
8 l The Dance

The path had been lit with magical instruments crafted by some of the student scholars. The path lights would be helpful later in the night when the students were finished later. Throngs of people were making their way now, as the sun was starting its descent into the horizon. 

“It’s well decorated!” T’laq commented on the atmosphere as they took in the sights. The floral decorations were floating using a type of device above the walkways, the tables clothed in simple white and adorned with napkins, plates, and utensils. 

“Dinner and a show—such a grand ceremony.” Kida replied coyly, and winked to Azlyn. She was still in the arm of Kida. It didn’t take long to see G’raha by a table. His arms crossed as he waited. 

T’laq waved at their friend. “He found a pretty good table. Not too far, and not too close.”

When they came up to the table, T’laq pulled out a chair for Kida to sit. Alfric had done the same for his sister. Azlyn walked over to a chair beside Kida, and before she could pull it out, G’raha had grabbed it for her. He mumbled a quick, “for you.” And waited for her to sit. He pushed the chair in before taking a spot on her other side. Azlyn placed the basket of brownies at the center of the table, which she got a quirked eyebrow from her childhood friend. She smiled in a reassuring way. 

“I wonder what the order of presentation will be about. The endless conflicts between Garlemald, or the siphoning of Aetheric energy” Alfric replied, lifting up a fork. “I wouldn’t be surprised if they said something along the lines of early graduation.”

T’laq nodded. “Times are getting rough. Eorzea is getting pressed—although if we look at previous attempts by the Black Wolf, he didn’t do well the last time he tried attacking.”

“That’s because of Midgardsormr.” Kida replied, wagging her finger. “The Garleans weren’t expecting a mighty Dragon King to come smite their ‘invincible’ airship Agrius. That must have set them back quite a bit in their conquest.”

Azlyn gripped her napkin on the table. The Battle of Silvertear, and then back to Doma where that same ship flew its banners. Azlyn didn’t have fond memories of that ship, and was secretly thankful it had been taken down. If one wanted to see it, all they would have to do is travel to Mor Dhona at the Silvertear Lake. 

“Yeah but that killed the dragon too.” Alfric sighed. “Eorzea doesn’t have a dragon anymore—although I think it was purely by luck that happened.”

Everyone at the table agreed. 

Azlyn looked away from their group, peering at the other tables nearby. As she let her eyes wander, she recognized three familiar faces. The three girls that ruined the dress her mother made had gone white in the face when they saw Azlyn sitting with her friends. She reached over for Kida’s arm to grab her attention. 

“Wouldn’t the Garleans come up with a diff—huh, what’s up Azlyn?” The table went quiet as Azlyn gave a slight nod over to the three girls turning away. They seemed to be in quite a hurry to find a different spot to sit. Kida’s lip curled up as she caught onto what Azlyn was referring to. “Ahhh—those are the girls who butchered your mother’s dress.”

The guys widened their eyes, G’raha the most shocked as he tried to read his friends face. “Wait—for real?”

Kida stood up from the table, and grabbed several of the red ribboned brownie bags. “Let’s go have a chat, right Azlyn?”

She nodded, also rising from the table and G’raha reached up to gripped her wrist. He was concerned. “What happened? Is that why you were absent this week?”

Azlyn patted his hand softly and smiled. “I’ll tell you everything later, just trust us, okay?”

Alfric leaned back into his chair, a knowing smirk on his face. “If Kida’s involved, you can bet it’ll have an interesting show. Don’t worry man, she’s in good hands.”

Reluctantly, he released her and she reached for the basket full of brownies. When she was ready, Kida led the way over to the table the three managed to shirk themselves toward. Azlyn followed closely behind, her eyes resolute as they called attention. The three girls shrunk a little in their chairs as Kida announced their arrival. 

“Well if it isn’t Lucece Luce, Evie Neaudionne, and Danica Tabor. Your dresses are impeccably divine—oh speaking of dresses, my good friend Azlyn had hers made by her mother.” Kida smiled as she draped a hand on the back of the Lalafell’s chair. The table all turned to her as she grinned. “Unfortunately, word around the dorm is some cruel girls thought it wise to ruin it. Why, her mother must have weeped!” Kida let a hand fly up to her face dramatically. Most of the table, save the three girls, stared in horror at Azlyn. 

“How dreadful!” A girl younger than her replied, not aware of the three’s involvement. “Whoever did that must have the blackest of hearts.”

“Sod on them,” a Roegadyn male interjected. “But this new dress is quite stunning—how did you acquire it in time?”

Kida boasted, “Poor Azlyn was distraught, but that didn’t stop us. We worked day and night for six days until we finally crafted this. Azlyn, why don’t you give a nice twirl.” Azlyn did as instructed, slowly turning. 

The Roegadyn got furious when they heard how long it took. “How dare those people make you lose your precious time! And to hurt such a beautiful Au Ra like yourself. If I found them, I’d wring their necks.” He then looked to the girls at his table. A couple of them nodded in agreement. 

Kida smiled as the three girls in question cowered a bit more. “I felt the same, but dear, sweet Azlyn is such a forgiving soul. Instead of being angry, she made brownies for all her classmates.”

Azlyn smiled, bringing up the aforementioned basket of sweets. “Thank you for your kindness. If it wasn’t for Kida, I probably wouldn’t have been able to attend.” She then started passing around the blue ribboned treats to everyone save for the three girls. Kida handed those girls the three red ribboned ones she grabbed prior to heading over. 

“My sweet Azlyn is such a saint—I hope we can get this resolved shortly.” She grinned over the Lalafell. “But let’s not linger on the bad news, we’re here to celebrate and enjoy a time off from our studies. May you enjoy the presentations!” 

Kida wrapped her arm into Azlyn’s after passing out the brownies to the table, and then they slowly made their way back, passing out the blue ribboned treats to other tables. Many of the students were pleasantly surprised by the gesture, and genuinely thanked them for the sweet dessert. 

By the time the two found their seats, the whispers around the hall began their string of compliments to the two Auri’s generosity. Azlyn held onto the last red ribboned treat, hoping the matron would make her appearance after the dinner. 

G’raha leaned over to whisper in Azlyn’s ear when she was comfortably seated. “Should I be worried?”

Azlyn smiled, shrugging. “No, they’re regular brownies. I thought Kida would put Aloe Vera Juice in the batch, but she didn’t. It’s more of a mental battle between us and the Matron. Let’s see if she falls for it.” 

He widened his eyes. “Y-your definitely your mother’s kid. By the Twelve.” He leaned back into his chair shaking his head. “What would Krile say?”

She also shook her head, thinking that they deserved to have the runs for ruining a dress. It could have been a lot worse comparatively. “She’d tear them apart—she isn’t one for childish antics.”

He sighed. “Touché.”

The murmurs around the hall dimmed down as a figure stepped up to the podium. This person was the dean of the school, who dressed elegantly and raised a glass to the students in the hall. As he began his talks about the political futures and where it would affect themselves, many students could feel the tension rise. Many of the students had a feeling war was coming, but they weren’t expecting it to be this quick. In fact, as Alfric mentioned earlier, the dean discussed with them the possibility of graduating early, and working as student ambassadors with their order until they reached adulthood. For some, it was a blessing, for others—it was a curse. What really threw the students for a loop was the off-hand approach the continent of scholars decided to take. 

Wartime strangled all sense of normalcy. 

Several Teachers came forth to the podium, giving those students who reached the age of sixteen an impromptu certification, and assignment. Many who were called were surprised, but accepted them as gratefully as they could. 

After three tedious hours of speeches, delivery of new placements for those ‘graduated’ students, the dean finally released the students to the dance hall. 

Many of them were unsure how to have fun after such a grueling experience, but when the music played Kida shrugged off the bad air. Her impromptu graduation papers were rolled up on the table. “Let’s just have fun today, and deal with the bad stuff tomorrow.”

Before they could exit the hall, however, the Matron Marolithe angrily came up to their group. She didn’t expressly yell at them, but her demeanor seemed ready to burst. G’raha stepped forward slightly, only to have Azlyn reach his shoulder to pull him back. He stepped back as Azlyn sweetly smiled. 

“Good evening Matron Marolithe. Is something the matter?”

She seethed. “Yes, there is. Handing out desserts at an auspicious event is not allowed.”

Azlyn widened her eyes. “Oh, I apologize because I didn’t know handing out food was not allowed. I have one if you’d like to make sure of their quality, it’s the last one of the batch.” The girl turned back to the table to grab the last red ribboned one remaining. She turned to the matron with a smile. “Here you go!”

The matron looked at it with a disgusted expression. Plucking it up with her two fingers, she glared. “And risk being poisoned—“

“And what reason would I have to poison you Matron? I’m honestly confused right now.” Azlyn countered, her voice echoed a myriad of concern and worry. “What have I done to earn such distrust?”

A few girls behind her heard that, who had already eaten theirs. They immediately started to shout. “By the Twelve, what is the Matron thinking?”

“The matron is ridiculous. It tasted fine!”

“Fine is not the way I would use to describe how fluffy that chocolate brownie was!” 

Their group watched in amazement as the rest of the students nearby jumped to defend her. The matron, seeing how the scene was unfolding, grimaced. She gave a disapproving look to Azlyn and said. “Not only that, but your risqué attire is a debacle of this joyous occasion, and I won’t let you ridicule it any further.”

Kida stepped forward, “Matron Marolithe, what are you talking about? Her dress is perfectly within the standard of dress code.”

Everyone in their group also agreed, taking up defensively to protect their friend. Others who happened to hear this outburst also turned to watch with confusion. 

“Article 10XR-2 states students will not show more than twenty five percent of their skin. You are clearly over that amount.”

Arnora now stepped up, her face red with anger. “As someone who is part of the Weaver association, you have got to be kidding—”

“I didn’t realize you could measure a percentage off of sight.” T’laq replied coolly. His usual laid-back demeanor now a bit colder. 

And before the matron could have another say, other students came up to the defense. Many of them were questioning her, even calling out a few other girls who were dressed in more revealing attires. It wasn’t long until this drew the attention of the dean himself. He approached with a soothing smile, and addressed the growing crowd with warmth. 

“There seems to be a commotion going on, is everything alright?”

The matron narrowed her eyes. “Dean, this student has broken a numerous rules such as dispensing drug inducing brownies to the students and breaking dress code policy, and she should be punished accordingly.”

And he turned a keen eye to the girl, before warmly smiling. “And where is the so called drugged food that she distributed?”

The Matron produced the brownies given to her by Azlyn just mere moments ago. 

Kida’s eyes lit up with anticipation, and Azlyn watched as the Dean opened the baggie to the treat inside. He plucked a piece of the dessert apart and proceeded to eat it in front of everyone. The matron gasped while everyone waited with bated breaths. When he swallowed the bite, he smiled warmly. “Ahhh, I haven’t had a brownie this well made in a long time. My compliments to the baker.”

The matron began to fluster as she pointed to Azlyn’s dress and exposed collarbone. “Her d-dress is out of dress code!”

“She seems to be within the standard to mine eyes. What must needs be addressed about her dress?” The dean countered smoothly, and plucked another piece of brownie from the bag. “There are other students who are dressed less than the young lady is. Whatever is the problem Marolithe?”

She flared up. “Her scales are the problem—how could she parade around like that when it’s hideous to look upon. She’s just like those vicious dragons in Dravania—monsters every single one of them.”

Azlyn clenched her fists, as she took a step toward the woman blatantly insulting her. 

Kida also took a step too, the flash of anger upon her visage. “Go suck a monkey’s left testicle!” She shouted in anger. 

“Matron Marolithe.” The Dean, who was known for his calm demeanor, spoke with a chilling tone. “It appears that I know what is truly the problem. Please leave this instant. Had you paid attention to my opening speech, we all must needs be able to compromise in order to safeguard the future of Sharlayan. Blatant hate and violent speech for ones race does not fit those ideals.” 

The group surrounding them went silent as the Matron glared openly to the Auri present. She then quickly turned on her heel, snapping her head back. “I didn’t want to work here anyway—always having to cater to the lesser races!”

“Enough.” He silenced her with a wave of his hands. A few guards came by, and made sure to escort her out. 

When she was gone, he turned to the students watching in wonder. He looked to Azlyn and Kida. “Please visit my office tomorrow for a report to be made. That type of speech is never allowed, and should never have happened within these halls. Forgive us for our lack of insight.” He gave a slight bow of his head before he dispersed the students with a regaling hand flick. “Go, be merry and have fun. Tonight will be the last ceremony until the end of the sixth astral era!”

When they all started to head out, the dean called out to Azlyn and Kida, “Miss Vescura, please be mindful of your words in the future. Funny though they may be, and deserved all the same. Regardless, thank you for the treat girls.” He lifted the small bag with the remaining brownie up for them to see. 

Kida smiled, hooking an arm into Azlyn’s as they departed to their waiting friends by the exit. Once out of earshot the Au Ra dressed in men’s clothing heaved a sigh of relief. “I’m so thankful I couldn’t find the juice. But how did you know they were normal as well?”

Azlyn gave a knowing smile, “Let’s just say I saw it in a passing vision.”

“Lucky for us!”

G’raha waited for Kida to extract herself from Azlyn before he eased into Azlyn’s pace. When he was sure the other Auri was busy chatting with their other classmates, he clenched his fingers tightly. He seemed upset at what had transpired. “How long has she been saying those types of things?” 

Azlyn looked up to him, “For a little bit. She picks on the Auri girls more. I just happened to be the easiest to target.” she smiled to her friend. “But it’s all over for now; I hope she learns to be more accepting.”

He stayed silent, watching her face, and heaved a sigh. “How are you this nice. I blame your father.” He still felt that something else should be done. Only there wasn’t much that could be done. “You could have said something like Kida said. She should suck a monkey’s left—”

Azlyn chuckled. She reached out to hold his clenched fist hoping he’d relax. The effect was immediate as he flushed a red at her contact. He looked away as Azlyn spied the red on his cheeks. “Thank you Raha.”

G’raha would have said something else, but their group suddenly had been stopped at the entrance to the dance hall. There were plenty of their classmates blocking the way, seeming to wait for the girl who stole everyone’s heart.  

Most were buzzing amongst themselves about the debacle caused by the matron, while others were talking about how sweet Azlyn happened to be. Some were even yelling for the first dance with her, and things really got heated. 

The Miqo’te shook his head, staring at the large group in front of them.  It was around this point when Azlyn found herself in a strange predicament as many bold teens came forth asking for her hand. Almost overwhelmed by the sheer amount of guys asking, Azlyn took a step back. 

It was then that G’raha heavily sighed, wrapping his arm around her waist before he announced boldly. “She’s with me tonight, back off. You didn’t even know she existed until she gave you all brownies!” 

Some of them started to argue with him, but he didn’t listen to their complaints as he pulled Azlyn into his side.

Kida heard him calling off the crowd, and decided call out. “Tough luck guys, but I see plenty of pretty girls looking for dance partners!” At this, the teenagers reluctantly left the pair alone and made their way inside. 

Azlyn smiled over to her new friend where she was greeted with a thumb’s up.

“Well I for one am going inside! I want to dance all night!” Kida announced rambunctiously. She raced inside, the music already playing. G’raha waited until the entire group of guys surrounded them dispersed before heaving a long sigh. 

“S-sorry.” Azlyn replied, staring at his arm still wrapped around her waist. He realized what she was staring at, and immediately released her. Coughing into his hand in embarrassment, he offered her his other hand to her. 

“L-least I can do. I still owe you a few dances, let’s head in.” 

Azlyn happily complied, accepting his hand with her own.

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