Traveling between my own world and a apocalypse in order to pay off my debt isn’t cool, Luckily there are cute girl’s here.

[C8]: A promise.

Max sat down on the bed silently for a while as he tried to gather his thoughts together, and after a few minutes of silence, Each second of which felt like an eternity to his sister, he finally spoke. Yet the way he addressed her quite frightened her.
" Isabella... Look. I know you have certain feelings for me.... No, After today, I think it's more appropriate to call it an obsession, but... I just don't feel the same way. I love you, but I love you as a sister, not a lover or potential partner. Even looking at your body, As beautiful as it is it just doesn't bring me any arousal. Same with Mother, If I look at either of you, it just doesn't arise something like that. "
Her feelings went from bad to worse. Although she knew all of this, hearing it from the one you love feels terrible.
"Look, I don't mind what you did, I'm not angry either, It's just... That I can't return the same love that you feel for me. You are free to sleep with me, Hug me, and have some love for me, I don't mind what you do when you think I'm sleeping, either. It's just that I can't... You know?"
Isabella wasn't sure how to feel on one hand, she felt heartbroken at hearing the rejection she always knew he would have for her when it came to this. On the other hand, she felt glad that he accepted her even if she was perverted and slightly obsessed with him. In the end, the latter feeling won over her heart; after all, She had always known his brother's thoughts. Seeing that he still accepted her and that nothing would change after he saw how far this went. After he saw her quite literally writing her fantasy of having his own family with him.... She felt happy. At least she could be honest with both herself and him now, Knowing he wouldn't reject her even if he didn't accept her either.
Her sadness was soon replaced with determination, Her fears of being rejected when he found out the depth of her obsession were gone. Even if he didn't accept her, there wasn't more to lose, Only more to gain. She dropped the blanket and gave her brother a hug which Max returned, and as if she was back to her old self, he heard her whisper seductively into his ear.
" Is Big Brother sure? You can push me down right now and have my everything, I don't mind if you discard me afterward. Big brother can use me however he wishes. "The latter part of her sentence wasn't as seductive anymore and turned more serious yet Max never considered the option. Even though he loved his sister he just didn't feel any arousal for her, and he would never, Never use and discard his beloved sister. He simply broke the hug and kissed her on her forehead before responding.
" I just can't do it. Maybe someday, although I doubt it sis. "
He gave her a gentle smile before continuing.
"Either way, I'll be gone for a while. I'm gonna go to a friend in a different city, Stay with him for a while, and look for job opportunities there."
She was quick to jump back into him, Hugging him once more upon hearing him mention that he was gonna leave. She spoke softly. "
" Can't I come with you? I can work from my laptop, so I don't need to remain here. Besides, Do you even have friends? Let me come with you, Please. "
Max simply shook his head.
" It's an old friend from high school. besides, I want you to remain here with Mother..... I don't want her to whore herself out when I'm gone. I'm gonna work hard to get this out of this mess, and I don't want her  to do something like that while I'm gone."
Her sister didn't react for a short while, Pouting sadly into his chest before responding meekly.
Seeing her down like that, Max decided to give her a playful yet somewhat serious remark.
"You know, sis, This is important to me, so If you are a good girl and do this all right, then I'll reward you. You know what my feelings for you are, and you know I don't feel much for you when it comes to sexual grounds, but clearly, you do. I won't do anything with you that crosses the line, but if you ensure that mother doesn't do anything stupid, I'll.... Finger you for a bit once I'm home."
Max was quick to sternly interject.
" Only Once, and I will go no further than that. "
He felt her press harder against him and soon was quite creeped out as he felt her hips grind themselves up and down against his leg, Causing a wet stain in his jeans.
" Isabella, You're ruining my pants. Stop this. "
He pushed her off, and the look he saw in her eyes for a moment made him wonder whether or not this was a good idea. He could see lust, Obsession, and, frankly, a bit of craziness for just a moment before it was covered up after which she gave a genuinely happy smile before responding.
" I'll make sure of it, Brother. Don't you worry. "
For a moment, Max couldn't help but seriously consider finding a therapist for her, but he quickly pushed those thoughts out of his head. Besides the fact that he couldn't possibly afford it at the moment, he didn't want his sister to end up with some type of crazy mark on her papers. So he decided to look positively at it. At least the problem of his mother whoring herself out while he was gone was taken care of.
"I'll be going then. Also, My phone is fucked up, so I might not always react, but please rest assured I'll be doing fine. "
He decided to make this up on the spot to prevent any problems with him not being reachable. Her sister pouted but knew they weren't doing that great financially and knew her brother was a capable individual. She simply nodded and said.
" I'll be sure to inform Mom, Please do reach out to us when you're able to do so. "
Max was a little surprised at her submissive reaction. He expected some pouting or protest about how important it was to keep in touch and that he shouldn't be gone for too long and so forth and so forth. Which just showcased how badly she wanted her reward.
'Her obsession isn't healthy'
is all he could think about, but once again, he didn't have the funds for a therapist, nor was he knowledgeable in this field. Nor did he want to destroy the bond he had with his sister by forcing her into anything like that. He didn't mind her craziness. He only felt a little sad knowing that he wouldn't return all those feelings she had for him and the fact she kept obsessed with him rather than free herself from it and find another man.
Either way, He grabbed some clothes from his room as well as his pillow and gave her one last kiss on top of her head after he made his way out. On his way out, he passed the shower room and took a few towels, after which he went out and took his crappy excuse of a car and drove away.

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