Traveling between my own world and a apocalypse in order to pay off my debt isn’t cool, Luckily there are cute girl’s here.

{C28} {R18}Checking out a potential base location.

I've been inactive for a while due to a couple of IRL circumstances which kept my weekends (which is my primary writing time) occupied. Those things are cleared up now, So I hope to return to my normal schedule of one chapter a week if I find the proper inspiration for my writing. Anyway, Thank you all for being patient!
This chapter is a little more on the questionable side, You'll be able to read it yourself. Let me know what you think about the punishment stuff?
The concrete wall was only about 2 meters high, so it wasn't much, but it sure as hell was better than nothing. Behind the walls on each corner was a rotten wooden watch post, and when they passed the metal gate, they finally laid eyes on their soon-to-be base.
The hospital itself was about three stories high and wasn't that big. Of course, it was sizable, considering it was a three-story building, but he imagined it to be bigger.
The third floor of the hospital was entirely made out of some reinforced metal substance, while the lower two layers seemed to be covered in some type of armored plating that was made into the walls. Along each visible corner stood a support pillar made of a substance similar to the third floor itself.
On the ground around the hospital was a thick concrete slab that withstood the test of time. It looked to be made of material similar to that of the reinforced concrete walls. The third floor, as well as the corner pillars and the panel that seemed to have molten into the first and second floors, all looked newer than the original material the first and second floors were made of.
Combine that with those rotten watch posts, and it was pretty clear that it was all militarized. Along the concrete slab surrounding the hospitals were black marks, even some small cracks in places. Some of the hospital windows had bullet holes in them, and besides some remains of fabric, Probably belonging to military tents and some random garbage, there wasn't much around outside.
The group made their way forward as they kept in formation until they reached the entrance. The entrance didn't have any doors, although it did have places where hinges probably hung, which indicated the door was removed, probably scavenged. Max was curious why the metal gate in the concrete fence wasn't scavenged if the door was. Perhaps the locking mechanism protected by reinforced concrete was too much of a pain to deal with? Max didn't know, and he wasn't going to ask, considering the terrain hadn't been explored yet.
This time, Luigi was pulled to the back, and Luna was made to go in second, With Mario going in first. Mario had a silenced pistol and would deal with any unforeseen small problems, while Luna was there to deal with anything that couldn't be taken care of with a small firearm.
Upon entering, they were quick to notice small patches of some cotton-like substance lying around, Almost like wool, which resulted in an enthusiastic whisper from Luna.
" Woollaby fur, There might be a nest. We should capture them if we can. "
Max, being curious, couldn't help but whisper.
"What's that?"
To which Luna responded.
" It's a small bipedal creature that grows a cotton-like substance as fur; they discard it during the day when it gets hot and regrow it in the evening when it gets colder. The cotton-like substance is used to make clothes and sometimes even blankets. "
Alice chipped in.
" A Woollaby avoids dangerous areas and primarily eats whatever to restore the energy they use when constantly regrowing their fur. Whether it is death walkers, corpses, or dried-out plants, they'll eat it. There must be a hole somewhere in the fence that allows them to get in. They'll probably scavenge somewhere in the nearby area while hiding out here. This means it's likely safe around here. "
Although it was presumable safe, they still swept the first floor, and besides some skeletons, they didn't find much. There was a storage area, presumably for medical stuff, but the metal safety boxes were open. There are no signs of forced entry, which likely means it got hacked open. The compounds from the panels have already been scavenged. Meaning it was pretty useless unless they were magically able to repair it.
Besides the storage room, there were lots of rooms, presumably some trauma and intensive care rooms, as well as former offices. There was a canteen and a reception area closer to the entrance. There also was an elevator of which the panels and electrics were scavenged.
All in all, the first floor seemed to cater mostly to visitors, administration, and high-priority patients, as well as some storage. It was in the kitchen area of the canteen where they found a bunch of Woollabys.
They looked like Australian Wallabies, and we're pretty much passive; they didn't attack living people and simply ran away. Something Luna said could be prevented if you tame them properly. That, however, wasn't a priority, so they decided to leave it for later.
Last but not least, they ran into a militarized elevator, Or at least they assumed it to be. It had elevator-like buttons, but it was all made out of some type of armored metal. There was a port where you could insert one of those watch plugs as well as some broken glass, Presumably an eye scanner that got broken. They tried having one of the male bandits plug their watch in, but it didn't say much more then.
[Acces denied.]
Considering that everything looked safe, they split into two teams to explore the second floor. One was Mario and Luna, the former bandits, while Max, Luigi, Alice, and Hannah made up the second team.
Hannah was in the second group because she insisted on going with Max, while Alice insisted on Max going with her. Although Luna would've liked to take Max with them, she had no ground to challenge Alice's decision, so she didn't do much besides politely inviting Max. Max, too, Decided to go with Alice rather than Luna.
Luna, however, didn't ask to come with them; being put to lead a group of her own was much more interesting to the woman. It showed that even Alice was willing to rely on her. Well... At least more than the male bandits, which was fair enough.
They made their way up to the second room using a staircase, and after exploring it, they were quick to mark it as safe. The second floor was entirely dedicated to hosting patients. It had lots of rooms to host patients of various sizes, as well as two dedicated shower rooms.
Luckily, the shower room wasn't totally messed up; although the shower heads were gone, the pipework wasn't dug out or anything. Not that it mattered super much since Max didn't expect anything to still work. To his surprise, however, Alice proved the contrary when she turned one on.
What fell out could barely be described as water. A filthy muck fell out of the pipework, but it showcased that there was still water... If you could call that water, Running thru it. Seeing Max's surprise, she clarified her guess.
" I guess only the shower heads are gone because they were large, nice ones. The door that's gone is probably taken because it was reinforced from the outside but had an easy-to-remove hinge system on the inside. As far as water goes, nobody would want to drink this long, still-standing muck. The filtration system probably got scavenged as well. Most government buildings recycle their own water. "
Alice took a short breath before she continued.
" Some pre-war governments and companies apparently had some type of safe the planet fetish, so clean energy, and your own filtration and recycling systems were really popular. Not that it has helped the planet much. "
Max couldn't help but ask.
" Speaking of which, What happened to the planet?"
To which Alice shrugged.
" Don't have a clue. "
Max joined her in her shrug, after which, On Max's instruction, they made their way over to one of the more luxurious rooms. Not that there currently was much luxury; all mattresses have long been taken, and so have the hospital beds. There wasn't really anything around in the form of furniture since it either was taken or just demolished, decayed, or, yeah, Generally not really usable.
They spread out some of their furs and blankets over the floor to sit on, and one of the guys was put on watch duty, which didn't entail more than just sitting in the hallway standing or sitting guard. This pretty much meant he would be the first line of defense or just the first one to get killed In the hopes of the rest being alerted.
They kept the door open so they could easily hear it if anything happened, but all in all, it looked a bit unnecessary. The place seemed deserted, but yeah, Better safe than sorry.
Once that was settled, Mario, Max, Alice, Hannah, and Luna sat down on top of the blankets. Hannah, of course, went straight for Max's lap while both Luna and Alice suggestively sat down on his right and left. Mario sat opposite to him while Luigi was stuck on watch duty since he had tried running to the back of the formation the last time. Not that Max blamed the guy. He would've done the same, but yeah. Different worlds, Different experiences, and different social standings and rules within the group. So, Luigi simply had to deal with this minor punishment.
While that was going on, Max asked for Alice's backpack, which, of course, caused a sparkle in the girl's eyes. Everyone knew they hadn't eaten yet, and Mario was curious about what they would eat. So far, he hasn't been included in the meals yet, but today, he proved himself useful and managed to join.
Once Max had the backpack, he withdrew what he needed for some breakfast.
[Withdrew: 800 grams of cheese.]
[Withdrew: 1 loaf of bread]
[Withdrew: 1x Cheese slicer.]
He took it all out, after which he recovered the water bottle that he had left with the girls and put them on the blanket as well. Alice was already eagerly rubbing her face into his neck, Planting little kisses, and Max couldn't help but chuckle at the childish behavior. The girl really was a foody, and her visible excitement was clear for all to see.
Luna, As if not to be outdone by Alice, bent over the blanket to grab the water bottle, Pressing her front against the blanket while suggestively raising her lower half, Much to the jealousy of Mario. The guy had been hitting on his former bandit partner/boss for quite a while but hadn't been successful yet. But here she was, offering herself as if she was some type of whore.
Luna grabbed the water bottle, Shook her ass a little, after which she suggestively asked.
" Mind if I take a drink, Boss? "
Max, Although a lot less awkward with sexual things around others, was still a little embarrassed; Mario's envious look didn't help. He, however, didn't show it and instead slabbed the girl on the ass, after which he said.
" Help yourself. "
When Max shifted his gaze to make eye contact with Mario to see how the guy was reacting to all of this, the other guy looked away. He had been checking out what, by wasteland standards, could only be considered Max woman and wasn't interested in a staring contest, especially since he was finally allowed to dine with the rest of them.
Max wasn't looking for a confrontation or anything but was simply trying to gauge the other guy's reaction. Seeing him behave so submissively perplexed him and unknowingly fed his growing confidence some more.
Luna returned to her seat after taking a drink from the bottle. She very suggestively moved her tongue along the bottle tip as she drank. Hannah also started to slowly grind against the hardness she felt rising underneath her. A gesture that hasn't gone unnoticed by the other girls who smiled. Luna offered the licked-off bottle to Max, but the bottle was instead snatched by Alice, who by now stopped licking and biting into Max's neck.
Very suggestively, she, too, took a sip from the bottle, which by now was more of a seductive play rather than drinking. At last, she took a heavy gulp, after which she passed the bottle to Luna; not long after, she kissed Max and gently pushed the water into his mouth. The water that entered his mouth was followed by Alice's tongue, which made Max quickly drink the water so he could return her fierce assault. Some water leaked through their sealed lips and onto Alice's breast as they continued their kiss.
Hannah curiously looked at it while sipping from the bottle herself; she didn't put up a seductive display and instead just sipped from the bottle, savoring the taste. The girl was smart enough to know that Max was too occupied right now, So instead of trying to compete for his lips with the larger girls, she started to grind herself harder against his erect cock. She got the reaction she wanted as she got a head pat from Max. She eagerly pressed her head into his hand and simply enjoyed her pats like the adorable thing Max considered her to be.
Luna, by now, had helped herself to a slice of bread and put some cheese on it. She suggestively offered a bite to Max as he broke his kiss with Alice, but instead, it was Alice who grabbed a bite, which could be expected from the foody.
Max had wanted to let them eat while he went to his own world under the excuse of picking up some dropped supplies. He wanted to sell the gold he had and do some more shopping, Maybe take her sister and mother out to eat something if they were home.
Yet these girls had to work him up like that, Although he could cockblock himself and just do what he needed to do. He figured he might as well go for a quickie; after all, These girls were offering themselves up, right? They also left early, and although the journey took about four hours, Excluding the time it took to fight that furry. He did have some time left. He probably needed another three hours to reach the city. Four if he took into account the items he wanted to drag along.
Then, he needed to spend some hours in the real world so the supplies didn't appear out of thin air; he wanted to claim he had requested a delivery or something of the sort.
He looked at his watch. It was about 11:00, so if he needed four hours to reach the city and wanted to stay around 5 hours in his own world, that meant he would be at the city at 20:00. His meeting with the merchant didn't have a fixed time, but it was agreed upon to hold it in the " evening ".
He didn't particularly care about the merchant after his antics and simply played along so he could help those girls without having to wage war. Either way, Looking at it all, he had some time, so a quickie wouldn't hurt, right?
His gaze shifted to Mario, after which he said.
" Why don't you take the food and go eat something outside with Luigi while I have a quickie with the girls? "
Mario was about to stand up when Alice playfully purred out.
" Stay. "
This surprised Max as much as it surprised Mario, both of which sent Alice a questioning look. Alice, however, moved his ear towards Max and playfully bit into it.
" You should get used to how things work. We're your woman, and showing us off is a way to establish dominance within the group. "
Although the idea of showing off the woman as his property in a sexual manner was an interesting idea, Max considered it improper in the end. Alice's excuse sounded like something coming straight from a hentai movie, and although the play itself would excite him, Considering that Alice truly meant it and didn't see it as some type of kinky sexual play, he considered it to be too improper.
So, He shook his head and simply looked towards Mario; the man nodded and was making his way to the door when Alice's voice once again sounded. This time, it wasn't playful but cold and authoritative; the voice was, of course, directed at Mario.
" Stop. "
Mario froze and awkwardly looked at Max, Switching eye contact between him and Alice. Luna also gave Max a curious glance but didn't want to step into this minefield. Alice was pretty much challenging Max's authority, and Luna was very eager to see what would happen. She, however, wasn't willing to back up Max on this due to the simple fact she'd have a problem if it backfired.
Max was also slightly annoyed; he wasn't used to being some type of leader, nor did he by all means want to decide everything by himself. He, however, was, By agreement, the one in charge; Alice was working for him. Max wasn't upset by the fact his leadership was being challenged, but he was upset by the way that it happened.
Alice was pretty much entering a cock comparison content with him. Rather than respectfully bringing her own point of view and opinion up, she forced it onto him.
Max gently shoved Hannah off his lap, after which he stood up, Looked Marius right in the eye, and said once more.
" I said leave. "
Alice, however, On the ground, playfully stroked her Kalashnikov and once more said, In the same cold ass voice.
" Stay "
This put Mario in a difficult position. Everyone knew Max was the one who was in charge, but Alice wasn't enslaved. Max was also a lot softer than Alice; just thinking back on how she had mercilessly kicked Luigi into that monster back then showed a clear difference in how far both people were willing to go. In the end, People in the wasteland respected strength, and at the end of the day, Marius was more afraid of what Alice would do to him than what Max would do to him.
So much to Max's disappointment, Marius did, in fact, sit down back at the blanket. Marius simply stared down, Avoiding Max's eye contact, so seeing that, Max simply shifted his gaze to Alice and asked, With clear annoyance in his voice.
" What are you doing? "
To which Alice playfully smiled at Max.
" I'm showing you that you don't have your ship in order. You are too kind and naive, Max. If I truly wanted to, I could've simply committed a coup. I don't have a slave collar around my neck, and since I have administration permission on the other people's collars, I can do everything you can, Except for removing collars. That means that your life signal isn't needed, and although I would never do something like killing you or taking over, it's important you know that others would if given the chance. "
Alice took a breath before continuing.
" Hannah, for example, doesn't have a collar either, and although I think the girl is trustworthy, you've known everyone here for days, not months. It's still a small group, Max. You should learn to control it before it becomes larger, or mutiny will be inevitable even with the collars. "
If Max was too easy to trust people and more people would gain collar permission just like Alice had, He could, in fact, be challenged. They would only need to take his watch from him, and he'd be powerless to command his slaves. Even if the more expensive versions could be voice-controlled, If Max hasn't fixed the configuration and settings properly, it simply wouldn't work.
Max knew that Alice had a point that, however, didn't suddenly make him happy or all forgiving. The girl had made a fool out of him, and although her points of concern were completely fair. She could've brought it up to him in private instead; thinking this was more effective, she publicly called him out.
So, seeing that his kindness was a weakness in a place like this, he decided to finally step up his game. He made his way over to Marius, Who had the food placed in front of him. He had brought it earlier on Max's instruction to eat with Luigi, but since he was ordered back, he had placed the food in front of him.
" Considering I'm the one feeding you all, If you can't listen, you simply won't eat. "
He placed his right foot on top of the loaf of bread and simply crushed it, much to the disappointment of everyone present; it was still good food, A luxury product at that. It, however, was still mild at best; Max hadn't shocked them, kicked them, or shown the abuse that disobedient slaves would normally face. In the end, He was still a guy that has only been in this apocalyptic world for a couple of days.
He picked up the trashed, Plastic-covered bread and made his way over to Alice. He opened the loaf and dropped the crumbled bread onto the ground. Alice gave him a curious glance until he grabbed her by the neck and shoved her face first into the food.
Alice, of course, was stronger than Max, but it was never her intention to beat him. She simply wanted him to step up, and although his current display was still pretty weak, She considered it an improvement. So, Wanting to further stimulate the behavior Max was displaying, She happily obeyed him and let him push her face into the bread. She took a bite of Max's instruction, and while doing it, she couldn't help but think she had found another new fetish.
Max, too, Considered Alice's new pose to be quite arousing, and considering how he was made a fool of earlier, he decided that the whole public sex being improper didn't really matter anymore. He gazed once more at Mario, who avoided his gaze, after which he decided to just go for it.
He mounted Alice from behind and moved his hand toward her jeans; Alice, in order to help him, also moved her hands to her jeans to unbutton them. Max, however, grabbed her hands and shoved them onto her back, His gaze shifting to Luna.
" You should have duct tape in your backpack. Grab it. "
Luna, Seeing how things turned out, was now happy to back Max up and did as instructed. Upon receiving the tape, he bound Alice's hands, and he was pretty sure he could hear a happy hum from the girl. He knew what he was doing was more akin to a reward rather than a punishment for the masochist girl, but he didn't care. He would make sure to mess with her next meal. That should teach the glutton a lesson.
Once the girl had her hands bound to her back, Max went back to her jeans once more and unbuttoned them. He dragged it down to her ankles, which was doable since Alice supported her body weight with her shoulders.
Once that was done, he started unbuttoning his own jeans, and upon doing so, he noticed that Mario was standing up, Making his way to his door. Alice remained silent this time around; Max, however, didn't and asked.
" What do you think you are doing? "
To which Mario responded.
" You wanted me to leave right.... Boss? "
To which Max shook his head.
" That was before you decided to disregard my instructions. You will go back to the fucking blanket, Sit down and wait until I instruct you to do otherwise. "
Mario did as he instructed while Max took off his jeans. He decided to simply fully strip since he was about to get sweaty. Luna eagerly assisted him with undressing, Happy to make up for her earlier lack of assistance. Max, Although a little naive, wasn't completely stupid and was quick to instruct.
" Thank you, Luna; you can strip down and take the same pose as Alice now. "
Luna couldn't help but silently curse but quickly did as instructed; Max gave Luna a quick spank, after which he mounted Alice again. He pushed himself straight inside and earned himself a loud moan from it. The girl was already soaking wet, which only further proved that this was more of a reward than a punishment.
While he inserted himself, he moved his right hand towards Luna's behind and fingered the girl. He could feel that, unlike Alice, the girl clearly wasn't as wet, but she was slowly but surely getting there. Luna, Unlike Alice, just didn't like being dominated by men as much. She accepted it from Max due to the benefits that came with it, but normally, She preferred female partners if she had to choose a dominant partner. As far as males go, If she did anything with it at all, She preferred to be in charge. Unfortunately for her, Max wasn't much of a switch and preferred to take the dominant position.
While Max was pounding into Alice, Who, by now, Was getting rather vocal, Hannah made his way to Max. The curious girl has been observing enough and also wanted a piece. She had already undressed herself except for a hoodie and moved in to gently hug Max from behind while she fingered herself.
Max withdrew his right hand from Luna and placed it on top of Alice's neck, Pushing and rubbing her head over the blanket-covered floor while saying.
" Eat that mess up your glutton. "
Which she happily did; while Alice was licking the food off the floor, Or well, blanket, he moved his other free hand towards Hannah and pushed two fingers inside. He could immediately feel her strong folds clamp upon his fingers with strength and eagerness. Max had to remind himself once more he should get that C vaccine to upgrade his strength as quickly as possible.
He wanted to fuck that tight slit of hers but couldn't, Not as long as he didn't fix his cock's muscle power. So he instead simply made do by fingering Hannah while Hannah used one hand to eagerly rub her clit and another to brush Max's hair.
Max even leaned in for a kiss, Which Hannah happily took; all the while, he continued fucking Alice into the ground. He eventually took his finger out of Hannah's glistering cave and instructed her to use Alice's mouth instead. Which she happily did; Alice put up a slight resistance but couldn't do anything against Hannah's superior strength. She considered herself superior to Hannah within Max's so-called harem and thus preferred not to eat a girl of what she considered to be lower standing out. Hannah, however, didn't relent, and after hearing Max say.
" Eat her out. "
She finally gave in to her submissive tendencies and began submissively licking and eating the girl out. While she did that, Max pressed his finger, Still wet with Hannah's vaginal fluids, up Alice's ass, which got quite a muffled reaction.
" Max.,, Not that hole. "
The voice was muffled by Hannah's pussy that was pressed hard on Alice's face. Max, however, got the message but decided to ignore it. He didn't want to hurt her, though, so he only pressed his finger in, Which, at most, Was slightly uncomfortable.
He knew enough about sex to know that you couldn't just push your cock into a virgin ass; something like that required careful preparations over the course of multiple days and lots of toys and lube. The girls that were fiercely against anal were usually girls that had a boyfriend, thinking that anal meant lubing it up and sticking it in.
He continued fucking Alice. The sensitive girl had already had two orgasms when he finally came close. This was partly due to this exciting new play as well as the way Max was treating her currently, which left the girl excited, Not to mention the delicious food she got to lap up like some type of dog.
When Max was about to cum, he, however, didn't fill Alice inside like she would've wanted. No, Instead, he pulled out and moved his cock to her rear, And slightly pressed the tips against her backdoor entrance. Much to the dismay of Alice, who gave him a quick.
" No, Max! "
The girl regretted letting herself be tied up now, But Max Wasn't going to hurt her. He knew how painful anal without proper preparation could be, so he simply jerked himself off until he was really close, at which point he only forced his tip into the girl's rear. It earned him a heavy hiss, but he didn't push further; he wanted Alice to have trust in their bondage; otherwise, BDSM couldn't be a safe and enjoyable experience.
He simply pushed, Only his tip in and out until he finally came. As he came, he pulled out so he didn't fill her ass deeply he even left some cum to cover her anal entrance. Once that was done, he spoke.
" Remain like that. "
He stood up and signaled to Mario.
" Come here. "
Mario wasn't too excited about the idea of coming to a naked guy with an erection. He didn't swing that way, and luckily for him, Max didn't either. As Mario reluctantly came over, Max grabbed him by his collar and pushed him down, Which the guy submissively went along with. So, After pushing him down on his knees behind Alice, he spoke.
" Alice got her rear entrance filthy. She can't wear her underwear like this, so I'm gonna need you to clean it up. "
This got a visible frown from the man, and understandably so, but Max clarified.
" Consider this your punishment besides skipping a tasty meal, that is. I don't like hitting my slaves, so this is the alternative. Swallow my seed and clean her ass like the filthy disobedient pig you are, and we're even. "
The man frowned heavily but did as instructed, Eating the girl's ass out and cleaning it, after which he swallowed the filth with him. Max was visibly disgusted by this. He thought the display of dominance might be exciting and a good way to punish him without abuse, but it clearly wasn't. Seeing a male gobble up his sperm was simply disgusting, At least for him, and he wasn't sure where he got the bright idea from.
The only ones who seemed aroused by it were Alice and Luna, Both for different reasons. Alice because she was a masochist who just enjoyed Max being dominant and Luna because of her previous experience with males. She didn't like males dominating her as much, but apparently, she was very much into males dominating each other. Max, however, wasn't into that shit and was quick to dismiss Marius.
" That's disgusting; either way, You did as asked, so you are dismissed. Grab a nutrient supply for yourself and Luigi, and get the fuck out of here. "
Marius frowned once again but didn't say anything else as he made his way over to Luna's backpack and got the nutrient supply out, after which he moved out of the room.
Once the male was going, Max told Hannah to get off Alice, which she did; the girl already had her orgasm, which Alice got to experience face first. Once Hannah was off, Max grabbed Alice by the hair and dragged her onto her knees by it, which she did.
Seeing Alice like that, On both her knees with said knees spread, A seductive and hungry smile on her face while some of the bread was still covering her face was an exciting sight indeed. Enough to make him regain the hardness he lost due to his previous stunt.
He had Alice lick him clean, which slightly disturbed the girl, The new taste around his cock wasn't the type of play either of them we're into. Max, however, knew that going from anal to vaginal could cause serious health problems for a girl, and since he wanted to give Luna a quick fuck it needed to be cleaned.
So once that was done, he threw her back to the floor, Letting her lay there as he made his way over to Luna and took her from behind. The girl had become a lot wetter and was easy to slide into. While Max was fucking Luna, Hannah took it upon herself to continue playing with Alice. It seemed that girl also swung both ways.
He continued fucking Luna from behind, and unlike with Alice, he did cum inside, Deeply at that. He came twice in Luna, after which he called it a day. He let Hannah lick him clean, which the girl happily did; the girl even reached another orgasm while doing so.
Once that was done, he made his way to his back and summoned another loaf of bread, Took eight pieces of bread out of it, and deposited the rest of the loaf.
He made his way over to the cheese and placed it down, after which his gaze shifted towards Luna and Hannah.
" Luna, you may rise now; both you and Hannah will get four pieces of bread; Alice gets nothing; she has already had some. After you're done, you can clean yourself up. No one is to remove Alice's bindings, Cover her in blankets, and leave her to deal with her situation until I'm back. I'll have to do a pickup; No one is to leave this room while I'm gone until I'm back. Is that understood? "
Hannah happily agreed while Luna, although curious, also simply gave a nod while she got out of her humiliating position. Alice, of course, protested fiercely, Mostly because she wanted cheese-covered bread slices, but eventually gave in. She wasn't as bothered by the bondage play; It was kinky, although it was by all means going to be annoying.
After giving the girls those instructions, he took the foldable washbin, a bit of soap, and the bottle of water they drank from and quickly cleaned himself up. Hannah made his way over and cutely asked her " daddy " to clean her up, which Max couldn't help but agree with. He gave her a last playful rub over her clit, and although Hannah let out a deliberately loud moan in the hopes of seducing him, Max didn't give in. He had wasted enough time, Roughly 2 hours, and simply had to go now.
He gave Hannah one last pat, after which he dressed up and made his way out, Leaving the cleaning stuff for the girls; as he made his way out, he couldn't help but comment.
" Make sure to clean Alice up as well. "
This caused Luna, Who was into girls, to grin, something Alice saw and caused her to say.
" Max, Wait. "
Yet he didn't; He knew that whatever happened, Alice was likely into it, and he had stuff to do now.
So after instructing the males outside that they had to go inside, Cover the door with their guns, and that no one was allowed to go outside of the rooms, he made his way out of the hospital.

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Chapter 28.5 is a yuri smut chapter featuring the girls scene after Max left. This is a Patreon exclusive bonus chapter! Don't worry though, Chapter 29 shares part of the chapter to ensure that it's only the extra smut scene that free readers miss out on. So even as a free reader you don't miss anything important, just some extra smut which there is enough of in the story.       
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