoned her to approach closer. Azlyn moved slowly up, watching how elegantly she spoke to a stranger such as herself. Even from the dreams she had, she recalled her composure similarly with the same tones. “I am Kan-E-Semna, Elder Seedseer of Gridania, and leader of the Order of the Twin Adder, our nation’s Grand Company. I understand that you bear a message from the Admiral.” 

Azlyn retrieved the letter that still remained in her hand, and handed it over to the Elder Seedseer. Kan-E-Semna opened the letter, reading the letter to herself. When it seemed she had read the entire piece. “A remembrance service for the fallen of Carteneau.” She lowered the letter to look upon Azlyn standing still. “To think that five years have already come and gone.” 

She couldn’t hold the stare that she was receiving, and looked to her feet. It was true that five years had come and gone. “May I ask what happened on that day?” She asked, knowing full well she couldn’t exactly face the past by ignoring it. She needed to hear the account from different perspectives. She heard the Admirals, and so she wanted to hear it from the lips of those who also were in attendance.

“It seems like only yesterday that the Garlean Empire attempted to seize all that we hold dear.” She said suddenly, stepping to her with a sad smile. “Rising in resistance, the city-states of Eorzea formed the Grand Companies, and joined hands in alliance. But unbeknownst to us, the Garlean sought not to best us in battle, but moved instead to enact a terrible plot: the Meteor project, by which the lesser moon, Dalamud, would be torn-down from the heavens to annihilate all life below.”

Azlyn remembered. It was probably why her parents went to help. They knew something terrible was afoot, but they probably didn’t know how bad it was until it literally fell upon them. 

“In a desperate bid to save the realm from certain destruction, our forces marched for Carteneau Flats, and there met the VIIth Imperial Legion.” Kan-E-Semna looked down now, following Azlyn’s gaze to the ground. “More bloody a battle I have never seen, and would never wish to see again. Yet the carnage was but a prelude to the atrocity which followed. For despite our best efforts, Dalamud continued its descent, and from it emerged the elder primal Bahamut, who proceeded to rain fire upon Eorzea.”

Azlyn thought back to the firey flames that reigned down as she watched from the Isle of Val. She thought it was debris from Dalamud—but that was not the case. She gripped her hands together, silently waiting for the Elder Seedseer. 

“The VIIth Imperial Legion was consumed in the blinking of an eye, while our own forces fared little better. That any among us were spared defies explanation. All seemed sure to perish. As flames converged upon us, I prepared myself for death—only for a brilliant light to envelop me, relieving me of my senses.” 

The light—she thought back to that as well—wondering what it had been. 

Kan-E-Semna continued, “When at least I awoke, Bahamut was gone, and the land, which had but moments before been aflame, now seemed to me a palace unknown—not simply ruined—but changed. Archon Louisoix may well have been able to shed light upon these mysteries, but he, like so many, never returned from Carteneau.” The Elder Seedseer lifted her gaze now, to look upon Azlyn who was looking at her with an unwavering gaze. 

“And so were were left with countless questions, and no prospects of an answer. Yet such matters did not long occupy our thoughts, for we had far graver concerns. The Calamity, as the devastation wrought by Bahamut has come to be known, laid our nations nigh to waste, and to this day we struggle to rebuild our lives and homes.” She gestured to the surrounding areas nearby, and to the forests around them. Azlyn followed her hand, and could tell there were parts still recovering despite the beauty that hid that. “To compound matters, the beast tribes continue to summon their primals, while the Empire encroaches upon our borders, consolidating its foothold in Eorzea. The outlook, in short, is bleak.” 

Kan-E-Semna, brought her staff into herself, clutching it within her hands. “In the wake of the Calamity, it has been all each nation could do to nurse it’s own wounds. Yet if we are to weather the coming storm, we must needs stand united once more. A remember ace service may well present an opportunity to rekindle the spirit of unity which first gave rise to the Alliance.” She tapped her staff upon the ground, signaling to everyone the choice she had made. 

Azlyn nodded. 

“I wholeheartedly approve of the Admiral’s proposal. The necessary provisions shall be made for a service here in Gridania.” Resolutely, she walked over to her Lotus Table, pulling up a sheet of parchment and her quill. She wrote in fluid cursive, a simple reply to the Admiral and sealed the letter. She pressed a wax seal into a heated wax base, and the Gridanian emblem had been placed on the envelope. She turned to one of her guards, handing the missive to him. 

The guard nodded, walking out from the Lotus Stand. Kan-E-Semna did not stop there, as she walked around her table to the lake surrounding the circular stones they stood upon. Several white flowers were growing on the lily pads, and she pulled two from the stems. She offered a silent prayer, before she walked back to Azlyn waiting for her. 

“You have done the people of Eorzea a fine service this day, and I would not put you to further trouble. I shall see that my reply reaches the Admiral anon. And these—these are for you.” She handed Azlyn two white flowers, while the flowers weighed nothing more than a few ounces in weight, they felt like fifty pounds worth of value. “You are bound for Ul’dah, are you not?” 

Azlyn nodded slowly, still gazing down at the flowers in her cupped hands. 

“Please send the Flame General my regards. Ah, and if you would be so kind, I should appreciate it if you would inform him that a pet of mine has been ill behaved of late—my wolf, to be precise. Needless to say, he must be brought to heel, and I would very much welcome the General’s counsel on how this might be achieved.” Kan-E-Semna gave her a small smile, and gave her a courteous bow. “I thank you for coming. May the Twelve see you safe to Ul’dah and beyond.” 

Her time with the Elder Seedseer came to an end, as Azlyn thanked her for her time and exited from the Lotus Stand. She was led out from the space and back to Nophica’s Altar. Azlyn still held the white lotus flowers in her hand, until she decided it would be best to keep them safe in her satchel. She found a wooden box not being used in her bag, and placed the flowers inside to protect them. She hoped with all the bustle and movement it wouldn’t damage the contents. 

Walking out from the Altar, she walked back the same path she took to get there—and just as she was about to the building labeled Twin Adder. She went to pass the one guard that gave her directions before, only for that guard to stop her. Azlyn looked to her with a questioning glance. 

“Are you Azlyn?” 

“I am.” She answered, wondering how her name was known. 

The guard pulled out a small note with her name scrawled on it. “I was asked to hand this to you from one of our Captains.” 

Azlyn was confused, but accepted it all the same. It was only one scrawled sentence, a writing that she hadn’t seen in years. “Meet me by the Archer’s Guild.” Azlyn read aloud and then back up to the guard. “Does this Captain have a name?” 

The guard smiled, “She said you’d have to wait.” 

Azlyn shook her head. “Of course, thank you.” She lifted the note up signifying her thanks of delivering the notes. “Where is the Archer’s Guild?” 

The guard directed her north into Old Gridania once more, except this time she needed to head up from the central plaza where the large crystal was situated. Before she knew it, she was walking in that direction, and following the wooded paths covered in scarcely covered tress up into the next district. She found several aether crystals in town, one by the leather worker’s, and finally one by the archer’s guild. It was there where she found an Auri drawing a bow and firing it into a dummy. Azlyn remembered her from their days in school, and what was strange to see was another Auri standing next to her, dressed in white robes of a conjurer. 

The one firing the arrow had that rich blue hair, curling past her shoulders. She was tapping her foot in a rhythm to every eighth of a shot she took. Her clothes, similar to the Gridanian armors seen around on some of the adventurers.

“Well I’ll be.” Azlyn walked up to her, with a smile. “Kida, how long has it been?” 

Kida stopped shooting arrows at her arrival. “Way too long—since school I’d wager.”

The other Auri dressed in their white conjurer outfit stepped forward, removing the hood from her head. A light smile dancing across her lips. Azlyn gaped in shock and wonder as a white hair, short bob cut with two long tendrils of white hair over her shoulders. Her white spiraled horns that curled out from her head, her scales that decorated her face with beauty.  Her reddish eyes gauged her from below, as Azlyn was slightly taller by a margin. 

“And even longer since I’ve seen you.” Azlyn stepped forward, reaching her hands out to grab her cousin into a deep hug. “Roll, I haven’t seen you in ages. I thought you were in Ul’dah with Auntie!” 

The one Azlyn identified as Roll smirked. “Mom is busy working, and I kind of got sucked up into this kind of life. I thought you were in Sharlayan.” 

Kida walked over to them, wiping a towel on her face. “It’s a small world that I met your cousin of all people Azlyn—imagine my surprise when I heard you two were related!” 

Roll smiled. “It’s not like I asked for this blessing. I could have been home crafting.” 

Azlyn gave her cousin a look, except Kida rolled right into the conversation. “You can still craft and do your duties. It’s not like the echo is going to just stop.” 

“Wait—hold on.” Azlyn slowed them down. “Echo? Blessing? Are you two—?”

Kida tapped her chest. “Strangest thing, one night a year ago I was wandering around Eorzea, and I got this vision from Hydaelyn.” 

“Hear, feel, think.” All three stated aloud, and then looked between each other. 

“Is this an Auri thing?” Azlyn simply stated, pointing to the other two. 

Roll shook her head. “No, I’ve meant some other adventurers who were blessed as well. All different races. They just got a vision one day, and they just stepped into adventuring ever since. It’s been about two years since I started out.” 

Azlyn crossed her arms. “Huh.” 

Kida smirked, “I’m guessing you were chosen as well!  Was yours a recent change? Is that why you left Sharlayan?” The girl eyed her curiously. Azlyn sighed. She may as well come forward with the truth. 

“Actually—I’ve known since I was a child. Strangest thing of visions and just being able to pick up any weapon.” To demonstrate, she lifted her book out from its holster, and then thought about her axe. A light erupted from her hands, shifting the book into the axe. 

Roll and Kida both jumped back in shock. “Oh?” 

“What the fu—?!” Kida yelled.

Azlyn thought of her book once more, and equipped her arcanima with ease. “It’s a long story.” 

Roll crossed her arms, giving her cousin a bit of a look. “I’ve got time to spare.” 

Kida nodded. “So do I!” 

Azlyn looked to them with a bit of regret. She gauged the time of day with just one look at the sun. If she wanted to meet the deadline of getting back to Limsa Lominsa, she’d have to leave soon. And she also didn’t want to make Krile wait for much longer. “Unfortunately I don’t have that much time. I still have a letter I need to deliver today.” 

“And what could be more important than telling us about something as crazy as being blessed for your entire life?!” Kida whispered to between the three of them so that no one could overhear them. 

“I have to go to Ul’dah, and deliver a missive to the Flame General.” 

Roll and Kida widened their eyes. 

“Oh.” Roll said, instantly understanding. “Yeah—go do that. It’s not like you don’t know where we are. Do you have a link pearl?” Azlyn nodded, and they shared a link shell between them. Roll smiled. “Give us a call when you’re back. It was good to see you.” 

Kida nodded. “Yes, and you better be back soon. I want to have a meal and drink with you.” 

The girl bid them farewell, rushing off from the guild with a quick wave goodbye. 

She ran over to an aether crystal, teleporting to the central plaza area that would lead her back to the Canopy where she could board an airship. She felt bad, having to leave right after seeing her family member and friend, but she knew it was important to finish the task she started. 

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