
36 l Scions of the Seventh Dawn

Momodi smirked up to her, she laughed at the serious tone Azlyn presented to her. “So you want to know more then, do you? Well, ain’t that a. Surprise—I swear if I painted ‘CERTAIN DEATH’ on one door and ‘LIMITLESS WEALTH’ on another, nine out of ten adventurers would go through the first, and the other bloke wouldn’t be able to choose, on account of bein’ Ul’dahn. Anyway, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

The twenty four year old had a slight grin, at the comment made about the Ul’dahn in her hypothetical. 

“First of all,” Momodi replied instructionally. “If you’re wonderin’ whether you can trust these ‘Scions of the Seventh Dawn,’ you can. They’re good people who’ve made it their mission to solve some of Eorzea’s most pressin’ problems. ‘Course, that ain’t no small task, and so they’re always lookin’ for dependable individuals to join ‘em—individuals like you. Since you said the magic words, I’ll tell you where they are. However you must promise to keep this information to yourself. As you can probably imagine, it’s somethin’ Eorzea’s enemies would very much like to know.”

Azlyn nodded. “I’ll keep it to myself. I promise.” 

“Then it should come as no surprise to you that the Scions are headquartered in Vesper Bay, out in western Thanalan. Seeing how you were travelin’ with Roll, Kida, and Arenvald late last night.” The proprietress grinned to her. “But you probably won’t know where in Vesper Bay. The place you’re looking for is called the Wakin’ Sands. I’m sure they will be expectin’ you, so give your name to the guard in front.” 

She cracked her knuckles to relieve the pressure in her hands, and smiled. “Alright, I’ll be on my way Momodi. I promise to swing by when I have the time!” 

Momodi chuckled at the idea of her having time. “Hah! You’re a woman on demand, but I’ll look forward to you comin’ by. Off you go now!” She waved her hands to her, suggesting her to head on out before she lost anymore sunlight. 

It was still a late morning, just past eleven in the morning. She knew the gate that led out to Western Thanalan, as they’d just went that way last night. When she arrived outside the city-state proper, she brought forth her palanquin mount and floated over the dusty sands. She remembered how dirty she felt after they came out from the mines, covered in dirt, sweat, and black powder. It was no surprise that she’d been able to wash it all off after one bath and one shower. 

Her travels led her through several man-made bridges, following it heading straight into a small community known as Horizon. She found an aetheryte crystal that she could attune to,  and then started her journey beyond the town, past a long downward ramp into a two-laned path over a watery area. She could see all sorts of creatures and flora growing in that diverse desert, and smiled at the sight. It was also her first time seeing a pond that large in Thanalan. Water was a scarce commodity, so seeing this much in one spot gave her an idea this area had some resources. However, she could smell the slight smell of the sea in the distance, blowing beyond the curve of the mountain. 

She began to journey forward, until she was out of the Footfalls and into another small hamlet. Her senses had been right on the money, as a vast ocean could be seen beyond the white brick walls. She sighed in relief, as the slight humidity cooled the dry heat by an exponential amount. She was surprised how a community as large as it was had no aetheryte crystal for travelers to attune to, but decided it wasn’t her business to complain about it. 

Exploring the town, she looked for any signs that might say the Wakin’ Sands as Momodi told her. As her luck would have it, none of the building’s had a label, so she resorted to observing people. She sat down by the front fountain, noticing over time several buildings being traversed in and out of. 

When she couldn’t find the building that way, she decided to wall over to the docks. It was at that moment she saw a lone building off on the northern side, tucked away. She had an odd feeling that was the place she needed to go. 

Her stomach grumbled in protest as she had not eaten breakfast or much of dinner last night. “Afterwards I can go home and ea—“ She stopped mid sentence, widening her eyes. She hadn’t used that word home in a long time. Where was her home? Was it back in Limsa? Was it back in Gridania where Roll and Kida lived? 

She clenched her fists at her side. 

“Eh? Azlyn is that you?” 

Azlyn pulled herself from her thoughts, as she looked up to see a midlander Hyur from last night carrying a couple of sacks in his arms. There were also two others with him, a miqo’te male, and a female Hume. 

“Arenvald!” Azlyn smiled, glad to see a familiar face. “How’d you sleep from last night?” 

He chuckled, “Sleep?” Arenvald shook his head. “Haven’t even slept yet. I suppose that’s what I get for worryin’ my supervisor.” He grinned ear to ear, and then looked to his friends next to him. “Oh hey, guys’ this is Roll’s cousin.” 

The Miqo’te ran over to her, his eyes alight from curiosity. “How are they related? Roll has those squinty yellow-gold eyes, and different styled horns. I suppose the color and tail are the same.” 

Azlyn explained. She examined herself wondering if her differences were that much different. “I’m mixed blood. That’s why I don’t look quite like my cousin.” 

The whole group minus Arenvald gasped. 

“I wouldn’t have known!” The Miqo’te exclaimed. 

“Mixed! And so confidently spoken!” The female Hume replied. She then nudged Arenvald with her elbow. “I like her!” 

Arenvald smirked, looking down to his companions. “Aye, she’s a good person.” 

Azlyn’s stomach growled loudly once more. Their group stopped, turning to look at her as her face flushed in embarrassment. She looked down at her stomach. 

The Miqo’te laughed loudly, pointing at her with a finger. “Did you hear that!” 

Arenvald chuckled, “I know a good food stall in town.” 

The female Hume nodded. “Come on Azlyn!” The girl reached forward, grabbing one of her hands to lead her up into a crowded area of Vesper Bay. She could see a few merchants set up shop, and there were several pop up food vendors selling food from their carts. 

The tall gladiator introduced them to a particular stall in the corner, where steaming portions of different soups were being made. He turned to their group with a smile. “They have the best bread bowls in town.” 

Azlyn ordered one, and they sat with her by the fountain afterward so that she could enjoy her meal. The gentle cascade of the water in the center, and the chatter from her both new and old acquaintances lifted her spirits. She learned that the Miqo’te was called A’aba Tia, the female was called Aulie. They were good people, telling her about how they came to Vesper Bay recently and how much they enjoyed it there. 

Arenvald waited until the Au Ra had finished eating her lunch before asking her once again, “So what brings you here to Vesper Bay?” 

She remembered she was there for the Scions, but she didn’t know how much his friends had known. Smiling, she just pointed to the suspected building she needed to head to. “I was told not to say anything—but I need to meet someone in that building.” 

A’aba Tia got excited. “No way! We’re going there as well! What a turn of good fortune!”

Aulie nodded. “Indeed! Since you’re well fed, we should finish our task so you can take a nap Arenvald!” 

At the mention of a nap Arenvald chuckled. Azlyn could see the dark circles under his olive eyes. He must be running off of fumes. “Come, we’ll introduce you to Tataru—from there she should know who you were trying to meet.” 

She followed all of them as they made their way over to the building. While it was not labeled, she had been reassured its name as A’aba Tia sighed in relief. “Ahhh, the Waking Sands! The best place in the world! Come on in!” 

He held the door for them, as she entered last. It had a warm glow from the high chandelier, a single table, chairs, and a lone bookshelf. The three moved past the lone female Lalafell, who had been humming to herself. It seemed as if she saw them enter first, as she went back to her own devices. Her light pink tunic dress, brown gauntlets on her wrists, her light Liliac colored hair poking out from her red beret. 

“Oh Tataru! We have a guest for you.” Arenvald called out to her, as Azlyn stopped in front of the humming girl. It took the Lalafell a moment before realizing that she had been humming in front of a stranger. 

“—A lonely flower blooms—uaaawh?” She yelped, throwing her arms up in the air. The three who had retreated down the stairs burst into laughter before a door slammed shut below. Azlyn sheepishly bowed in greeting. 

“Good afternoon.” 

The one who had been called Tartaru coughed into her fist to clear her throat. “I would thank you not to sneak up on me like that.” 

Azlyn gave her an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry?” 

She sighed, “What on earth were those three thinking bringing someone from outside in. Unless you have pertinent business here.” 

The Au Ra stated calmly. “My name is Azlyn. I believe someone by the name of Y’shtola mentioned I would be expected?” She relaxed her posture into a more inviting one. 

“At the behest of Y’shtola!” She exclaimed, raising both of her hands up in response. Her purple eyes went wide with surprise. “I apologize Azlyn—I was informed of your arrival but we didn’t expect you so soon.” She cleared her throat once more, and then looked up to her with a wide smile. “I bid you welcome to the Waking Sands, headquarters of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn! My name is Tataru, and I look forward to assisting you during your time with us.” 

Azlyn bowed in reaction to her self introduction. “I look forward with working with you in the future Miss Tataru.” 

The girl raised her arms in joy, her face alight with expressive eyes. “The Antecedent is within the solar. I shall let her know to expect you!” She then hopped off the chair, walking over to the staircase beyond the rail. Tataru beckoned Azlyn to follow her below. “Follow me, I’ll show you down now.” 

The Lalafell hummed a light tune as she took each step down, the flight down had been a quick one as Tataru pushed open the set of doors below. As she walked in, Azlyn could see how large the actual building was—the building had been nothing but a front—to look like a storage room, housing a larger facility underneath. No wonder they didn’t have anyone knowing their location. 

Tataru asked for her to wait in the first hall, as she proceeded into what she called the solar. At this time, Azlyn decided to explore the storage area, only stopping at the entryway to see the people of the Scions working to place orders and supplies in storage. She could see Arenvald, A’aba Tia, and Aulie working together, they were happily chatting between each other. 

She would have even offered to help them, had Tataru not popped her head out from the solar to call her over. “Come on in Azlyn, she’s ready for you!” Tataru held the door open for her, and the strange butterflies that filled her stomach started to emerge. That morning she had made a resolute decision to do what she could to help, but now that she was there—the determination was driving her anxiety to rise. 

She hesitantly walked into the space, a large rectangular room, with only some bookshelves on the side wall and a large ornate wooden desk. On the back wall, a staff she’d thought was long since gone, held up in two broken spots on the wall. She didn’t miss the large group of people waiting inside, and noted she knew everyone there save for the blonde haired woman in the center, her blue eyes bright with knowledge. Her outfit was a unique style, a pink halter top that stopped just under her chest, an open middrift, a long maroon skirt that spanned out from behind her. The front of the skirt was open, revealing brown pants and a pair of traveling boots. It was an outfit meant for ease of movement and comfort. 

She spied Y’shtola, and next to her was the white haired man from the other night. She could see the recognition in his eyes as he pieced together who she was. She noted the mysterious lady with the pugilist greaves and her Lalafell companion standing on the opposite side. They both had the look of recognizing her, well from what she could tell from the Lalafell’s expression. The woman had her mask covering her upper face. Azlyn also didn’t neglect to notice the robed Elezen standing by the bookshelves, his hood up to cover his face from view. Even after all those years, she wouldn’t forget the Sharlayan who visited with Archon Louisoix. 

“So you are the adventurer of whom I’ve heard so much. Well met, friend. My name is Minfillia, and I lead the Scions of the Seventh Dawn.” She gestured to the office space, her friends, and then smiled back to Azlyn. “I have awaited your coming. Please, be at ease. You are among friends here.” 

Azlyn let a shaky breath escape her lips, walking slowly toward them. She looked over to see the two from Gridania, the girl waved to her while the Lalafell gave her a curt nod. 

The one known as Minfillia drew her attention once more. “No doubt you’re ripe to burst with questions, but have patience—all will be revealed in time. First, let me begin by telling you who we are, and what we do. As the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, we are an order that transcends political boundaries. Our single objective is the preservation of the future of Eorzea.”

The Au Ra remained silent, gazing at her with a conflicted expression. Minfillia seemed to sense her apprehension, and decided to proceed to the biggest problem. 

“Among our gravest concerns are the godlike creatures known as the primals. Their existence is a bane upon Eorzea—nay, the world at large, and we have striven to find a lasting solution to the threat they pose. Our order is home to a number of individuals who, like you, possess a rare and special talent.”

Azlyn replied astutely. “The Echo.” 

Minfillia nodded, “Yes. This talent takes various forms, but one holds particular interest to us. I’ve been told you’ve experienced sudden, inexplicable loss of conscious? Have you ever had the sensation of being pulled away from reality? Felt as though you were hovering in space, a mind without a body?” 

Azlyn bit her lip, and nodded. Those were things she experienced all throughout her childhood. 

“All these things are the manifestations of your talent. Yours is a power to transcend the boundaries of the soul—The Echo allows you to pass through the walls of a man’s soul, and hear the resonating of his past. You stand in their memories, and see things as they saw them. You may interact with that which you see, though you cannot change the outcome of the events.” She explained it in words that Azlyn could never explain to others. A heavy weight off her chest once her words were spoken, but it didn’t make her feel much better in the long run. 

“For another blessing,” She explained, looking back to the wall with a small smile. “the Echo will enable you to know a man’s mind even if you cannot comprehend his words.” 

Azlyn thought of Krile then, and nodded. She knew exactly of that blessing—Krile’s power had been something she’d grown up with, something she’d attempted to study before. 

“In short, the Echo is a truly extraordinary power. And this power is strong within you. It is only a shame that we cannot use it whensoever we choose." Minfillia gave a sad chuckle, directing to herself with her hand. 

"Ah—you possess it as well." That made more sense to Azlyn, no wonder they were gathering those blessed by the Echo. After all the leader was of the same ilk. 

"That's right. With that established, let us return to the subject of the primals. So long as they exist, the realm cannot take so much as a single step towards true peace. Measures must be taken—measures which transcend boundaries, be they of faction, race, language, or creed. And to do so, the Scions require the aid of those with our talent." She lowered her hand from her chest, taking a breath. 

Azlyn had to wonder if she was used to public speaking, as she dominated almost all of the conversation. Her friends listened patiently, they were passionate about this vision as their leader was. From what she could see and observe, it meant they all were together under a common bond. Perhaps something involving the Archon who once held that staff five years past. 

Minfillia returned back to the topic, "Make no mistake—the Echo will be instrumental in dealing with the primal threat. Without it, we cannot hope to save the realm. I know not what it is you desire for yourself, nor what it was that first brought you to Eorzea—but I firmly believe that the power we possess was given to us for a purpose. Why else would the gods entrust man with a gift so extraordinary, if not to have him use it?" 

Those words stung at her chest the hardest, she winced at the weight they bore. 

She pressed on, unaware of the afflicting mind that raced within Azlyn's head. A storm brewed in her conscious mind, telling her she should have done more. She should have pressed her parents to let her go all those years ago. 

"And so I implore you: lend us your power. Naturally, your aid will not go unrewarded. We are fortunate to have a number of influential allies, and at a word from me, they will gladly afford you certain privileges that might otherwise be denied you." She smiled, "The right to employ retainers, for example. Are you familiar with them?" From Azlyn's blank stare, she explained in further detail. "They are individuals who can manage some your assets and belongings on your behalf." 

Azlyn hadn't noticed Tataru had left the room, so when she entered the room with some papers for Minfillia, she couldn't hide the slight expression of surprise emerge. Minfillia accepted the papers, turning back to her desk, and signed the bottom of the sheet with her ink quill. She folded the papers, handing them back to Tataru. "Thank you Tataru." 

Azlyn watched as the Lalafell with the red beret and pink tunic smiled warmly to her. 

Tataru bowed to her. "The pleasure is mine, my lady!" She then left the space without a moment's notice. Azlyn followed her exit, watching the door shut close with a soft click. 

"By way of a welcoming gift, I have taken the liberty of adding your name to the retainer's registry. As of now, you are entitled to employ the services of a retainer. You'll need to consult with a retainer vocate regarding the particulars of this arrangement, but believe me when I say that retainers will prove invaluable to you in your adventuring endeavors. Let this gesture serve as evidence of out commitment to do all in our power to facilitate your personal objectives." 

"And in return, you would like me to offer you my services?" Azlyn sighed, this sounded like the Archon's back on Sharlayan—the philosophy of 'one scratches one back, for another' immediately to mind. 

She apologetically shrugged. "A mutually beneficial relationship, I am sure you will agree, and one which serves the greater good. Well, that was a veritable lecture, was it not? Forgive me." Minfillia bowed her head slightly. "It is important that all concerned had been made aware of what is expected of them. Now that you know our purpose, and what we can offer you, I invite you to consider joining us. When you have come to a decision, you may tell me without fear of censure. In good faith, I shall entrust you with our order's password, which our members use to reach one another when afield. It is 'Wild Rose.'"

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