Tribe of All Nations (Tribulation of Myriad Clans)

Chapter 47 - There are pits everywhere

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In the blink of an eye, June 25, the day of assessment of higher education institutions.

In the morning, the assessment time of the war school.

War first, then civilization, only the 26th is the assessment of the internal affairs and scientific research institutions. The two are relatively difficult to assess, and most of the students are unable to apply for the exam.

The place of assessment is at Nanyuan Academy.

Early in the morning, the school was overcrowded, the City Guards, Jifengtang, and Longwuwei were dispatched one after another, and the Nanyuan School had begun martial law.

Thousands of students participated in the assessment. These talents are the future of Nanyuan. Nanyuan also attaches great importance to it. In addition to the fact that the last raid of the Ten Thousands Religion only passed shortly, Nanyuan did not dare to care.

Su Yu and Chen Hao came together. When they came, many parents outside the school were waiting.

Vehicles are almost blocking the road to and from the school.

On the side of the traffic control office, Su Yu even saw Chen Hao’s Laozi commanding the scene.

At the entrance of the school, several unfamiliar staff checked Su Yu’s student identification and identification, which allowed them to enter the school.

“A Yu, will I not be able to pass the assessment?”

Chen Hao was a little nervous and kept asking.

Su Yu sighed, “Kaiyuan failed to pass the fifth re-examination, and few people from Nanyuan were able to pass the exam.”

“Kaiyuan is fivefold, but it does not necessarily mean you can pass the exam.”

“Bang Jing!”

Su Yu scolded that Kaiyuan’s five-fold exam was not impossible, but this guy had to substitute himself into those people. What could he do?

The two walked all the way to the examination room, and on the way, they also met many classmates.

Of course, most of them do not know.

There are not only people from Nanyuan Academy, but also from several other universities in Nanyuan, as well as many outsiders.

Outsiders are actually easier to recognize. Nanyuan students generally wear academic uniforms, while outsiders mostly wear their own clothes, which are more bright or fashionable, at least better than Nanyuan.

At the moment, these outsiders were also serious-faced, and they mostly walked alone.

Even if many Nanyuan students looked at them with some hostility, these people would ignore it.

They didn’t care about this at all, and they didn’t regard Nanyuan students as opponents.

Outside the school examination room.

Several young students gathered together, with men and women.

These people seem to have just met, most of the other foreign students are not familiar with each other, and several of them seem to know each other.

In the middle of the crowd, a woman’s growth hair was tied up, her stilts were tall, and her face was cold.

Several people around are handsome men and beautiful girls.

At a glance, it is distinguished from other crowds.

In the distance, someone who knows them, pointing here, seems to be talking about something.

This group of people didn’t care about those guys. Everyone met together, it seemed a little awkward, and some didn’t know what to say.

For a long time, a sunshine boy said with a smile: “Everyone is here, what a coincidence!”

“Yeah, it happened, I thought you were in Daxiafu!”

“You didn’t take the exam in Daxiafu, I thought I had no confidence.”


Someone started, these people you talked to me a word, and soon chatted.

The girls in the middle of the crowd couldn’t help but frown, waiting for them to talk for a while, and said quickly: “What are they pretending to be! Even in Daxiafu, we are steadily advancing! What is the purpose of everyone coming here, and no one knows!”

After all, everyone is young, somewhat embarrassed, not so sophisticated.

After a while, another boy accused him: “I didn’t want to come to Nanyuan for assessment, and I was ashamed when I was admitted. It was my second uncle who wanted me to come here and see Su Yu. He is a student … “

As soon as this remark came out, everyone’s eyes were different, and many people looked at the girl with a ponytail, “Wu Lan, you are also for this matter? Your overall score is high, and it may be up to now, you need it. Come? “

Wu Lan looked chilled, “I also want to see how good this Su Yu is! It’s so good that Assistant Bai Feng said at the admissions office that Wu Lan is nothing!”

Wu Qi’s sister!

On the same day, Liu Hong recommended Bai Feng to be a student. Bai Feng’s disdain, Wu Qi didn’t care, but the incident spread. For Wu Lan, this was too shocking.

Not only does it strike people, but it also makes the little girl feel ashamed.

If Bai Feng didn’t say anything, he wouldn’t say anything, but he didn’t care about it. The words were out, which made the party embarrassed.

This time she came, and her purpose was different.

How many of these people still have some fluke psychology, if they are much better than Su Yu, and in contrast, will Bai Feng accept them as students?

Wu Lan didn’t think so, she just wanted Bai Feng to see how much garbage he collected!

Not worthy of being compared with her Wu Lan!

It is not that he did not accept Wu Lan as a student, but she did not look down on Bai Feng as an assistant researcher. If it were not for Bai Feng ’s teacher, an assistant researcher would be nothing in the school.

Her sister is, and is closer to the formal researcher than Bai Feng.

Now that the topic is open, and everyone is no longer covering up, some people whispered: “He applied for the assessment of the two universities. The war school is probably just going to pass the scene. The main thing is the afternoon assessment of the Civilization Institute. Esoteric? “

“Just him?”

Someone laughed and said, “It’s not that I look down on him. He is a South-Yuan student. If you don’t say anything, have you read a few articles on the will? How high will the power of will be? It ’s a problem. “

After the discussion started, Wu Lan was impatient and said, “We are not comparing him!”

Although he came to Nanyuan, it was not actually compared with Su Yu. The real comparison was Bai Feng.

Although the purpose of the people is different, the goal is generally the same. Let Bai Feng know that the students he collected are really garbage. Too bad is too bad.

If they don’t come, the other party might get Nanyuan first and look good in the face.

They came, not to mention South Yuan No.1, South Yuan No.10 did not have him, and compared with the first, the world is different.

In this way, whether hostile to Bai Feng or wanting to dispel Bai Feng’s thoughts is an opportunity.

As he was saying, someone saw Chen Hao and Su Yu over there, not sure: “Is that him?”

Everyone looked at it. They had read some of Su Yu’s materials before, and someone quickly confirmed: “It’s him!”

“Are you going to chat?”

“It’s pointless not to go!”

Some people refused and had no intention of communicating with Su Yu, but observation was indispensable.

Communication does not make any sense!

Su Yu can’t change anything at all, either Bai Feng accepts the apprentice, or accepts the apprentice, Su Yu can’t be the master.

These people are not stupid, their purpose is to perform better than Su Yu, see if you can make Bai Feng take a look, rather than go to Su Yu.

At the next moment, another person said: “He has little knowledge, thinking that Nan Yuan is the sky, or he will blow him, let him know that he is weak, and give up going to the Institute of Civilization?”

“Then you try!”

Everyone didn’t pay attention to it. Everyone was under the rules and the assessment results were excellent. Su Yu felt inferior, that was Su Yu’s problem.

Running for no reason to fight Su Yu, really Bai Feng dead?

Really when Liu Wenyan won’t go viral?

Their purpose is not to make Su Yu’s inferiority complex, which has no effect, except to provoke the hostility of several civilized divisions.

They are all preparatory students of the Civilization Institute, and they have been eliminated without thinking.

That guy might not have good intentions to make this opinion.

The man proposed again: “Then look here? The data says that he is Kaiyuan Wuzhong, why don’t we deter him if we will let him play well, and the assessment of the war school will also fall off the chain?”

“You go!”

Wu Lan suddenly said coldly in the crowd: “Go and try! Don’t just say no! If you think that Assistant Teacher Liu Hong can protect you from death, you go! Dare to encourage me again, believe it or not, don’t test this year, I give you no chance to evaluate again in your life! “

As soon as this remark came out, the face of the boy who had previously exported changed, denying: “Wu Lan, I and Liu Hong are not familiar with teaching assistants, don’t talk nonsense!”

“Yes, I just talked nonsense!”

Wu Lan coldly said: “You are deliberately defrauding you! Liu Hong and Bai Feng are fair competition, and they are still within the rules. Now you have to break the rules and try to cover them up. Hong, do n’t treat the whole world as a fool! “

Next to him, a boy laughed and said, “Maybe it’s people of the Wanzu religion! These people like to be the best at this time. When others are stupid, do you want Assistant Bai Feng and Assistant Liu Hong to fight hard? Just the other teaching assistants, shut up, you! “

“Dare to say one more thing, we let Long Wuwei come to investigate you, we don’t believe that we can’t find out the truth, we remember you!”


The face of the proposed person changed again, and after a while, he said: “I am not a person of all races, do n’t believe that I can scold all gods, gods, and all races. Do n’t plant me, do n’t reduce competition. Take responsibility! “

Everyone is too lazy to ignore him, whether it is taught by all races, in fact, it does not matter.

People of all ethnic groups don’t dare to slap their heads, they are really heads-up, what is a Kaiyuan realm?

They were talking, and Su Yu, not far away, seemed to feel the gaze.

Turned his head and glanced over there, the people were dressed brightly, and at first glance were outsiders.

These people looked at themselves. Su Yu Yuguang looked around and continued to move. Those people’s eyes followed. Su Yu determined that he was looking at himself. Of course, Chen Hao was not excluded.

However, the possibility of Chen Hao is too small, and the high probability still depends on himself.

“Bai Feng’s over there?”

“Or did the news of the auxiliary killing Wan Shi leak?”

Su Yu judged, not too sure.

Su Yu didn’t pay any attention to it, so she didn’t see it.

At this time, in the examination room building, a man came out and shouted: “Queue to enter, the examination room is divided into five, one to the fifth floor! According to the examination room number you got before, enter each examination room in sequence!”

“The assessment time is not over, no one can leave!”

“No one is allowed to engage in fraud. Fraud is discovered and universities will not be admitted for life!”

“Enter the examination room, maintain the order of the examination room, and the disturbed person will be disqualified from the assessment, and no examination will be allowed within three years!”

“The assessment score is more than 200 points, the admission is determined on the spot, and the waiting score is less than 200 points!”

“Students who participate in the assessment of the Academy of Civilization in the afternoon should reasonably allocate their physical strength and brain power. Otherwise, they will delay the assessment in the afternoon. If the Academy of War has not passed the assessment, then you are responsible for yourself!”

The man announced a series of rules and regulations, and soon the guards of the city guards began to let go.

Su Yu looked at the assessment number he got, 5-101.

Examination room on the 5th floor, No. 101.

This guy Chen Hao is not with him, is the examination room on the third floor.

At this time, Chen Hao looked nervous, looking at Su Yu, and whispered, “A Yu, we are not on the first floor, what should we do?”

“Are you ready to cheat?”

Su Yu didn’t have a good air: “Have a good exam, how big is it, you are all nervous in the exam, and you are also expected to go to the battlefield in the heavens? Then you must not be scared to pee pants?”

Su Yu said, whispering: “We have killed thousands of people, and the evaluation will not let you kill, what are you afraid of?”

As soon as this remark came out, Chen Hao thought about it and exhaled a little, as if it were too.

I am also a man who has done great things!

Still need to be afraid of an exam?

The students began to enter the examination room one after another.

Examination Room 5.

Five examiners.

In the assessment of the war school, the examiners include one person from each of the three parties: the Daxia War School, the Longwu War School, and the Yuqiang Department. In addition, there is a local government, namely, Nanyuan City, who sends one person to supervise.

Finally, there is also a person on the military side, not a person from Long Wuwei, but a person from the frontline town demon army will be supervised.

The Zhenmo Army is also in Daxiafu, and a small army is stationed, mainly responsible for recruiting.

In the assessment of the academy, some people cannot go to the academy or are unwilling to go to the academy. Afterwards, the Zhenmo Army will also send an invitation to recruit troops.

On Examination Room 5, five examiners are already in place.

The Longwu Academy did not come from anyone, it was Lao Xie.

The Daxia War College came from a young man. After the examiner was in place, the young man was puzzled and said: “Xie coach, you are not responsible for inspecting the five major examination rooms, are you in the inspection team? How did you come here?”

In addition to these on-site examiners, there is also a supervision team in the examination room, which is responsible for resolving disputes and supervising the existence of all examiners and examination rooms.

Lao Xie led the team this time, it is reasonable to go to the inspection team to inspect.

Old Xie smiled and said: “It’s getting old, and running back and forth is too tired. Let the others go. I’ll do it here!”

Young people are too lazy to ask, whoever takes the exam will be the same.

The Yuqiang Department came from a middle-aged woman who was unfamiliar and did not communicate.

Nanyuan came from the deputy commander of the City Guard, also a Wanshi realm, but compared to the vacant realm like Lao Xie, there was a big gap, so at the moment it was also very low-key and silent.

On the side of the Zhenmo Army, the soldier did not communicate with others at all, so the examination room seemed a little quiet.

Old Xie looked around, smiled, and stopped talking.

Everyone is actually a competitive relationship. When we meet good seedlings, we have to fight.

It is not easy for the Longwu Academy to win such a place. In the past assessment, the Longwu Academy was not qualified to send someone to supervise the exam, so the good seedlings were eventually taken away by the Daxia War Academy.

However, since the master of the house opened a small stove for them ten years ago and got a proctoring power, now they are also qualified to fight for some good seedlings for the first time.

After waiting for a while, Xie Xie said: “If everyone has no other questions, then the assessment will officially start?”

“let’s start!”

“No comment!”


A few words came out loudly. Lao Xie looked at the City Guard at the entrance of the examination room and said, “Let’s go, students enter!”

The gate guards responded, and soon the gate opened.

At the next moment, outside students entered the examination room one after another.

Su Yu was among them. He looked up and looked inside. This building is not normally open. He is also the first time to come. At a glance, he knows that it is different from other teaching buildings. The whole floor is empty and there is a big space.

This is specifically used for student assessment.

The five examination rooms, each of which is about six or seven hundred people, is a unified assessment, not conducted in batches, so the speed is very fast, and the assessment can be completed in the morning.

“The students find their seat numbers and sit down!”

“No noise in the examination room!”

“The content of the assessment must not be leaked!”

“Remember, reasonably allocate your time, reasonably allocate your energy and physical strength!”

“On the battlefield, analysis and determination are also a kind of ability. The war colleges are not training brainless men!”

The young man who spoke was the Daxia War College, and said righteously, “You have seen the assessment process, but that is only the general content. It is not that you will get Kaiyuan Liuzhong 120 for Kaiyuan Liuzhong. Whether you can get it depends on your own determination and ability! “

“Kaiyuan and Kaiyuan are also different!”

“At the same level, Kaiyuan Liuzhong is not as good as Kaiyuan Triple, nor is it not without!”

“We will only select the best talents and enter the war academy for training, others will find a way out!”

Below, the students who are looking for seats are suddenly nervous.

In fact, they have heard some people say that the assessment is mainly based on strength and knowledge reserves, but the specific assessment content is sometimes different, some Kaiyuan four or five, the final assessment score is very low.

“The assessment time, a total of 4 hours, starts at 8 o’clock and ends at 12 o’clock!”

“Remember, allocate your time reasonably, your energy and strength!”

This is a reminder from the examiner again!

Su Yu’s eyes moved slightly, and time and energy were reasonably allocated. This was not the first time I heard it. I heard it several times.

Below, some of the students whispered: “Isn’t it just a matter of choice, why do you repeat so many times, and you don’t know …”

As soon as the words fell, Lao Xie’s eyes were cold, “Take it out, shut it down, let it go 4 hours later!”

When the words fell, the two city guards walked directly towards the man. While the student was stagnant, he crossed the other side and left the examination room.

“I … I didn’t say anything … I didn’t say anything …”

“Teacher, give me another chance!”

Lao Xie ignored it and calmly said: “No noise, raise your hand if you have a problem, and prohibit it. This is a war school. Once we say it, we don’t want to say it again! If you go to the battlefield, do you also do it? Has n’t time taught you to follow the rules? “

“On the battlefield, lurking and ambushes often happen, and your comrades are by your side, so you shut up and you have to talk. The possible consequence is that a team or even an army is wiped out. Who will give you a second chance?”

“You are academics, not idle people, etc. Remember, follow the rules!”

Lao Xie killed the chicken and the monkey, and in an instant, the examination room was quiet.

However, Su Yu and several students in the examination room looked strange.

Just now … Is that a fake student?

Did it deliberately come out to scare students?

Most of the students didn’t notice the anomaly, but Su Yu felt something was wrong. When the student was forked out, it seemed nervous, but actually it didn’t matter.

Seems to have completed the task, and finally no longer have to suffer with others here …

Su Yu couldn’t help crying and laughed. The test room was still in such a situation, but I have to say that the effect was really good. Now the quiet needle drop in the test room is audible.

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