Traveling between my own world and a apocalypse in order to pay off my debt isn’t cool, Luckily there are cute girl’s here.

{C16}: Victim.

I moved the release/update date of the novel to Saturday since I can reach a broader audience on that day. I believe that if I release my novel around 18:00 CET that it'll be like 12:00 for the Americans. If anyone has better suggestions in regards of release times let me know. Also, I finally figured out how the announcement and author tabs work, Haha.

Max made his way out of the pharmacy, and he quite honestly was pretty curious about what the girl actually thought.
'I mean, Who buys six morning-after pills and a month of birth control in one go?'
He helplessly shook his head and deposited the items.
[Deposited: 6X morning after pill - 1 month of birth control (1 person)]
He also checked over his leftover cash, which was only  $283,45. It wasn't much compared to the 1200 he started out with. He, however, knew that he was going to a settlement soon, and since he previously only really bought stuff for his own consumption, he decided to hit the grocery store once more.
While thinking about all of this, he had already made his way over to his car, and after entering it, he quickly made his way to the grocery store, which he managed to do without any interruption.
Once in the grocery store, he bought a marker that he could use to cross out any info he didn't want to be visible on the products he got, such as spoiling/production dates, Potential company info, and all other such things. He decided not to buy anything fresh since he'd likely get kidnapped or, at the very least, questioned on the spot.
He bought 30 Snickaa bars, which was some type of chocolate peanut bar that was rather tasty, for $9
He got a sack of lollipops (24 pieces) for $2
He bought a tray (24 pieces) of canned mais for $30
And when he thought about Alice and what type of glutton she was, In a moment of weakness under the influence of last night's event, he couldn't help but buy a package of liquid honey. It was in a plastic bottle and had a plastic cap that could be opened and closed easily. This allowed you to simply eject some honey out of it when you squeezed it a little, assuming the cap was open. $2.30
In total, he spent $43.30. He was once again looked at for the weird purchase, but this time, he didn't pay any mind to it. Of course, it Had nothing to do with the fact that the cashier was a male instead of a cute girl.
He brought all the products to his car and packed them in his trunk, and once it was all out of sight, he stored them in his inventory.
[Deposited: 24 cans of mais, 24 lollipops, 30 Snickaa, Bottle of honey]
He now had $240.20
He opened his inventory to check what exactly he had in stock now.
[ Inventory ]
1x High-quality hunting knife.
1x boot knife
1x Foldable wooden tube knife.
1x high-quality sleeping bag (1x Pillow)
3x portable stove ( 12x gas canister small )
1X 2-person tent
1x outside heater ( 1 Gas canister medium )
1x Medkit
1x Foldable was basin (1x Soap with fragrance, 1x neutral soap, 4X towel)
1x potato peeler
9x Can of tomato soup.
24x Can of mais.
30X Snibba
24x lolipop
5x Loaf of bread.
1 Kilo of cheese.
1x Cheese slicer.
10 Kilio of potatoes.
28x Bottle of 1.5L water.5X Jarred beans in tomato sauce:
10 kilos of green beans.
1x bottle of honey.
6x morning after pill.
1 month's worth of birth control (1 person)
6x T-Shirts
2x Hoodie
3x Jeans
10x underwear
He knew Alice was wearing one of her Shirts and one of his hoodies. He also made a mental note to give Alice her knives back.
He got into his car and was about to drive back to the forest when he got interrupted by a message on his phone.
' Oh shit, That's right. '
He opened the phone and read her previous message once again.
{She's doing alright for now, although she's burying herself in a lot of work, which I think isn't healthy. She's trying to cough up your part of the income.}
He finally typed out a reaction for his sis.
{I'm sorry to ask so much of you, but please make sure she doesn't overwork herself. Take her car keys if you must; I'll fix some cash soon}
His sis was quick to reply, which surprised Max a little.
{Alright, brother, I'll take care of it. You better not forget your promise, though also, Don't do anything stupid.}
Max had almost forgotten the promise he made, but if her sister truly made sure his beloved mother didn't do anything stupid, then... He would keep his promise and help her rub one out when he got home.
But first, he had to get his hands on some valuables, so he quickly made his way back to his previous spot and teleported back. He was greeted by Alice, who had her gun at the ready; he made his way over to her and grabbed her chest. Although the girl didn't resist, she couldn't help but comment.
" Max, Although you can have me whenever you wish, I don't think now would be wise... We shouldn't waste daylight like this. "
Yet Max wasn't on the same line as her and pulled up her shirt, Revealing her bra, which she had put on again after it dried up.
[Withdraw: 1x Foldable wooden tube knife.]
He pressed it between her breasts, The same place it once was, and then released her shirt. Once that was done, he handed her the boot knife. Although Alice had previously protested against his actions, she now looked at him with a slight disappointment, which made him chuckle. Upon seeing this, she shot back In her defense.
"You could've simply given it to me...."
Seeing how the girl had his hopes up already and how easily she flipped between submissive and her own self was adorable. He simply told her the truth, At least his truth.
"What's the fun in that?"
A high-pitched feminine scream from outside interrupted the both of them. They took a peek outside of the second-floor building and saw what they assumed to be a girl running down the street; chasing after her was a man easily twice her age. The reason they weren't exactly sure was because the girl was wearing a hoodie that covered her face; under the hoodie, she wore some tight shorts.
She was just about to pass their building when the male finally caught up to her and worked her against the ground. He violently pulled the shorts of the girl off, who loudly cried in protest. The male gave her quite a brutal punch in the face, after which the female simply laid down, Not speaking another word while the male helped himself. He pulled off her shorts and was now in the process of unbuckling his own pants.
Max got angry and was about to make his way downstairs when Alice suddenly grabbed him, Easily pulled him into her grip, and forcefully pushed a hand over his mouth. Max didn't even get the chance to protest when she simply held her there, but a whisper of clarification soon entered his ear.
" Don't be hasty; watch what happens first. It's too suspicious. "
The man had unbuttoned his pants and finally forced his length inside of the girl. Yet, The girl didn't scream. She simply lay there uncomfortably while the male started to pound into her behind. Max could feel Alice's hot breath come into his ear as another whisper followed.
" See, She was making a lot of noise earlier when she was chased, Possibly before that. But now that she's actually being raped, she's silent. Isn't that weird? "
Although Max was quite pissed at the fact he simply sat there, Watching it all together with Alice, he had to admit that what she said was true. So they waited and watched how the male violated the girl for a good 8 minutes before two others showed up. They sneaked up on the male, and by the time the man noticed them, he already had a gun pointed toward his head.
He pulled up his hands and slowly pulled himself out of the girl, after which he tried to pacify the situation.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know... Mean to...."
The male wasn't sure what to say since he was pretty much caught in the act, yet one of the two newcomers, A woman, was quick to point out.
" I don't care what you did to that slave either strip down and hand over whatever the fuck you got or die. "
The male, Finally realizing he had been caught in a trap, tried his best to talk himself out of it.
" Look, Let's talk somet,"
"Aghm, Fuc,kkk, FUCK YOU, You fucking BITCH."
The woman was in no mood to talk and simply shot him just above his kneecap; a whisper from Alice once again entered his ear.
"People that take slaves usually don't damage kneecaps since it lessens the value of the slave. Since she shot above the kneecap, it's safe to assume that they're planning to sell him."
Alice, By instinct, Covered his mouth in a way that he was unable to bite into her hand, so to indicate that he wanted to talk, he simply licked the hand that was covering his mouth. Alice, who took the hint, removed her hand from his mouth, but not before saying.
" Be quiet. "
Max simply nodded, and Alice finally let him go. He watched how the male, who henceforward will be referred to as a male bandit, threw the man with the front against the floor and bound him with rope. The girl also finally got off the floor and tried dusting herself off a little. She pulled back her hood, which revealed a metal electronic slave collar. The male bandit stripped the male on the ground for weapons, which he threw on the floor. The female bandit looted them, after which they started to drag the male off. The girl was looking for the boxer shorts the male had pulled off her, So she at least had something to cover herself with, but suddenly fell to the ground, Squirming in pain. A feminine voice soon followed.
"Hurry up, you worthless, Piece of shit. "
Max, by this point, couldn't take it anymore, and although he made sure to be quiet, he whispered to Alice.
" I want to help that girl... "
Alice couldn't help but shake her head hearing the boy's naivety; there were literally thousands, if not tens of thousands, girls in similar, if not worse, circumstances, yet this boy had to help this one specifically. He acted like he was some type of wannabe hero, which, more often than not, ended in an early grave in this place.
Then again, this good-natured naivety is what made her like the guy and, in the end, caused her to trust him. If it wasn't for the fact he had saved her and hadn't done anything against her will when he had the chance. She would've likely robbed him. That's simply the type of place this is. Hell, There are enough people out there that still rob you after you saved them. Not everyone in this place knows what " appreciation " means. Yet, in the end, she was his employee, so she could only silently curse.
"You are an idiot, you know that? But I guess you're my idiot.... 3 total is doable; we will silently follow them."
Max, not fully sure what she meant, asked
"Two. Weren't it just 2?"
Alice once again remembering how naive he was clarified.
"We don't know the slave's situation or how she would act, so we have to assume she'll be a potential combatant."
Max, although not having seen the true cruelty of this world like she had, Trusted her enough to take her word for it. So, When they left, they silently followed them, and although the bandits checked their backs a few times, Alice was experienced and capable enough to deal with it.
Max, on the other hand, simply followed her, keeping a fair distance behind Alice. When Alice stopped, so did Max; if she laid down, so did Max. He felt like a child following some type of gym instruction in class, Something he couldn't do by himself yet, so he had to imitate.
They soon found their hideout, which was inside a hotel, Which was quite tricky since if they kept their distance too far, it was likely they would have to guess which room they were in. So, they moved in closer and followed them; they wanted to know, at least, which floor they were on.
They followed them silently to the third floor but didn't quite catch which room they entered, So they moved one floor higher and grabbed a room for themselves. They patiently waited there, doing nothing but listening, and once Alice had a good guess on which room they were in, she stood up.
Max couldn't help but whisper.
"Shouldn't we wait until they're asleep?"
To which the girl whispered back
" If they're gonna sleep, then they are gonna lock the doors; no one sleeps unarmed in the wasteland, so they'll be on high alert the moment we force the door open. Besides that, It'll be completely dark, so even if it takes them time to react, we don't know the layout of the apartment. So it's more likely they find us in the dark than that we find them; Better get them now. I didn't hear a click, so the door is likely open. Most people make that mistake, Locking up when going to bed rather than when entering the room."
Max just nodded; it made sense; besides, He wasn't going to argue with her. As far as he was concerned, she was the expert. So he simply followed her lead; he, however, did make sure to withdraw his knife.
[Withdrew: High-quality hunting knife.]
They silently made their way towards the room Alice guessed was the correct one, and she pressed her ear against it. After listening in for a while, she whispered.
"They're arguing over the loot; This is it"
She silently opened the door handle and tried pushing the door open, but to their surprise, Something was in front of it. They heard a soft.
After Alice violently slammed the door open, she instantly saw the little girl from earlier who got the full force of the door into her face. As if that wasn't enough, Alice rushed in and kicked her unconscious, Moved past her, and ran right at the two bandits.
The woman was about to flip over the table while the man drew his gun, but just as he was about to, Alice shot into his hand with pinpoint accuracy and screamed.
The bandits, to Max's surprise, complied; this was on top of the surprise he had when he saw Alice didn't directly shoot them in the face, which made him curious, yet now wasn't the time for questions.
He quickly ran over to the man and took the gun out of his holster; Now Max was armed as well. He took a few steps back and let Alice take the lead. After all, This was her field of expertise.
"Get on the floor and put your hands behind your back. Where is the male you captured?"
The male bandit cursed while the woman simply sighed heavily before both of them complied. The female was the one who answered for both of them.
"Tied up in the bathroom."
Alice, who kept a safe distance from the two, looked at Max and informed him.
"Take a corner, Watch them, and shoot them if they move."
Max gave a nod and simply did as she asked while she cleared the rest of the house without a problem. After making sure the house was clear, she returned and unarmed both the bandits, Checked them, and stripped them fully. This made Max, who was still a little naive and from the modern world, blush slightly; after all, The female bandit, although in rough shape, was pretty and had her own charm. Noticing this, she blew him a playful kiss, which resulted in Alice kicking her into her stomach, which, as far as Max was concerned, was quite uncalled for.
Alice was quick to educate the boy.
"You shouldn't accept teasing remarks from prisoners. It can be seen as a sign of weakness. Now go and lock the door."
Max went back while Alice finished up with these two and locked the door. Alice had checked the room, Utilities, and general supplies to ensure there weren't many more people. After all, The number of ass prints on a couch, Used chairs, and things such as plates/cups on tables could indicate how many persons lived or at least made use of a room. She hadn't noticed anything suspicious on the way here, but just in case, she made a quick check.
After confirming everything, she believed they were indeed acting as a pair with no associates, At least not in the area. Alice took one of the chairs and placed them in front of the duo. She withdrew a roll of duct tape from her backpack and placed her knife on top of it.
The female bandit, seeing all this, was quick to respond,
"There's no need for that; you've beaten us. I have no intentions of making things difficult for either of us."
Alice, seeing this, simply stated
"How many, Locations, Supplies."
Max, in the meanwhile, returned with the slave girl in his arms; she was black-haired and 160 CM. She quite honestly looked rather similar to his sister, although without the sisterly vibe since he had basically just met this woman. While he made his way over to the couch with her, he silently watched Alice's conversation and heard the female bandit's response.
"Just the two of us. We work alone and don't fall under any clan or group; besides that, the supplies are what's here."
Alice gave the woman a disappointed look and proceeded to grab the knife, after which the girl was quick to interject.
"Alright, Alright. You can't blame a girl for trying. We got a backup gun and a week's worth of food on the bottom floor, Kitchen tile furthest to the right.
Alice gave her a satisfied smile before responding.
"See, that wasn't so hard, was it? Now, Do you have ownership over that slave's collar?"
The girl gave him a nod, after which Alice made her way over to the bandit male and took his watch from him. She threw it towards Max, who put it on.
Alice taped the hands of the male, after which her face moved towards the woman.
"Transfer ownership to him."
The girl nodded and made its way over to Max; she grabbed his watch under careful gaze from Alice and plugged one of her watch's wires into it. She then took another one out and connected that to the collar; shortly afterward, Max received a notification on his watch.
[Received Ownership permission over collar #98639]
His watch, Which looked like a Google watch with a screen, now had a " Slave management " app on it.
Max was quick to open the app to check it out, and after seeing he had to register an account to bind to the collar, he did just that. He created a password, Logged in, and bound the collar he had received ownership over to that specific account. Yet before he could check out all the app details, he was interrupted by something soft pressing against his lower half.
He looked down and saw that the female bandit had gotten onto her knees and was pressing her lips against the fabric that covered his cock. She had her hands on her back to indicate she wasn't making any harmful moves, but this didn't stop Alice from making her way over to them.
But before she could yank her away by her hair, she noticed Max raising her hand up towards her and understanding the sign, she stopped. However, she didn't trust the situation and made sure to keep a careful watch.

Updated the grammer mistakes that where posted in the comments ( 17 march 2024)

PS: I noticed the honey bottle wasn't added to any of the inventory lists when I reread this chapter. It now has been updated, If you end up finding the inventory list in future chapters missing the honey bottle then react in the comments please <3

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