Treasure hunt begins in England

Chapter 30 The reason

Chapter 30 The reason
The moment the box was opened, four cards appeared in Liang En's mind.

Three of them are N cards, two [Detection (N)] and one [Appraisal (N)].And the other card is the first card obtained this time: [Logical Enhancement (R)]

[Logic enhancement (R): Many times, those who hide their wealth will choose a series of riddles as a protective shell, hiding their treasures under layers of confusing puzzles.And at this time, some extra help is essential.

Skill Card (Passive) (Permanent) When this card is held, the card will have an effect, making the user's logical thinking more meticulous, and it is easier to find clues from the information he has mastered. 】

"Ah, finally there is another skill card." Looking at the newly obtained card today, Liang En had a smile on his face.Because compared to those one-time consumption cards, he prefers this kind of skill cards.

After accumulating four [Identification (N)] cards, Liang En found that the same as the previous [Detection (N)], the [Identification (N)] cards also showed that new cards could be synthesized.However, due to various considerations, he did not choose to synthesize those cards.

After reading the content on the new card, he began to check the things in the box.Most of this modest box contains gold bars of the same size, which appear to be no bigger than a grown male thumb.

After taking out a few gold bars and looking at them, Liang En found that these gold bars must have been casted privately. Not only was the appearance very rough, but also there was only a stamp of a capital B in a box on the surface.

Although these gold bars are not large in size, each one feels heavy in the palm of the hand.After weighing it with the electronic scale he carried with him, he found that each of these gold bars weighed about 200 grams.

After roughly counting, there are more than 570 gold bars in the box. Considering that each gold bar is about the same size, these gold bars add up to about 110kg.

In the middle of these gold bars, there are two silver boxes the size of a soap box. When you open the box, it is full of jewelry.

The difference is that the jewelry in one of the boxes is inlaid with a lot of gemstones, while the jewelry in the other box is not inlaid with many jewelry, but it is decorated with crafts such as enamel mosaics, which is exquisite.

After taking some effort to move the gold bars and jewelry in the box back to the car, Liang En sat in the darkness of the cab and took a few deep breaths to calm himself down before starting the car and returning to the city.

Early the next morning, Liang En got up at 6:[-] am after hardly a good night's sleep, and then drove back to his home in Baojian Town.

After saying hello to his mother, Liang En went straight back to his room and studied the gold and jewels he had found earlier.

As a result, during a detailed inspection, he found that several pieces of gold were densely engraved with a lot of words.

Obviously, the treasure hunter also considered that time might corrode various things, so he simply chose to engrave the information he wanted to leave on the gold.

It has to be said that the treasure hunter's choice was correct. Even though the reinforced wooden box used to hold these treasures has undergone multiple anti-corrosion treatments, there is still serious corrosion, and the words on the gold are as if they were engraved just yesterday.

These texts are all in French, left by Jacques de Brian.The content inside tells the life of a nobleman who was exiled overseas during the French Revolution.

The whole story begins with the escape of Louis XVI. When Louis failed to escape and was trapped in Saint-Mernould, he was not completely isolated, but had the opportunity to communicate with the outside world.

It's just that what Louis XVI didn't expect was that the National Assembly could respond so quickly at that time, and escorted him back to Paris the day after he was discovered, leaving almost all his contacts with the outside world in vain. save yourself.

And Jacques de Brian met Louis XVI as a messenger at that time, when Louis XVI asked him to give the previous rabbit lock to an earl.

But what I didn't expect was that at that time there were already National Guards around Saint-Mernould. Although Jacques had disguised himself as much as possible at that time, he was still captured and imprisoned for several days.

After he was released, the rabbit lock was nowhere to be found.Then, the political situation in France changed dramatically. Louis XVI and his wife were guillotined, and the nobles also began to flee.

It was during this process that Jacques and the earl he was looking for met together on the way to escape, and then went into exile in England together.

The series of influences brought about by the French Revolution spread throughout Europe, especially for the British crap, it was naturally a routine operation to support various organizations that opposed the French Republic at that time.

Naturally, as a loyal subject of the Bourbon dynasty.Jacques and the previous earl also joined one of the organizations.And that earl became the person responsible for raising funds for this organization because of his title and ability.

This organization has been in operation for many years, but when Napoleon became emperor, a large part of them returned to France.After all, for these nobles, the so-called loyalty is just a bargaining chip for gaining benefits.

Since Napoleon was willing to recognize them and return some of their wealth, there was nothing unusual about them kneeling and swearing allegiance to Napoleon.

Those who returned to France also included the earl, but after Napoleon was exiled to St. Helena and Charles X was restored, the earl also cut off relations with the British side for various reasons.

For Jacques de Brian, this was a very bad thing, because at that time, the organization still had a lot of wealth in the UK, and at the same time during the long period of exile in the UK, everyone was also in the UK. Many industries have been established.

So even though most of the staff in the organization returned to France, Jacques de Brian remained in the UK and took care of those industries conscientiously.

After severing contact with the earl, some people did come to Jacques to take away the wealth.

However, since the organization only stipulated that the earl had the right to take away the wealth from him at that time, Jacques did not hand over the wealth to other people because of the promise among the nobles.

Until 1842, a serious illness made Jacques de Brian realize that he was likely to die soon.So at that time, the old man in his 70s began to deal with the wealth belonging to the organization that he was in charge of.

He sold all the properties of those organizations in the UK, and then exchanged them all for gold bars and hid them in this box together with the wealth raised by the previous organizations from the nobles, and then kept them in the "Bible" that he often used. secret records.

The reason for this is also very simple, because he really couldn't find a reliable person to help him continue to find the earl and return these things to the other party, so he decided to use this method to let the gods choose an inheritance for him. By.

But what he didn't expect was that this wait would take more than 100 years.It wasn't until Liang En found the information left by Jacques de Brian through a series of blunders, and followed the clues to finally dig out the wealth.

(End of this chapter)

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