Traveling between my own world and a apocalypse in order to pay off my debt isn’t cool, Luckily there are cute girl’s here.

[C5] :A serious talk 2

Max gave a nod to his sister before speaking in a saddened and soft voice.
"Yes, I am. Sorry, you had to see that sis."
The woman simply chuckled, Putting up a big front while seductively saying.
" Don't you worry, Brother, I don't mind seeing your softer and adorable sides, although I must warn you, I might just position myself into you're life as your big sister instead of your little one. If this continues going on. As a big sister, I'd expect to be able to give my little brother some.... Chores, as well. After all, if a big sis helps his little brother out, then he should do the same, right?. "They both knew she was lying when she acted as if she felt nothing, after all, No matter what front she put up. At the end of the day, she was just too obsessed with her big brother. Although Max didn't know to what point his sadness pained her and likely never would, he did know for a fact that his sadness caused her pain.
Instead of further saddening the mood by calling her out on this, he instead decided to play along. He to put on a playful front even though he was anything but playful and happy right now. He put on a happy face and moved his mouth that was still on top of her shoulder towards her ears and softly whispered.
" I know what you are doing at night when your hands go all over my chest, back, neck, and face. Or pants if I wouldn't twitch or roll around whenever you tried going too far down.... Those noises you make It isn't exactly appropriate behavior for a sister, now is it? Yet I allow it so graciously because you're my precious sister. Now you want me to do chores as well? "
His playful remark had the intended effect as he felt her sister freeze on the spot, and even the neck he was looking at as he whispered into her ear was now turning reddish. He couldn't help but start laughing, This time genuinely, as he pulled away from his sister.
"All jokes aside, I don't mind you doing your thing; just try not to wake me up or get too loud. Also, keep your hands out of my underwear. My cock isn't something my sister should be playing around with."
Being called out like that, her seductive and teasing front collapsed, and she was unable to think about a teasing remark or a comeback. She simply nodded her head meekly, and Max couldn't help but think.
' She's adorable '
Either way, their moment of joy and excitement didn't last, for Max soon recalled the previous events. There's only so much distraction could do, and although he wasn't feeling as grim as previously, he wasn't exactly joyful either as he spoke out.
"I should talk to her."
The seriousness of the statement also called his sister out of whatever fantasy she was going through in that pretty little head of hers. She looked back at him and nodded before saying.
"I'll go with you."
As embarrassed as she was at being called out by him, she still loved him and wanted to be there for him for whatever little thing. So, the two soon made their way over to their mother's bedroom.
Knock Knock
Max knocked on her mother's door, Waiting for a reply, and after waiting for several seconds in silence, they heard a saddened voice that was a little hoarse from all the crying.
" You can come in. "
As they entered the room, they were greeted by their smiling mother, although neither of them was sure who she was trying to fool. Even if she didn't wear any makeup for her to cry off, Her eyes were red and swollen from all the crying she had done.
Max helplessly shook his head upon seeing her mother trying to pretend, Even if it was so obvious. She always tried her best to put up a brave and big front, something Max never bought, which is why he didn't study further and only finished high school. Her mother told him that everything was all right and that ' Dad and mom, we're gonna take care of it' he never truly believed that.
Max looked her in the eyes and spoke.
His mother shook his head just as helplessly as he previously did and spoke.
"Those burdens were never yours to take care of....... I'll deal with them. Don't you worry."
This frankly made Max angry, and although he had no right to, Especially not to his mother, he grabbed her by her chin as if she were a child and forced her to look him in the eyes. As he sternly spoke.
" I didn't drop out of high school and started to work early so you could whore yourself out. "
He had no right to play this card, To guilt trip her after her mother insisted so much for him to continue his studies. Claiming it was their burden, not his or her daughters, for that matter. Yet Max frankly didn't give a fuck right now, He dropped out to help them out, So they didn't have to resort to such..... Things.
He knew that a so-called " friend " had been hitting on her, someone who had always loved her even before they and their father were together. Even if their mother never confirmed it, he once heard his father complain about it when he was in one of his drunk stupors. He knew that ever since his father's death, that man increased his attempts.
Hell, His mother previously worked as a secretary at the company owned by said man, someone she believed to be an old friend. Clearly, that man wasn't contempt with just being friends, and ever since his father quite literally took himself out of the picture, he has been more aggressive.
It had gotten bad to the point that she had quit said job and instead started working at some cleaning company. The pay wasn't nearly as great, but it was enough to get by with both Max and his sister chipping in. Although her sister was almost always home if she wasn't sporting, Apparently, she wrote some type of online book or whatever. She always referred to it as a ' Novel ', saying it wasn't the same, but he didn't really care either way.
His mother, upon being grabbed like that as a child, wasn't sure what to feel. She was shocked to be grabbed like that and treated as a child, but most of all, she felt like she failed as a parent. She made some bad choices, and her children were paying the price for it, Working to pay off her debt. Not living as nicely as they deserve, Not having many friends because they've always been busy with one thing or another.
She just couldn't take it all and broke down once again as she started crying in max hand, Pushing her head against it as she kept crying.
" I'm sorry, I'm sorry; please forgive me"
Max was quick to embrace her, and his sister soon joined them, creating some type of weird family hug where Max was hugging his mother's head, Pressing it into his chest while his sister joined the hug. Max gently stroked her head and spoke softly.
"It's not your fault. It's Dad; he made a fucked up choice and took such a way out, not even doing it in a manner that could've helped you. Even just divorcing you before killing himself would clear half of it..... I dropped out because I wanted to help you, and when Father did what he did, I didn't want you to whore yourself out when you ' didn't have a husband anymore '  I love you, and it'll take way more than just money before I allow some random man to come in and have you... "
Rather than pacifying her, this only made her cry harder, which in turn made Max hug her for quite some time. Only when she cried out all the tears she had did he break their hug. He once again grabbed her chin, although this time he did it in a more lovingly and gentle manner, Using both his hands.
" I love you, mother. We both do, and we don't want you to destroy yourself. Don't work yourself into an early grave or do something stupid, Something that you'd regret or something that saddens us.... "
"Since you clearly have been putting a little too much thought into that..... Man and his offer to you... I can't have that mother; both sis and I are working hard, and it'd hurt us if you did something like that. So I'm declaring now that your body is mine until I say otherwise, all right? Promise me you don't do anything like that with anyone until you have my permission to do so, I'm serious. "Although he had no right to make such a decision for the three of them, who were all sharing the same burden, he still decided to do so, and he didn't feel guilty or sad about it. She was his mother, and he loved her even if they weren't blood-related, and he wouldn't have her whore herself out to get by financially.
After a moment of silence, his mother spoke out.
Max simply gave her a kiss on the forehead and grabbed her by the wrist, Pulling her into a hug once more before dragging her off. His sister was not far behind.
" Let's go watch a movie "

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