
33 l Internal Strife

When they were finished, Kida started to sing one of the melodies that would be performed that night at the Miu Khetto Amphitheatre. 

“I love this show! There’s a dance company that travels all across Eorzea, and they stop in Gridania once a blue moon to perform! If they ever offer a chance for a workshop, I’m so doing it!” Kida said with thrill in her tone. Her steps were light as all four meandered through the wood.

“Does Troupe Falsiam even offer something like that?” Roll asked, she seemed skeptical that a dance troupe would let outsiders learn their craft. “They’re always in and out of town so fast.” 

Azlyn let her cousin and Kida converse, as she turned to Arenvald. He appeared to be lost in thought. “Something on your mind?” 

Arenvald had been staring at the different styled buildings. Arenvald replied down to her. “The architecture in Gridania is vastly differently compared to Ul’dah’s infrastructure. It’s interesting to see.” 

Azlyn smiled, “Yeah, it was a bit of a culture shock for me as well.”

“I can dream big, can’t I!” Kida exclaimed, running down the wooded path. She turned around to walk backwards while talking with their group. The path had been empty for the time that it was, as they slowly made there way through New Gridania into Old Gridania. 

“What types of things do they perform?” Azlyn asked, wondering what show the troupe shown to it’s viewers. 

Arenvald said, “I believe they performed in Thanalan before while I was passing through one of the hamlets in the desert. They do the exotic dances, correct?” 

Kida excitedly chimed in, “You are right Arenvald! They perform a series of advanced thavnarian-baroque styled dances that can only be learned by their troupe members. One day!” 

She was still walking backwards, as Roll noticed the path fork off ahead. One of the paths led to the Archer’s Guild, and the other two paths diverted north and west respectively. They could take either the north or west path, but it would be faster to head westward. It was at this moment that she noticed an Elezen male crossing in front of their group. “Kida, watch ou—“

Kida’s back crashed into the side of the Elezen. 

“What the—“

“Shite, sorry my dude.” Kida bounced back from him, and then saw who it was. He stood a head taller than Arenvald, his archer uniform pressed in a pristine fashion. His dark hair, long Elezen ears, tanned skin, and narrowed eyes easily defined him to the group. “Oh, it’s only you Silvairre.” 

Azlyn watched as he scanned the entire group, before glaring down to Kida. He looked clearly displeased with her bumping into him. “Aren’t you supposed to be a decent archer—can’t even sense someone walking on the path.” 

Kida crossed her arms, defiantly staring up to him. “I said I was sorry, take an apology and go. Geez.” 

The one introduced as Silvairre turned to the rest of them, irritated at the sight of Roll and Azlyn’s presence. “Gods, your unnatural race just keeps multiplying by the day. No wonder our way of life is dying. Even your matching attires are as tacky as they are gaudy.” 

All four of them were taken back by the blatantly rude remark. Arenvald stepped forward, his fists clenched. “Excuse me, you want to say that again you racist prick?” 

Silvairre smirked. “Are your ears deaf Midlander, I sai—“ 

Kida interrupted him. “Last time I checked we’re not the ones who live in the trees, you fucking squirrel.” She snarled at him. 

The Elezen seemed taken aback by what she just called him. “Did you just call me a squirrel?” 

Azlyn chuckled. Which in turn caused the man to glare at her. Roll stepped up protectively to her side, she was glaring daggers at him with an intensity she hadn’t seen in all the time she’d known her. 

“Oh, did you miss that? Let me simplify it for your small pea-brain, you piece of shite. Go collect your acorns like the stupid rodent you are.” Kida retorted, and spat on the ground. “Gods above, I bump into the worst asshat imaginable. Come on guys, he’s not worth our breath.” She shoved past him. Arenvald slowly walked by, also giving him a dark expression as he passed. Roll and Azlyn began to follow, but Silvairre called to them. 

“I can’t believe our art is being wasted under her tutelage. What does Bowmaster Lucianne even see in these lower races. Deplorable.” He looked ready to turn back to the guild, but Azlyn yelled at him. 

“You think you’re so magnificent you should put your gold where your mouth is. I bet I could outshoot you without missing a single target.” She issued the challenge. Roll grasped her by her upper arm as if to warn her not to go any further. Both Kida and Arenvald stopped to see the exchange. 

Silvairre’s eyes blazed. “A pathetic girl who’s as small as you—outshoot me? I’d like to see you try.”

Kida smirked, she crossed her arms liking the challenge set forth. “If we win, you need to apologize with your head dug into the ground like the fucking rodent you are.” 

Silvairre turned to Kida, he was smirking. “And if I win, you’ll immediately leave God’s Quiver and the Archer’s Guild. Fair enough of a wager given the standings.” 

Azlyn reached her hand out, “Then let’s finalize this bet. When and where sir.” She drew out the sir with a sour taste in her mouth. 

He chuckled at her, not bothering to shake her hand. “In three days time—and don’t worry I’ll make sure to prepare the grounds. If you don’t show up, it’s an automatic failure.” 

Kida smacked her fist into her open palm. “Better bring a shovel, because my girl is going to kick your—“ She was interrupted as a hand smacked her on top of her head. She winced in agony as she looked over her shoulder. Standing there was none other than Bowlord Lewin himself with two other people. Azlyn didn’t know who they were, but they all seemed important. 

“Language Kida.” Lewin replied, before turning to Silvairre. “This should provide an excellent opportunity for learning to appreciate our diversity. I expect a fair fight to be given, is that understood?” 

Silvairre bowed to him, but the group could hear the distaste in his tone. “Of course Bowlord Lewin. I would have it no other way.” 

The Bowlord smiled, “Excellent. Now as for you four—feel free to borrow any equipment you may need. Kida, you said you wanted to use Tam Tara-Deepcroft as an entrance exam for your friend? Well, I do believe this would duly do just as well. I’ll be watching with our sister Guildmasters’. There we shall gauge your actions accordingly. Until then.” He excused himself and his two guests with him. Silvairre bid farewell, not wishing to say anything further in front of the Bowlord. He retreated just in time for Kida to call him a squirrel again. 

Azlyn blew out some of the air that she’d been holding within. She could feel a rush of anger rip through her like a rampant tidal wave in a terrible squall. 

Arenvald was the first to break the quiet discourse between them. “Are most people racists here, or is it just him?” 

Kida sighed, the exhale was a long exhausted breath. “Some traditionalists in Gridania think that it should only be the original founding races to live and protect the Twelveswood. Others think that it’s unfair that they have to co-exist with others who are different from them. Thinking back to when I first joined, he’s been a royal pain in the ass.” 

Roll clenched her conjurer’s staff tightly. “Didn’t he send you out on a suicide mission?” 

Giving a disgusted sound, Kida said with exasperation. “Ugh—I don’t even want to think about it. Yeah, he sent me to kill an Ixal called Nezul Cattlan the Violator. He conveniently forgot the part of the damn lizard having an entire battalion protecting him.” 

Azlyn widened her eyes, “What?!” 

Kida nodded, “Oh yeah, and after I completed the task and sent the Ixal sentries fleeing from the woods, our squirrel surmised it was a stroke of luck that I was able to do that quest. Fuck him.” 

Arenvald shook his head, “I’m surprised you haven’t punched him in the face yet Kida.” 

She gave a dark chuckle. “Oh, don’t worry. I have plans.” 

Roll beckoned them to continue down the path to the amphitheater. They had some time left before the troupe would perform, but it would be good to get some seats. As they walked Arenvald sighed. 

“Sorry you had to see the ugly side of Gridania this soon you guys,” Kida replied, looking to Azlyn and Arenvald. “I wish it wasn’t like this normally, but there are some idiots who can’t let go of their ego.”

Arenvald shook his head, he gave her an affirmative nod. “It’s not your fault Kida, don’t apologize.” 

Azlyn nodded. “And I’ll do some training between these next two days. I’ll be in your care Kida.” She bowed to her friend who gave her a thumbs up. 

“I’ll bring one of the other Archer’s out to help train, I think you’d like her.” Kida replied with a warm smile. “Now, without further ado, let’s forget the bad and enjoy a fun filled performance!”

They walked together, eyeing the people coming and going through the crowds. It started getting a heavier flow of people as they got closer to the open air stage. There were several ticket collectors calling for people without tickets to purchase them over by the caravan the troupe set up. They could see several dressed dancers greeting the guests, and passing out tickets for any who wished to buy them. 

Roll pulled their group of four through the people with ease, and offered the ushers their tickets. Each of them were stamped on the top of their hands, and then ushered in to the long rows of benches circling around the stage. They were tiered so that people who were sitting in the back could still see over the heads of the people in the front. 

Kida pointed out an excellent spot for them, as Arenvald comfortably found a spot on the edge of the bench. Azlyn sat beside him, with Roll on her other side. Kida sat next to Roll who tapped her feet in anticipation. 

“Can’t wait—can’t wait—can’t wait.” She chanted in excitement. 

Arenvald turned to look at Azlyn and Roll. “I know this must seem like an inopportune time to ask, since you’ll need to concentrate on the challenge ahead—“

Roll leaned on her staff as she sat. “I did promise you we’d owe you a favor—what do you need help with?” 

Arenvald nodded, “Well, I was asked to look into a problem the Adventurer’s Guild had run into recently. I was wondering if you’d accompany me as I investigated.” 

Azlyn beamed to the midlander Hyur. “Of course you have my full support. I can train on the way there. I’m sure Kida can think of something.” 

The one in question piped up, “I have quite a few exercises we can do if we have to travel!” She was bouncing in her seat. 

Roll chuckled. “We’ll make it work. Who do we need to see in order to get all the information?” 

Arenvald explained, “It should be proprietress Momodi in the Quiksand at Ul’dah. From there, we’ll have to play it by ear. I’m not too sure what they wanted done, but I think it’s involving the mines.” 

Azlyn gave him a confused look. “The Mines?”

He nodded, “Yes, but it shouldn’t be too bad given our team coordination. We worked fairly well together in Tam Tara-Deepcroft. I can’t think of any others who I can trust as much as you three.” 

Roll grinned. “And we trust you to watch our backs when times get tough. Alright, well if we want to get it done with—I suppose we can head straight there. Make it an overnight expedition.” 

The four of them crossed their arms. It would be taxing to pull an all-nighter, but they were pressed for time now since a challenge was issued. It also didn’t help that Kida’s livelihood was on the line. 

“We probably have to.” Kida said, and looked to Azlyn. “Is your body well enough to do this?”

Azlyn gave her a reassuring smile. “Yeah, I should be fine. As long as I don’t shift classes. I’ll just use my arcanima.” She lifted her grimoire. Her book had always been her first choice, as her spells came to her mind with relative ease. “And I’ll just have someone hold the bow and quiver for me so that it doesn’t get whisked away in my mysterious bottomless aether pocket.”

The four started to formulate a plan on how they could tackle this problem before the night would end. As luck would have it, as they got lost in conversation, the time that they would have been anxiously waiting for the show to start went by faster. 

“Welcome one and all!” A charismatic Miqo’te girl dressed in quite a beautiful dance gear appeared on stage. She had two fans, one in each hand, as she started to sway with the rhythm of music starting behind her. Several other dancers in the troupe started to form onstage, holding similar looking fans. “We were so pleased to come back to Gridania, now let’s have a great night!” 

The lead dancer took charge of the flow and direction of the piece, as the audience sat in quiet fascination. Kida had been sitting on the edge of her seat, analyzing and watching every bit she could see. As the show continued, Azlyn felt a spark of energy lift up and around the audience, a black dense smoke cloud rose up from the people, and yet no one seemed to notice. 

She followed the strange energy, as it shifted and interred into itself, before being brought out to the shadows behind the stage. Azlyn turned to watch, narrowing her eyes so that she could get a better look. There was a Midlander Hyur woman dressed in a black pant suit, holding in her hands two chakrams like many of the dancers did on that stage with their fans. She was executing several dance patterns and movements, and as if the shadows were defeated, they disappeared in a puff of smoke. 

Finding it odd that the end of the show also correlated with the shadow’s strange disappearance, Azlyn looked to her friends. Kida was as animated as she was usually, talking to Roll with rapid words. Arenvald was applauding the dancers, as they strode to the front to bow and accept an encore. 

“No one saw.” Azlyn pondered aloud, to which gained her the attention of her friends. 

“See what?” Roll asked her. 

The girl shook her head. “Nah, it was nothing.” 

“Sooooo, how was the show Azlyn? Did you love it!” Kida wanted to hear her opinions now that she coaxed one from her cousin. 

“It was cleansing.” Azlyn replied. “I mean refreshing.” 

Arenvald gave her a curious look. “Cleansing? That’s the first time I’ve heard someone say that about their performance.” 

Roll chuckled. 

Kida stuck her tongue out. “It’s because you’re under the weather—we’ll see their next showing when you’re not feverish.” 

Azlyn smiled, “Sure, sure.” Chuckling at her friends. 

Roll stretched her arms up in the air, waiting for the overwhelming crowd to disperse from the amphitheatre. When they had enough room to breath did Roll suggest for them to plot out their journey. Arenvald had pulled out his map, and laid it down for all of them to see. He pointed out several routes. 

“There’s two ways we can go. One way we can go is through the South Shroud, and travel through Eastern Thanalan into Central Thanalan here. It’d probably take a few hours or so, and that’s only if we don’t get stuck in trouble. The other route would take us through Mor Dhona, while it’s quicker however, I don’t recommend it.” He tapped one of the location spots just outside of Mor Dhona in Northern Thanalan. 

“Castrum Meridianum is the stronghold in that area, and last I heard there was quite a bit of activity over there with the imperials.” Roll clicked her tongue. She’d read the reports some of the Yellow Serpents had given back to their commanding officers, to which she and Kida had their hands tied dealing with the aftermath. 

“It sounds like we’ll have to go this way then.” Azlyn pointed over to Eastern Thanalan. “It probably is safer than rushing into an enemy stronghold.”

Kida cracked her knuckles. “Then what are we waiting for?”

Roll studied the map, and then looked over to Azlyn. “You haven’t attuned to any of the crystals in the outposts yet either—I think it’d be good for you to open up your teleportation options for the future. Alright.” She pointed to several different outposts. “Camp Tranquil is on the way, so we’ll stop there long enough to get supplies. From there, we’ll travel south into Eastern Thanalan. Camp Drybone is here, however our paths can take us either westward or southward.” 

Kida joined Roll’s deduction. “Probably should go south and get to Little A’la Mhigo. She can go to Blackbrush Station later on if she’s in Ul’dah again. There is also the Forgotten Springs, however that’s too far south into the Sagoli Desert.” 

Azlyn frowned. “How late will the proprietress be up for? If she’s sleeping by the time we get there, the overnight trip would have been worthless in the long run.” 

Arenvald crossed his arms. “If it gets too late, I know several people in Little A’la Mhigo. We could probably stay there—given we do a bit of chores.” 

Roll sighed. “Valid point. It’s just past six now. But from the timing, we could make it before she closes up for the night. We won’t have to stay there, Arenvald. We’ll hit up Little A’la Mhigo, have Azlyn attune to the crystal, and run northwest to Central Thanalan, and into the gates here to Ul’dah. I believe that’s also the closet gate to the Quicksand.”

Arenvald smiled, he looked relieved as they just discussed about moving past Little A’la Mhigo. “Understood Ma’am.” 

Kida looked through her bag. “I only have one person mounts. Arenvald, do you have a mount whistle?” 

He shook his head. “No, I have not. I’m sorry I’m not attuned to the aether crystals. I should have, but I’m mostly in Vesper Bay.” Arenvald went to roll up his map and stow it into his bag. 

Azlyn looked to him. “It’s alright, I probably couldn’t handle to teleport with my fever. No worries.” 

Roll pulled out one of her mount whistles, and then her summoning whistle for her chocobo whistle was one of them. “Then let’s go through the Blue Badger Gate, and summon what mounts we can. Azlyn has her palanquin. Kida, you have your mechanical two wheeled vehicle. I have Mararov.” 

Arenvald nodded. “I’m a pretty good sprinter.” 

Kida chuckled, “Cute, but we have a mount you can use. It’s Roll’s though. She’ll have to hand it to you.”

As if on cue, she handed him the extra whistle she had. Then Roll walked out to the aetheryte crystal. When the group had arrived, they all reached out to the crystal and teleported to the Blue Badger Gate. 

It was at the entrance that Kida screeched to a halt. The remaining three looked at her as if she had been grievously injured. “I need paper and a crayon—preferably blue or black!”

Roll reached into her bag. Retrieving out from her things was a piece of clean parchment and a black crayon upon her request. Kida asked Roll to turn around so that she could write down on the paper. 

Azlyn and Arenvald watched over her shoulder as she wrote a very simple message. 

“Bowlord Lewin, Went to Tam-Tara, found cultists, killed cultists, killed mindflayer, the end.” Both Azlyn and Arenvald read aloud as Kida wrote. It was then that the archer handed the crayon over to Roll. 

“I’ll join you three in Bentbranch, I have to deliver my report!”

Azlyn widened her eyes. “That’s your report?!”

Kida nodded, a wicked smile on her face. “He never specified what he wanted, only that I needed to turn in a report. See ya!” She sprinted back into Gridania leaving them speechless. 

Finally Roll was the one to break the quiet atmosphere. “Anyway.” She blew into her whistle, and waited for her chocobo to sprint out from Gridania. Markarov appeared from around the corner, an excited chocobo skidded to a halt in front of his master. She mounted it with ease, waiting for Arenvald to bring forth his. He blew into the whistle, as the aether brought forth a horse with a long horn on it’s head. Azlyn widened her eyes. “Is that a unicorn?” 

Roll nodded on top of the mount. “Yeah, I got it after doing a few things. Let’s be on our way.” 

Azlyn pulled her own palanquin shortly afterward, Roll and Arenvald led the way, while Azlyn trailed behind them. She was able to keep up when they were on the paths, but when they went off the paths and zipped through the trees did she have a harder time. 

They heard the roar of an engine as Kida jumped through several patches of bushes, her hair had several twigs in it from her speeding. She rode up alongside Azlyn. “And done! I put it on his desk—can’t wait to hear back from him.” She laughed aloud, and then gestured to her side bag. There was also an extra bow and quiver set. “I also snagged a practice set for you. We’ll do some training after we finish with this task!” 

Azlyn nodded, her hand delicately holding the side of the chain as her balloons floated her to where Roll and Arenvald were traveling. They continued past Bentbranch Meadows, traveling south, however the only difference from their trip earlier over was they continued south and avoid the Deepcroft entry. 

They traveled for over half an hour before they stopped. The community had been situated over a swamp-like pond, where monsters with tentacles and even larger tortoises were eating the fauna. Roll led them up the drawbridges, until they arrived in the center of town. Azlyn hopped off her palanquin and ran over to the Crystal. She reached her hand, letting the aether wrap around her hands and fingers before finding a connection. 

Roll looked to the group. “Anyone need to buy anything or use the facilities?” 

“No mom.” Kida said under the purring of her engine. Arenvald shook his head. “I’m good as well.” 

Azlyn smiled, bringing forth her palanquin once more. When she was situated, Roll shrugged. “Saves us time, let’s go.” 

Arenvald led them down the drawbridges further south, past the murky waters and strange creatures that had an awful smell. The temperature in the area rose exponentially, as the waters seemed to disappear the further south they went. The broiling heat from the mountains could be felt as they continued their approach. Azlyn was wiping her face with her napkin as they entered the mountain pass and into barren lands. 

“Is this part of Thanalan?” Azlyn yelled to Roll. Her cousin slowed down to match her pace. Nodding, the white haired Au Ra pointed out to a wooden structure they were going to. “We need to traverse down the staircase there. Welcome to Eastern Thanalan.” 

Arenvald shouted back to them. “It’ll be another forty to fifty minutes before we reach Camp Drybone. Make sure you’re drinking water as we go. And avoid the Billygoats.” 

Kida chuckled. “Why, they aggressive?” 

He nodded. “I watched one knock an entire caravan over. Just be conscious of where your riding.” 

Everyone called out their affirmatives, and then they continued on. Azlyn noted the lack of people manning the wooden stairs leading down into the sandy dunes and empty, barren lands of Thanalan. Just as she mentioned before in Gridania, she could hardly believe such a stark difference in locales. It was quite the culture shock for her. 

The sun had already dropped past the mountains in the distance, as the air dropped about ten to fifteen degrees. The slight chilled air pushed up the sands into small dust devils and then back down onto the ground. The one good thing with how barren the lands happened to be the lack of light pollution, as one could easily see the beauty of the stars and bright moon emerging in the night sky. 

Although the cloud coverage was threatening a storm in the next coming day. 

As Arenvald said, it took another forty minutes before they made it to the next community. They could see the lamp posts from a few hundred acres away, as they signals the edge of the lands. 

“This is Camp Drybone!” Arenvald called, pulling his handkerchief off his lower face. The dust and dirt from their travels had been decorated all over not only his clothes, but his hair as well. It wasn’t only him that had been afflicted with the sandy conditions, as Azlyn shook off the sand from her head and behind her horns. 

“Ugh, can we stop for like five minutes.” Kida asked, “My eyes are burning from being pelted with dirt.” 

Roll hopped off Markarov, pulling out some greens from the saddle bag. She let her chocobo feed on the treat while she pointed down into the town. It was nestled below the high natural walls of the desert. “Go attune and fill the water canteens. We’ll be here when you’re ready.” 

Azlyn nodded, jumping off her palanquin to run down one of the only two paths into the town. There were some guards posted, but for the most part it was a quiet evening. They gave her a look, and then let her go as she needed. She thought it was kind of odd comparatively to the other towns that she’d been to, but she didn’t have time to think much on it. She walked over to the crystal in the center, and felt the same aether connection rush through her as it did all the other crystals. 

When she was completed with her task, she went to a merchant who had their goods laid out on her carpet. She smiled up to Azlyn. “Good evening traveler, is there something you’re looking for?” 

“Some water?” Azlyn asked. She pulled out the four canteens she was asked to fill.

The merchant nodded. “Of course, I have a pot of water right here. It’ll be 5 gold for one canteen. Is that fine?” 

Azlyn thought that was a bit expensive, but figured they lived in the desert. It probably was normal to have high prices on stuff that was hard to acquire. “That’s fine.” 

She pulled out gold coins, paying her and then letting her fill her canteens. The woman smiled to her when all of the vessels were full. “Anything else?” 

Azlyn peered down at the foods she had. Many of them were dried fruits or jerky. She picked out a few of each, asking for the price. This time the prices were much more reasonable. Bidding the lady a good night, Azlyn waved and ran back out the way she came. 

She found the three of them ready to go. Azlyn handed out the small packs of food and their canteens to each. “I bought us some snacks.” 

Kida opened the small bag, and popped the few dried fruits into her mouth. “Ahhh, desert bliss.” 

Arenvald thanked her, and Roll chewed on a piece of jerky. 

“How much was it in total?”

Azlyn looked to her cousin. “Eh, about thirty gold.” 

Roll widened her eyes. “For this?” She held the small bag.” 

The Au Ra shook her head. “No, it was five coins a piece per canteen. It’s fine, I —“

Arenvald sighed, “It’s not everyday merchants actively swindle travelers, sorry friend I should have warned you.” 

Azlyn gave them a puzzled look, and then it finally dawned on her what had happened. She was swindled for the water. “Ugh... I hate this. Can we go now?” 

Kida crossed her arms over the handle bars of her vehicle. “I think I know why you’re poor so often Azlyn.” 

“Indeed.” Roll replied with a similarly same sigh. “What’s done is done, hopefully you won’t be taken advantage of again. I’ll go with you next time.” She mounted her chocobo. “Alright Arenvald, let’s go to Little A’la Mhigo.” 

The midlander Hyur male nodded, directed his mount to the southeast. “It’ll be this way. Come, we have another thirty minute ride.” 

Azlyn brought out her balloons and sat cross-crossed on her bench. She laid her snack bag on the seat next to her as she let her mount follow after Arenvald. For the most part the scenery never changed too much, as the desert fauna only increased the further south they went. When they arrived in Little A’la Mhigo it was well into the night. 

Roll checked the time with a slight frown. “I think the Quicksand closes at eleven most nights. It’s just a hair past eight now. We should be good, even if we get delayed.” 

Arenvald sighed in relief. “Good, glad to hear we were making good progress.” 

Kida patted her vehicle. “Thanks to our mounts.” 

Roll gestured for Azlyn to follow her into the fort. “Cuz, let’s get you set up. Kida could you keep Arenvald company?”

Arenvald smiled in gratitude, and waved to the two of them as they circled around the outpost. It wasn’t long before Azlyn was face to face with a giant crystal protected by tall walls all around. The community was small, and from what she could guess, most were refugees. Roll walked close to her side. 

“Arenvald prefers not to associate with some of the refugees here. He was bullied quite a bit due to his circumstances.” Roll explained. “I’m glad we were able to get here without much trouble.” 

Azlyn nodded. “I—I saw a bit of his past. Is the paint on his face to hide something?” All she could see was the knife the woman was holding. 

Roll frowned. “Saw his past? Huh. Your blessing is unique indeed. I only know of one other who can peer into people’s pasts.” 


It was Roll’s turn to nod. “Yes, I’m sure you’ll meet her soon. She’s nice.” 

Azlyn quirked a curious eye to her cousin, but couldn’t ask anything further. They were already standing next to the large crystal. Like she did the past two times, she attuned. She waited until the connection was formed, and then smiled. 

“And done.” 

Roll smiled, “Perfect, now let’s leave before we garner too much attention. We already look out of place due to our clothes.” 

The girls walked back to the entranceway that they came in from, only for two A’la Mhigan males to stop in front of them. They both crossed their arms as they looked down at them. “And who are you two?” 

“Yeah?” The other one crooned. 

“I was afraid of this.” Roll sighed. “Just mere travelers on our way to Ul’dah. Will you let us pass?” 

The taller of the two snorted, spitting to the side of the path in disdain. “No—I don’t think I will. You’ll need to pay the toll Missy. Same with your other friend here.” 

The other one started to leer at Azlyn who leaned away uncomfortably. 

“And if I refuse?” Roll said, her eyes narrowed as she tightened her hold on her staff. 

The two men started to chuckle loudly. “Refuse? Brother, she says they are going to refuse!”

“Heh, guess we can just sell them to the Ul’dah Monetarists. They do enjoy their exotic women.” 

Azlyn widened her eyes in disgust. “What did you just—“ 

Roll silenced her cousin with a firm hand. “Last I checked sirs, that was illegal. Highly illegal. Same with this supposed toll of yours.” 

“And whose gonna stop us from doing it?” 

“Yeah who?” 

The two were goading them. Since they were in town, they couldn’t start the fight, otherwise they’d be seen as the aggressors. It was a tough situation. At least until another voice popped in. 

“I will.” 

Both of the girls turned to see an older Highlander Hyur with his lance out. He had a bushy white mustache, and his graying white hair had been combed neatly back. His armor was bulky, fitting an image for a great warrior. 

The two men who were pestering them immediately went pale. Before the older man could say another word, the two ran out of town and off into the desert beyond. Roll gave a sigh of relief, and then bowed to the man. 

“Thank you sir.” 

He waved her appreciation away. “No need, I’m sorry you had to experience that as soon as you arrived. The name is Gundobald. If you run into anymore idiots like those two youths, you come find me. I’ll handle them.” 

Azlyn nodded. “If there’s anything you need help with, I’ll be sure to remember to pay it forward. Thank you.” She bowed to him. 

“Nonsense. It’s getting fairly late if you two are heading to Ul’dah. Best be on your way.” He walked away, heading into the western portion of their little hamlet. Roll beckoned her cousin to follow her along. 

“Best we go before those two youths come back with reinforcements.” 

They left Little A’la Mhigo, rushing over to Arenvald and Kida counting the stars above them. It seemed to the cousins that these two were unaware of what had transpired. Deciding it best to keep it to themselves, they began their long ride over to Ul’dah. 

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