Traveling between my own world and a apocalypse in order to pay off my debt isn’t cool, Luckily there are cute girl’s here.

{C19}: A shiny object.

Max, The bandit girl, and the former slave girl were now all sitting at the table while Alice went downstairs to check on their hidden supply stash.

The former slave girl, who had observed the entire display, had by now also figured out that Max was in charge, and the girl was quite curious about the strange male who had freed her. She had tried getting closer in a careful manner, and when she tried sitting nearby, On the ground, the strange male called out to her. For some reason, he insisted that she sit on a chair as if she were some kind of equal, which was a little weird. She always sat on the ground unless no other people were around; then, she would sometimes secretly take a couch, chair, or whatever was available. Yet she wouldn't dare do such a thing when others were around. She understood her place, and as far as she was concerned, it was on the ground.

What was even stranger was that she considered the blonde woman to be much stronger, yet the strange male fucked the blonde woman in a submissive position and even bit her in strange places. She truly couldn't fathom why a man who was weaker and alone with a stronger individual was in charge, just like she couldn't fathom why the female enjoyed being bitten like that. She, too, had experienced being bitten during sex, Both gently bites, and quite the nasty ones, yet she never felt pleasure from them. The blonde girl didn't even wear a slave collar, Nor did the man have a droid or something else that asserted the male's dominance, Which made her all the more curious as to why he was in charge.

Yet, Remembering both of their appearances, realizations soon struck her.

' They're siblings. '

Of course, she was completely wrong, But she didn't speak the thought aloud, so Max didn't correct the mistake she made. Instead, after seeing that the girl who was curiously observing him wasn't intending to speak a word, he decided to start making small talk with her. He, too, Was quite curious about her, considering the strange red eyes she had.

"What's your name?"

The girl was quick to respond.

" Number 98639 "

Max wasn't quite sure what she meant with that, but after thinking for a while, he thought.

'Oh, that's it; it's the number of her slave collar."

"No, Not your collar registration, your name."

The girl pondered for a while. She knew the meaning of the word "name" and what it entailed for most people, but she couldn't fathom what he meant when she asked her that question. After all, She thought of herself as an object, A mere product that could be used. She didn't think like that because she was depressed or anything of the sort but simply because that's what she has always thought, Ever since she had come into contact with fellow entities like her. So, Instead of taking what he was asking at face value, she assumed he was looking for a different answer, Something appropriate for a being such as herself. So she once again tried answering the strange male.


Although it sounded more like a question than an answer, which made Max frown; seeing him frown, the slave girl was quick to apologize.

"I'm sorry."

Max wasn't exactly sure what she was apologizing for and was quick to ask.

"What are you apologizing for?"

To which the girl replied.

"For being a worthless slave, Unable to answer her master."

To which Max chipped in.

"First of all, You're not a slave; I removed your collar. Second of all, you're not worthless. You just... Been thought wrong."

The girl wasn't sure how to respond to the first part of his sentence. After all, she had never been truly free. Ever since she was pushed out of that weird tube, she was grabbed by a metal arm. It dragged her to a different room where she was given seven tubes of nutritional supplies and a backpack with some basic necessities and then pushed out into the wide world. Where quite frankly, a group of humans were waiting, seeing fellow people; she was slightly happy at first, but she was quickly pushed down. Violated and collared, At first, it hurt; it hurt badly, considering how many of them took turns. She didn't understand what they did to her body, but the feeling of a foreign object entering her body against her will wasn't pleasant. Although she had some memories ever since she got out of the tube, Basic things such as how to make a fire, What's considered a dangerous animal, and what's considered a herbivore, as well as basic combat abilities, the rest of her knowledge besides basic survival necessities was blank. She didn't know anything about what they were doing.

Yet those people waiting outside explained it to her; they taught her that this strange feeling was what they said she was made for. The knowledge that she was originally born with was worthless, and the only thing she had to do was to do what they said. Although strange, she accepted their words as the truth after all; how could she possibly know better than those who were already in the world she got forced into?

So she did as they told her, Never resorting to violence against other human beings and simply allowing them to do as they wished to their body. Although it hurt at first, with her accepting this as normal, she slowly but surely grew used to it until there was only a numb feeling down there every time a male pushed his thing inside.

Now, this strange male, with his strange behavior, was saying she was thought wrong? This only brought her utter confusion. To which the girl Simply stated.

" I don't understand; how was I thought wrong? Isn't it my purpose to just do as I am told? "

The bandit girl, who was just passively listening in without saying anything, now shifted her attention towards the girl. She had never thought much about the girl after she denied the chances she had given her. The bandit girl had offered this girl the chance to become just like her, giving her the chance to turn from a victim just like she once was to a bandit. But she refused, Saying something along the lines of killing humans was wrong. So, Ever since, she simply treated her like crap because that was what she was in her eyes as long as she couldn't take the step she once decided to make. Yet this showed that her previous resistance towards killing human beings was not something she herself believed in but simply something she was told.

"Who told you?"

Was what she asked, to which the former slave girl responded.

"The people that waited for me when I came into this world."

A look of realization hit the bandit girl, and just as she was about to speak, she got interrupted by the opening of the door. Alice came in with a backpack and mentioned.

"I got the stuff."

Yet Max interrupted her before she could continue.

"That's great love, But let it wait for a second..."

He shifted his gaze towards the bandit girl since he had noticed the sudden shift in her eyes when he heard the girl's answer, and since she apparently knew more than him, he, too, wanted to be informed.

"Do you know anything about her?"

The bandit girl looked at her and pondered for a bit before she spoke.

"I think, but I'm honestly not sure, and even if my guess is correct, all that I heard are just stories; no one knows for sure... I believe that she comes from Vault 138; it is said that the place was designed to ensure humanity's survival. The entire thing is basically a droid fortress with one giant DNA bank with the purpose being the production of humans.... They're basically grow em in the thousands in tubes, They're injected with basic survival knowledge and then ejected into the world.... The story has it that the designers expected humanity to be wiped out, so... They thought it'd be for the best if humans came in without their old world's morals and values. So basically, with a clean slate, so to say, they can adapt to whatever world they come into and survive, Continuing the human race.

There are some vaults that indeed specialize in the production of sex slaves. Sell them and, in that way, get what they require to sustain themselves, Be it parts or other things. But Vault 138 Isn't like that; when humans get too close, or it spots them capturing the subjects they released into the wild, the droids usually retaliate. The entire mountain it's located in is militarized: Auto turrets, Blast doors, Military grade droids, Whatever it is, Whoever designed it, It surely must've had government approval.

It's also still running up to this day, and whatever runs that vault never made outside contact for trade, which means it must've got decades' worth of parts and supplies inside to keep it all running. Although there were some attempts to take the place, each ended in a massacre. The maintenance droids also repair whatever shit is destroyed, so unless they do it in one sweep, it just recovers itself. I heard they got through the first layer once and tried hacking into the system but were kicked out of it. Probably some pre-war military-grade artificial intelligence, but then again, No one knows for sure. The information and stories about the vault actually come from that attempt; although they couldn't do much, survivors claim to have gotten that out. Then again, You can't really trust anyone in the wasteland, so who knows? It Might all be a bunch of bullshit in the end.

Alice wasn't dumb and could make a decent guess in regards of what is going on but didn't say anything. She simply made her way over and gave Max a kiss on the cheek before she sat down on one of the chairs.

Seeing that the former slave girl didn't have much of a reaction towards it, Max decided to simply address her.

"As our silver-haired friend just explained, your purpose for coming into this world is likely to survive it. What those men have thought you is inaccurate."

The girl turned her head slightly to the right before responding in a puzzled tone.

"I survived so far, didn't I?"

Max couldn't exactly refute her statement, considering the unlikelihood of a beautiful woman who did everything you wanted being killed. So instead, he decided to throw it on the small chances, Which, although unlikely, could definitely happen in a place like this.

"That was because the men that owned you so far were all people that enjoyed your body. What if someday someone catches you, and that person prefers to eat you rather than fuck you? I heard from Alice that this place is quite messed up and that there are, in fact, cannibals and other such crazies.

The girl only thought for a while before responding and said.

" I see..... "

Max decided this wasn't really going anywhere, so he stood up and made his way towards her. The girl this time around didn't do anything after all; last time, she simply laid back and spread herself out for him, but he didn't partake and instead removed her collar, so yeah, She wasn't exactly sure what to do with the strange male.

Max, once there, patted her head softly and said.

"Since you don't know what to do yourself, you can simply stick with us until you've made up your mind. How about we call you....."

Max thought for a while before finally finishing his sentence.

"Hannah... From now on."

The girl wasn't sure what this feeling in her body was, and when she felt something weird in her eyes and went to rub it, she felt that water was leaking out of it.

' I guess this is what they call crying.... Am I sad? No, It doesn't feel bad it feels.... Pleasant."

Before she knew it, some muscles in her lips felt stiff, and it took her a while to realize that for the first time since she was born, she was actually smiling.

Max couldn't help but feel a great sense of pity towards the girl in his heart. The fact that something as simple as giving her a name invoked such emotions within her said a lot about the type of life she had been living until now. So he gently embraced the girl, Stroking her soft, dirty hair. The girl, Who for the first time in her life was embraced without being fucked or molested, couldn't help but return the hug while a warmness she never felt before spread thru her body. She couldn't help but ask, No beg.

"Please, Keep me for the rest of my life."

Max once again clarified to the girl.

"You are no longer property... Hannah. As a free person, you can do whatever you want. Do you want to come with me? Then do just that. I'm not stopping you, and no one has the right to stop you."

The girl snuggled against him and spoke.

" Then I'll be with you from now on. Please take care of me........ Master? "

"Max, Call me Max."

The girl broke from his hug so she could look him in the eyes and gave him once again a genuine smile as she, for the first time, addressed someone by their name.

"Very well, Max."

Alice, seeing the situation, also felt a warmth spread through her heart; this was so like Max.

Max returned his attention to Alice and spoke after sitting down.

" So, What did you have? "

To his surprise, the black-haired girl got on top of his lap, which seemed a little weird to Max. She quite literally went from someone who always was on the ground and avoided sitting at equal height as others to someone who was suddenly comfortable sitting on his lap. Alice, too, was curious and thus didn't directly answer him; Max, not being particularly bothered by it, asked the girl.

"What are you doing?"

To which the girl gave him a curious look after which she responded.

"You said I could do whatever I want, right? I want to sit here, can't I?"

Max wasn't bothered by the fact she was sitting on him itself; after all, She was only 155CM, which was quite small for her considering the bandit girl mentioned those pods didn't release themselves until those within were 18, Which was most likely considered " adult " in this world " before the war " as well. He assumed there was once some type of war since mentions like "pre-war " were made. Her small height allowed him to easily look over her. Thus, she didn't really block his vision.

Anyway, The thing he was bothered by was that the girl still had her lower half uncovered and was naked. Her slick, beautiful lower lips were basically kissing his thigh, and since Max wasn't in the mood to do anything to this girl. One, because he was already satisfied; two, because this girl, until recently, was an abused sex slave he didn't want to torment further.

So Max was quick to speak.

"Sitting with your naked parts on top of someone else can be considered teasing, So unless you want to have sex with them, it is considered improper."

The girl gave a pretty flat response to him.

" I don't have anything to cover myself with; I don't really care about doing it either. Would you like to, Max?"

Max simply shook his head.

"No, I would not. Alice, Give her something to cover herself with."

Alice, although slightly pouty at having to share, which simply wasn't something that was in the nature of someone who had survived in the wasteland alone for so long, ultimately decided to do as asked. Thinking about it, she thought it would be rather silly not to fulfill such a small request. It was Max asking, after all. Even if he didn't ask it for himself, it was still him who asked her, so shifting her thoughts to think in that manner, she gladly handed Hannah a pair of panties.

Hannah, on the other hand, was a bit surprised at being rejected; she didn't even feel something hard poking against her right now. This, of course, wasn't the first time Hannah offered someone to do such an act, considering her previous state of living... Nor was it the first time she was rejected, although the number of rejections could probably still be counted on one hand. This time, it made her feel a little... Challenged, As if it mattered to her, which made her feel weird.

Ever since she had gotten used to the life of being a toy, she stopped feeling pretty much anything when it came to sexual-related matters. She didn't care much anymore and simply did what she believed to be her task, yet somehow... She felt like she was the one who was missing out this time, which was a strange feeling for her.

Yet she decided to put it to rest. She had experienced a lot of weird feelings and emotions today and needed some time to process it all. She put on the black panties that Alice gave her, as well as some tight black shorts. Max hadn't asked specifically for such an item, so he was happy that Alice was being generous; that is, as far as being generous in the wasteland went.

Alice finally spoke up.

"Their hidden stash had seven days of rations, which equals two nutrient solutions per person per day. So seven days for two people equals 28 pieces. It looks like they planned on ditching the SLA... Hannah, if push came to shove."

The bandit lady quickly chipped in.

"Or one of us, Considering the fact it's unlikely for us to run if nothing happens... So, There's a fair chance one, if not two, of us, would've kicked the bucket before we reached the supplies. Unless we decided to relocate before such a thing could happen, that is."

' Makes sense, I guess. '

That was what Max thought; after all, emergency rations were rarely used without there being a well... Emergency. Alice continued.

"They had two Kalashnikovs out of reach when we breached; I guess they only had them on them when going outside; neither of them has silencers, though. Besides that, they had another 30 nutrient solutions and a bunch of ammo. Besides that, there are some basic clothes and stuff like that for the bandits, while Hannah is pretty much left in whatever is looted that they don't want or take, Or doesn't fit.... That's pretty much it."

Yet Hannah quickly intercepted.

"Did you throw my shiny stuff away?"

She was referring to the shiny objects she had found, which she kept around because they looked pretty. It was also one of the few things she could have without it being ripped out of her hands because it caught someone else's interest.

Alice sighed before responding.

"Although I think it's a waste of space and unnecessary weight, I didn't throw it away. You're a free woman now, and I don't think Max would tolerate it if I threw your objects away. I would really suggest getting rid of it, though; besides their shininess, gold is pretty worthless."

The rich elite, If they truly wanted shiny objects to show off, would use rare colored crystals since crystals resembled wealth. They pretty much replaced gold in regards to currency and value, yet that didn't matter to Max, who was quick to ask, Almost shout.

" Gold?? "

Alice, who knew the truth about Max, gave him a curious look while the rest looked at him as if he was stupid. Hannah, on the other hand, happily smiled, Seeing that someone else shared her love for the shiny objects. Although the only reason she developed love for it was because it was the only shiny thing she was able to have without it being stolen. She once had a simply damaged teddy bear, but even that was taken from her when she was under her previous owner. Someone else passed it and wanted it for a kid or something, Made a cheap ass offer, and it was brutally ripped out of her hands. Something like that didn't happen with this, as long as it wasn't a watch or something practical.

Hannah was quick to run to her pack, Which Alice had put next to the rest, and after fiddling around in it and throwing the items Alice had organized properly into a mess, she found what she was searching for. Alice, Seeing it as worthless garbage, naturally put it on the bottom, and she couldn't help but pout. The only reason she didn't berate her was because Max was interested in it, and since he, Her boss, didn't berate her, she couldn't exactly do it either.

Yet Max's eyes almost bulged out of his chest as the girl came to him with a bar... A FUCKING BAR OF SOLID GOLD. His eyes showed clear greed for a moment, and Hannah's face almost saddened upon seeing the man she admired so much look at something she considered hers with greed.

Yet Max controlled his impulses and asked for the bar, which, After nicely asking rather than ripping it out of her hand, she handed over without a fuss. She was still staring at the shiny object, though, and since Max felt a little bad about taking a solid gold bar out of her hand, he decided to give her something. He put his hand in his pocket to hide his inventory ability and then took something out of it.

[Withdrew: Lolipop x1]

The girl curiously looked at it, and since Max saw that she had no idea what it was, he removed the wrap for her and gently pushed it against her lips. The girl, By the suddenness of it all, instinctually opened her mouth and took it inside as if it was a cock, Something Max was quite surprised with. But the face was quite different from when she took a cock; this time, it was her time to be surprised as her mouth was filled with the sweet taste of a lollipop. Her tastebuds were overjoyed, and Max noticed the girl squirm in excitement, which made the slightly lewd thought Max had previously in his head instantly disappear. After all, even if their eye colors and personalities differed, she still looked like a smaller version of his sister. Although the height difference wasn't that much, she had a smaller cup than her sister. Although she was still beautiful, it just made her look like a younger version of his sister.

Instead of lewdness, he simply thought about how cute she looked; Alice, being the glutton she was, familiar with Max's wonderful otherwordly food, couldn't help but give the girl an envious look. Max couldn't help but laugh aloud at the sight; Alice looked like some child who was jealous of another child gaining a piece of candy. So he couldn't help but jokingly say.

"If you get me a gold bar, I'll give you one, too. "

Alice playfully chipped in.

"Is sucking your cock not enough for you?"

Max couldn't say much to that retort; It was indeed pretty much to ask for a solid gold bar just for a single lollipop.

"Fair enough."

She handed Alice one as well, who was quick to take it in. She jolted up slightly and held her breath for a while, Releasing a heavy, satisfied breath, yet Max couldn't help but wonder aloud.

"Did you just have a light orgasm?"

Alice didn't comment and instead enjoyed her lolipop; her silence and the slight blush on her cheek, however, told Max all he needed to know, and he couldn't help but think.

' She really has a food fetish, doesn't she? '

By now, the bandit girl was giving him a curious stare as well, so he couldn't help but sigh and once again moved his hand towards his pocket to withdraw the third one and give it to her. The bandit girl, similarly to the other girls, squirmed in excitement, but unlike the other two, she did it for more than just the taste.


She found herself a golden spoon; anyone who could throw things like these toward slaves, employees, or just girls he took a liking to was sure to have much, much more of it.

Max could see the dollar signs in the girl's eye, So to speak, and was quick to mentally note.

'Gold digger.'

Yet he put no further thought to her, instead shifted his attention to the literal gold in front of him.

This was a great day.

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