Tribe of All Nations (Tribulation of Myriad Clans)

Chapter 57 - What you pick up is not necessarily yours

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Internal examination room.

This time there were not many students who came. Nanyuan had few contacts with the essays of will and gods, and there was not much contact with Daxiafu at this stage.

Some people may not have been in contact, but they did not want to give up or wanted to see the excitement, so they followed.

Su Yu glanced at it, and the surrounding area was probably more than a hundred students.

Soon, everyone reached the highest floor of the examination room.

In front of everyone, there is a closed classroom, and now the city guards are guarding outside the door.

Director Sun looked at the examiners of the two civilized academies. The two looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

Soon, Researcher Huang turned to look at everyone, and said seriously: “At this level, the main assessment is the comprehensive ability of willpower, prose, and toughness!”

“As I said before, students who have not been in contact with these before, please be careful!”

“The scriptures are outlined and complete. Everyone’s scriptures are different. Even if they are the same text, they also have different characteristics. Simply assessing the scriptures, we can’t actually see something.”

“These are all complete essays, how to distinguish between strong and weak? Give different scores?”

“So, at this stage of the assessment of the Institute of Civilization, at this stage, there will be some special methods of identification. Those students who have outlined the prosperity but have not completed the outline, can also get some extra points.”

Later, some students who did not understand could not help saying: “Teacher, there is no complete outline of the scripture, there is no characteristic. And our willpower is not manifested, in fact, we can not show it. Whether the outline of the scripture is outlined, we all rely on ourselves. Let ’s say, nobody knows if we do n’t say it? ”

In other words, I want to lie to you. I sketched it. Actually, you do n’t see it?

Researcher Huang smiled, “If you take the chance of being lucky and indiscriminate, then I can only say that you think too much. The evaluation of the Institute of Civilization has lasted for hundreds of years. There may be some loopholes in the early stage, and they will be made up one by one later.”

“The mystery of the civilized master is beyond your imagination!”

“In the examination room in front of you, there is a divine article at the moment, which is specially used for assessment.”

“Everyone will come in later. Those who have read the essay of will will know that there will be some pressure, and the same is true internally. If the willpower and the prose are not up to standard, they will soon be deterred and cannot stay at all.”

Speaking, Researcher Huang explained: “You will understand it later, after you enter, you can’t bear to come out, you can’t get out, call the examiner to rescue, don’t force it, hurt your sea of ​​will, you are ignorant and ignorant , It ’s too late to regret it! “

“If you want to enter the school of civilization, I hope that you are smart people, not idiots! If you do n’t even have self-knowledge, then such people are not worthy of becoming a civilized teacher, so the assessment carries a certain degree of danger, but we still insist on using this kind of Way assessment! “

Researcher Huang said seriously: “We hope that students have courage, perseverance, and resilience, but do not want students to be arrogant and do not have a clear understanding of themselves. Such students … should not go to the university to waste resources!”

Su Yu raised his hand and waited for the examiner to signal, hurriedly said: “Teacher, how do you grade?”

“Go in and understand!”

Researcher Huang didn’t say much. Looking at the City Guard, he said, “Let them enter!”

A student started to enter, and Su Yu also walked in. Inside was a large, empty room, which was very simple and did not reveal anything unusual.

But at the front of the classroom, there is a small table.

A toy that seems to be a bone book is placed on it. Su Yu thinks that it may be the original of the Ten Thousands Nationality.

At this time, several examiners also entered.

Researcher Huang, the old man of Jiu Tian Academy, Director Sun, but Wu Wenhai did not come.

They walked directly to the front table, and after the trainees entered one after another, Researcher Huang once again said: “All are waiting outside the red line, and whoever can’t hold it later will quit!”

The words fell, Su Yu felt a wave of willpower, vast as the sea!

At least it feels so to him!

Researcher Huang seems to be opening something, maybe it is the divine writing in his mouth.

At the next moment, a golden light rose.

Everyone in Su Yu only saw a ray of light in front of him, and could not see anything else.

“Students who want to be evaluated, go forward! The farther you go, the higher your score!”

Some hazy sounds came from his ears. At this moment, Su Yu felt like he had entered a dream.

The students around me disappeared!

Su Yu opened his eyes, he seemed to have entered a different world.

Around, it was white.

“Is this … made by Gods?”

Su Yu is sluggish. Is this a dream or an illusion?

His “blood” younger brother can also create hallucinations, but Su Yu can distinguish the authenticity, but now he feels that he is really in a different world, and has a feeling of dreaming.

It was similar to the feeling he had in his dreams.

“Go forward, you can get a high score?”

At this time, Su Yu was really curious about the world of civilization masters. Liu Wenyan said that the world is word by word. Before, he didn’t understand too much, but now he seems to be feeling a little.

This is just a test room for Nan Yuan. Presumably, even if the prose here is powerful, it will not be too powerful.

Otherwise, it will not be brought to the South Yuan side.

This mythology doesn’t seem to be the researcher’s own.

“Is it already real … Is it impossible?”

Such thoughts emerged in Su Yu’s heart. Hearing that the true manifestation of the scriptures requires a very powerful state. Several generations of governors seem to have left a true manifestation of the scriptures alone.

There are so many messy thoughts in the heart, Su Yu soon no longer thinks about it, just go ahead!

Only if you go far can you get the first place, and you can get back the 20 points you lost.

Su Yu strides …

This step, Su Yu felt different.

A lot of pressure!

There seemed to be a wall of gas in front of him, preventing him from advancing.

“Willpower …”

Su Yu murmured, and at the next moment, the “blood” brother in his mind flicked a bit, seeming to be a little jumped, and shocked in his mind. The invisible gas wall in front of Su Yu seemed to disappear.

Su Yu began to move forward.

He remembered that he was less than 50 meters away from several examiners, and he could walk over quickly.

“Can’t see in front, won’t it hit the wall?”

Su Yu thought about it deliberately. It was very close at 50 meters and would soon be able to walk over.

At the same time as Su Yu they fell into this humble world.

Several examiners stood by the table and looked at the students in front of them. At the moment, these students were all open eyes, various expressions, walking randomly around the field.

Researcher Huang glanced, waved his hand, and a blood-stained mark burst out. In a flash, dozens of students had a blood-stained mark on their heads.

“Take these students away!”

Soon, many examiners entered the room and entered the circle of students, taking away the dozens of students.

Until they were brought out of the coverage of the gods, these talents woke up with a dazed look, looked around, and each was a bit dull.

Where did they go just now?

Obviously in a classroom, why does it suddenly change?

“If you don’t stick to 1 minute, you won’t get extra points, you can go out!”

Researcher Huang’s voice came out, and the examiner who entered the court began to expel those students. Someone hurriedly said: “Teacher, we haven’t finished the exam, we …”

“The assessment is not to watch the show, go out!”

Researcher Huang’s tone was cold, “If you don’t go out, you will be disqualified from the assessment and you will not be admitted!”

As soon as these words came out, the dozens of students did not dare to say anything, and they all followed the examiner.

Before leaving, the students who looked at the remaining students were envious and jealous. They knew that they were eliminated at this level and all scored zero points.

Looking sideways again, Su Yu and these people are still almost turning around at the moment.

A few students walked forward a little bit, but they did not go far.

The most conspicuous thing is Wu Lan, who stands out from the crowd, walking at the forefront of everyone at the moment, at least 10 meters away.

The second is not Su Yu, but Zhou Tianqi, who is six or seven meters away.

Su Yu felt that he had walked a long way, but actually at this time, he only walked out about two or three meters.

When those students left, Researcher Huang was no longer serious. He looked at the students in the classroom and smiled: “These little guys probably thought they were lost. They have been walking for so long. Why haven’t they seen us yet …”

Director Sun also smiled and said, “I tried it at the time, and finally walked 5 meters and added 50 points. I had good luck. At that time, I hadn’t outlined the prosperity yet.”

“Normal, after all, there are only a few of the students who outlined the scriptures. They outlined the scriptures. Generally, walking around 10 meters is not a problem.”

Researcher Huang said and looked at Su Yu again, “He probably outlined it, and it might still be complete, but the willpower is too weak, the power of the divine power is too small, and the complete divine power is really about to reach the stage of nurturing. I’m afraid that Mi is fine, he will be difficult. “

Director Sun lightly sighed: “It’s a little difficult, but it should be only worse than Wu Lan, Zhou Tianqi should not be able to compare with him, Zhou Tianqi should not have completely outlined the prose, probably laying the foundation.”

Don’t look at Zhou Tianqi now walking farther than Su Yu, but a few people are not optimistic, this guy can’t hold it anymore.

Those present, who can walk more than 5 meters, usually laid the foundation for Shenwen.

They glanced over and killed 10 people.

This means that at this time, there were at most 10 people who laid the foundation for the Nanyuan Divine Culture.

In the past years, this examination room may not be opened. This year, there are mainly more people coming from Daxiafu. Otherwise, this year, Su Yu may come to this examination room to take part in the assessment. Of course, Liu Yue has not laid the foundation, but has contacted several times at this moment It’s gone two or three meters.

Several civilization teachers chatted to the sky. The old man of Jiutian Academy looked sideways at the bone books on the table. The golden light flashed on it, which was a bit sad: “It’s a pity.”

As soon as this remark came out, Director Sun and Researcher Huang changed their faces.

“What a pity …” Director Sun said in a deep voice: “It’s a pity, it’s better than us! Although it’s not real, but after all, it has been retained, and people have left their names. Although they fell, they still belong. Their legend remains! “

Each bone book retains a divine writing.

This is the true cemetery of the civilized division, not physical, but inherited.

Their divine writings cannot be preserved in reality, they can only be preserved in bone books by some means, and the book records their lives.

Most of these semi-present scriptures are left by Ling Yun and Shanhai.

It is also one of the treasures of the Academy of Civilization!

Of course, there is no real manifestation. With the master’s fall, the power is not great. It is okay to deal with the ordinary stones, and there is almost no threat to the sky.

Nonetheless, Director Sun’s greatest wish is that he can leave a bone book of his own in the Xiuxing Pavilion of the Institute of Civilization after his death.

In the conversation between several people, Researcher Huang did not delay the continuation sign. Soon, dozens of students were marked with red marks. This is an unbearable student who is going to be eliminated.

Hold on for a minute, even if you don’t walk out of a meter, you can add 10 points.

This is also a reward for these people, they can persevere, without sketching the scriptures, this is the ability.

There are fewer and fewer people left.

“Not yet?”

At this moment, Su Yu was also a little ignorant. Did he enter the illusion?

Whether it is illusion, hypnosis, or some other way, he doesn’t care too much now, the key is that he is real, so why walk around, not yet to the end?

“The world is enlarged?”

Su Yu thought for a moment, and suspected that it might have been magnified. The world of mythology was too mysterious, and he didn’t know much.

Just about to go forward, Su Yu’s eyes changed slightly.

In front, there was a white cloud, and now a group of monsters suddenly appeared.

“What’s the situation? How does it feel similar to my dream …”

“This is fake. It must be fake. We are still in the classroom. There can be no monsters.”

Thinking, the group of monster beasts suddenly came!

At this time, Su Yu’s mind of the word “blood” suddenly jumped, and at the next moment, in front of Su Yu, a blood-red **** appeared!

“Blood” brother ran out!

He didn’t know if the outside world could see it, but he saw it at the moment, as he felt in a dream.


Su Yu was slightly startled. At the next moment, his eyes lit up, and the “blood” brother in front suddenly turned into a **** long knife. Su Yu held the knife and slashed it towards the monster that came from the fight!


A soft sound came out, and the next moment, the first monster was killed by him.

“too weak……”

Su Yu’s eyes are different, compared with the fierce monsters in the dream, these are too fragile!

The monster in the dream, killing him is like killing a chicken, but here, he kills the monster and monster like killing a chicken, very weak.

Su Yu dared to try, also because these monsters did not bring him any threat.

There is no sense of crisis in the dream that can be killed at any time.

“Blood” young man’s long-formed sword, beheaded the monster, as if he wanted to **** blood. As a result … no blood was sucked at all.

However, Su Yu felt that he still drew something. He didn’t know exactly what it was.

And just as he beheaded the monster, and Brother “Blood” absorbed something, Researcher Huang was slightly shocked. He looked at Su Yu at the next moment and couldn’t help laughing. It has absorption characteristics, just absorbed my little willpower … “

The opening of the bone book was opened by his willpower. Just a little less, the source is on Su Yu’s side.

Although very few, he had almost no effect on him, but he still felt it.

Suddenly there was speculation that Su Yu’s divine writing had certain absorption characteristics, and his will power was absorbed by his divine writing.

At the moment, Researcher Huang saw Wu Lan seemed to be a little scared, showing a fearful expression, his eyes moved slightly, and the next moment, suddenly said: “Fake, Wu Lan, Su Yu are already in front of you, more than you. 30 points, you want to take the second place, is it embarrassing? “


Director Sun glared at him!

Researcher Huang said with a smile: “It is always good to inspire the students’ fighting spirit. It is always good to add more points. This is just an assessment. If you are afraid at this time, I worry that they will be scrapped in the future.”

Director Sun coldly said: “The examiner must not intervene in the student assessment. Huang Sheng, I have warned you before! The Yuqiang Department will recommend that the Civilization Institute fine you three years. Town Demon Pioneer Camp for three years! “

Researcher Huang’s face stiffened, a bit bitter, “Secretary Sun, I … just say …”

“Dare to quibble again, believe it or not, I will report to the Yuqiang Department now and disqualify you as an assistant researcher!”

Huang Sheng didn’t dare to speak any more, but he looked helpless.

Liu Hong, Liu Hong, you will be compensated for my loss this time.

The loss is too great!

In fact, he did not dare to cheat or suppress anything. After all, the examiner was not alone, but he just mentioned a little bit of Wu Lan. The Wu family completely outlined the scriptures and should not be so vulnerable.

Inspire the other party’s fighting spirit, strictly speaking … Actually, it is not cheating. How far Wu Lan walks is also her own ability.

However, on this occasion, as the examiner meddling in secret, this is a taboo. If it is not the case, Director Sun may be able to win him on the spot.

Wu Lan originally walked about 15 meters away, adding 150 points, plus the previous point, that is 805 points, which can reach the highest level.

This is also the reason why Wu Lan went to middle school before, and this time he was somewhat grasped.

But 800 points, just to be able to enter, not as good as some evildoers.

Nonetheless, a top-class student is also the top genius in the university.

At this time, Huang Sheng’s words seemed to work. Wu Lan heard his words and was agitated at once. She … was she going to lose?


At the next moment, Wu Lan suddenly closed her eyes and danced without knowing what happened to her. She thumped into the air in front of her and walked about two meters in a blink of an eye.

Director Sun looked at Huang Sheng again, his eyes cold.

After taking 20 extra points, otherwise Wu Lan should not be able to support it just now.

Huang Sheng turned his head and didn’t look at him, because in a word, he had lost three years’ salary, and this brother wanted to find him … to bully people!

Beside, the old man of Jiutian Academy did not speak with a smile.

Wu Lan, who is not interested, must go to Daxia Civilization Institute.

It was Su Yu … he was a little interested.

At this moment, Su Yu walked nearly 10 meters, and later came up, overtaking Zhou Tianqi, who also walked almost 10 meters, at this time a small step behind Su Yu.

At the moment, other students can hardly support it.

One after another, these students were taken out by the examiner.

When Liu Yue was sober, she walked 3 meters. When she saw that there were only a few people left in the examination room, Liu Yue sighed in her heart. Some envy and some envy.

Su Yu, she has known each other for a long time.

Prior to this, Su Yu was also very good, but compared to her, she ranked first among the candidates of the Civilization Institute of Nanyuan Middle School and Su Yu was second.

And this time, the Civilization Institute assessment, she scored 240 points in the cultural class, 63 points in the realm, and 30 points in the final level of the assessment, with a total score of 333 points, entering the middle level, but it is far from Su Yu.

Her merit points are zero, and in Nanyuan, she has a four-fold Kaiyuan and has no place to earn merit points.

More than 300 points, entering the middle school, compared with the previous year’s Nanyuan candidates, she is already very good.

In previous years, only one student from Nanyuan entered the middle school in a few years.

This year, there was one more Su Yu. At this moment, not counting this level has already entered the top level, and the gap is growing.

Liu Yue lost her heart, didn’t stay any longer, and left quickly.

“True waste …”

Su Yu scolded, and at this time, he was panting, and the blood knife in his hand was once again changed to the word “blood”. The “blood” brother seemed to be holding up, tired, and seemed to be panting at the moment, it was going back to sleep.

Can’t hold it anymore!

Su Yu does not know how far he has gone, nor can he see the students around, but he knows that at this time, he must not be far away from Wu Lan. That fool may have outlined the complete scripture and reached the stage of nourishment. Go faster and farther than he.

“It looks like you have to use” Lei “brother.”

Su Yu looked at the monsters that were constantly pouring out in front of him, but he was helpless. These monsters were not dangerous, but he couldn’t walk under the road.

Willpower consumption is not small, and if he goes on like this, he can’t hold on.

“come out!”

At the next moment, a **** of thunder appeared.

A bang!

As the thunder blew, the “Thunder” brother exploded in lightning, bombarding the monster, the monster was torn apart, and the front was instantly cleared.

Su Yu rejoices that this thing is easier to use than the “blood” brother, that is, the willpower consumes too quickly.

Su Yu felt that his willpower was almost consumed.

However, he can still stick to it. These gods and scriptures are cultivated in the sea of ​​will, and they usually have willpower storage. They have certain powers. Su Yu has not yet used the “Lei” brother.

At the moment when his “Thunder” word was used, several examiners looked at him one after another!

“Move forward 3 meters in an instant …”

At this moment, Su Yu had reached about 15 meters, only a little worse than Wu Lan.

Director Sun’s face changed a bit, “Did you feel it just now? Is it the second characteristic of a divine script, or is the second divine script appearing?”

Su Yu doesn’t have the qualifications for now, everything at the moment is caused by illusion.

The examiners could not see that he had dispatched a few essays, but could only feel the existence of different characteristics.

Has Su Yu mastered the second divine scripture, or is it the one with more than one characteristic?

Su Yu, whose willpower is not strong, is reasonable to walk to about 10 meters. After all, this guy is not as good as those students who laid the foundation of the gods in the cultivation stage, but now Su Yu is catching up with Wu Lan.

Huang Sheng also didn’t know. Shaking his head, he couldn’t help but say: “Bai Feng this guy … how did he pick up the leak?”


He can also pick up leaks in this ghost place. He has accepted it. You must know that Daxiafu is so big and has a large population. Nanyuan is just a small town, very small and very small. This can pick up talents. What luck is Bai Feng!

Director Sun quietly said: “Who says … whoever picks up who is who!”


As soon as this remark came out, Huang Sheng was stunned for a moment. At the next moment, he couldn’t help but look at Director Sun, “Secretary Sun … Do you want to cut the Hu?”

“Not me, but I have many classmates in the school, even the teacher is in the school!”

Sun Chu said indifferently: “Bai Feng picked it up from him? Who stipulated it? Was Su Yu engraved his Bai Feng’s name on his head?”

Huang Sheng grinned, wanted to laugh, forget it, no longer laughed.

Anyway, it is Bai Feng’s business, and what has to do with himself.

He didn’t want to accept Su Yu. If he was in the top class, he didn’t even have a chance to collect it. But Bai Feng had this qualification. On the one hand, he was young, and he was a genius in an academic institution.

Other assistant researchers, who are qualified to accept top-ranking students, will not choose them unless they are similar to their family members.

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