Treasure hunt begins in England

Chapter 24 New Discovery

Chapter 24 New Discovery
"Okay, I'm going back to deal with the next thing." After checking the hidden keyhole, Liang En waved goodbye to Pierce.

Because he has just figured out what the key should look like through x-rays, so now he is in a hurry to go back and match the key to open the lock, and then see what kind of secrets are hidden in this thing.

"Well then, I wish you all the best!" Pierce said standing at the counter, "By the way, try to turn on your phone these days. Because my father needs to ask for your advice when he sells those things he got from Germany." .”

"Uncle Murphy is very fast." Hearing what Pierce said, Liang En took back a foot that had already stepped out of the store, and then turned his head and said.

"I thought our batch was relatively unpopular, so it might take some effort to find a buyer."

"That's right, the collection about the Cold War is indeed a very niche direction." Pierce nodded. "However, my father happened to know a collector in this field, and he happened to be able to help us find a buyer through him in the past two days."

"Sure enough, an old man is like a treasure." Liang En didn't think it was just a coincidence. After all, Old Pierce had been in this business for more than 30 years, so he naturally had some channels of his own.

"By the way, do you have anything else to do?" At this moment, Liang En suddenly realized that Pierce seemed to have something to say, so he asked directly.

"I do have something here." Pierce said as he took out a list from under the counter and handed it to Liang En. "This is what a regular customer in the store wanted, so if you are free during this time, I can help you find it."

"Victorian furniture? Well, I'll keep an eye out." With more than £1 in cash, he doesn't think it would be too difficult for him to collect some of this part of the furniture.

After coming out of the emerald thrift shop, Liang En first went to a nearby professional key matching place and paid ten pounds for him to help him match a key to open the lock according to the blueprint he had drawn before, and then returned to his residence.

The first thing Liang En did when he got back to his residence was to take out his phone to check his e-mail.

Unfortunately, just like the previous week or so, apart from a few bills and advertisements in the mailbox, there was no reply from the Journal of the British Archaeological Association that he expected.

Of course, this is not bad news.Although the other party did not send an email indicating that the paper would be adopted, at least they did not send a rejection letter.

As for why there is still no movement in the Journal of the British Archaeological Association after a week, this matter is actually not difficult to understand.

After all, the other party is the top archaeological magazine in the UK, so naturally a large number of people contribute to them every month or even every day, and there are many folk archaeological experts like Liang En now.

Therefore, it is already a very good practice for the other party to read every manuscript carefully.Therefore, the manuscripts written by non-governmental experts like Liang En will naturally be pushed back.

In his opinion, it is already a very good thing to be able to receive the other party's response within half a month. If he is lucky, he may directly wait until next month.

Many workers in the UK are not only inefficient, but also charge high fees. For example, it costs not only ten pounds to distribute a key, but also takes five or six hours.

This also means that in the next morning, he can only stay here and wait for the master who distributes the key to send him a text message after finishing his work, asking him to retrieve the key.

Out of boredom, Liang En began to study the cards in his mind.Soon he, he discovered that these cards could actually move in his mind according to his will.

"If this is the case, I can stack the same cards together." This new discovery immediately gave Liang En a bold idea.

After all, although he doesn't have many cards now, it can be expected that there will be no shortage of such things in the future, so it is a good idea to organize the pile of cards in his mind now.

But when he stacked 4 [Detection (N)] cards together, a line of text suddenly appeared from the stack of cards.

[After consuming a (N)-level card, three identical (N)-level cards can be synthesized into one (R)-level card. 】

"It feels more and more like a card game." Liang En showed a helpless smile after seeing this line of text prompts. "Now even the card synthesis has come out."

Considering that cards such as [Detection (N)] are easy to obtain, and it is very important to figure out this cheat.So Liang En chose to synthesize cards.

Just after he chose to synthesize with his mind, the card at the bottom of the stack of cards immediately turned into a ball of white light that enveloped all the cards above it.

After a few seconds, the light dissipated, and the stack of black cards disappeared, leaving only one bronze card in that position.

[Detection (R): When looking for items, just looking for a good thing in a small space is no longer enough to meet the current needs. Fortunately, we now have the ability to find items farther away.

Skill card (one-time), after obtaining an item that carries information, by consuming this card and that item, you can find an existence related to that item.

This existence may be a treasure, a treasure, or a certain ruin.Until that thing is found, no one can know what will be found in the end. 】

"A card with strong randomness." After reading the content written on this card, Liang En showed a helpless expression.Because the scope of this related existence is really too large.

For example, if he uses this card on the Kazan Copper Cauldron, the guided location may be the treasure of the new army, their cemetery or even the military camp in Constantinople.

If it is the former, then by consuming such a precious cultural relic, there is still a chance to make a fortune, and no matter how bad it is, you can still save your capital.Then the latter two are an obvious loss-making business.

Therefore, for Liang En, he must carefully consider the selection of items as guides, so as to avoid the situation where he even loses his underwear for a waste of time.

After thinking about the cultural relics in his hands, Liang En found that the things he had mastered lacked direct direction, and there was a high probability that he would lose money if he used this card.

"It seems that this card can only be kept temporarily." After looking helplessly at [Detection (R)], Liang En could only put this card away helplessly, and then sorted out the others. card.

When the time came to 4 p.m., Liang En finally got the key that he ordered earlier.And the moment he got the key, Liang En opened the rabbit lock.

With a soft click, the entire lock was split into two halves, revealing the internal structure.

In addition to the mechanical structure that a lock should have inside, Liang En also found that a brown thing that looked like a cigarette filter was stuffed between those mechanical parts.

"Things are getting more and more interesting now." Liang En was thinking, while using tweezers to gently pinch the thing out from between the gear and the connecting rod.

(End of this chapter)

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