Tribe of All Nations (Tribulation of Myriad Clans)

Chapter 41 - Kill again

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June 11.

After a day of incubation, the news spread.

People coming from Daxiafu will participate in the assessment of higher education institutions on the Nanyuan side. Some people from Daxiafu have arrived in Nanyuan to wait for the assessment.

At the same time as the news came out, there were also some criticisms.

“Daxia House is going to deprive Nanyuan students of places of higher education!”

“Xiahouye only needs money, regardless of the life and death of the people of Nanyuan, and even wants to sell Nanyuan City to Daming Mansion.”

“Nanyuan has been abandoned by Daxia House!”


Various voices are spreading, among them ordinary people are making voices, and some unscrupulous guys are deliberately confusing.

The main palace of the city quickly responded, Jifengtang was on standby throughout the day, and Nanyuan Academy also began to explain to all the students.

The appraisal quota for the people coming from Daxiafu is a concessionary quota and has nothing to do with Nanyuan.

This is an additional quota and will not encroach on the quota of South Korean students.

Opinion began to turn. Of course, not everyone believed it, but it was not as intense as it was at the beginning, and most people believed it soon after hearing it.


This is not the first time that Su Yu has come. He had come with Liu Wenyan the first few times.

This time he did not call Liu Wenyan, but came alone.

In the busy Jifengtang Hall, Su Yu didn’t add to the chaos. At the moment, he squatted on the corner and chatted with an old Jifeng who was smoking.

“Uncle Li, have you found the trace of the Wanzu religion?”


The middle-aged man surnamed Li is an old man in Jifengtang. He is in the realm of sixfold importance, but it is only a low-level wind arrester that catches fast, and his strength is too weak.

Despite his weak strength, the man stayed in Jifengtang for many years, and the news was well informed.

While smoking a cigarette, he smiled and said: “Xiao Su, all students from secondary schools in Nanyuan, you are this!”

The man gave a thumbs up, “Before graduating, take part in the hunt, you are the first!”

“But …” The man praised and whispered again: “This time your teacher didn’t come, you are following us alone, it’s dangerous! It’s annoying, your teacher is not here, we sometimes want to save you. It’s too late. “

Su Yu looked like a baby, quickly nodded and hurriedly said: “Uncle Li, I will not add to the chaos, I am waiting outside, mainly to see your uncle Li, if I can miss one or two serious injuries, let me complete the teacher I will thank God for the assessment. “

The man smiled and said: “Relax, if we have a chance, we will let go of the severely wounded face, and the host will have to give it to Liu! , Guys, sometimes you Lao Tzu can help, you can be regarded as non-staff of Jifengtang. “

Su Yu smiled and thanked quickly.

Dad actually doesn’t like to be busy, but killing all the people, as long as there is a warrior on Nanyuan’s side, they are willing to intervene.

Su Long, who is very important, is also a good player in Nanyuan.

The two were chatting. On the other side of the Hall of Jifengtang, a captain-level arrester quickly shouted, “The North Team gathers!”

As soon as the voice fell, Lao quickly dropped his cigarette butts and ran towards the hall.

Su Yu also hurried to keep up, did not join the queue, but stood behind this group of people without speaking.

The captain who called the team members glanced at him without saying anything, Shen said: “The trace of Wanzu was found in the suburbs! This time it was not a large-scale gathering, but some people came out to incite the people. At present, according to the news, roughly Only 3 people can be determined. “

“The specific strength is unknown, but the need for manpower is not too strong for disseminating news.”

“The task was handed over to the North Team, and everyone was prepared for three minutes, ready to go, and set off immediately!”


The crowd responded, and there was a team of 30 people in Jifengtang.

The team captain is in the realm of epoch-making, and there are several people in the team who are above seven-pound weight, and the others are at least four-pronged.

After the team members left, they made preparations. The captain walked to Su Yu and said seriously: “The host has other tasks and will not go. Your teacher did not follow, Su Yu, you have also participated before Hunt down, know the danger! “

“I know your teacher is in the air, and your father and I have a good relationship, but … no one will take care of you specifically during the mission! This is a mission, not a joke!”

“Slight inadvertence is death. Every year, there are people who die in Jifengtang. You can participate, but you can’t interfere with the actions of Jifengtang. You can run and you can ask for help when you are in danger, but we may not necessarily rescue us!”

“Your life is life, the lives of others are also life, we will not destroy the entire action plan for you!”

The captain is extremely serious, “Now you can choose to leave, otherwise … you will be at your own risk!”

Su Yu in Kaiyuan Realm is too weak.

Even if Su Yu had participated in the action a few times ago, Liu Wenyan was at that time, and even the host Zeng Hua was also accompanied, so there was no danger at all.

Today is different, only Su Yu is here today.

“Captain Liu is assured that my father is a soldier, and I am considered a reserve, and will not cause confusion to everyone!”

Su Yu hurriedly answered.

Captain Liu nodded slightly, his attitude calmed down, and told him: “Then be careful yourself, I have heard people say, you are a civilized teacher, you have special means, but don’t be reckless!”


Su Yu responded and smiled bitterly in his heart. What kind of civilized teacher would I go to?

The people of Nanyuan still know nothing about the civilized teacher, and there is no civilized teacher under the sky.

Three minutes later, the entire team was fully armed and gathered again.

Outside the hall, two trucks have been started.

Everyone got on the bus one after another, and Su Yu also followed.

In the car, everyone didn’t talk much, pack up equipment, check the ration …

Su Yu also checked. The yellow-level medium knife, 4 drops of iron wings bird’s blood, 3 of which were exchanged early in the morning by the school. It cost him 3 credits. At this moment, he only has 10 credits. Too.

Be prepared and avoid getting one drop when you are in danger.

Moreover, 4 drops of essential blood are not put together, so as not to be lost during the battle. One of the drops is wrapped in small capsules by Su Yu and is directly contained in the mouth. It can be swallowed instantly at a critical moment.

After Lei Yuandao practiced for a few days, Su Yu barely got started. At that moment, he could hack that sword, but the speed would not be too fast.

Lei Yuandao consumes a lot of vitality, and Su Yu cannot penetrate the external vitality, so this time he also brought a drop of vitality liquid.

There was one drop left at home, but there was no need to bring too much liquid.

One drop is enough for him.

“Three drops of essence blood and one drop of vitality liquid are worth about 200,000.”

Su Yu sighed in his heart that if he added a knife, he would have prepared hundreds of thousands before the war. If he didn’t get anything, it would be miserable.

The best thing is to use nothing, kill a thousand people, get some merit.

If it is used, and a drop of essence blood is used, it must be killed at least.

This was the first time he participated in such an action on his own. Su Yu was excited and inevitably nervous.

This time I missed it, but no one made up for myself.

Next to him, old Li was also there. After checking the equipment, he saw Su Yu stretched his body and couldn’t help laughing: “Relax, don’t be nervous. When we get to the place, we get off and walk fast. Your kid may not be able to keep up. . “

Su Yu nodded and said seriously: “I know, I will wait outside.”

“Must be careful, if the other party is intact, even if you see it, it is best if you don’t see it. It doesn’t matter if you run away. Sooner or later, you can kill it. Don’t plant it now!”

“Thank you Uncle Li.”

The two talked, and the others in the car heard it. A young player in the crowd who looked less than a few years older than Su Yu smiled and said: “Five years ago, I was involved in the task for the first time and I was very nervous. , Su Yu, just adjust yourself, do n’t be afraid. “

“Thank Brother Chen.”

Brother Chen is not very young, he is less than 30 years old.

At least it is not big in Jifengtang. It belongs to the younger generation of young players. Now that they are chatting, they are also in high spirits. They laughed: “Su Yu, you are a very talented warrior. Have you never considered taking a war college? “

“My teacher is a civilized teacher …”

Su Yu Yaoya smiled and said: “He wants me to go to the Institute of Civilization, then he can only go to the Institute of Civilization.”

“This is also true. Liu’s coach was actually a civilized teacher. In fact, I also knew it before.”

Brother Chen said with emotion: “In Daxia, warriors are not valuable, and civilized teachers are the darlings. Five years ago, I graduated from Jifeng Academy. The students who graduated from Jifeng Academy found a job in Daxia. It ’s difficult, unless it ’s a top-notch genius student, like us … I can only go back to my home and find a job in a small town. “

“But there is a civilized university, once graduated … that is a civilized teacher, any force is eager to ask for it.”

With some emotion, the Jifeng Academy can graduate in the midst of a thousand years, while the Civilization Academy can graduate from the sky.

This alone can tell the difference between the two.

Of course, Brother Chen smiled quickly: “Su Yu, you know how difficult it is to graduate when you arrive at the Civilization Institute. There are less than 50 students graduating from the Civilization Institute every year. You need to know that the annual enrollment is close to 2,000. %, There are many old students, and few graduate within ten years. “

“so little?”

Su Yu was surprised first, and then nodded slightly. This is also the case. He graduated before he was considered a graduate. He graduated nearly 50 people a year.

Fifty people a year is equivalent to cultivating more than 50 vacant powerhouses every year, which is equivalent to the owner of Nanyuan Town, not too few.

Others don’t know much about this situation. Someone has checked the equipment and interjected at the moment: “It’s so difficult to graduate?”

The older generation of Jifengtang, most of the veterans, or returned from career.

The Jifeng Academy has not been established for a long time, and the graduates are all younger generations.

Brother Chen nodded and said: “It’s really difficult! Of course, people have different graduation standards, like Liu’s coaching … cough, he just graduated from the Civilization Institute, and it is not without graduation at the age of 70.”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone looked strange.

just graduated?

Well, they don’t understand the world of Daxiafu, but in their eyes, Liu’s coach is now on an equal footing with the city’s master. As a result, he only graduated from Daxia Civilization Academy.

In the chat, the place has arrived.

There was no direct report to the spot where the car stopped about a kilometer away.

After getting off the train quickly, the captain did not speak. With a wave of his hand, a team of people divided into two groups, headed separately, and left and right.

Su Yu didn’t follow any of the teams. He walked cautiously about 300 meters behind the two teams.

He was not prepared to be a pioneer, but looked behind to see if he could pick up a leak.

No one knows how many people there are in the Ten Thousand Tribes. It is reported that there are three people. As the old arresters, everyone understands that the information may not be accurate.

3 people, that’s just what you see.

Maybe there is more hidden inside!

Every year, because the information is not accurate enough, there is not one or two sacrificing wind arrests, which is also inevitable.

Even if there are only 3 people, suddenly there is a Wan Shi or vacant, it is also a big trouble.

There is still hope for Wan Shi to solve it. If you take off, there will be no drama. You can only admit that you are out of luck.

In the distance, an ordinary small courtyard appeared in front of everyone.

Just like the normal house in the suburbs, there are some vegetable fields near the small courtyard, and you can still see the green at the moment.

The small courtyard has a broad field of vision, and the people of all ethnic groups like to act in this environment.

Once a large number of people come, they will soon be able to find and quickly escape.

Jifengtang has not dealt with each other once or twice, and has rich experience. If Su Yu had been staring at them, I would n’t see where they were at the moment.

Thirty people were walking in disguise, and Su Yu did not dare to show his head and crouched in a small pothole waiting.

The captain crawling ahead, turned his head carefully and glanced a little. He didn’t see Su Yu, and he was slightly relieved.

He was actually worried that Su Yu had exposed himself with carelessness, so it would be easy to expose their whereabouts.

Before reminding a few words, he is still worried that the other party is not obedient. Now it seems that the other party is still obedient. After all, it is Su Long ’s son, his father is a soldier, and Su Yu does not have the arrogance of those who came out of the Daxia House.

The hand clenched the knife, Su Yu gasped slightly, adjusted his breath, a little excited.

Soon, he calmed down.

This is not the first time. He has killed several people in Qianjingjing.

At this moment, about 100 meters away from the small courtyard, the people in Jifengtang could no longer hide their whereabouts. The captain raised his hand and the others quickly stood up!

No one shouted, 30 people moved quickly, and rushed towards the small courtyard.


There was a loud scream, and the people of all ethnic groups in the small courtyard were watching. Only then did they find the person coming. At first glance, they knew that the person from Jifengtang was coming.


With a cry, the next moment, five or six figures appeared in the small courtyard, not three!

These people also have experience, breaking through in all directions.

Who is unlucky, who is caught by Jifengtang.

This is also their way of survival. Their strength is not as good as the other. They fled quickly without any hesitation. They can run one by one, and whoever is killed has bad luck.

Jifengtang generally does not dare to divide troops. Under the division of troops, their combat strength is not strong, and they are easily defeated by the Wanzu religion.

So the 30-person team stretched out to form three encirclement circles.

Then others have a chance to escape!

Sure enough, the captain of Jifengtang did not chase them all, but quickly formed a team of 10 people in one team. Two of the three teams quickly chased to other places, and the captain kicked the team with one person. Rushed into the gate of the courtyard.

Su Yu looked behind, hundreds of meters away, his eyes opened, but he could see clearly.

Seeing the actions of Jifengtang, Su Yu also had some gains.

Instead of myself, I might have just taken someone to chase down those who escaped. I am afraid that for a while, there may be enemies lurking in the small courtyard.

“Cause of experience …”

Su Yu is not arrogant, and he has mastered this experience a few times.

The two squads have quickly caught up with the enemy and began to siege.

The sound of weapons collided in a blink of an eye.

Although the strength of these wind arrests is not too strong, they can cooperate very well. Su Yu judges that the surrounded man is at least five or six heavy, but the moment of contact, the other party was killed!

In the 10-person squad, there seems to be no one-size-fits-all.

Su Yu glanced at it, then stopped looking at them and quickly looked up.

Five or six people had just jumped out, and two were killed in the blink of an eye. The two teams continued to chase them down, but there were still fishes missing.

But those guys also ran fast, and they could still see the figure, but now they can’t see it at once.

“The place chosen by the tens of thousands of religious believers this time is actually not very good, the horizon is wide, the enemy is easy to find by touch, but it is also troublesome to run, you should choose the terrain that is easier to escape …”

Su Yu has absorbed lessons and lessons, and may not need them in the future.

“The place I chose is not good. Behind Jifengtang, the other party may not dare to run here, and may not be able to come over. Of course, I just picked up the leak and safety first.”

Just thinking, there was a cry from the small courtyard!

At the next moment, several figures jumped out.

Sure enough, there are still people in it!

This time, the two teams outside the small courtyard had already gone away. No one stopped. Su Yu saw a figure quickly escaping towards his side.

Su Yu focused on it all at once!


“This speed … feels similar to the guy who chased me last time, very important?”

In the rear, the captain of Jifengtang left the team and quickly hunted down and shouted, “The people in front put down their weapons and take control. The policy changes above, and the sins of all ethnic groups are not deep. Never kill again! “

Su Yu was suspicious first, and then quickly understood that this was to disintegrate the other party’s fighting spirit.

There is no such command above!

The policy of Daxia House is still to be killed!

People of all ethnic groups know that if they are caught by Da Xia Mansion, they will definitely die, so they usually fight in the end. In this way, the difficulty of fighting will increase. I do n’t know if this guy will believe it.

Obviously, the other party did not believe it, or had hope, and continued to flee.

200 meters, 100 meters …

It was getting closer and closer to Su Yu, but the direction was slightly offset.

Su Yu squatted and touched quietly over there.

Soon, people came, still dozens of meters away from Su Yu.

Su Yu stood up, lifted the knife, and the energy was quickly condensed. The blade body radiated a faint light, and the whole body was condensed, and screamed: “Stop!”

Ambush is no longer possible.

Then you can only kill!


The fleeing man was shocked!

Kaiyuan Realm!

There is no uniform to be arrested by the wind. Is this … passing by?

Kaiyuan Realm, dare to stop him?

Are you crazy?

“Don’t want to run!”

Su Yu shouted, “Stop you, I will be able to get merit points and get extra points!”

“court death!”

The man was not nonsense, lest he be caught up in time, and lift the knife to Su Yu.

The two quickly approached, and at this moment, Su Yu’s eyes widened: “Master!”

There was a cry of exclamation, and the Wan people’s congregation was also stunned. Suddenly there was one more person in front of him. Beside Kaiyuan, there was an extra middle-aged man, Zeng Hua, the principal of Jifeng Tang.

“It’s over!”

This man’s face changed dramatically, Zeng Hua of Wan Shijing actually came!

Turning his head to run, Su Yu prepared the Lei Yuan knife for a long time and cut it out!

Go all out!

The people of all ethnic groups rushed towards Su Yu first, then turned their heads and ran away, for a while the body was still deflecting, and the sound of the knife had already sounded behind him!

At this moment, Su Yu, who went all out, shattered the illusion, and the other party was already awake.

Unfortunately, it is late!


The thought flashed away, and the vitality of the knife flashed like a thunder, with a slap down!


His head hit the ground, and his body fell to the ground after a while, his blood flushed to the ground.

Su Yu’s face was pale, and she closed her knife to look around. She didn’t dare to carelessly. She was afraid that someone might suddenly appear. The blood in her mouth had been bitten by her teeth. She was ready to break out again at any time.

At the next moment, the captain killed him, glanced at Su Yu, and nodded slightly, slightly surprised: “Yes, the knife is decisive!”

Without further ado, the captain exaggerated and left quickly, the battle was not over yet.

Su Yu let out a long breath and became!

It’s faster than imagined and simpler.

Kill each other with a knife!

It was only at this moment that his body was hollowed out and his vitality was exhausted. Su Yu did not dare to delay and immediately swallowed a drop of vitality liquid and began to replenish his vitality.

“100,000 is gone … I don’t know if it’s a loss or a profit.”

Su Yu smiled bitterly in his heart, killing a mid-term, two merits, is this a loss or a profit?

However, the qi and liquid devouring is also to help yourself practice, but it is not a loss.

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