Traveling between my own world and a apocalypse in order to pay off my debt isn’t cool, Luckily there are cute girl’s here.

{C25}: What the FUCK!

Apologies for the late update, I have gotten a new job and have been rather tired lately. I gotta work on this confrontation/serious chapter about Max and his Mother which left me a little burned out, didn't want to drop the quality so I've been working on humanoid goblin and a new novel today. Don't worry! this new novel will NOT be a priority, I just feel really inspired to work on said concept so do that for a little while I gather inspiration and motivation for this novel.


" Apologies, girls, I went five times in a row; I simply can't anymore. "
Hannah gave him a spoiled pout, which he couldn't help but smile at, while Luna gave him an understanding nod, Her gaze shifting to Hannah.
Max helplessly shook his head before responding.
" You girls can play with one another if you are not satisfied. But first, drink something. "
Max was about to summon a water bottle when he realized how stupid it was, So he quickly went to Alice's bag and grabbed the already-opened water bottle. Besides that, he summoned three snibbas. One is for him, one is for Hannah, and one is for Luna. At least, that's what he thought before he felt a gun clicking, followed by the blinding light of a watch pointing into his face.
Seeing that Alice had woken up, he decided to grab four.
[Withdraw: 4X Snibba]
He chuckled. His eyes mostly closed as he watched into the blinding light of the watch.
" Goodnight, Dear. Have you slept well? "
The sentence was quite weird, but Max didn't put his mind to it. it was night. She had slept, and now she was awake, Or at least he assumed he had slept.
The light from the watch randomly shone around the room as the girl stretched herself, after which she pointed it back to the ground and spoke teasingly.
" I've had to take a little beauty nap after you messed me up like that. I assume you'll clean me as well? "
Max couldn't help but chuckle upon hearing her jesting like that and was quick to retort In a teasing manner.
" Last time I checked, you were the one that made things dirty; I've properly injected all of my seed within that womb of yours. You're the one that had to make everything dirty. "
To which Alice responded,
" Well... You're born with a handy tool, allowing you to inject things; I don't have the right equipment for that now, Do I? "
" Well, Then why did you select that equipment upon birth? You should've simply chosen differently. "
Alice once again had a retort ready.
" Well, If I had chosen differently, then I wouldn't have had Master, now would I. Or are you perhaps into that? I could get my hands on a strap-on for you if you'd like. "
Max visibly shuddered at the thought of that.
" You can get a strap-on, But you'd have to use it on Luna or something. There's no way in hell that's coming anywhere near my ass. "
Alice couldn't help but laugh out loud.
" Haha, Maybe I will. "
To which Max couldn't help but respond.
" Oh really? "
Alice raised her brow towards him in curiosity, seeing his interest in that, but did not comment any further. Max, Not wanting to seem eager, simply decided to drop it. There wasn't a chance in hell he was gonna give her ammunition to tease him with. Instead, he threw a snicker towards the girl.
" There you go; you must've burned a lot of calories being pounded like a bitch in heat; consider that your reward. "
Alice slightly blushed at Max's language and responded in a suggestive manner.
" Thank you very much, Master; I'll enjoy sinking my teeth into this. Lately, I can't bite on all the food that enters my mouth anymore.."
Max gave her a small nod and gave her the water bottle as well.
" After reconsideration, I'll just leave the bottle with you; use it to drink and clean yourself up. Considering how sticky you are, I imagine you ain't comfortable sleeping like that. Once the bag is cleaned, throw the extra layer inside of it. It might be a little too hot with it since we're indoors, so we can just keep the sleeping bag open. That way, we don't have to sleep in any wet mess, Be it water or squirt juice.
Alice once again blushed as she heard Max call her fluids out in such a vulgar manner but nodded nonetheless.
" I'll let the male slaves make themselves useful. "
She drank a hefty gulp from her bottle, after which she proceeded to the folding bin to clean herself. Max joined her and quickly cleaned himself, after which he put on new and clean underwear.
[Withdrew: 1X Underwear}
He grabbed his old underwear and deposited it.
[Deposited: 1x filthy underwear]
Max couldn't help but think that it wasn't that filthy but didn't put any more thought into it. Instead, he watched Alice as she put her old underwear back on after cleaning. He gets that she didn't have it on during the sex, So it didn't get sweaty, and after cleaning, it isn't that dirty, but still. As someone who puts on new underwear daily, he doesn't think too positively about it. Of course, he didn't blame Alice for it.
Instead, he summoned another piece of underwear and offered it to her.
[Withdrew: 1X underwear]
Alice grabbed the piece of fabric and gave it a small sniff, Which looked kinda weird. She felt the soft fabric, after which she quickly put her old piece of underwear off. She cleaned herself once more, after which she put the fresh new piece of fabric on. In the end, she was a woman and loved the clean, freshness that the new piece of fabric could provide. It's just that in the wasteland, she can't be as hygienic as she would've wanted.
Looking at her old underwear, Although not smelly or truly dirty, it was old. He had seen her in better underwear before, but honestly, All she had couldn't compare to the proper stuff. So he made a mental note to get her some nice and soft underwear from his own world.
Seeing her in his male underwear like that also was a unique sight; it gave a bit of a tomboy vibe to her lower half, which had its own charm. Alice, Seeing his reaction and not understanding it since this piece of fabric was a lot less feminine, simply shook her head as if males were weird creatures. Just like how many males would shake their heads thinking women are weird creatures. Max, however, spoke.
" I'll be giving Hannah and Luna a Sniba and some water to rehydrate themselves with. "
[Withdrew 1x: 1.5L Water bottle]
Alice returned a nod and finished dressing up; Max almost forgot and quickly followed and dressed up as well, after which he made his way towards the girl. Alice, on the other hand, made his way over to the males, who apparently, based on what he heard from Alice, were awake.
" Stop jerking off and start cleaning up the mess that we've made, and don't do any weird crap with it. Here's soap, and you can use the wasteland water from the pa... "
She, however, was interrupted by Max.
" No wasteland water in my sleeping place, Alice. Use normal water. "
Everyone was dumbfounded by the statement, but Max didn't budge, even after Alice's objection. As much as a waste she considered it to be, Max simply refused to sleep in that irradiated stuff, even if it was boiled.
He made his way back towards Luna and Hannah and noticed how Hannah was eating Luna out; apparently, she was able to convince her because " Daddy's precious essence " was inside of her, and it now smelled nicer, Or something weird like that. He didn't pay any mind and gave the bottle to both of them, instructing them to hydrate.
Hannah was still a little reluctant to waste what she considered high-quality resources, which Max had a solution for.
"Hannah is my little girl now; if she doesn't properly rehydrate with the good stuff, then I can't play with her anymore. That'd be such a waste; once I got my muscles boosted by the vaccine, I was planning to properly reshape that lower half of yours. Muscle resistance or not."
Although Hannah wasn't stupid enough not to see what Max was doing, she did get the general message and began gulping down a healthy amount. Max made sure to remind her.
" Make sure not to drink irradiated water anymore; I want that mouth that I kiss, clean and radiation-free. So only normal, healthy water for you girls. "
Luna was happy to hear the term " Girls," indicating that she, too, Would get similar treatment. She was happy about it; it confirmed her guesses and made her believe that submissively following her golden spoon was indeed the best choice.
So, Not wanting to seem like a bitch she patiently waited for Hannah to be done, after which she took the bottle and started to eagerly gulp the tasty liquid down herself as well. She wasn't too greedy, and although she drank more than Hannah, she did return it without being too unreasonable; not that Max cared either way since it was just water.
Max took a few hefty gulps, after which he returned the bottle to Luna and picked his watch back on, after which he spoke.
" Once you girls finish up, you can clean up; ask Alice for the foldable washbin and some soap. That way, you girls don't have to sleep sticky and messy. Don't use any boiled water. Use my water. I don't want you girls' bodies touching radiated stuff, Boiled or not if I'm touching or even licking it.
Hannah eagerly nodded about the mention of being licked, and Hannah also gave a satisfied and eager nod upon hearing she'd get to clean herself with what she considered to be luxury products.
Once that was all done, Max decided to make his way down. He made sure to turn the light of the watch off since he didn't want to wake anyone downstairs up by its bright light. Luna quickly asked where he was going while Hannah simply minded her own business. Max jokingly responded as he moved down.
" Gonna take a piss. After pumping all that seed into you, girls, I'm gonna need to clean the tube."
Although he was usually only this vulgar with Alice, having his way repeatedly with Luna, as well as having had Hannah, which he wasn't sure about earlier, greatly boosted his confidence. Of course, he was already confident in most matters; he wasn't a wuss. It's just that on sexual and social grounds, he was a little more awkward when it came to openly talking about things that weren't socially normal in public.
So, After finishing ensuring his girls were taken care of, he made his way downstairs to take care of his own little guy, who needed to unload. As he reached the ground floor, most noises from the earlier fuck fests had died down. It seems they weren't the only ones that were done, But he did hear a soft crying sound.
Hearing the voice, he was pretty sure it was just a child, and considering the type of world he was in, he wasn't too surprised to hear a child crying. So, for now, He simply decided to let her parent, guardian, or whatever the young girl had deal with it as he went outside to take a leak.
There was a campfire outside, which provided warmth and light. He also didn't go further out since there was no way in hell he was going to turn himself into zombie dinner. Or the dinner of whatever else was out there in the dark, cold wasteland at night.
So, He moved his face to a guard who was keeping watch of the caravans and asked.
" Mind if I take a leak into that campfire on the left side? "
The guard looked at him as if he was stupid for asking and responded.
" I don't care. "
Max suddenly felt a lot less sympathy for the collar-wearing slave guard and simply took the piss he wanted to take. Once done, he made his way inside once again. However, Once inside, he still heard the soft crying voice. So, Curious about what was going on, he made his way towards it, Not putting the watch's light on because he didn't want to wake people up or blind them in that manner.
As he eventually saw the silhouette of a young girl, Already on top of his father's lap, being taken care of, he decided to turn around. On his way over to the stairs, however, he heard the cry intensify. A soft yet high-pitched crying voice reached his ears.
"  n,, Notm, Tjhat hole dadd.sdy "
To which a gentle, familiar sound followed.
" You've had your first bleeding yesterday, Ellie; remember that tummy pain? We can't use that hole anymore. You'll get pregnant like Freya... If I knew, I would've purchased some birth control, but I didn't, so you are just gonna have to take it like a big girl, "
A soft, saddened sniffle followed.
"Daddy... Please, Just pull out before you cum."
Max couldn't help but freeze for a moment, Trying to process what he was hearing. Such a young voice, belonging to such a young girl, shouldn't be saying such a thing, especially not to their father, who was meant to protect them. Hearing the gentle voice reach in his ear once more made him visibly disgusted. He couldn't possibly fathom what type of sick bastard would say such a thing.
" Ellie, You know I'm not pulling out. A woman is made to receive it, and that's what you will. You just have to choose which hole. Freya also didn't like her backdoor; you girls are like your mother in that way. Freya, however, forgot her birth control, and look at her now. Is that what you want, Ellie? Daddy doesn't mind impregnating you if that's what you want, but you're gonna have to choose. "
A soft crying sound soon followed once more.
To which the gentle voice replied.
" Very well. "
Max felt relieved for a moment, Thinking that the man finally saw reason, yet the following words shocked him.
"Since you can't choose, Daddy will choose for you; we'll just take the other hole; giving birth hurts more anyway; you don't want that."
The girl simply burst out crying softly, and Max quickly ran over there quickly. He turned on his watch light, and the bright light hit the old man, Blinding him while providing sight to Max.
He could see the old man naked; He had already pushed his thirteen-year-old daughter down to the ground who was naked. The girl was simply lying there, Not trying to resist, simply crying softly as she lay there, which clearly indicated that wasn't the first time.
Above the girl was the man that was about to penetrate him; he was covering his cock in some type of slimy liquid. He wasn't sure what it was, but he guessed it was meant to act as some type of lube. The sight absolutely baffled him, and for a moment, he quite honestly didn't know what to do, so his almost broken voice simply left his mouth.
" What the fuck are you doing? "
The old man, Confused, called out to Max.
" Max, is that you? Is there something that matters? "
Max couldn't fathom why he would ask her such a thing and angrily retorted.
" What you are doing is what matters. "
To which the old man replied with an apologetic voice.
"My apologies For the noise; I'll make sure she remains quiet."
To which Max simply snapped, Screaming out at the top of his lungs.
The commotion caused by Max made people wake up; the security droids reacted as well. The light flickered on, and an armed humanoid droid walking on two legs came out. It was holding a thick metal gun, which Max wasn't familiar with, but was definitely holding high-caliber shots. Following behind it was a thick metal droid; its heavily armored metal frame was supported by a triangle-off caterpillar similar to the stuff that's under tanks. Unlike the first droid, it didn't have any hands; instead, its arms existed out of heavy rocket-propelled armament and what he assumed to be another high-caliber inbuilt machine gun.
The smaller one of the two, The humanoid one, spoke in a robotic voice.
" Greetings, Survivor, Welcome to the Goldward bank. There appears to be a problem. How can we help? "
To which Max couldn't help but scream out.
Freya, Ellie's Older sister and the pregnant older girl he met earlier today, also revealed herself from under the blankets. Sleeping in the same pile as her father and about to be raped sister, apparently.
" Max..... Let's calm down. "
Max's head snapped towards the girl, but he didn't speak; seeing the absolute anger in his eyes, she didn't dare raise her voice once again either. The robotic droid scanned over them briefly with some type of red light and then asked in its familiar robotic voice, This time Directed at the little girl.
" Is this sexual interaction consensual? "
The girl, In a sad, sniffling voice, responded.
" Yes....... "
The droid voice once again repeated itself.
" There is no problem detected. "
To which Max snapped, No longer screaming but clearly angry.
"She's being forced. Can't you see that? "
To which the droid responded.
" Contacting customer support..................... Goldware customer support appears to be unavailable at the moment. Please try again later. "
Most of the people by now had woken up, and Max was the center of attention; he, however, didn't notice it, nor would he care. He was completely furious and couldn't help but retort once again, Looking at the man.
" How can you do such a thing to your own fucking daughter? "
Alice, by now, had arrived downstairs with a Kalashnikov, followed by Luna and Hannah. Both of them only had a T-shirt and some underwear on. Behind them were the male slaves, all armed. The bots scanned them but, to Max's surprise, didn't react to the low-caliber firearms.
The old man was clearly confused by Max's outburst and couldn't help but try to defend himself.
" Mister Max, Although I agree that this isn't the most pleasant sight you have intruded upon, I love my daughters very much. Just like they love their daddies, Growing up, however, can be difficult sometimes, and this is part of that process. I take care of my girls, and they take care of me. "
Max was about to scream out once more when Alice grabbed his arm and spoke.
" Although pretty messed up, the girls don't have it bad; look at what she's wearing. "
Max followed her gaze to her lower half. The naked girl had a pajama pulled to her ankles. It appeared to be of decent fabric and looked soft. However, Max was about to retort to it when Alice once more cut in on him.
" Being taken care of in such a manner just for some Sex is pretty decent; I'm not saying that what he's doing is normal or acceptable. Especially not of a father, but there are people that have it worse. These people ain't starving, and they seem to be living in good condition compared to wasteland standards. "
Max wasn't sure what to say to this. Even if he wasn't from this world and didn't plan to force his own morals upon others, this simply wasn't normal. The girl was fucking thirteen, and she was about to be anally raped, While the conversation indicates she has been raped multiple times before that. Even before she had her first period, which indicates that this man had simply been forcing his way into her body long before it developed itself into being able to physically take such a thing. Not to mention the mental trauma and damage that could come from such a thing.
Max looked at Alice, completely speechless; her way of answering and taking the situation completely baffled him. Everyone's way of handling this situation completely baffled him. He felt that, at the very least, Alice would understand him, but she didn't; she saw this as just another thing happening in the wasteland... Just like everyone did.
He felt completely powerless. They were acting like he was the weird one out. For a moment, he didn't know what to do, and that was when Alice embraced him. She gently stroked the back of his head while whispering into his ears.
" It's alright, Max... You are completely right. What the man is doing is completely wrong. It's disgusting, but so is this place, This world. Normal happy families are few and far in between. Most good people are simply in slavery or will end up in it, If not dead. Lend out a hand to someone here, and there's a chance he'll cut it off. "
She gently kissed him on his cheek before continuing.
" Why don't you go upstairs? I'll handle it and promise to take care of it. You've gathered too much attention by what's considered over-the-top and weird behavior here. We're gonna have thirty armed men waiting for us to get out if we don't solve this.... Just let me fix it; I'll help those girls, or at least try to, and my attempt will be better than yours can ever possibly be... Not because you're bad... But because you are simply not used to how things work around here. "
Alice finished whispering into his ears and broke off, giving Max a quick peck on the lips, after which she looked him into his eyes. Max eventually simply nodded.
He felt fucked up over the situation and wasn't sure what to do; everyone was looking at him, and although he didn't care about that, He did care about how he was the weird one out. Hannah, sensing his situation, cuddled up to him, and Luna, in a rare act of compassion, followed up. The two guided him upstairs. Well, Luna guided him upstairs while Hannah simply tagged along wherever Max went.
Max didn't want to leave. He wanted to confront the man and work this situation out, but he didn't want to make him seem any weirder than he already was. He didn't want to reveal his origins, and he didn't want to be stuck here being "safe zone camped," so to speak. So as fucked up as it was, He decided to let Alice handle it as he made his way upstairs.
He could've held on, Even if they were waiting for them outside; his access to the outside world pretty much gave him the supplies he needed. But that meant making enemies, Not to mention revealing his system, which he wasn't looking forward to. So, As annoying as it was, he decided to let his more experienced girl take care of it. He trusted Alice and assumed that she was able to manage it.
Once upstairs, he simply laid down on his by-now-cleaned sleeping bags. Both Luna and Hannah joined him as they gently leaned against him. Both in one arm, Cuddled up against him.
Hannah considered the situation downstairs pretty normal. All she saw was just another girl being used the way she was meant to be. At least, that's what she believed until recently. Luna, on the other hand, Although a little disgusted by the whole father-daughter thing, wasn't really upset by it. At the end of the day, it simply wasn't her problem until Max decided to make it their problem.
She wasn't sure why Max was so sensitive about these things but decided not to pry; she knew he wasn't in the best state of mind right now and didn't know him well enough to make use of the situation. Manipulation could be a double-edged sword, and she didn't feel like becoming a venting object for his frustration. So, she simply tried to give her a form of physical comfort while remaining silent while Max lay there processing the fucked up feeling he was experiencing.

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